Initial Environmental Examination September 2020 LAO: Water Supply Sector Project Subproject: Longxan and Hom Districts, Xaisomboun Province Prepared by the Department of Water Supply, Ministry of Public Works and Transport for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 26 September 2020) Currency unit – Kip (KN) KN1.00 = $ 0.00011 $1.00 = KN 9,224 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank CEMP - contractor’s environmental management plan DONRE - Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment DOH Department of Health EARF - environmental assessment and review framework ECA environmental compliance audit EHS - environmental health and safety EIA - environmental impact assessment EMP - environmental management plan EPL - Environmental Protection Law GRM - grievance redress mechanism IEE - initial environmental examination LACP - land acquisition and compensation plan MOH Ministry of Health MPH - Ministry of Public Health MONRE - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MPWT - Ministry of Public Works and Transport MSDS - materials safety data sheets NAPA - National Adaptation Program of Action NRW - nonrevenue water PCR - project completion report PCU - project coordination unit PIU - project implementation unit PMC - project management consultants PNP - provincial nam papa (provincial water utility) SEMR semi-annual environmental monitoring report SPS - Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009 UXO - unexploded ordnance VDC - village development committee WSSP - Water Supply Sector Project WTP - water treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ⁰C - degree centigrade dBA - decibel ha - hectare km - kilometer l/s - liters per second m - meter masl - meters above sea level mg/l - milligram per liter mm - millimeter NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A. Introduction 1 B. Description of Subproject 1 C. Environmental Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework 2 D. Description of the Environment 2 1. Physical Resources 2 2. Water Resources 2 3. Geology and Natural Hazards 3 4. Ecological Resources 3 5. Historical and Archaeological Sites 3 6. Unexploded Ordnance 3 7. Climate Change 3 8. Socio-Economic Conditions 4 E. Environmental Impacts 4 1. Benefits of the Subproject 4 2. Adverse Environmental Impacts 4 F. Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation 8 G. Grievance Redress Mechanism 9 H. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 9 II. INTRODUCTION 11 A. Description of the Project 11 B. Methodology 11 C. Project Category 11 III. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 12 A. Environmental Safeguards Policies, ADB 12 B. Legal and Institutional Framework on Environmental Management in Lao People’s Democratic Republic 12 1. Environmental Impact Assessment 12 C. Drinking Water Quality Standards and Discharge Standards 13 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBPROJECTS 14 A. General 14 1. Longxan District Subproject 14 2. Hom District Subproject 20 B. Connection Policy 25 V. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 26 A. Physical Resources 26 B. Geology and Natural Hazards 26 C. Air Quality and Noise 26 D. Climate and Water Resources 27 1. Climate Change 27 2. Longxan Subproject Water Resources 28 3. Hom Subproject Water Resources 29 E. Ecological Resources 30 F. Historical and Archaeological Sites 30 G. Unexploded Ordnance 30 H. Socio-Economic Conditions 31 1. Population 31 2. Economy 31 3. Ethnicity 32 4. Income and Poverty Levels 33 5. Education 34 VI. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 34 A. Anticipated Benefits from the Project 35 B. Environmental Impacts Related to Location (Pre-Construction Phase) 35 1. Impact on Land Acquisition and Community Assets 35 2. Impact of Location of Raw Water Intake on other Water Users 35 3. Impact on Natural Resources and Protected Areas 35 4. Impact on Historical and Archaeological Sites 35 5. Contractor Prepares Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) 36 C. Environmental Impacts During Construction 36 1. Temporary Disruption of Community Roads, Pathways and Access to Properties 36 2. Air Pollution 37 3. Noise 37 4. Impact of Borrow Materials 37 5. Impact on Ecological Resources 38 6. Clearing of Vegetation 38 7. Water Pollution 38 8. Generation of Construction Wastes 39 9. Impact on Community Health and Safety 40 10. Occupational Health and Safety 40 11. COVID-19 Risk Management 40 D. Environmental Impacts During Operation 41 1. Incremental Wastewater Generation and Increased Burden on Drainage Systems 41 2. Deterioration of Water Quality 41 3. High Pressure and Leaks on the Pipeline 42 4. Generation of Backwash Water and Sediments in the WTP 42 5. Occupational Health and Safety 43 6. Generation of Sludge from Detention Ponds 43 7. Community Health and Safety 43 VII. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 43 A. Alternatives to the Subproject 43 B. Alternatives Within the Subproject 43 C. “No Project” Alternative 43 VIII. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 44 A. Consultations and Information Disclosure during Subproject Design 44 B. Information Disclosure 45 IX. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 45 A. Type of Grievances 46 B. Grievance Resolution Process 46 1. Arbitration Committees 46 2. Grievance Redress Procedures 47 X. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 50 A. Mitigation 50 B. Monitoring 63 C. Implementation Arrangements 67 1. Department of Water Supply - Ministry of Public Works and Transport 68 2. Project Implementation Unit (PIU) 68 3. Environmental Monitoring 69 4. Capacity Building 70 5. Environmental Management and Monitoring Costs 70 XI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 70 APPENDIXES Appendix A: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklists Appendix B: Environmental Compliance Certificate for Longxan and Hom Subprojects Appendix C: Ministry of Public Health Drinking Water Quality Standards (2014) Appendix D: Provincial Government Certification for Priority Use of Nam Khone and Nam Khien Rivers Appendix E: Provincial Government Certification of No Fish Conservation Area/Zone – Nam Khone and Nam Khien Rivers Appendix F: Detailed Daily Precipitation and Temperature Data 2007–2013 Appendix G: Water Quality Monitoring Results Appendix H: UXO Certification for Longxan and Hom Subprojects Appendix I: Proceedings of Public Consultations for Longxan and Hom Subprojects Appendix J: Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report Template Appendix K: Environmental Management Plan (Longxan Subproject) Appendix L: Environmental Management Plan (Hom Subproject) List of Tables Table 1: Annual Rainfall of Longxan 29 Table 2: Monthly Rainfall in Munag Hom 29 Table 3: Population of Longxan District, 2019 31 Table 4: Population of Hom District, 2019 31 Table 5: Occupation of Heads of Households and their Spouses, Longxan District 32 Table 6: Occupation of Heads of Households and their Spouses, Hom District 32 Table 7: Population and Ethnicity (by main ethno-linguistic group), Longxan District 33 Table 8: Population and Ethnicity (by main ethno-linguistic group), Hom District 33 Table 9: Poor Households in Subproject Villages, Longxan District 33 Table 10: Poor Households in Subproject Villages, Hom District 33 Table 11: Level of Education of Heads of Households by Gender, Longxan District 34 Table 12: Level of Education of Heads of Households by Gender, Hom District 34 Table 13: Summary of Public/Stakeholders Consultations 44 Table 14: Summary of Main Concerns raised during Public Consultations 45 Table 15: Grievance Redress Procedures 48 Table 16: Individuals at Stage 1 (Subproject Village Level), Longxan District 48 Table 17: Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan 50 Table 18: EMP Reporting Plan 64 Table 19: Matrix for Reporting of the Water Quality Monitoring Results 66 Table 20: Institutional Responsibilities for Environmental Management 67 Table 21: Environmental Monitoring Plan 69 List of Figures Figure 1: Location Map of the Xaisomboun Province Subprojects (Longxan and Hom Districts) 16 Figure 2: Conceptual Design of the Proposed System, Longxan Subproject 17 Figure 3: Location of the Components of the System, Longxan Subproject 18 Figure 4: Conceptual Design of the Proposed System, Hom Subproject 23 Figure 5: Location of the Components of the System, Hom Subproject 24 Figure 6: Nam Khone catchment area 28 Figure 7: Nam Khone, June 2020 28 Figure 8: Nam Khien catchment area 30 Figure 9: Sample Complaint Letter 49 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Introduction 1. The Water Supply Sector Project (WSSP) aims to work with the DWS in establishing a sector performance benchmarking program, which can be used to continually monitor and improve operations and services. The Project will also strengthen the capacity of DWS and participating Nam Papas (PNPs) in corporate governance, O&M, and service delivery. The access to safe water will be improved by construction of new and rehabilitation of existing piped water supply facilities. The project is consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan and supports the country’s targets for piped water supply for urban population.
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