Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 382] Friday 15 November 2019 Christmas DQG New Year Dates DQG Closing Times for 201-20 Final 201 Gazette ² Published )ULGD\'HFHPEHU 201 Deadlines9DFDQF\$SSRLQWPHQWV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\QRRQRQ7XHVGD\'HFHPEHU 'HDGOLQHV2WKHU*D]HWWHQRWLFHV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\QRRQRQ:HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU )LQDO$SSURYDOVE\FORVHRIEXVLQHVV:HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU First 20 Gazette Published FridayJanuary 20 Deadlines9DFDQF\$SSRLQWPHQWV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\QRRQRQ7XHVGD\'HFHPEHU 'HDGOLQHV2WKHU*D]HWWHQRWLFHV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\QRRQRQ7XHVGD\'HFHPEHU )LQDO$SSURYDOVE\FORVHRIEXVLQHVV7XHVGD\'HFHPEHU ,I\RXKDYHTXHULHVUHJDUGLQJWKLVPDWWHUSOHDVHGRQRWKHVLWDWH WRFRQWDFWWKH*D][email protected] [367] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 382] Friday 8 November 2019 [No. 72 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 5) 2019 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 5) 2019. Land taken 2. The land described in Schedule 1 is taken by the Coordinator-General pursuant to the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 for the establishment of the new mental health facility for the Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment Project, and vests as an estate in fee simple in the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service on and from 8 November 2019. SCHEDULE 1 Land Taken Lot 3 on Registered Plan 68044 contained in Title Reference 12546129 Lot 10 on Registered Plan 68044 contained in Title Reference 12507030 ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 7 November 2019. 2. Published in the Gazette on 8 November 2019. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. © The State of Queensland 2019 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 8 November 2019 368 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 72 [8 November 2019 This page has been left blank intentionally [369] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 382] Friday 8 November 2019 [No. 73 Disaster Management Act 2003 NOTICE OF DECLARATION OF A DISASTER SITUATION Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Brisbane, 8 November 2019 At 8:05pm on 8 November 2019, the Minister for Fire and Emergency Services approved the declaration of a Disaster Situation under section 64 of the Disaster Management Act 2003 for the area within the Sunshine Coast Disaster District encompassing the Noosa Local Government Area. Hon Craig Crawford MP Minister for Fire and Emergency Services © The State of Queensland 2019 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 8 November 2019 370 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 73 [8 November 2019 This page has been left blank intentionally [371] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 382] Saturday 9 November 2019 [No. 74 Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 iii. any fire lit at a sawmill for the purpose of burning sawdust or other residue resulting from the DECLARATION OF STATE OF FIRE EMERGENCY operations of a sawmill; FOR QUEENSLAND iv. any fire lit out-doors for the purpose of cooking, if enclosed in a fireplace so constructed as to Title prevent the escape of fire or any burning material 1. This notification shall be known as the Notification of there from. Declaration of State of Fire Emergency for Queensland . 6. This declaration orders that any person finding a fire burning in the open air take all possible steps to extinguish it and, as Authorising Law soon as is practicable, report the existence and locality of the 2. The law under which this notification is approved is section 87 fire to Queensland Fire and Emergency Services via triple zero. Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 and section 88 of the . 7. The use of the follow appliances, materials or substances Period of state or fire emergency OR Commencement of state is prohibited: or fire emergency (a) Fireworks and pyrotechnic devices of any kind, (b) Use of devices which incorporate a naked flame, and 3. This declaration will commence from 1700 hours on the any other similar activities that can be a source of date of 9 November 2019 and will remain in force until ignition when flammable material is present, or can such time as it is cancelled, amended or revoked. become a fire hazard regardless of the presence of flammable material. Area to which the state or fire emergency applies (c) The operation of steam trains or similar apparatus. 4. This declaration of a state of fire emergency applies to the 8. The following activities or operations are suspended for State of Queensland. (As indicated on the attached map) period of this declaration. (a) Welding, grinding, the use of oxy acetylene cutting or Effect of declaration heating, use of naked flames and other similar operations 5. This declaration ceases the effect of all previous authorities that can be a source of ignition when flammable material given under Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 or any is present or can become a fire hazard regardless of the other Act to light a fire, whether given before or during this presence of flammable material. state of emergency while this state of emergency remains in Failure to comply with this declaration force. This cessation of authority includes: (a) The lighting of any fire in accordance with a Permit to 9. Any person who fails to comply with a declaration of a state of Light Fire issued pursuant to section 65 of the Fire and fire emergency or with any requisition made pursuant to Emergency Services Act 1990. section 91(2) commits an offence against this Act having a penalty of up to 25 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment. (b) The lighting of any fire in accordance with the Notification issued on 30 July 2010 issued pursuant Mike Wassing AFSM Fire and Emergency Services Act to section 63 of the Acting Commissioner 1990 being: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services i. any fire in which neither the height, width nor the length of the material to be consumed exceeds 2metres; ii. any fire lit for the purpose of burning the carcass of a beast; 372 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 74 [9 November 2019 Declared State of Emergency Local Government Areas Gympie Regional Noosa Shire ! Major City NORTH COAST Declared LGA South Burnett Regional Local Government Area Sunshine Coast QFES Region Regional Somerset Regional Moreton Bay Regional Torres Shire Toowoomba Regional BRISBANE Brisbane City Redland Lockyer City Valley Napranum Ipswich City Aboriginal Regional Logan Shire City Gold Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire SOUTH Coast City WESTERN Scenic Rim Aurukun Shire Regional SOUTH Southern EASTERN Downs Cook Shire Regional Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire FAR NORTHERN Douglas Shire Mornington Shire Yarrabah Carpentaria Mareeba Shire Aboriginal Shire Shire Cairns Doomadgee Tablelands Regional Aboriginal Regional Cassowary Shire Croydon Coast Regional Burke Shire Shire Etheridge Shire Hinchinbrook Shire Townsville City Charters Burdekin Mount Towers Shire Isa City Regional NORTHERN Richmond Whitsunday Mckinlay Shire Regional Shire Cloncurry Flinders Shire Shire Mackay Regional Isaac Winton Shire Regional Boulia Shire Livingstone Shire Barcaldine Regional Rockhampton Regional Longreach CENTRAL Regional Central Highlands Woorabinda Regional Gladstone Aboriginal Regional Diamantina Blackall Shire Bundaberg Shire Tambo Regional North Regional Barcoo Shire Burnett Fraser Banana Shire Regional Coast Regional NORTH COAST South Burnett Gympie Not to Scale Murweh Shire Regional Regional ² Maranoa 0100200 Quilpie Shire Regional Western Sunshine Kilom etres Downs Coast Regional Regional Map Produced: 9/11/2019 W:\Operations\2019\11_November_Fires\Maps SOUTH WESTERN BRISBANE A4 declared emergency.mxd SOUTH Toowoomba Bulloo Shire Paroo Shire Regional EASTERN Goondiwindi Southern Balonne Shire Regional Downs Disclaimer This product has been prepared for the Queensland Fire and Regional Emergency Services. Other users must satisfy themselves it is accurate and suitable for their purpose. QFES does not accept any liability for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of or reliance on this inform ation. 9 November 2019] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 74 373 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION STRATEGY – Far • Cassowary Coast • Carpentaria Shire VIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS (LGA’S) Northern Regional •Mareeba Shire • Tablelands Regional Region: LGA’s Included: LGA’s Not Included: •Douglas Shire • Cairns Regional • Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire South • Gold Coast City - • Yarrabah Aboriginal •Cook Shire Eastern Council Shire • Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire •Logan City • Croydon Shire • Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire • Scenic Rim Regional • Etheridge Shire •Ipswich City • Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire • Lockyer Valley • Aurukun Shire Regional • Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire • Somerset Regional • Napranum Aboriginal Shire • Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Brisbane • Moreton Bay
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