FAMILY Osphronemidae van der Hoeven, 1832 - gouramies SUBFAMILY Macropodusinae Hoedeman, 1948 - bettas, paradise fishes, fighting fishes [=Bettini, Polyacanthinae, Parophiocephalidae, Macropodinae] Notes: Name in prevailing recent practice Bettini Bleeker, 1879b:2, 26 [ref. 457] (phalanx = tribe) Betta [subfamily name sometimes seen as Bettainae] Polyacanthinae Gill, 1893b:135 [ref. 26255] (subfamily) Polyacanthus Cuvier [genus inferred from the stem, Article] Parophiocephalidae Popta, 1905:183 [ref. 3549] (family) Parophiocephalus Popta Macropodinae Hoedeman, 1948 in Hoedeman & de Jong 1947–58:X.59.21, p. 2 [ref. 19665] (subfamily) Macropodus [also as new in Liem 1962:47 [ref. 20932]; ICZN Opinion 2058 emended the spelling of the subfamily to Macropodusinae to remove homonymy with a family-group name in mammals; family-group name also used as valid by: Nelson 1976 [ref. 32838], Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Nelson 1994 [ref. 26204], Nelson 2006 [ref. 32486], Rüber, Britz & Zardoya 2006 [ref. 32638]] GENUS Betta Bleeker, 1849 - bettas [=Betta Bleeker [P.], 1849:14, Micracanthus Sauvage [H.-E.], 1879:95, Oshimia Jordan [D. S.], 1919:342, Parophiocephalus Popta [C. M. L.], 1905:184, Pseudobetta Richter [H. J.], 1981:273] Notes: [ref. 16883]. Fem. Betta trifasciata Bleeker, 1849. Type by monotypy. Also in Bleeker 1850:12 [ref. 323]. •Valid as Betta Bleeker, 1849 -- (Liem 1962:37 [ref. 20932], Burgess 1982 [ref. 19934], Kottelat 1985:275 [ref. 11441], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:171 [ref. 6439], Schaller & Kottelat 1989 [ref. 13604], Witte & Schmidt 1992 [ref. 14256], Kottelat & Ng 1994:65 [ref. 21376], Kottelat 1994:297 [ref. 21572], Tan 1998:281 [ref. 23321], Tan & Kottelat 1998:41 [ref. 23543], Tan & Kottelat 1998:557 [ref. 23781], Britz 2001:305 [ref. 25717], Britz & Kottelat 2002:249 [ref. 26536], Schindler & Schmidt 2004:1 [ref. 28030], Tan & Ng 2004:272 [ref. 28058], Tan & Ng 2005:50 [ref. 28354],Tan & Ng 2005:116 [ref. 28283], Tan & Ng 2006:98 [ref. 28764], Schindler & Schmidt 2006:47 [ref. 28865], Schindler & Schmidt 2008:39 [ref. 30459], Tan 2009:59 [ref. 30276], Tan 2009:501 [ref. 30388], Schindler & van der Voort 2011:21 [ref. 32382], Kowasupat et al. 2012:387 [ref. 32320], Schindler & Linke 2013:35 [ref. 32666], Kottelat 2013:449 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Betta Bleeker, 1849. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. (Micracanthus) [6] [ref. 3881]. Masc. Micracanthus marchei Sauvage, 1879. Type by monotypy. On p. 6 of separate. Not preoccupied by Microcanthus Swainson, 1839, Oshimia Jordan, 1919 is an unneeded replacement. •Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849 -- (Roberts 1989:171 [ref. 6439], Hui & Ng 2005:50 [ref. 28354], Kottelat 2013:449 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. (Oshimia) [ref. 2413]. Fem. Micracanthus marchei Sauvage, 1879. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement for Micracanthus Sauvage, 1880, not preoccupied by Microcanthus Swainson, 1839 in fishes. •Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849 -- (Roberts 1989:171 [ref. 6439], Hui & Ng 2005:50 [ref. 28354], Kottelat 2013:449 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. (Parophiocephalus) [ref. 3549]. Masc. Parophiocephalus unimaculatus Popta, 1905. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1850 -- (Roberts 1989:171 [ref. 6439], Hui & Ng 2005:50 [ref. 28354], Kottelat 2013:449 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. (Pseudobetta) [ref. 6578]. Fem. Macropodus pugnax Cantor, 1849. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849 -- (Burgess 1982:28 [ref. 19934], Roberts 1989:171 [ref. 6439], Britz 2001:305 [ref. 25717], Hui & Ng 2005:50 [ref. 28354], Kottelat 2013:449 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Betta Bleeker, 1849. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Species Betta akarensis Regan, 1910 - Akar betta [=Betta akarensis Regan [C. T.], 1910:779, Pl. 77 (fig. 3), Betta climacura Vierke [J.], 1988:336, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1909 (pt 4); ref. 14593] Akar River, Sarawak state, Borneo, East Malaysia. Current status: Valid as Betta akarensis Regan, 1910. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Brunei and Sarawak. Habitat: freshwater. (climacura) [Das Aquarium: Monatsmagazin für Vivaristik, Bornheim v. 22 (no. 228); ref. 19852] Small clear-water creek about 60 air-miles southwest of Brunei, near Rampayoh, West Borneo. Current status: Synonym of Betta akarensis Regan, 1910. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta albimarginata Kottelat & Ng, 1994 - white-margined betta [=Betta albimarginata Kottelat [M.] & Ng [P. K. L.], 1994:67, Figs. 1-3] Notes: [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 21376] Sungei Sanul, tributary of Sungei Tikung, Sungei Sebuku basin, Kalimantan Timur, Borneo. Current status: Valid as Betta albimarginata Kottelat & Ng, 1994. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Borneo, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta anabatoides Bleeker, 1851 - giant betta [=Betta anabatoides Bleeker [P.], 1851:269] Notes: [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 1; ref. 325] Stream at kilometer 55 on Rantau-Martapura road, Bandjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Betta anabatoides Bleeker, 1851. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Kalimantan, Borneo. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta antoni Tan & Ng, 2006 - Anton's betta [=Betta antoni Tan [H. H.] & Ng [P. K. L.], 2006:98, Figs. 1a-c] Notes: [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 17 (no. 2); ref. 28764] Sanggau area, Kapuas basin, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo [aquarium trade specimens]. Current status: Valid as Betta antoni Tan & Ng, 2006. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Lower Kapus basin, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta apollon Schindler & Schmidt, 2006 - Schindler's betta [=Betta apollon Schindler [I.] & Schmidt [J.], 2006:50, Figs. 3-4] Notes: [Zeitschrift für Fischkunde v. 8 (no. 1/2); ref. 28865] About 20 kilometers west of Narathiwat at street to Marubo, about 6°23'N, 101°38'E, Province Narathiwat, Thailand. Current status: Valid as Betta apollon Schindler & Schmidt, 2006. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Hill streams west of Narathiwat, peninsular Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta aurigans Tan & Lim, 2004 - Tan's betta [=Betta aurigans Tan [H. H.] & Lim [K. K. P.], 2004:113, Figs. 5-6] Notes: [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl. No. 11; ref. 27716] Pulau Natuna Besar, Natuna Archipelago. Current status: Valid as Betta aurigans Tan & Lim, 2004. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Natuna Archipelago, South China Sea. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta balunga Herre, 1940 - Herre's betta [=Betta balunga Herre [A. W. C. T.], 1940:44] Notes: [Bulletin of the Raffles Museum No. 16; ref. 11006] Tiny brook, tributary to the Balung River, 45 miles from Tawau, Borneo, Malaysia. Current status: Valid as Betta balunga Herre, 1940. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Borneo, Malaysia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta bellica Sauvage, 1884 - slim betta [=Betta bellica Sauvage [H.-E.], 1884:217, Fig. (p. 217), Betta fasciata Regan [C. T.], 1910:782, Pl. 77 (fig. 4)] Notes: [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 9; ref. 14401] Neotype locality: North Selangor peat swamp forest, adjacent to Perak Island, 43 kilometers towards Sungai Besae (3°39'12.9"N, 101°18'00.4"E), Selangor, Malaysia. Current status: Valid as Betta bellica Sauvage, 1884. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Indonesia and Malaysia. Habitat: freshwater. (fasciata) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1909 (pt 4); ref. 14593] Deli, Sumatra, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Betta bellica Sauvage, 1884. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta breviobesa Tan & Kottelat, 1998 - breviobesa betta [=Betta breviobesus Tan [H. H.] & Kottelat [M.], 1998:46, Fig. 2] Notes: [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 46 (no. 1); ref. 23543] 87 kilometers east of Pontianak, 0°02'S, 110°07'E, stream, about 1 kilometer up Sungai Tajan from Tajan, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo. Current status: Valid as Betta breviobesa Tan & Kottelat, 1998. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Borneo, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta brownorum Witte & Schmidt, 1992 - Witte's betta [=Betta brownorum Witte [K.-E.] & Schmidt [J.], 1992:312, Figs. 5-6] Notes: [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 2 (no. 4); ref. 14256] Small peat swamp forest, 2.55 kilometers south of Batang Rejang ferry on road from Sibu to Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia, 2°08'N, 112°00'30"E. Current status: Valid as Betta brownorum Witte & Schmidt, 1992. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Indonesia and Malaysia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta burdigala Kottelat & Ng, 1994 - burdigala betta [=Betta burdigala Kottelat [M.] & Ng [P. K. L.], 1994:70, Fig. 4] Notes: [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 21376] 4 kilometers north of Bikang village on road from Koba to Toboali, Bangka, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Betta burdigala Kottelat & Ng, 1994. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Banka, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Betta channoides Kottelat & Ng, 1994 - channoides betta [=Betta channoides Kottelat [M.] & Ng [P. K. L.], 1994:71, Fig. 5] Notes: [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 21376] Current status: Valid as
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