GWYNFUR EVANS SPEAKING AT THE COMMEMüRATION OF LLYWELYN II. SEE STORY INSIDE. Photo: Micheal 0 Laoire THE QUARTERiy PERIOMCAL O F THE CELTIC LEAGUE IN ENGLISH & CELTIC LANGUAGES Page 2 CARN «0 editorial contents EUROPE Page 3 ... Or. the Gaelic front Ir. 4Where have we bee: 11 these 4 . • • SNP - getting itself toget-her? cer.turiies?" Padraig 0 Sr.odaigh questior.s 5 ... Har.ds off Kr.oydart! the veny r.otior. that Irelar.d (though we • • • Harz ar folled all of us are «*mbroiled) joir.ed 'Europe' 6 ... Dastum wher. shle became a member of the EEC; ar.d 7 ... A look at the Breton political further, he questior.s the assumpt.ior. that scer.e 'europe' ar.d the EEC are syr.or.ymous. 8 ... Radio Breizh Izel 9 ... No to Service in the Frer.ch army Alar. Heusaff, or. the other har.d, looks at ... Breton larguage comics the differer.ces which have occurred sir.ce 1Ü ... Datblygiadau yn y Sabhal Mor Irelard became or.e of the Nir.e, the gairs ... Anwybyddu'r egwyddorion ar.d losses ar.d, most importar.tly, the 11 ... Commemoratior of Llywelyr. II opportur.i t ies missed. He, too, raises 12 ... Welsh schools ir. English-speakirg the questior. of ’what have we joir.ed?' cour.ties ar.d cor.cludes that a 'Europe of the 14 ... By-electior. disaster for Plaid Peoples' wouid be preferable to the huge • • • Turas ar Tir na mBasearh cartel that is the EEC. 16 ... Ten years ir. the EEC 1b ... Coalition agair. Ur.e thir.g is ir. no doubt - all the Celtic 19 ... Where have we beer, all these centuries peoples (at- least, those of us ir geo- 20 ... Mar per.-ny oll Sawson graphical Europe) are affected by the EEC ... Victory for Star.nary ar.d will remair. thus for the foreseeable 21 ... Microwave mystery future. Our goverr.mer.t.s, of whatever ... Minority party, certair.ly see all our futures as ... Letter beir.g integral parts of that conglomerate 22 ... Celtic nicknames ar.d do r.ot seriously er.tert.ain leavir.g 24 ... Edward Lhuyd - a forerunner it . Hut that 'vision of t.he future is ... UNESCO - help or hindrance? rot. the or.ly possibility. And this is 25 ... The oblong ball where our national movemer.ts come in. 2b • • • Echoes & reports ... Housing The Europe which Padraig thought was there ... Soccer all the while is the satne Europe which Alan wouid rather be a pari of, a Europe where its very diversit.y was viewed as a Bobby Sands source of strength, rather than an irr- itant. to be brushed aside by the Brussels Bobby Sands, Sands of Time. bureaucracy. And if we, in our respective You farted for Thatcher's response. movemer.ts, are to follow a (necessarily, By Irish law, the Brehon law, in my view) radical path, we must, look at She was bound to respond. the type of Europe which wouid benefit our nations and peoples. Tatrick sat before the Castle of Seanachie-druid-king CARN Tuan MacCairili Changer for four millenia Or. a totally different matter, I must witnesser cf all Irish history apologise for the lat.eness of CARN 39. as Eagle, Stag, Boar, This was caused by a mix-up of addresses the Christian waiting for the Pagan, ard the r.eed to track dowr material. This and he responded. issue is slightly late but Nr 41 will be out by the end of April and we shall, thus Many an Irish peasant be back on t.arget . The deadline for CARN sought his king's response 4 1 is March 2'jt.h but dor.'t hesitate to by fasting & send your articles early. Actually, the got a response morth's delay with this issue could prove to be a blessing, r.ot a curse - a three- In India, thous&nds of years ago, mor.t h oycle, Start ir.g in Jaruary/February the S3me law he.ld, an Indo-European one, wouid lead to Publishing CARN in April, the samc or.e Gandhi practised, July, October, and Jar.uary, and we could the ssne one you practise, unconsciously, probably avoid such thir.g as the Christ­ getting a response, mas peak . Ar.yway, thir.k about. it. ar.d Easting, fasting, fasting, let me kr.ow. til the slow sands of Tims Sowyr., ’ resporn!, Bobby. James Cody P.C. b o x 193? Austii, Texas 7P767-1951 CARN UOPage 3 alba On the Gaelic front le Frang MacThomais But what is encouraging are that a unique Diploma Course the figures for areas not will start at Sabhal Mor regarded as bastions of Ostaig in Skye. The. College The results of the 1981 Gaelic. Invernessj 56%; is bravely offering the Course Census indieated that the which will conpern itself with humber of Gaelic Speakers Badenoch and Strathspey: 52%; Perth and Kinross: 51%« finance, law, business Organ­ in Scotland had declined isation and management. since the 1971 Census Even suburban areas just outside the cities of Glasgow Nothing startling about that - returne. The first reaction except that the teaching will was deep disappointment, but and Edinburgh return above 50%. be done largely through the the 1982 figures in faet tend medium of Gaelic. Diploma to give glimpses of hope. awardees will hopefully go Although the total figure for Another interesting fact to come from a close study of - back into their own Gaelic- 1981 is down on the 1971 speaking areas and 3lowly figure (from 81,000 to 79»000) the 1981 Census was that the intere t in Gaelic increased build up a reserve of the 1982 questions regarding expertise to replace so various language abllities raore in the lowlands of niany of the existing monoglot are important. Scotland than in the Highlands, particularly where reading and English-Speakers who have found jobs in l'ocal government For instance on the 19dl writing the language is ccncerned. and government departments. census form it was possible Students for the course are to tick separately the boxes required to have suitable for ability to speak, read educational qualifications and write Gaelic. This was öaelic-based bodies including a competence in not asked for in 1971 when should press for a Gaelic. This has been long the ques tions coneerning the lacking in the Highlands and ability to write and read better deal for the Islands and« one can only wish Gaelic were asked for the language Sabhal Mor Ostaig well f'or its first time. In 1971 the courage and determinatlon to questions on reading and see through to its final writing Gaelic were asked When the detailed census for objectives. only of those claiming to Gaelic is published it will speak Gaelic. Also in 1981 be seen just how widespread The National Mod of An Comann the separate questions Gaelic is throughout Scotland. in the Isle of .Skye is now conoerriing ability to speak It is obvious that it is now over. Amid all the singing Gaelic together with Engl iah that Gaelie-based bodies one event was important: the or Gaelic only were cörabined should press their case to ceremony which took place to in the one question concern- the powers that be to get a commemorate the Sattle of the ing the simple ability to better deal for the language, Braes in Skye in 1882 when speak Gaelic. both in financial terms arjd crofting folk took a stand in the context of a legal and against the landlords and the What arises from the 1981 Statutory Status for Gaelic. forces of the law which question is the counting of Of course it can be claimed threatened their livelihood those who can read and write that statistics prove nothing, and way of life. Strange, but not speak the language. but when ammunition for the however, that this could not These people are likely to recognition oX Gaelic is have been the theme of the be effective learners of provided by official figures whole Mod. Where, for instance, Gaelic who lack the confidence then that powder should not was the stage play which could to speak the language. Thus be allowed to get wex. It is have been presented to rein- learners who have nailed their ready for using now. force the fact,that we still linguistic colours to the mast 1 ive with the history of a ean now be taken into aecount. I have advocated for years Century ago? Where, for the setting up of a Gaelic another instance, was the Ability to read Gaelic was Executive, atriculate and concert of Gaelic songs claimed by 56% of Scotland's politically pressurised to devoted to the Clearances? usually resident population, Combine the interests of all compared with 50% in 1971. Gaelic-based bodies in Scot­ Next year's Mod is to be in land, so that a United front Motherwell, just outside Similar ability to write can be presented. At the Glasgow, a place not Gaelic was claimed by 41% moment, the official spokes- particularly noted for its in 1981 a.-’ compared with men. for the language is An enthusiasm for Gaelic. But 51% in 1971* Thus literacy Comann Gaidhealach. But even there we might see a seer.s to have increased among An Comann is only one of a celebration of the fact that Gaels in the deoade. Interest- dozen or so organisations much of Glasgow's prosperity ingly enoug! , literacy in with a committed Interest in came from the Gaelic-speaklng Gaelic seems to have increased the furtherance of Gaelic.
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