PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotland SESSION MCMXLVIII.-MCMXLIX. VOL. LXXXIII. SEVENTH SERIES.—VOL. XI. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND, QUEEN STREET, EDINBURGH. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL & CO. LTD. MCMLI. TABL CONTENTF EO S PiQS Braidwood Fort, Midlothian: The Exploration of Two Huts. By ROBERT B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., ...........1 . Note n Somo s e Broch d Fortan s s visite n 1949i dy ANGU B . S GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., .............. 12 Textiles fro mVikina g Grav t Kildonanea 4 GRACs 2 , Isl Mr CROWFOOT. Bigg f eEy o M B . , The Roman Fort at Whitemoss, Renfrewshire. By K. A. STEER, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., .............. 28 Cairnbulg Castle, Aberdeenshire . DOUGLAW y B . S SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., Hon. F.R.I.A.S., ............2 3 . The Iron Age Settlement at Hayhope Knowe, Roxburghshire: Excavations, 1949. By C. M. PIGGOTT, F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., ..........5 4 . Dun Lagaidh and Four Other Prehistoric Monuments near TJllapool, Ross and Cromarty. By C. S.T.CALDER,A.R.I.A.S.,F.S.A.Scot.,audK:.A. STEER,M.A.,Ph.D.,F.S.A.,F.S.A.Scot.8 6 , A Stone Age Site at Woodend Loch, near Coatbridge. By J. M. DAVIDSON, O.B.E., F.C.I.S., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot.; JAMES PHEMISTER LACAILLE. D ,. D.Sc.A d an ;, F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot.7 7 . , Ancient Fish-Trap Yairr so Scotlandn si THOMAy B . BATHGATBSD 8 9 , F.S.A.Scot. , The Excavation of Three Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Galloway, 1949. By Professor STUART PIGGOTT, B.Litt., F.S.A., . POWELLF.S.A.Scot.E . G . T 3 , d M.A.10 an , , F.S.A. , Quarr Abbeyo yt Ancienn A : t Fife . FYFRouteR y EB SMITH. , F.S.A.Scot. e latth e d an , Rev. NORMAN M. JOHNSON, B.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.S.A.Scot., ...... 162 The Roman Forts at Carriden and Brownhart Law. By J. K. S. ST JOSEPH, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., ...........7 16 . The Deil's Dyke in Galloway. By ANGUS GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., ... 174 The Nuclear Fort of Dalmahoy, Midlothian, and other Dark Age Capitals. By ROBERT B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., .........6 18 . Lammermuirse Road Ath nOl n d i ANGUy B . S GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A.8 19 , F.S.A.Scot. , Bronz Gravee eAg t Patrickhola s m Sand Quarry, Larkhall, Lanarkshire . HARRISOJ y B . N MAXWELL, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., ........... 207 Report on Bronze Age Cist at Redden Farm, Sprouston, and Notes on one at Floors Home Farm, near Kelso, Roxburghshire. By CHARLES S. T. CALDER, A.R.I.A.S., F.S.A.Scot., and RICHARD W. FEACHBM, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., ........ 220 Burial t a Brackmons t d MilBrackmonan l t Farm, Leuchars y LESLIB . E SPENCE, F.S.A.Scot. .............4 22 . Notes:— . Cair1 Stockin no e Muir, near Glasgow . GOULDESBROUGHP y B . , ....0 23 . 2. Short Cis t Duriea t , Scoonie . CHRISTIEL . R , Fifey B , . .....0 23 . Potter3 y from Westerwick, Shetland PETEy B . R MOAR, F.S.A.Scot., ...1 23 . 4. Urn Burial near Lyne. By ROBERT B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., . 231 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 5. Excavation at Dunan na Nighean, Colonsay. By C. M. PIGGOTT, F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., . 232 6. Excavations at Broch of Tappoch, Tor Wood, Stirlingshire. By D. M. HUNTER, P.S.A.Scot., ............. 232 7. A Beaker Burial in the Black Isle. By EGBERT B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., P.S.A.Scot., . 235 8. Notes of Archaeological Remains found in Orkney. By HUGH MABWICK, O.B.E., M.A., D.Litt., P.S.A.Scot., ..........6 23 . Notanda:— 1. A Mediaeval Ewer, ............ 240 2. Burials at Aberdour, ............ 240 Donation Purchased Museume an th o sr t sfo , 1948-49, ......1 24 . Donations to and Purchases for the Library, 1948-49, ....... 248 Meeting Societye th f so , ...........8 25 . 9 25 . Anniversar. y . Meeting . , 30t . h Novembe . r 1949 . , Annual Report, 1948-49, ............ 262 Index, ............... 266 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Braidwood Fort: Plan, 1 Hayhope Knowe: Beginnin f excavationgo . Corsehope Rings: Plan, 2 PI. XII, 2. Braidwood Port: Area of Hu, 2 t 3 ——— ——— End of rampart on north-west. ——— ——— Plan and sections, Hut 1, . 5 PI. XIII, 1. ——— ——— Post-holes, Hut 1, 7 ——— ——— Revetment palisade. PI. XIII. ,2 • Hut 2 (north-east quadrant). ——— ——— Hearth-stone in Hut I. PI. PI. I, 1. XIII, 3. —— (vie1 — t south)—wo t Hu . 2 PI , I . f palisado d t En eas ea — t —— entrance . ——— (entrance) 1 —— t —Hu .. 1 PI, II . PI. XIV. 2 , 1 , —— 1 (post-hol— t —Hu e sockets). PI. —— —— East and west entrances. PI. II, 2. XV2 , 1 , Coldoch Broch: Inside of entrance. PI. —— ——— Plan, ..... 47 III, 1. —— ——— Plan of Hut I, . .49 ——— ——— Entranc o t north-westere n cell. —— ——— Plan of Hut VII, ... 51 PI. Ill, 2. —— —— t III— ,PlaHu f no ..3 5 . ——— ——— Interior of northern cell. PI. —— ——— Plan f easswesd o an t t entrances5 5 , Ill, 3. —— ——— Pla ramparf no t termination6 5 . , - Plan, 13 Excavation— —— t eastersa n end, Oaisteal Grugaig: From north-west. PI. (folder) facing page 57 IV, 1. —— ——— Section through rampart . 57 ——— ——— From south. PI. IV, 2. —— ——— Iron spearhea8 d5 frot VII m. Hu , ——— ——— Entrance d passagesan s . PI, V . —— ——— Suggested reconstructio housef no , 60 1-6. —— ——— Comparison with Roxburghshire ——— ——— Alcove above entrance. PI. palisaded enclosures, .... 65 VI, 1. Brochs, etc. near Ullapool Ruign a n h Du : ——— ——— Plaelevationd . nan . , 15 Ruadh. PI. XVI. 2 , 1 , Dun Grugaig: North-easter southerd nan n ——— ——— Map of sites, .... 69 arcs. PI. VI, 2-4. ——— ——— Dun Lagaidh: Plan and sections, 70 ——— ——— View from north-east. 5 , PIVI . —— —n Ruig a —— n —h Du Ruadh: Plad nan ——— ——— Plan, ..... 20 section, ...... 73 Textiles from Viking Grave, Isle of Eigg. n GannaDu —— , —For— t of: Plad nan PI. VII, 1, 2. section, .....5 7 . ——— ——— Diagram of weave, 25 Woodend Loch 8 Site7 : . Map areaf s o . , Whitemoss Roman Fort: Aerial view. PI. ——— ——— Aerial view from north. PI. VIII. XVII, 1. ——— ——— Sketch plans, .... 29 ——— ——— Vie f o positiow f o siten . PI. Cairnbulg Castle: Map of area, . 33 XVII, 2. ——— ——— Plans, ..... 38 —— —— Flints and Flakes, etc., . 83, 87, 89 ——— ——— Views from south. PI. IX, 1, 2. ——— ——— Table analysing flint and chert ——— —— vied —Ol w from north-east. PI. .X industry, .....4 8 . ——— —— d —vieOl w from south-west. PI. Fish-Traps or Yairs: Site plan on Loch XI. Broom, .....0 10 . Hayhope Knowe: Location map, 46 Chambered Tombs in Galloway: Distribu- ——— ——— From the north-east. PI. XII, 1. tion map, .....5 10 . VI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Chambered Tombs: Plans of long cairns, 142 Deil's Dyk Gallowayn ei f supposeo p Ma :d ——— ——— Site pla f Cairnholno y tombs, 106 line, ......6 17 . Cairnholy No. I: Plan, ....111 DalmahoyFort: Plasectiond n. an , .188 —— —— Elevation of fagade, . 112 ——— ——— View of hill. PI. XXXV, 1. ——— ——— Detailed plans of chamber and ——— ——— Entranc forto et . PI. XXXV. 2 , forecourt, . (folder) facing page 112 ——— —— Walling and rock face. PI. ——— ——— Sections, . (folder) facing page 114 XXXV, 3. ——— ——— Pottery from, . 119 120 ——— ——— Gol6 d 19 ornamen . t. from, Othe—— —— r objects from. , 122 Dundur3 n Fort19 . : Sketc plan. d han , ——— ——— Site from south before excava- Dunadd Fort: Plan, .... 194 tion. PI. XVIII. 1 , Old Boad in Lammermuirs: Line of route, . 199 ——— ——— View f revetmentso . Pis. XVIII, ——— ——— Track Threen so p Law . , .201 2; XIX, 1, 2. Bronz Gravee eAg t Larkhalla s : Sketcf ho View—— —f forecourt— o s . — PisXX . 8 20 . Cis t. No , 3 . XXIV. ——— ——— Objects from sites 2 and 3, . 210 ——— ——— Vie f wchambero . PI. XXV. 2 , ——— ——— Food-vessels Nos. 1 and 2 (orna- ——— ——— Gup-and-ring markings. Pis. ment), . .212 XXV. 1; XXVI, 1, 2. ——— ——— Food-vessel from Cist No. 1. PI. XXXVI, 1. Cairnholy No. II: Plan, ....125 ——— ——— Bone beads from Cist No. 2. ——— ——— Detail of chamber and blocking, . 126 PL XXXVI, 2. ——— ——— Sections, . (folder) facing page 126 Bronze Age Cist at Beddeu Farm: Map ——— —— Objects from, .... 128 site, ......1 22 . ——— ——— Chamber before excavation. PI. ——— ——— Plan of sections of cist, . 221 XXVII, 1. ——— ——2 22 — Flin . t blad . e from. , - Frontal area during excavation. ——— ——— Food-vessel. PI. XXXVI. 3 , PI. XXVII, 2. ——— ——— View of cist. PI. XXXVI, 4. —— ——— Portals from inside chamber. PI. Mediaeval Ewer from Ashkirk. PI. XXVIII, 1. xxxrvii, i. ——— ——— Closing stone. PI. XXVIII. 2 , Beaker from Newhouse, Birsay. PI. ——— ——— Beaker sherds from. PI. XXXI, XXXVII, 2. 1. Cinerar fron ymUr Hamildeau Farm, Lyue. Cup-and-riug carvings and food-vessels hi PI. XXXVII. 3 , Galloway (distribution), . 140 Funerary Vessels from Wemyss, Fife. PI. Ceremonial jadeite axes (distribution i n xxx:vn, 4. Britain), ...... 138Burials at Brackmont Farm and Mill, ——— ——— Table showing distribution, 155-158 Leuchars: Plan of sites, . 225 White Cairn, Bargrennan: Site plan, . 145 ——— ——— Sections of vessels and urns, 226, 227 ——— ——— Plan, ....7 14 . ——— ——— Flint scrapers, .... 228 ——— ——— Section . , (folder) facing 6 page12 Westerwick, Shetland: 1 Potter23 . y rim . , ——— ——— Detail of chamber and passage, . 149 Dunan na Nighean, Colonsay: Plan and ——— ——— Objects from .... 151 section, ...... 233 ——— ——— Passage and chamber after Blackstand, Bosemarkie: Sketc beakerf 5 ho 23 . , excavation. PI. XXIX, 1. Hatston Earth-house: Plans and sections, . 237 ——— ——— Wallin chambergn i . PI. XXIX. 2 , Steatite Urn from Lyking, Sandwick, .
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