![1940-08-29, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SPECIAL LABOR EDITION THE NEWARK LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 SPECIAL LABOR EDITION family visited Mr. and Mrs. Cary Newark Men Will McKinney Sunday. MIDLAND - AUDITORIUM SHOWS Miss Mary Klingenberg of Unemployment Bureau of Athens visited Mr. and Mrs. Enjoy Sailing Cary McKinney on Sunday after­ “SOUTH OF PAGO PAGO” noon. Now playing, Thursday to Mrs. Blanche Evans, son Rus­ Saturday, August 29-31, at the Schooner Trip sell, her daughter Mrs. Violet Great Importance to Workers Midland theatre — a thrilling Brunner, her grandson Llewellyn tropic love drama of the south Jerome Norpell, Wm. M. Ser­ Courson and Mrs. Nan Minego Of great importance to the days or more. Members of the seas with a stellar cast of play­ geant, George Pfeffer, John went on a picnic to Baughman’s Welfare of Licking county’s staff also made 1950 calls on ers, enacting a story of thrilling Spencer and Dr. Paul McClure, park Sunday. workers is District Office No. 38, prospective employers, explain­ adventure. “South of Pago will leave this Friday for Maine, Mrs. Blanche Evans visited Bureau of Unemployment Com­ ing the service and soliciting op­ Pago” starring Jon Hall, Fran­ on a short vacation trip. It is friends in Delaware and Marion pensation, located at 28-30 North enings. ces Farmer, Victor McLagen and their plan to sail on a Small last week. Fourth street. The nine mem­ One of the most successful em­ others concerns the strange ad­ schooner off the coast of Maine, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gleckler bers of the staff consist of John ployment campaigns conducted ventures of Bucko Larson and and enjoy the fabulous fishing and daughter and Leroy Rowe of Gilbert, manager, and two sen­ in Newark during the period Ruby Taylor, who undertake an grounds and beautiful scenery Martinsburg road were Sunday ior and two junior interviewers; was the “Clean Up—Give a Job” adventure to the famous pearl along the coast. morning guests of Elizabeth and one claims examiner, two clerks, week last May. Another item beds of Pago Pago. Overcome Mary Rowe. and one stenographer. of interest was the intelligence with greed and lust, all manner Rosa Rowe and Viola Foster at­ Members of the foregoing test given by seven experts of foul deeds are used to en­ VANATTA tended the Welsh Hills Grange staff are busy daily, making out from the personnel training de­ slave the natives of the island to (Harold Wood, Jr.) picnic at O’Shaughnessy dam at claims for unemployment com­ partment of the Central office of dive for the pearls. Ruby man­ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ross of the Zoo park, Columbus, Sunday. pensation, registering workers the Bureau of Unemployment ages to save the day for the is­ Victor McLaylen in “South of Delaware were entertained for Elizabeth and Mary Rowe and who are unemployed, and con­ Compensation. This test was landers. Pago Pago” now playing at the dinner Saturday evening at the Bernard Wood was Sunday after­ tacting employers in need of given in June to 150 high school Midland, Thursday to Saturday, home of Mr. and Mrs. Cary Mc­ noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. help. A division of this office is graduates, and as a result many “HAUNTED HOUSE” and August 29-31. Kinney. Charles Kalt and family and Al­ the Ohio State Employment serv­ placements of the young people “GOLDEN TRAIL” Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roberts and bert Lee of Flint Ridge. ice. When a call comes in from ■feu have been made because of the At the Auditorium Friday and a prospective employer, those exact information as to ability, Saturday, two first runs, “Haunt­ who are qualified are notified available to employers. ed House” and “Golden Trail.” and an interview is provided. Since the National Defense The first picture is a rich collec­ Listed in the files are all kinds program has grown in scope, the tion of laughs, thrills—a news­ of skilled and unskilled workers. local office has been given the paper yarn of adolescent love, One of the major objectives of responsibility of acting as head­ starring Jackie Moran, Marcia REFRIGERATOR the local staff is to seek out jobs quarters and as a “clearing Mae Jones, in which the pair do and send applicants to them—a house” for civil service jobs. a fine piece of detective work. service valuable to employe and Manager Gilbert makes an “Golden Trail” is full of running employer, alike. earnest plea that all unemployed action and hairbreadth escapes. From January 1, 1940 until workers, skilled and unskilled, One of Tex Ritter’s newest and June 30, 1940, $164,000 has been register at the office as soon as best thrillers. paid out in unemployment insur­ possible, in cooperation with the JOHN GILBERT ance to Newark and Licking national defense program. “RETURN OF JESSE JAMES” county workers. H. E. Ross, Columbus, is field During the first eight months Total placements for the first supervisor over this district, Sunday to Wednesday, Septem­ of this year, 1271 men and 669 eight months of the year were comprising seven different offic­ ber 1-4, at the Midland Theatre, women, a total of 1940 new ap­ 1308, of which 809 were men and es of which the Newark head­ comes “The Return of Jesse Henry Fonda and Gene Tier­ plications were received in the 499 women. Of the foregoing, quarters is one. His cooperation Janies.” Filmed in technicolor, ney in “Return of Jesse James” Newark office. Renewal appli­ 66 were placed on public works and assistance in furthering the the picture is one of the big pic­ playing at the Midland, Sunday New 1940 Models cants who had previously regis­ and the balance were found em­ interests of the unemployed and tures of the season. Gene Tier­ to Wednesday, Sept. 1-4, tered but whose application ployment with private employ­ employers, has been of great ney and John Carradine, besides Big 6.1 Cu. Ft. cards had become inactive, to­ ers. Approximately 70 per cent value, according to Mr. Gilbert. taled 3941, of which 3050 were of these placements, said Mr. Mr. Ross visits the Newark of­ The same famous men, and 891, women. Gilbert, were for a period of 30 fice about once each week. Makris Bros. sealed - in - steel NFL APPOINTS Truck Ixiaded With DEMOLAY MAKE Vacationing G-E Thrift Unit NATIONAL DEFENSE Junk, Turns Over ACTIVITY PLANS and all-steel cab­ AID COUNCIL Herman Redman, driver of a Moundbuilders Chapter at the Last week Michael E. J. Ma­ truck belonging to the Emch meeting Monday night started kris, of the Ohio Cafe, in com­ in e t that has The Newark Federation of Coal Co., Newark, and loaded pany with Mrs. Makris, spent Labor met Wednesday evening w’ith about seven tons of scrap making plans for something new several days at Magnetic made General in Labor hall, Emerson Fish- iron, turned over at the dam site for the interest of the Chapter. Springs. in the Boys Scout camp, east of Electric Refrigera- baugh, president, presiding. A joint ceremonial with Colum­ This week, Mr. and Mrs. Pe­ Newark, and rolled into the ditch bus Chapter is being arranged ter J. Makris, left for Ashbury A letter was read from Pres­ when the bank gave way. He was tors famous ident William Green, American during the month of September. Park, N. J., and other points, on accompanied by Clyde Lybarger. This will be a very interesting a vacation jaunt and expect to Federation of Labor, requesting Neither man was injured. The throughout the that the local organization do all initiation with the members of be gone several weeks. scene of the mishap was viewed Columbus chapter conferring the world for quiet op­ in its power to assist in the na­ by a considerable number of peo­ Madeleine Carroll in “My Son, tional defense program. He rec­ initiatory degree and the mem­ Pataskala My Son” at Auditorium, Sunday eration, low cur­ ommended that a committee from ple Sunday. bers of Moundbuilders chapter to Tuesday, Sept. 1-3. Prevue the NFL be appointed to serve the DeMolay degree. Townsend Club Saturday night, Aug. 31. rent cost, long life in conjunction with the A. F. of A novel feature will be that this work will be put on in the To Meet Sept. 5 and dependable L. national defense council The many others play in this color­ committee appointed is composed mounds of Moundbuilders State The Pataskala Townsend club, Park, something which will no ful spectacle of the ’80’s. The performance. of Dale Bell, Wallace Van Voor- No. 1, met in regular session Au­ cast is headed by Henry Fonda his, Robert Arter, Claude Ge- doubt add dignity to the cere­ gust 27. Minutes of the two pre­ monies. A large class of candi­ in the title role. An entire rail­ rould, and John Hallisy. ceding meetings were read and road was hired in order to film A plea is also being made to dates will be initiated, as there approved. Letters were read rec­ already are a number of peti­ this extraordinary picture of all workers to register at the ommending support of congress­ these famous eariy day bandits. Re-employment Service office, tions being presented here and men and senators in sympathy •112'2 Columbus will have approximate­ whether they are working or not, with the Townsend cause. so that the government will have ly twenty-five of their own. The Mrs. Willis Parker, sister of “MY SON, MY SON” We have a limited quantity of these refrigera­ a record of workers and their DeMolay choir from the Colum­ Rachael Nichols was present and Sunday to Tuesday, Sept.
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