San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1980 Special Libraries, 1980s 10-1-1980 Special Libraries, October 1980 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1980 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1980" (1980). Special Libraries, 1980. 9. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1980/9 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1980s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1980 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. If you rely on a departmental library or other small library for most of your literature searching, you know that 'small' usually means 'not enough funding-for major reference works.' You also know that not having the tools for comprehensive searching creates The ISI" problems for both researcher and librarian. The Institute for Scientific InformationRhas the solution to your problems: IS1 grants toward Grant the purchase of these major reference indexes - Science Citation Index " Program socia,IndexTM sciences citation Arts & Humanities Citation Index TM IS1 grants are awarded to it helps libraries qualifying under any of a wide variety of categories. For example, if your library fits into smuII one of the following classifi- cations, it may be eligible for Iibruries grant assistance: perform like big ones Two-Year Colleges - Four-Year College or University Libraries with no or limited graduate programs. Municipal, State or Public Libraries. Departmental Libraries. Hospital Libraries. Schools and Colleges of Veterinary Science, Pharmacy. Dentistry, Nursing, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Podiatry, and Mining. Small Non-Academic Research Organizations. Polytechnics and Colleges of Education. Libraries in Developing Nations. Museum Libraries Complete listings of categories are given on grant application forms available from ISI. You can determine your eligibility without Institute for obligation; request an application Scientific InformationB form for the reference in which DEPARTMENT 26-2363 you are interested by writing to 3501 Market Street, Un~vers~tyC~ty Sc~ence Center ISI, Grant Administrator, at the Ph~ladelphlaPa 19104 U S A Tel (215)3860100 Cable SCINFO Telex 84 5305 address below. 26-2363 81s~~IS# BRSISEARCH. 0 *THE ONLINE SYSTEM THAT'S EASY AS CHILD'S PLAY! IT'S EASY TO LEARN ANOTHER SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY ONE THAT OFFERS UNIQUE FEATURES, SERVlCES AND DATABASES.. AT THE LOWEST RATES ON THE MARKET! BIBLIOGRAPHIC RETRIEVAL SERVICES. INC 702 CORPORATION PARK * SCOTIA, NEW YORK 12302 Y The One Conference That Concentrates On The Practical Needs Of Online Users. .The San Francisco Hilton. November 12,13, 14,1980. Plus Two Days Of Pre- conference Sessions ONLINE '80 is this year's follow-up to the highly . .PLUS A VARIETY OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES successful ONLINE '79 - a conference and ex- AND EVENTS position designed to help online searchers im- prove their proficiency. .and help the admin- ONLINE '80 will feature an exposition with ex- istrators of online facilities to sharpen their hibits by search services, database producers, and management skills. As an attendee you'll choose terminal suppliers; a variety of poster sessions; a from over 70 individual presentations and panel JobClearinghouse; an Audio Visual Fair; and an discussions - each clearly identified as to skill on-site contest in searching the ERIC database. level. .AND NUMEROUS PRE-CONFERENCE TEN TRACKS COVERING THE FULL RANGE WORKSHOPS TO ROUND OUT AN OF ONLINE ACTIVITY "ONLINE WEEK" 0NLINEf80 continues the theme of its predeces- Preceding the main conference will be two days sor: "Optimizing Online Usage." In an age of in- of workshops and seminars put on by prominent flation and sorely pressed library budgets we feel suppliers in the online field. Lockheed will hold that it's doubly important to stress an immediate its Update '80 meeting, itself a major event. dollars and cents payoff for conference attendees. Other sessions will be held by SDC, BRS, the In- In that spirit, ONLINE '80 will present the follow- formation Bank, Chemical Abstracts Service, ing tracks: BIOSIS, and Congressional Information Service. I Academic and Public Library Online Usage THE RESULT: THE MOST COST-EFFECTIVE I1 Database and Searching Applications and WEEK OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON Techniques ONLINE SEARCHING YOU CAN FIND 111 Expert Level Searching of Selected Databases IV Non-bibliographic Databases FOR AN ADVANCE PROGRAM FOR V Database Usage for Legal Appl~cations ONLINE '80 - SEND IN THE COUPON Vl Database Usage for Medical Applications BELOW, OR CALL (203) 227-8466. VII Database Creation (in-house files) ..................................... Vlll Management of Online Search Facilities j To: ONLINE '80 - 1 1 Tannery La., Weston, CT IX Hardware and Communications ] 06883 X New Technologies and Trends i Please send advance program(s) to: I In addition to concentrating on "bread and but- f Name ter" searching and management techniques, I ONLINE '80 will tell you about state of the art Organization t developments, plus a look at what the future may f Street Address hold. City I : State/Province/Country Zip ! OCTOBER1980 VOLUME71, NUMBER10 SPLBAN ISSN 0038-6723 Part I Dues & Fees Association Staff A Resume Bylaws Member Tally by Chapter and Division Part II Officers and Board of Directors Chapter Officers Division Officers Student Group Advisors Committees SLA Representatives Name lndex to Part II Patrons, Sponsors and Sustaining Members Part Ill Editor: NANCYM. VIGGIANO Historical Highlights Assistant Editor: DORISYOUDELMAN Charter Members Advertising Sales: DOROTHYE. SMITH Circnlation: FREDERICKBAUM Honors and Awards Editors of Special Libraries Special Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, Past Presidents N.Y. 1aw)g. 2121477-9250. Monthly except double issue MayNune. Annual index in December issue. Past Conventions and Conferences @I980 by Special Libraries Association. All rights reserved; reproduction in any form or sale of directory listings is prohibited. Future Conferences and Meetings Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y., and at additional offices. lndex to Advertisers 3s DUES & FEES ASSOCIATION STAFF Applicants are assigned the highest class of 235 Park Avenue South, New York 10003 membership for which they are qualified. Telephone 212/477-9250 Applications may be obtained from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Association Office. All memberships, except Dr. David R. Bender Sustaining, are personal and are not trans- ferable. ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Richard E. Griffin Member-$55 Associate Member-$55 MANAGER, PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT and Retired Member-$10 EDITOR, SPECIAL LIBRARIES Sustaining Member-$250 Nancy M. Viggiano Student Member-$12 MANAGER, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Sponsor-$500 Dr. Mary Frances A. Hoban Patron-$1,000 MANAGER, CIRCULATION 81 ORDER Membership includes a subscription to the DEPARTMENT journal, Special Libraries and to the newslet- Frederick Baum ter, SpeciaList. CONFERENCE 8 EXHIBITS COORDINATOR All members may affiliate with one Chapter Dorothy E. Smith of their choice. Additional Chapter affilia- tions are allowed on the payment of a $8.25 ACCOUNTANT fee per year for each additional Chapter. Thomas W. Carlton All members may affiliate with one Divi- MANAGER, INFORMATION SERVICES sion of their choice. Additional Divisions Wanda D. Kemp are $8.25 each. A Division affiliation is not SUPERVISOR, MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT transferable during the membership year. Ruth D. Rodriguez 1980 dues ($40.00 for Members and Asso- ciate Members, $8.00 for Student Members) are in effect for the July 1980-July 1981 membership period. The fee for extra Chap- ters is $6.00 each. The fee for first and second extra Divisions is $6.00 each; three or more extra affiliations are $9.00 each. Subscription Rates: Nonmembers, USA $26.00 per Claims for missing issues will not be allowed if calendar year; add $3.50 postage for other coun- received more than 90 days from date of mailing tries including Canada. $10.00 to members, which plus the time normally required for postal is included in member dues. Single copies (recent delivery of the issue and the claim. No claims are years) $3.00 except for October issue (Directory) allowed because of failure to notify the Member- which is $13.00. ship Department or the Circulation Department (see above) of a change of address, or because Back Issues & Hard Cover Reprints (1910-1965): copy is "missing from files." Inquire Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. Microfilm & Microfiche Editions (1910 Special Libraries Association assumes no respon- to date): Inquire University Microfilms, Ann sibility for the statements and opinions advanced Arbor, Michigan. Microforms of the current year by the contributors to the Association's publica- are available only to current subscribers to the tions. Instructions for Contributors last appeared original. in Special Libraries 70 (no. 10) (Oct 1979). A publi- cations catalo is available from the Association's Changes of Address: Allow six weeks for all New York okces. Editorial views do not neces- changes to become effective. All communications sarily represent the official position of Special should
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