Rev. Mus. Argentina Cienc. Nat., n.s. Z(li: 1-15,2000 Duenos Area ISSN 1514-5158 Biogeographic delimitation of the Subantarctic subregion and its provinces Juan J. MORRONE Museo de Zoologfa, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Apdo. Postal 70-399, 04510 Mexico D.F., Mhxico. Abstract: The Subantarctic subregion, which belongs to the Andean region of the Austral kiiigdom, comprises the austral Andes from 37" south latitude to Cabo de Piornos, the archipelago oFsouthern Chile and Argentina, and the Malvinas, South Georgia, and Juan Ferndndez islands. The Subantarr::ie subregion comprises six provinces: Maulo (southern Ciiiie and Argentina, between 31-37" south latitude), Valdivian (southern Chile and Argentina, south of the Mauic province, reaching 47" south latitude), Magellanic forest (southern Chile from 47" south latitude to Cabo de Ilornos, and southern Argentina in small portions of westcrn SanLa Cruz and Tierra del Fuem), Magellanic moorland (southern Chile and Argentina,limited by the Marellanie forest urovinee (Chilean islands of Masatir~raor Robinson Cmsoe, Masafuucra or Alcjandro ~ekirk,and Santa Clara, situated in the Pacific ocean, 600 km west of Valpar.aiso, at 33' south latitude). Key words: Subantarctic, biogeography, South America. The Subantarctic subregion basically Lopretto, 1994; Maury et al., 1996), which could compriscs the austral Andes and several small evidence a former connection between these islands of southern Argentina and Chile areas. (Morrone, 1996d, 1999). Its reinarkable biota has My objective is to formalize a new attracted the attention of several authors. Some biogeographic scheme for the Subantarctic of them (Monrds, 1958; Kuschel, 1960; Cabrera subregion, providing the taxa endemic or & Willink, 1973; Cabrera, 1976; Crisci et a/., characteristic to it and its provinces. 1991; Morrone, 1996c, d) emphasized the distinctiveness of the Subantarctic biota and its MATERIAL AND METHODS close relationship with the Australasian biota. Cabrera (1976) listed several plant genera Distributioilal data for this study were distributed in the Subantarctic subregion as obtained from the literature. Names and weil as in Australia, New Zealand, and/ or New classification of the bird and mammal taxa follow Gninea, namely, Abrotanella, Aristolelia, Sibley & Monroe (1990) and Nowak (19911, Astelia, Carpha, Donatia, Drapetes, Eucryphia, respectively. For the subregion and each Caimardia, Laurelia, Lomatia, Luzuriaga, province, the distribution of an endemic taxon is Marsippospermum, ~Vothofagus, Oreobolus, represented as an individual track (see Morrone Orites, Phyllacne, Pseudopanax, Rostlzowia, & Crisci, 1995; Craw et al., 1999). Schoenus, Selliera, Tetrachondra, and Veroni- ca. RESULTS Within South America, the Subantarctic subregion has been placed in the Andean region Subantarctic subregion (Morrone, 1999),where it is considered to be most (Figs. 1, 2) closely related to the Central Chilean subregion The Subantarctic subregion (Morrone, 1999) (Morrone, 1994b; Morrone etal., 1997; Troncoso comprises the austral Andes, from 37' south & Romero, 1998). In addition, this subregion latitude to Caho de llornos, including the shows also some biotic relationships with the archipelago of southern Chile andArgentina, the Parana subregion of the Neotropical region Malvinas or Falkiand islands, South Georgia (Kuschel, 1960; Cabrcra, 1976; Morrone & island, and Juan Ferntindez islands. It comprises 2 Reursta del Museo Argentina de CIenczus Naturales, n. s. 2 (I), 2000 six provinces (Fig. 1).The track ofGermainiellus 1989); Araliaceae: Pseudopanax (Cahrera, 1976). (Fig. 2) is representative of the subregion. Asterales. Asteraceae: Ahrotanella, Eriocaulon, Leucheria coerulescens, L, diernii, L. !nagnu, Synonyms. Moist Andean zone (Shannon, Macrachacnium,Perezia nutans, and Triptilion acizillae 1927: 3), Chilean district (Cabrera &Yepes, 1940: (Cabrera, 1976; Katinas et al., 1992; Katinas, 1995). 161, Subantarctic forests (Soriano, 1950: 331, Campanulales. Donatiaeeae: Doriatia (Cabrera, 1976). Subantarctic province (Cabrera, 1951: 23, 1953: Fagales. Nothaiagaceae: Nothofagus (Cranwell, 1964; 107, 1.958: 200, 1971: 37, 1976: 72; Cabrera & Fleming, 1964; Humpbries, 1981; Humphries & Willink, 1973: 97; Morrone, 1994b: 191, 1996c: Parenti, 1.986; Humphrios et al., 1986; Grehan, 1991; 106; Posadas et al., 1997: 2; Carpintero, 1998: Seherg, 1991; 1511 & Jordan, 1993; Linder & Crisp, 148; Roig, 1998: 140),AustraIcordilleran domain 1995). Laurales. Gomorlecaccae: Go,norteca iCabrera, (Ringuelet, 1955b: 841, Subantarctic Ibrests 1976); Monirniaeeae: Laurelia (Cabrera, 1976). region (Hueck, 1957: 401, Araucanian subregion Malvales. E1aeoeaqaceae:Aristotelia chilensis (Coode, 1984). Myrtalcs. Myrtaceae: Tepualia (Cahrera, 1976); (Monrds, 1958: 145; Ringuelet, 1961: 156; Onagracoae: Epilobiun~australe, E. niuale, E. Rapoport, 1968: 751, Austral-cordilleran domain puberulum, and Fuchsia inirgellanica (Solomon, 1982; (Ringuelet, 1961: 1601, Andean-Patagonian Belly, 1989);Thymeleaci,ae i)ropetrs (Cabrera,1976). forests (Ragonese, 1966: 351, Chilean province Proteales. Proteaceae:/i'i~tii~~i/triumand Orites (Cabre- (Fittkau, 1969: 6421, SouthernAndes (Sick, 1969: ra, 1976; Weston & Crxip, 1987, 1994, 1996). 4651, Subantarctic domain (Cahrera, 1971: 36; Restionales. Restionaceat: (Ellsrnore, 1991). Rosales. Cahrera & Willink, 1973: 96; Cabrera, 1976: 711, Eucrmhiaeeae: Eucwphi(i (Ciibrera, 1976).Santalales. Nothofagus centre (~Miiller, 1973: 1551, Patagonian province (Ringuelet, 1975: 1071, Andean Subantarctic region (Rivas-Martinez & Veronica (Cabrere, i976). ANNELID^ Mirudinea. Glossiphoniiformes. Glossiphoniidae: Glossiphonia Tovar, 1983: Chilean subregion (Flint, 1.98% ~msrmhrinaandflelobdella scutifera (Ringuelet, 1985). 11, Valdivian-Magellanian region (Rivas- Hirudiniiormes. Americobdellidae: Arnrricobdella Martinez & Navarro, 1994: map), Subantarctic (Ringuelet, 1968); Semiscolecidac: Patagoniobdella area (Coscaron & Goscaron-Arias, 1995: 7261, (Ringuelet, 1985). ARTNROPODA. Arachnids. Altoandean province (Roig, 1998: 139), and Araneae. Anyphaenidae: Acanthoceto cinereus, A, pi- Subantarctic subregion (Morrone, 1999: 13). chi, Aporatea, and Ferreria (Gerschman de Pikelin & Vegetation. Forests with dominant species Schiapelli, 1975; Ramirez, 1997); Dipluridae: belonging to the Austral genera Nothofagus, Seotinoecus (Schiapelli & Gerschman de Pikelin, 1968); Mimetidae: Onolus (Platnick; 1993). Opiliones. Dacrydium, Saxegothaea, Auslrocedrus, Caddidae: Austropsopilio (Cokendolpher & Maury, Pilgerodendron, and Fitzroya (Rothkiigel, 1916; 1990). Pseudoscorpionida. Chthoniidae: Skottsberg, 1921, 1960; Cahrera, 1971, 1976; Austrochthonius chilensis (Vitali-Di Castri, 1975); Cabrera & Willink, 1973). There are also Vachoniidae: Beierohisium (Qitali-Di Castri, 1970). moorlands and other areas lacking Nothofagus, Chilopada Geophilomorpha. Geophilidae: e.g., the Juan Fernandez, South Georgia, and Schendyluides (Pereira et al., 1997; Pereira, 1998). Malvinas islands. Inclusion of the latter within Crustacea. Anomapoda. llyoeryptidae: Ilyoeryptus the Subantarctic subregion, however, was breuidentatus (Paggi, 1998). Capepoda. postulated by Ringuelet (1955a) and supported Canthocamptidae:Aitheyella crenulata (Menu Marque by more recent cladistic biogeographic analyses & Bosnia, 1986). Decapoda. Aegiidae: Ae& alaealufi and A. dertticulata (Morronc & Lopretto, 1994; (Morrone, 1993a; Morrone et al., 1994; Posadas Morrone, 1996b). Hexapoda. Coleoptera. Attelabidac: et al., 1997). Minurus (Morrone & Posadas, 1998); Belidae: Taxa. FUNGI. Cyttariales. Cyttariaceae: Atractuc/ius,Diconlylus, and 1Fichophtalmus(Kuschol, Cyttaria darwinii, C, berteroi, C, hooheri, C, hariotii, 1959; Vanin, 1976; Morrone & Roig-Juiient, 1995; C. espiriosae, C. johowii, and C. exigua (Elumphries et Morrone, 1996d); Carabidne: Antarctiula, al., 1986; Crisciet al.. 1988: Sebers, 1991: Itoin-Juiient, Aiitarctonoinus, Baqpus iAmthynwJ, Bcrnhidarenas, Ceroglossini, Creobius, Cascellius, Falsodromius, Merizodus, Nothar~illus, Nothocascellius, Psevdomi~adops,and Systaiosornini (Jeannel, 1938, ~. 1962; Straneo, 1951; Erwin, 1972; Reichardt, 1977; Cyperaceae: Carpha, Oreobolw, andschoenus (Cabre- RoigJuiient, 1992a, b,1994b, 19958, b, 1998; Morrone ra, 19763. Juncales. Juncaceae: Marsipposperinu,n and et al., 1994);Chlysomelidae: Sirnomela (Manriis, 1958); Rastkowia (Cahrera, 1976). Liliales Liiiaceae: Astelia, Cleridac: Ettry,nrtoputn spp. (Soiervicens, 1986, 1987; Lwuriaga, and Piiilesia (Cabrera, 1976). Restionales. Morrone et el., 1994); Curculionidae: Antarctobius, Centrolepidaeeae: Cai~nardia(Cabrera, 1976). Antiionomus ornatiis species group, Aterpini, Magnoliopsida. Apiales. Apiaceae: Azorella Atrici~onotus pacificus, Dasydrna hirtella, filamentosa,A. lycopodioides, and A. selago (Martinez, Falhlartdiellas, Falklandius generic group, ubregion and ctsprouznces 3 Hypsochila argyrodile (Field & Herrera, 19771. Neuroptera. Memerobiidae: Conchopterella, Gayomyia, Hemerobius chilensis, H. nehoi, H. stcnopterus, and Megalomus nigratus (Oswald, 1993; Monserrat, 1996, 1997). Odonata. Austropetaliidae: Rheopetalia rex (Carle, 1996);Cordu1idae:Rialla uillosa (Muzh, 1995); Libellulidae: Sympetrunz uillosurn (Muzbn, 19951; Neapetalidae: Neopetalia punctata (Muzbn, 1995); I'etaluridae: Phenes r. raptor (Muzbn, 1995). Orthootera. Tristiridae: Tropidostethini (Cigliano, 198961. Plecaptera. ~mphipnoidae(MU& & Magelianic Bachmann, 1998); Eustheniidae: Neuroperla forest escheridingi and Neuroperlopsis
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