Weather Distribution TWiy 7/un. temperature tl. Fair WEBMLY today, * tonight, tomorrow . and 24,500 Wednesday. High today, tomor- \ Red Bank Area J row and Wednesday, about 80. IT , _"' Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. Low tonight, SO. See weather, DIAL 741-0010 page 2. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS luiud duly. Mondiy thnuih Frtd«y. limm Clan Poitad MONDAY, JULY 12, 1965 PAGE ONE VOL. 88, NO. 10 Pail tt R»d Bank and at Addltlonil Uiillor Ofllcu. 7c PER COPY 'JSigRedOne' Units Land in Viet Nam SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP)-The Africa. Today we are the first munist buildup has been re- of Dover, N, H. "I couldn't re- tuary is dead" in the Viet Nam first large force of U.S. combat unit from the continental United ported in the hills and moun- sist the opportunity to come back war. tains inland from it. U.S. sources infantrymen—3,908 men of the States to come to Viet Nam." with a U.S: unit." "It is important," Rusk «aid 1st Infantry Division—began land- The brigade came from Fort said Communist strength may be In the air war yesterday, U.S. in Washington, "that they dis- ing in Viet Nam today. Riley, Kans. The United States as much as a regiment. planes struck north of Hanoi in cover that they are not going has a brigade of paratroopers The first 1,000 men of "Big "These guys haven't arrived raids on North Viet Nam and to be permitted to send tens of and 24,000 marines in Viet Nam, one minute too soon," said an attacked suspected Viet Cong Red One," as the division was thousands of men Into the south but the 1st Division brigade is officer of the 35th Engineers. positions in South Viet Nam. known in World War II, landed to attack South Viet Nam and at strategic Cam Ranh Bay, 180 the first sizeable unit of combat "We've been here by ourselves Violate Air Space still live in safety and comfort miles northeast of Saigon, and nfantrymen sent to Viet Nam. for two months. We're getting Communist China claimed four at home." dug in on the sand dunes. Simmons said the first mission scary." American planes violated its air The remainder of the famed of his troops will be to protect An artillery battery and a pla- space by flying over the town Rusk made the remarks during the U.S. Army's 35th Engineer division's Second Brigade will toon of engineers came ashore of Hok'ou, in Hunnan Province, a radio-television interview. land elsewhere in Viet Nam to- Group, which is working on har- with the battalion task group. on the border with North Viet morrow, a U.S. spokesman said. bor improvements at the huge The troops came ashore quietly Nan in Yunnan Province. Peking Other sources in Washington bay. The landings will bring the and without fuss, carrying heavy radio said the planes turned back said that Red China has been total of U.S. troops in Viet Nam Find Viet Cong duffle bags. and bombed and strafed Lao Cai told those who join in the attack to 71,000. "Later, when we get our feet Among the unit's officers were on the North Vietnamese side of on South Viet Nam cannot ex- the border. "Today marks another first for on the ground, we'll get out there several who had served as ad- pect immunity from reprisal. visers with Vietnamese units. The Pentagon spokesman de- the Big Red One," the brigade and find the Viet Cong," he said. Peking has made it known that" commander, Col. James Sim There has been little Viet Cong "I've been here twice before nied the Chinese charge. mons, told newsmen. "We were action in the area of the bay in Viet Nam as a special forces But Secretary of State Dean it understands this U.S. position, first on Omaha Beach and in recent months, but a big Com- officer," said Maj. Joseph E. Roy Rusk said that "the idea of sanc- the sources stated. Ovall Has 2 Visitors Levitt Doesn't Have to Install At the Fort NOW AND FOREVER — James J. Hog an, left, and W. Harry Penmngton poie wit},, FORT MONMOUTH _ Pvt. Iron Stakes at Strathmore their portraits, presented them Saturday night at testimonial dinner-dance in Molly David R. Ovall, the 23-year-old FREEHOLD - Levitt and Sons of the first four sections of And- the improvements are to be con- grass seeding, and storm sewers. Pitcher Inn. The 16 fey 20 oil paintings by Rumion artiir Roberta Carter Clark wat Los Angeles draftee who de- does not have to Install iron over Park. structed in accordance with local Similar procedure was followed commissioned by Red Bank Register, toe. ** scribes himself as a Gnostic and stakes at the lot corners for 1900 The approval, set a pattern municipal ordinances and state for other sections of the develop- is on a hunger strike because Strathmore-at-Matawan homes. which prevailed through the en- requirements. ." ment, through to the end July "(Re•'"'Army"turned downThis"ar> 'Rejecting;""arguments" of the tire Strathrndre buildup."" Bond Filed vt 17, 1363. plication for discharge as Matawan Township Committee It was subject to written agree- On June 11, 1962, Levitt filed The ordinance dealing with im- conscientious objector, had at and the Strathmore Civic Associa- ments with the township "for con- a bond for (342,771 to guarantee provements required installation, Hogan, Pennington Honored least two visitors this weekend ion, Superior Court Judge Elvin struction of a sewerage disposal a variety of improvements as a or guarantee for installation, of and learned he has a friend in R. Simmill ruled today that system, water supply system, 34- pre-requisite of obtaining final such listed items "as may be re- 50, 55 Years With Register court. stakes can not now be required. room elementary school, as well approval of its plan. Covered quired," including "monuments The soldier was visited in his ''It is clear," lie said, "that as improvements as set forth in were streets, curbs • of-gutters, and iron stakes on all lot RED BANK — Two men were private room In Patterson Army stakes were not required specifi- :he sub-division ordinance. sidewalks, monuments, shade corners." honored Saturday night by more Hospital on Saturday by Rev. cally by the agreement (for final The agreements shall specify that tree planting, topsoil moving, (See LEVITT, Page 2) than 200 persons for 105 years of Robert Horton of Trevose, Pa,, subdivision approval). lervice to The Register. a Methodist minister who fa as- "Moreover, the (township) ordi- sociated with the American Honored were W. Harry Pen- nance that defendants claim re- Friends nington of 94 Madison Ave., presi- Service Committee quires the installation is ambigu- dent of Red Bank Register, Inc., (Quakers) and the Central Com ous in that it does not state with Birth Control Policy i which publishes The Daily Regis- mittee for Conscientious Objec- clarity whether stakes were re- ' ter, and James J. Hogan of 168 tors, (CCCO), Philadelphia. quired in all developments or Grange Ave., Fair Haven, editor. He also had a likninute visit whether this was a requirement from a friend, Dr. Ameer Dixit, Mr. Pennington, who daily is on when the (planning) board im- Is Given Daly's Support a native of India who is resi- hand as production manager, will posed it as a condition to ap- dent physician at the Graduate observe his 55th year with' The proval." FREEHOLD—Monmouth Coun- fare aid to their own doctors or the public role, Mr. Daly said, Hospital of the University of Register Aug. 31, Noting that the township of- ty's birth control policy for wel- others for advice and assistance are enormously complex. Yet, he Pennsylvania, who said the ficials have conceded there have Mr. Kogan, who is secretary fare recipients is proving feasible. at county expense. added, often overlooked is a great soldier appeared "wan." been other developments since of Red Bank Register, Inc., Freeholder Marcus Daly said to- Mr. Daly s&idino records are irea a! agreement on the large Dr. Dixit told The Register that the adoption of the subdivision marked has 50th anniversary with day. kept on numbers of persons who Issue of population control. when Pvt. Ovall insists he wil' ordinance where stakes were not this paper June 16. continue to fast until the Arjny In a talk prepared for the Na- have availed themselves of the Tjie Moral Duty' required, the judge said: tional Association of County Of- Both men started to work for releases him as a conscientious free service. "ft would appear that all seg- ficials at San Francisco, Mr. The Register under the late John objector, he means it. Must Be Specific "If the program is to remain ments of our society have It Daly said the Monmouth method H. Cook, one of The Register's "I am sure he is not going to "Under these circumstances, voluntary," he said, "welfare's clear that the moral duty of recognizes the right of a person give up the fight, 'Dr. Dixit said, this court is of the opinion that only role is advice as to where to responsible • parenthood requires founders. Mr. Pennington's first 'to make his own decisions un- Job was as a "printer's devil" in "that is why, I am distressed." the proper interpretation of the get the' information. We don't a strong regard for the bringing ordinance is that stakes are not trammeled by government pres- the composing room.
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