THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR LANGUAGE TEACHING 全 国 語 学 教 育 学 会 JALT Publications } ouTrEACh Yoko}Nakano}– Kwansei Gakuin University JALT Publications Board Chair david McMurray Jonathan}Picken}– Tsuda College Steve Brown [email protected] Martha}Robertson – Aichi University Stephen}Ryan}– Eichi – Sapientia University [email protected] Lorraine}Sorrell}– Macquarie University regular Column Editors Toshiyuki}Takagaki – Onomichi University TLT Editorial Staff Dax}Thomas – Meiji Gakuin University } Sig nEWS Deryn}Verity}– Osaka Jogakuin College }} TLT}Co-EdiTorS James Essex Christopher}Weaver}– Toyo University Jerry Talandis Jr. [email protected] York}Weatherford – Kyoto Sangyo damian rivers } ChAPTEr EvEnTS University [email protected] Fukiko}Yoshida}– Rikkyo University Michi Saki Asako}Yoshitomi – Tokyo University of }} TLT}ASSoCiATE EdiTor [email protected] Foreign Studies Jennifer Yphantides } ChAPTEr rEPorTS [email protected] Tara Mcilroy } AddiTionAL rEAdErS }} TLT}ASSiSTAnT EdiTor [email protected] Eric}Bray,}Dale}Brown,}Wade}Carlton,} Brian McMillan } JoB inFormation CEnter David}Dycus,}John}Eidswick,}Heidi} Evans}Nachi,}Naomi}Fujishima,}Fujirou} }} TLT}JAPAnESE-LAnguAgE EdiTor James McCrostie Fukushima,}Timothy}Gutierrez,}Kent} 稲森美穂子 (Mihoko inamori) [email protected] Hill,}James}Hobbs,}David}Hufford,}Yoko} [email protected] } ConFErEnCE CALEndAr Ichiyama,}Paul}Joyce,}Masataka}Kizuka,} Aleda}Krause,}Caroline}Latham,}Shirley} }} TLT}JAPAnESE-LAnguAgE ASSoC. david Stephan Leane,}Wilma}Luth,}Steve}McGuire,} EdiTor [email protected] Chieko}Miyanaga,}Tony}Mullen,}Andrew} 阿部恵美佳 (Emika Abe) } oLd grAMMAriAnS Obermeier,}Greg}Rouault,}Andrea}Simon- [email protected] Scott gardner Maeda,}Eric}Skier,}Tim}Stewart,}Alan} Stoke,}Bernie}Susser,}Dax}Thomas,}York} }} TLT WEB EdiTor [email protected] Weatherford Theron Muller [email protected] Production JALT Journal }} TLT WEB AdMin } ProoFrEAding TEAM LEAdEr Mark de Boer }} JALT}JOURNAL EdiTor Jerry Talandis Jr. [email protected] ian isemonger } ProoFrEAdErS [email protected] karen Cosgrove-Smith, James Essex, resources Editors }} JALT}JOURNAL ASSoCiATE EdiTor Myles grogan, Jonathan Fisher, harry darren Lingley } MY ShArE harris, Martin hawkes, Tom Mahler, [email protected] david Marsh, Jason Peppard, Te Mana dax Thomas }} JALT}JOURNAL JAPAnESE EdiTor [email protected] Potaka-dewes, Patrick rates, Paul Spijkerbosch, Jerry Talandis, Jennifer Yoshinori Watanabe } Book rEviEWS [email protected] Yphantides, Chris Wharton robert Taferner }} JALT}JOURNAL rEviEWS EdiTor [email protected] } 和文要旨作成協力者 (JAPAnESE ABSTrACTS) Bill Perry } PuBLiShErS’ rEviEW CoPiES [email protected] LiAiSon 阿部恵美佳 (Emika Abe) greg rouault 迫和子 (kazuko Sako) [email protected] 宮尾真理子 (Mariko Miyao) Conference Proceedings Konan}University,}Nishinomiya}Campus, } dESign & LAYouT } ProCEEdingS EdiTor 8-33}Takamatsu-cho,}Nishinomiya, Pukeko graphics, kitakyushu Alan Stoke Hyogo}663-8204 } PrinTing [email protected] }} TLT WirEd koshinsha Co., Ltd., osaka } vETTing CoordinATor Ted o'neill Theron Muller [email protected] }} TLT EdiToriAL AdviSorY BoArd [email protected] Michael Carroll – Momoyama Gakuin University JALT Focus Editors Torkil Christensen – Hokusei University Peer Support Group Junior College } JALT FoCuS EdiTor } PSg CoordinATor Marcos Benevides Steve}Cornwell}– Osaka Jogakuin College Frank}Daulton}– Ryukoku University Wilma Luth [email protected] Michael}Furmanovsky}– Ryukoku University [email protected] } MEMBEr'S ProFiLE & ShoWCASE Scott}Gardner – Okayama University } PSg MEMBErS Jason Peppard Chiaki}Iwai}– Hiroshima City University Paul}Beaufait,}Loran}Edwards,}Mark}Hamilton,} [email protected] Masaki}Kobayashi}– Kanda University of Wilma}Luth,}Steve}McGuire,}Theron}Muller International Studies } grASSrooTS Shirley}Leane – Chugoku Junior College Joyce Cunningham & Mariko Miyao Robert}Long}– Kyushu Institute of Technology JALT Central Office [email protected] Laura}MacGregor}– Gakushuin University Urban}Edge}Bldg.}5F,}1-37-9}Taito,} t:}029-228-8455;}f:}029-228-8199 Bern}Mulvey}– Iwate University Tim}Murphey}– Kanda University of Taito-ku,}Tokyo}110-0016} International Studies t:}03-3837-1630;}f:}03-3837-1631 [email protected] November / December 2010 • vol. 34, No. 6 | 1 COE nT nTS in this month’s issue . Lifelong Language Learning Special issue: Lifelong Language Learning } A brief overview of lifelong learning in Japan ............................5 elcome! The Lifelong Language Learning } When nontraditional meets traditional: SIG appreciates the opportunity to work Understanding nontraditional students W with the TLT staff in bringing you this through classroom discourse analysis ....14 special issue focusing on issues related to learning } curriculum negotiation at NHK: meeting the throughout one’s life. needs and demands of adult learners ....22 The number of nontraditional language learners, Feature Article adult learners of all ages who are studying as part of their post-compulsory education, is increasing in } Strategies for teacher motivation .......27 Japan. This reflects the understanding that language learning can enhance work-related and personal Readers’ Forum opportunities, and promote a healthy lifestyle. } learning to speak english: Japanese junior We hope that the various articles in this issue will high school student views .............33 be of interest and use to those readers who already } ToeIc materials and preparation questions: teach nontraditional learners in their university, busi- Interview with an eTS representative ....41 ness or community classes as well as to those who may have the opportunity to do so in the future. Resources The three articles included in this issue cover a } ........................my Share 47 range of topics related to lifelong learning. Anthony } book reviews ....................53 C. Ogden offers an overview of lifelong learning in } recently received .................56 Japan, providing information about participation } TLT Wired .......................57 rates, government policy, and challenges to be met. Brian Rugen shows that classroom discourse analy- JALT Focus sis can help teachers understand how nontraditional learners are positioned in the classroom, and how } AJ lT Notices .....................62 Continued over } Showcase ........................64 } Grassroots .......................65 JALT PubLiCATiOnS OnLinE } outreach ........................70 <jalt-publications.org> Columns november/december 2010 online access } .......................SIG News 74 material from all our publications produced in the last 12 months requires a password for access. These pass- } chapter events ....................78 words change with each issue of TLT and are valid for a } chapter reports ...................81 3-month period. To access our archives: } Job Information ...................87 [ login: nov2010 / password: ] } conference calendar ...............89 } old Grammarians ..................90 } membership Information .............92 } online Access Info ..................1 } Submissions Guidelines ...............2 TLT Coeditors: Jerry Talandis Jr. & Damian rivers TLT Japanese-Language Editor: mihoko Inamori THE LANGUAGE TEACHER: 34.6 • November / December 2010 1 The Language Teacher » Foreword & Information this positioning affects learning opportunities. Paul Marlowe introduces WriteCycle, on online Harry Harris explains how determining a sylla- collaborative writing system. bus through curriculum negotiation helps him to We sincerely hope that these and all our other meet the various needs of his adult learners. regular content supports your teaching practice The four My Share articles offer some practical in practical and inspirational ways. ideas for those teaching nontraditional learn- ers. Kim Bradford-Watts introduces a board うこそ!生涯語学学習研究部会(LLL SIG)はTLT game that helps adult learners who plan to go スタッフとともに、生涯学習に関するこの特集号 abroad practice travel-related dialogues. Doreen よをお届けできることを嬉しく思います。 Gaylord explains how to play a game to practice 日本では、従来とは異なる語学学習者、つまり義務教 the Conditional Imperative using themes of 育終了後の教育の一部として、語学を学習している成人 学習者の数が増加しています。これは、語学学習により、 interest to adults. Zane Ritchie describes the 仕事のチャンスや個人的な機会が増え、より健康的なライ basic principles of guided reading using pictures フスタイルを獲得することができるという理解を反映して books and how to adapt them to small classes います。 of older learners. Julia K. Harper shows how an 本号の論文が大学やビジネスの現場、また地域社会で information exchange activity can help learners 社会人学習者を教えている皆さんや、将来教えるかもし in multi-generational classes to understand each れない皆さんに有益で、興味深いものであってほしいと思 います。 other’s experiences and perspectives. 三本の論文は生涯学習に関連した幅の広いトピックを In our regular Feature, Joseph Falout out- 網羅しています。Anthony C. Ogdenは生涯学習参加率 lines processes by which teachers can regain や政府の政策、取り組むべき課題などを述べ、日本の生涯 and maintain their motivation. In Readers’ 学習を概観しています。Brian Rugenは、クラスのディスコ Forum, Douglas Rapley looks at the attitudes ース分析を通して、社会人学習者が教室でどのような位置 に置かれ、その位置が学習にどのような影響を与えている of Japanese Junior High School students in かを示しています。Harry Harrisは、社会人学習者の様々 regard to learning English speaking skills, and なニーズに応える為カリキュラムに関する交渉を通してい David James Wood interviews professional かにシラバスを作成するかを説明しています。
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