TOWN OF SMITHERS Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 3836 Fourth Avenue, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. Council Present: Staff Present: Jim Davidson, Mayor Jason Llewellyn, Deputy Chief Administrative Norm Adomeit, Councillor Officer Cathryn Bucher, Councillor Leslie Ford, Financial Administrator/Collector Cress Farrow, Councillor Mark Allen, Director of Development Services Bill Goodacre, Councillor Darcey Kohuch, Director of Operational Services Andy Howard, Councillor Les Schumacher, Fire Chief Marilyn Stewart, Councillor. Keith Stecko, Airport Manager/Deputy Fire Chief Penny Goodacre, Recording Secretary. Staff Excused: Wallace Mah, Corporate Administrator/CAO James Warren, Corporate Administrative Assistant. Media Present: C. Lester, BVLD, and M. Pearson, The Interior News. Public Present: C. Northrup. CALL TO ORDER 1. Mayor Davidson called the meeting to order (7:34 p.m.). PUBLIC HEARING 2. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3-1 Farrow/Howard 04.0237 THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held March 9, 2004, be REG MAR 9 adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-3 Farrow/Stewart 04.0238 THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held March 10, 2004, C.O.W. be adopted. MAR 10 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 4-1 Farrow/Bucher 04.0239 THAT Report ADM 04-020 dated March 16, 2004, from W. Mah, Chief ITEMS Administrative Officer, regarding items being made public from the Special (In- MADE Camera) Meeting of Council held February 24, 2004, be received; PUBLIC AND THAT the following item be placed on the public agenda: (0640-01). Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 3836 Fourth Avenue, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. Page 2 10. OTHER BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS a) Flight Medevacs from Bulkley Valley District Hospital K. Stecko, Airport Manager/Deputy Fire Chief, informed that flight MEDEVACS from the Smithers Regional Airport have increased annually over the last five years, with 190 MEDEVACS in 2003, which is an increase of 40 over 2002. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS 5-1 None. COUNCIL REPORTS: COUNCILLOR ADOMEIT 6-1 None. COUNCILLOR BUCHER 6-2 None. COUNCILLOR FARROW 6-3-1 Farrow/Howard 04.0240 THAT the minutes of Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Meeting No. 4 and RDBN the Planning Committee meeting held February 26, 2004, be received. FEB 26 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILLOR GOODACRE 6-4-1 Goodacre/Farrow 04.0241 THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held ECON DEV March 10, 2004, be received (0540-20). MAR 10 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-4-2 Goodacre/Farrow 04.0242 THAT the draft letter to Mr. Al Martin, Director, Fish, Wildlife, Recreation and BULKLEY Allocation Branch, Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection regarding Bulkley RIVER River management, be finalized, forwarded to A. Martin, and copies to the MGMT Northwest Mayors (0360-20). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILLOR HOWARD 6-5 None. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 3836 Fourth Avenue, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. Page 3 COUNCILLOR STEWART 6-6-1 Stewart/Howard 04.0243 THAT the Smithers Health Watch Advisory Committee meeting held March 15, HEALTH 2004, be received (0540-20). WATCH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MAR 15 04.0244 Stewart/Adomeit THAT the Northern Health Authority be advised that the Smithers Health Watch Advisory Committee wishes to attend the meeting being held with Mayor Davidson, Councillor Stewart, and M. Maxwell and P. Vieira of the Northern Health Authority. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MAYOR DAVIDSON 6-7-1 Bucher/Adomeit 04.0245 THAT the minutes of the Emergency Measures Committee meeting held EMERG February 27, 2004, be received (0540-20). MEAS FEB CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 27 6-7-2 Bucher/Howard 04.0246 THAT the notes of the Community to Community Forum held February 19, COMMUNITY 2004, be received (0480-20). FORUM CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FEB 19 6-7-3 Adomeit/Farrow 04.0247 THAT the notes of the Minerals North meeting held March 5, 2004, be received MINERALS (0390-20). NORTH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MAR 5 6-7-4 Farrow/Goodacre 04.0248 THAT Report FIN 04-12 dated March 17, 2004, regarding appointments to the LIBRARY BD Smithers Library Board be received; APPTS AND THAT Heather Grebliunas be appointed to the Smithers Public Library Board March 23, 2004, to complete a current term ending April 30, 2004; AND THAT Ted Schmidt be reappointed to the Smithers Public Library Board effective May 1, 2004, for a two-year term ending April 30, 2006; AND THAT Shelley Browne be reappointed to the Smithers Public Library Board effective May 1, 2004, for a two-year term ending April 30, 2006; AND THAT Heather Grebliunas be reappointed to the Smithers Public Library Board effective May 1, 2004, for a two-year term ending April 30, 2006 (1610- 01). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-7-5 Howard/Stewart 04.0249 THAT the letter received March 18, 2004, from T. Havard, Bulkley Valley 2010 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 3836 Fourth Avenue, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. Page 4 2010 Olympic Opportunity Committee regarding “Legacies Now” grant applications, LEGACIES be deferred to Committee of the Whole, and a meeting scheduled for March 24, NOW 2004, at 5:00 p.m. (8100-20). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 04.0250 Stewart/Bucher THAT Council waive the requirement to post 24-hour notice of the Committee of the Whole meeting being held March 24, 2004. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. STAFF (A) REPORTS 7A-1 Howard/Bucher 04.0251 THAT Council waive the policy requirement, to offer items for sale in a public SURPLUS auction or tender, and thus allow D. Kohuch, Director of Operational Services, EQUIP to sell the following surplus material/equipment for one hundred dollars ($100) per item: a) Fairbanks Weigh Scale to G. Zamluk, Hazelton; b) two 2-yard garbage bins ($50 each); and c) 200 feet of chain link fencing to N. Blackwell, Smithers (1025-01). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7A-2 Adomeit/Bucher 04.0252 THAT the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the BC TRANSIT 2004-2005 Smithers and District Paratransit Annual Operating Agreement, as OPERATING recommended in Report FIN 04-11 dated March 16, 2004, from L. Ford, AGREEMEN Financial Administrator (8500-01). T CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7A-3 Howard/Farrow 04.0253 THAT Northern Lites Technology Ltd. of Prince George be awarded the 2004 SEWER Sewer Video Inspection Contract for the tendered amount of $7,344.76, as VIDEO recommended in Report DEV 04-013 dated March 18, 2004, from M. Allen, CONTRACT Director of Development Services (5300-04). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. STAFF (B) REPORTS 7B-1 to 7B-3 Howard/Stewart 04.0254 THAT the following reports be received: 1) Monthly reports for February 2004: a) Airport Services; b) Bylaw Enforcement; c) Development Services Department; d) Fire Department; e) Operational Services Department; and f) Recreation Department. 2) Report ADM 04-021 dated March 16, 2004, from J. Warren, Corporate Administrative Assistant, regarding notes of the Public Meeting held March 2, 2004 (0500-05). 3) Report dated March 17, 2004, from D. Kohuch, Director of Operational Services, presenting results of the Riverside Campground Survey (6140- 20). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7B-2 Stewart/Bucher 04.0255 THAT the notes of the Public Meeting held March 2, 2004, regarding the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 3836 Fourth Avenue, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. Page 5 PUBLIC reduction of hospital services, be condensed, prior to being released to the HEALTH public, so that they contain only questions and answers from the public question MTG period and answers by the Northern Health Authority. MAR 2 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BYLAWS 8-1 “Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1454” 04.0256 BYLAW 1454 Stewart/Bucher THAT Report ADM 04-019 dated March 18, 2004, from J. Warren, Corporate Administrative Assistant, introducing “Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1454” for readings, be received; AND THAT “Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1454”, be amended by replacing “Section 126(4)” with “Section 127(4)” in Item 91 on Page 11 of the Bylaw. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 04.0257 Adomeit/Farrow THAT Bylaw No. 1454, cited as “Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1454”, be read a first and second time, as amended by replacing “Section 126(4)” with “Section 127(4)” in Item 91 on Page 11 of the Bylaw. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 04.0258 Farrow/Adomeit THAT Bylaw No. 1454, cited as “Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1454”, be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CORRESPONDENCE - (A) ITEMS 9-1 Howard/Adomeit 04.0259 THAT the letter dated February 25, 2004, from M. Dieleman wishing to make a DIELEMAN presentation to Council following the Forum for Young Canadians, be received, FORUM FOR and M. Dieleman be invited to appear as a delegation at the April 27, 2004, YOUNG Regular Meeting of Council (0530-05). CANADIANS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9-2 Farrow/Bucher 04.0260 THAT the letter dated March 10, 2004, from G. Wall, Wall’s Home Furnishings DOWNTOWN Ltd., requesting the Town reconsider the idea of a Local Service Area for PARKING parking, be received and referred to a future Committee of the Whole meeting G. WALL (3900-02 and 5480-01). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9-3 Howard/Bucher 04.0261 THAT the e-mail correspondence dated March 10, 2004, from S. Welke, FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities, providing the “Policy Statement on Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, 3836 Fourth Avenue, Smithers, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:30 p.m.
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