Media-SSA-04.qxd 11/20/2003 10:08 AM Page 1 WQTE-FM 95.3 WWCK-FM 105.5 “Tejano Q 95 ” “The Pete Mata Show” Television Stations Sunday: 3–8 p.m. Sunday: 6–8 a.m. (Continued) he purpose of the Michigan Lady Di, Producer Pete Mata, Director TCommission on Spanish-Speaking 121 W. Maumee 3217 Lapeer Rd. WJRT-TV 12 WWMT-TV 3 Affairs is to provide information con- Thomas Bryson, Richard Appleton, Adrian, MI 49221 Flint, MI 48503 cerning the problems of Hispanic people, P: 517-265-9500 P: 810-744-1571 General Manager General Manager F: 517-263-4525 F: 810-743-2500 2302 Lapeer Rd. 590 W. Maple St. and to implement commission policy. [email protected] [email protected] Flint, MI 48503 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Public Act 164 of 1975 directs the office to: www.wwck.com P: 810-233-3130 P: 269-388-3333 WUCX-FM 90.1 Radio F: 810-257-2834 F: 269-388-8228 WYGR-AM 1530 [email protected] [email protected] o Conduct studies and recommend “Sabado” Roland Rusticus, Director solutions to the problems of Saturday: 1–2 p.m. www.abc12.com www.wwmt.com/ 1303 Chicago Dr. N.W. Ray Vela, Host Hispanic people. Wyoming, MI 49509 “La Caliente” WKAR-TV 23 WXMI-TV Fox 17 P: 616-475-9947 Steve Meuche, Ed Fernandez, Saturday: 2–5 p.m. o Recommend to federal, state, and F: 616-248-0176 General Manager General Manager Noel Garcia, Host [email protected] local government departments and “Latino USA” 283 Communication Arts Bldg. 3117 Plaza Dr. N.E. Saturday: 5–5:30 p.m. Michigan State University Grand Rapids, MI 49525 agencies the creation of services Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. East Lansing, MI 48824 P: 616-364-8722 and facilities as needed. University Center, MI 48710 P: 517-355-2300 F: 616-364-8506 F: 517-353-7124 [email protected] P: 1-877-472-7677 o Serve as a clearinghouse for the [email protected]. www.fox17.trb.com/ F: 989-686-0155 collection and distribution of infor- [email protected] www.wkar.org/tv/ www.delta.edu/broadcasting/ WXYZ-TV 7 mation on Hispanic affairs. WLAJ-TV 53 Mickey McCanham, Jim Wareham, Assignment Editor o Cooperate with departments and General Manager 20777 W. 10 Mile Rd. 5815 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Southfield, MI 48037 agencies to aid in effectuating the Lansing, MI 48911 P: 248-827-7777 purpose of Public Act 164 of 1975. Television Stations P: 517-394-5300 F: 248-827-9444 (Public Announcements/Community Calendar) F: 517-887-0077 [email protected] o Submit an annual report of its www.wlaj.com/ www.detnow.com/ activities and recommendations to WBKB-TV 11 WELM-TV 11 Curt Smith, 1070 Trowbridge Rd. WOOD-TV 8 WZZM-TV 13 the Governor, the Legislature, and General Manager East Lansing, MI 48823 Diane Kniowski, Janet Mason, various Hispanic communities 1390 Bagley St. P: 517-351-0214 General Manager Station Manager throughout the state. Alpena, MI 49707 F: 517-351-5126 120 College S.E. 645 Three Mile Rd. N.W. P: 989-356-3434 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Grand Rapids, MI 49544 F: 989-356-4188 WGTU & WGTQ-TV P: 616-456-8888 P: 616-785-1313 [email protected] (29 & 8) Todd Ruonavaara, F: 616-456-5755 F: 616-785-1301 General Manager [email protected] [email protected] Staff WDCQ (Q-TV) 201 E. Front St. www.woodtv.com/ www.wzzm13.com Pam Clark, Traverse City, MI 49684 Marylou Olivarez-Mason Station Manager P: 231-946-2900 Executive Director Delta College F: 231-946-1600 1961 Delta Road [email protected] Victoria Potter University Center www.wgtu.com/ Executive Secretary MI 48710 P: 989-686-9359 WILX-TV 10 F: 989-686-0155 Mike King, Michigan Commission on [email protected] General Manager Spanish-Speaking Affairs www.delta.edu/broadcasting/ 500 American Rd. Victor Office Center, Third Floor Hispanic Media Lansing, MI 48911 201 N. Washington Square WDIV-TV 4 P: 517-393-0110 Lansing, MI 48913 Joe Berwanger, F: 517-393-9180 P: (517) 373-8339 ? F: (517) 373-0176 General Manager [email protected] in Michigan 550 W. Lafayette Blvd. www.wilx.com/ The Commission on Spanish-Speaking Affairs is an Detroit, MI 48226 equal-opportunity employer/program. P: 313-222-0444 Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request F: 313-222-0592 to individuals with disabilities. [email protected] Printed Nov., 2003; Project 0403-179R; Total Cost: $163.43 Unit Cost: $0.32; Quantity: 500 www.clickondetroit.com Media-SSA-04.qxd 11/20/2003 10:08 AM Page 2 L@zo Cultural Holland Sentinel Oakland Press 3923 28th St. S.E.-118 ? Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Jim Timmermann, Garry Gilbert, Executive Editor Hispanic Radio Programs he Michigan Commission on Wanda Toohey Olave, Public Relations Managing Editor 48 W. Huron WCBN-FM 88.3 WKNX-AM 1250 Radio TSpanish-Speaking Affairs has P: 616-977-0658 ? F: 616-977-6733 54 W. Eighth St. Pontiac, MI 48342 Jason Voss, DJ “The Latin Hour” composed this brochure for the purpose [email protected] ? www.lazocultural.com Holland, MI 49423 P: 248-332-8181 530 Student Activities Bldg. Sunday: 4–5 p.m. of promoting Hispanic news in Michigan. P: 616-392-2311 F: 248-332-8885 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 John W. Blehm, DJ F: 616-393-6710 [email protected] P: 734-763-3501 2850 Gable Rd. Hispanic and non-Hispanic-owned news Major Newspapers [email protected] www.theoaklandpress.com F: 734-647-4127 Saginaw, MI 48601 media agencies and corporations depend on www.hollandsentinel.com [email protected] P: 989-777-5050 Ann Arbor News The Detroit News Saginaw News our assistance to obtain newsworthy infor- Paul Chaffee, Editor www.wcbn.org/ F: 989-777-5161 Tom Krisher, Metro Editor Mark Silverman, Jackson Citizen Patriot 203 S. Washington Ave. [email protected] mation regarding Hispanics in the state. 340 E. Huron Publisher & Editor Eileen Lehnert, Editor WCSY-FM 98.3 Saginaw, MI 48607 www.wknx.com We urge you to utilize these news media for Ann Arbor, MI 48104 615 W. Lafayette 214 S. Jackson Guillermo Martinez, DJ P: 989-776-9620 WLEN-FM 103.9 P: 734-994-6834 Detroit, MI 48226 Jackson, MI 49201 510 Williams St. the benefit of the Hispanic community. F: 989-752-3115 “Los Tres Chicano” F: 734-994-6879 P: 313-222-2300 P: 517-787-2300 South Haven, MI 49090 [email protected] Sunday: 1–3:30 p.m. [email protected] F: 313-222-2335 F: 517-787-9711 P: 269-637-6397 www.mlive.com/sanews/ Pal Guerrero, DJ The inclusion of the news media organiza- www.mlive.com/aanews/ [email protected] [email protected] F: 269-637-2675 242 W. Maumee tions in this brochure is dependent upon www.detnews.com www.mlive.com/jacitpat/ The State News [email protected] Battle Creek Enquirer Michigan State University www.cosy.fm Adrian, MI 49221 availability of information and in no way P: 517-263-1039 Michael McCullough, Flint Journal Kalamazoo Gazette Kevin Hardy, Editor in Chief represents an endorsement by the Michi- WDOW-FM 92.1 Executive Editor Paul Keep, Editor Rebecca Pierce, Editor 343 Student Services F: 517-265-5363 “Tejano-Mex SuperShow” [email protected] gan Commission on Spanish-Speaking 155 W. Van Buren St. 200 E. First St. 401 S. Burdick St. East Lansing, MI 48824 Sunday: 6–10 p.m. www.wlen.com Battle Creek, MI 49017 Flint, MI 48502 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 P: 517-355-3447 Affairs. Please inform us of any additions, Gerardo Aranda, Host P: 269-966-0672 P: 810-766-6100 P: 269-345-3511 F: 517-353-2599 WLNZ-FM 89.7 revisions, or deletions by contacting the P.O. Box 150 F: 269-964-0299 F: 810-767-7518 F: 269-388-8447 [email protected] “Latin Rhythm Radio” 26914 Marcellus Highway commission office. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.statenews.com Sunday: 2–5 p.m. Dowagiac, MI 49047 www.battlecreekenquirer.com www.flintjournal.com www.kalamazoogazette.com Adrian “Ace” Lopez, Host Times Herald P: 1-877-921-9211 400 N. Capitol, Suite 001 Lansing State Journal Denise Richter, F: 616-782-5107 Bay City Times Grand Rapids Press Lansing, MI 48933 Hispanic Newspapers Tony Dearing, Editor Stephanie Angel, Executive Editor [email protected] John Barnes, Editor Managing Editor 911 Military St. P: 517-483-1710 De Mujer A Mujer Hispanic Link News 311 Fifth St. www.wdow.net/ 155 Michigan N.W. 120 E. Lenawee St. Port Huron, MI 48061 F: 517-483-1894 Newspaper Charlie Erickson, Editor Bay City, MI 48708 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Lansing, MI 48919 P: 810-985-7171 WDTR FM 90.9 [email protected] Elias Gutierrez, Editor 1420 N. Street N.W. P: 989-895-8551 P: 616-222-5481 P: 517-377-1040 F: 810-989-6294 “Caribe Serenade” www.lcc.edu/wlnz/ 1494 Junction St. Washington, D.C. 20005 F: 989-895-5910 F: 616-222-5409 Saturday: 6:30–8:30 p.m. [email protected] F: 517-377-1298 [email protected] WMKM 1440 AM Radio Detroit, MI 48209 P: 202-234-0280 [email protected] Ozzie Rivera, Producer [email protected] www.thetimesherald.com “La Explosiva” P: 313-841-0805 F: 202-234-4090 www.mlive.com/bctimes/ www.grpress.com 9345 Lawton www.lansingstatejournal.com Traverse City Monday–Friday 5–7:00 a.m. & F: 313-841-2950 [email protected] Detroit, MI 48206 Clinton County News Record Eagle Monday–Saturday.
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