Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 11-15-1974 Oracle (Nov 15, 1974) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons LE Volume 10, Number I I Orol Roberts University. Tulso, Oklohomo November 'l 5, 1974 Senqtor Hqtfield tg shqre Christiqn v¡ew of politirs Senator Mark Hatfield will During his term in the State has assumed an active role in speak to students and facuþ l-egislature, Hatfield pioneered in conservation activities. Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the cafe- many areas. In 1953 he cospon- Senator Hatfield's most recent teria. He will discuss his views sored a bill which guaranteed proposal is the American Fores- as a Christian in the political Negroes equal access to public try Act. This bill is designed to spotlight, his views on abortion, places, and he also authored Or- stimulate the development of re- and the bills he is presently work- egon's minimum wage law for creation areas and timber sta¡rds on in the U. S. Senate- teachers. on small private landholdings Senator Hatfield will present a close to urban centers. 30 to 4O-minute lecture followed Governor in l9ó0 The Senator has been a strong by a question-and-answer period supporter of efforts to increase First in 1952, then 1956, with the students. The Senator in U.S. activities oceanography 1960, 1964, and 1968, he sewed in will be the second speaker this with emphasis the National as temporary Chairman the on fall in the Student Senate Cul- of Sea Grant College Program. He tural Affai¡s Series. Convention and keynote speaker in 1964. also has sponsored several bills to Hatfield is originally from Dal- aid medical research the areas In 1958 Hatfield moved to the in las, Ore., the only son of a rail- of heart and kidney diseases and statewide level, r'rnning success- road construction blacksmith and cancer- a former school teacher. He fully for Secretary of State. Two earned a B.A. from Willamette years later he won the Republi- Abolish the drqfi University in Salem, Ore., in can nomination for governor 1943, arrd then joined the Navy. and went on to defeat the in- Abolishing the draft by the Upon his return to civilian life, cumbent governor by 65,000 creation of a volunteer armv and he studied law for a year before votes. He was the first two-term the elimination of wastäful returning to political science. He Oregon governor in the 20th cen- spending in the military budget earned an M.A. at Stanfo¡d Uni- tury. As a result of his goal to have been two of the Senator's versity 7948. reorganize the state government concerns. The McGovern-Hat- in Then he became Senqtor Mqrk Hoffield will discuss an instructo¡ political and bring in new business, Ore- field Amendment to End the War his views os o Christion in rhe poliricol in science spotlight, Wednesdoy ot 8 p.m. în the cofeterio. at Willamette Universit¡ tåen as- gon citizens saw a more varied sought to e¡d the flow of funds, sociate professor as weíl- as Dean and healthier economy, new jobs, except economic aid, to South of Students. revitalized industry, and in- Vietnam and Laos in the absence creased benefits. of a congresssional declaration of Stote representqTive In 1966, Hatfield was elected war. The amendment provided to ihe U. S. Senate where he has for the withdrawal of troops from Opero Dons ot ORU At this same time he initiated been counted a fiscal consêFVâ: Vietnam after December l97O a radio progrâm called "The tive. and for the curtailment of funds The ORU Opera Workshop yet Political emotionally warming in their Pulse" which led him Hadield serves on the Aero- to Cambodia. will be presenting their talents in portrayal of love. campaign to for a seat in the nautical and Space Sciences "An active and concerned an evening called "Night of the Opera Workshop is a special Oregon State Legislature. He Committee, the Senate Select Ch¡istian, Senator Hatfield is Dons" in Howard Audito¡ium addition to the ORU Music De- served from 1950 to 1954 as a Committee on Small Business, the sure to answer questions and November 16, at 8 o'clock. The parhent and the students have representative, state being fint Select Committee on Equal Edu- provide some thought-provoking program will include scenes from been worki¡g diligently to prove elected when he was 28. He cational Opportunity, and the In- ones of his own," says Renee Don Giovattní, Don Carlo, a¡d that opera can be fun and en- served in the State Senate from terior and Insular Affairs Com- Colwill, Culturat Affairs Com- Don Pøsquale, all of which are joyable fcr the performer as well 1954 to 1956. mittee. On the last committee he mittee chairperson. light in thei¡ musical expression, as the listener. Members of the ORU Opera Workshop are Don Giovanni- Judy Byram, Bob Humble, Thom Leonard, Marilynda Brown, Jan Amendments proposed Schleter, and Art Kenne; Don Íor Carlo-Kerry Stonacek; D o n Pasquale-I an Gilmore, Brett Students vote today on amend- imously approved by the Student new Article III will be given to comparable to the present Vice- Margaron, Kerry Stonacek, Art ments to the Associated Student Senate in its meeting November 8. an executive committee whose President. Duties of the Treasurer Kenne, and Bob Humble. Accom- Body Constitution. The amend- Approval by the Administration members will be the President, in the present constitution will panists are Ka¡en DeBartolo, Suzy me¡ts, if adopted, will bring sig- and the Board of Regents was the Executive Vice-President, the pass to the Vice-President for Fi- Bobling and Vicki Stump. The di- nificant changes to the constitu- also neccesary. Vice-President for Student Af- nancial Affairs in the new con- rector and faculty adviser for tion. Cards containing the vote "Student Association of Oral fairs, and the Vice-President for stitution. Opera Workshop is E,dward should be returned to ballot boxes Roberts IJniversity," a name Financial Affairs. Each of the Composition of the Student Pierce. in the dorms by November 22, change f¡om "Associated Student officers will be elected by the Senate will change somewhat. 5 p.m. Copies of the entire con- Body of Oral Roberts Universit¡" Student Association whose mem- The members will be the SA of- stitution can be obtained. is proposed in Article I. Consti- bers are all full-time students reg- ficers, the officers of each class, Journol¡sts Student Senate's Constitution- tutional Review Committee fclt istered with the University. This the dormitory presidents, the , chaired by the Dame change would help proposal does not allow for an commuter students' president, meet ot OCPA reg Bledsoe, mark the major changes in the elected secretary but does pre. and the graduate students' pres- the changes constitution. vice for a new officer in the ident. The major changes being The Oracle was awarded sec- the Student Executive authority of the Stu- Vice-President for Student Af the addition of president of each ond place last Friday in senior Senate. The changes were unan- dent Association according to the fairs. dormitory and a graduate stu- newspaper competition at Okla- Among other things, the Vice- dents' president. homa Collegiate Press Associa- , President for Student Affairs Article VIII of the new con- tion. Tulsa University's Colle- 'All Mv Sons presented "shall serve as liaison among the stitution was authored by the gian took forst place. Student Senate, the Student Af- United States Internal Revenue A resolution calling for free- fairs staff, and residence hall Service. It deals with the non- dom of the press, especially con- All My presented ^So¿s will be Cathy Dowd, Dick lleater, Bev and commuter students in coor- profit status of the Student Sen- deming the practice of having the November 2I-23 in Howard Au- Geriger, James Hardaway, Steve dinating their activities and af- ate. This article will ensure that newspaper under the supervision diiorium. The drama will begin Harper, Shelly Milbrant, Charles fairs." Each year public p.m. he will form a the Student Senate will not have of the relatrrrns depart- at 8 Tickets are free with Smits, and Louise Williamson. committee that will be respons- to pay taxes. ment, was presented the activity card. by -The story surrounds the family ible for student service projects Minor changes too numerous Northeastern Oklahoma State Second this semester in plays of a man missing in action since (e.g., television rental, shuttle mention University delegation. produced_ to here have been made Censorship Þy tt drama deþart- the end of wartime. They strug- service, and xerox machines.) in other articles constitu- problems which have plagued the menl, " of the All My Sons is undei the gìe to face the future and go on The duties of the President tion. The proposed amendments Northeastern paper, resulting in direction of Anita Stump. It is living, but they are chainéd to remain relatively unchanged from will be put into resignation project. effect during the the of four editors, her senior the past by a terrible secret which the present constitution. The Ex- 1975-75 academic year led to the resolution. passed Members if ap It by of the cast include th¡eatens to destrop them. ecutive Vice-President will be proved. a L3-2 vote with 3 abstentio¡s. Poge 2-THE ORACLE, November 15, 1974 LETTERS EDITORI\15 a Doc tries to end con Í usron Don'tbedumb a You have a voice.
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