TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Mon, 01 Apr 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 3:00 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world. <财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。节 目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更好地 掌握市场走势和投资情报。 3:30 PM Shanghai Delicacies (R) (Chinese Follow our hosts as they travel to the metropolitan city of Subtitles) (Variety) Shanghai in search of traditional and fusion delicacies. <上海好味道> (综艺节目)(重) 请跟随黄丽梅与赵硕之远赴上海,一同游览名胜,探讨当地传 (中文字幕) 统文化及寻找特色美食. 4:00 PM The Stories In China (R) Hosted by Gao Shanfeng, "The Stories In China" is a fun (Infotainment) and adventurous travelogue that takes its viewers to the different parts of China. From cultural to traditional activities, each episode features the most authentic aspects of China ever as Shanfeng shares with the stories about the place visited and its people. <在中国的故事> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 最真实的中国,最动人的故事! 让节目主持人高山峰带大家去见识中国各地多姿多彩的文化 与习俗,品尝各种风味不同的地方美食,以及与观众分享一 些鲜为人知的民间轶事。 5:00 PM A Pillow Case of Mystery (R) (Ep 4) Li Shu rejoices at her reunion with her senior, but she lies (English/Chinese Subtitles) that she is currently leading a happy life. With the (Hongkong Drama) assistance of the Pillow Deity, Shilun considers the possibility that Chen Dali might have previously feigned death and made a swap to escape from prison. <施公奇案> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 丽舒重遇师兄雀跃万分,但却讹称她现在过着非常好的生活 。世纶再得枕神之助,想到当年陈大力可能诈死,与人调包从 牢中逃脱。 6:00 PM Sweetness In The Salt (R) (Ep 4) For revenge, Zian agrees to conspire with his god father, (English/Chinese Subtitles) Yinglong, to displace Hu Jian from the chair of the salt (Hongkong Drama) industry's chamber of commerce. The ladies in the Hu family believe that Shengxue gets close to Tingxuan for the Hu family's wealth. They gang up and attack her. Shengxue feels deeply wronged and decides to leave at night. <碧血盐枭> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 子安为了报仇,答应与干爹应龙合作,要把胡坚拉下盐业总商 之位。胡家众女认为胜雪刻意接近亭轩是窥伺胡家财富,不 禁对她群起攻之;胜雪深感委屈,决定乘夜离开. 7:00 PM Smile Again (Ep 23) (PG)(Dual Huishu includes Donghai's bento in Jinjun's birthday bash. Sound - 2nd track in On the day of Jinjun's birthday celebration, Donghai sends Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) food to the banquet hall and is shocked to find out that (Korean Drama) Shihua is Daozhen's fiancée. <笑吧!东海> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)慧淑将东海做的便当加入金俊的生日宴菜单里。东海在 (中英文字幕) 送料理到宴会厅时发现世华就是道镇的准新娘。 8:00 PM Battle for Money (Debut)(Dual Sound 15 contestants battle it out in a deserted village for prize - 2nd track in Japanese) (Variety) money amounting to 750,000 won. The contestant who successfully hits others with a ball and survive till the end of the programme will be the ultimate winner. <全员战斗中> (综艺节目)(双声道 - (首播)15位玩家为了75万日元奖金在荒芜的江户村展开一场 华日语) 搏斗。成功用手上的球击中其他玩家成为最后的生存者的人 将成为胜利者。 9:00 PM Let's Go Dream Team II "Let's Go! Dream Team II" is one of the popular variety (Debut)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in game show programmes in Korea that has won rave Korean) (Variety) reviews. Look out for wacky interviews and game segments with famous K-pop and drama celebrities. Not to be missed! <出发吧!梦之队> (综艺节目)(双声道 - (首播)"出发吧! 华韩语) 梦之队II"是韩国观众最喜欢的综艺节目之一。节目每期邀请 了韩国知名的偶像歌手及演艺界艺人上节目玩游戏及进行访 谈等,让观众看到大明星的另一面。 10:00 PM Dr Jin (Ep 1) (Debut) (PG 13 -Strong Dr. Qin is a gifted neurosurgeon whose mystery journey Graphic Visual)(Dual Sound - 2nd begins when he operates on a man with a foetus-like lump track in Korean) (Korean Drama) inside his head. The patient later attempts to jump off the building. Dr. Qin accidentally falls over while trying to save him and travels 150 years back in time. <仁医> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (首播)(PG13- 浓烈写实画面)脑科医生秦赫为病人动手术时,惊见病人脑里 有长得像胎儿的肿瘤。病人手术后突然跑到天台想跳楼。秦 赫见状,即刻上前阻止但却不慎坠楼,莫名其妙地穿越时空 ,回到150年前的朝鲜。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动脉 ,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Testube (Variety) <实验视> (综艺节目) 12:15 AM Battle for Money (R) (Dual Sound - 15 contestants battle it out in a deserted village for prize 2nd track in Japanese) (Variety) money amounting to 750,000 won. The contestant who successfully hits others with a ball and survive till the end of the programme will be the ultimate winner. <全员战斗中> (综艺节目)(重)(双声道 - 15位玩家为了75万日元奖金在荒芜的江户村展开一场搏斗。 华日语) 成功用手上的球击中其他玩家成为最后的生存者的人将成为 胜利者。 1:15 AM Let's Go Dream Team II (R) (Dual "Let's Go! Dream Team II" is one of the popular variety Sound - 2nd track in Korean) game show programmes in Korea that has won rave (Variety) reviews. Look out for wacky interviews and game segments with famous K-pop and drama celebrities. Not to be missed! <出发吧!梦之队> "出发吧! (综艺节目)(重)(双声道 - 华韩语) 梦之队II"是韩国观众最喜欢的综艺节目之一。节目每期邀请 了韩国知名的偶像歌手及演艺界艺人上节目玩游戏及进行访 谈等,让观众看到大明星的另一面。 2:15 AM A Pillow Case of Mystery (R) (Ep 4) Li Shu rejoices at her reunion with her senior, but she lies (English/Chinese Subtitles) that she is currently leading a happy life. With the (Hongkong Drama) assistance of the Pillow Deity, Shilun considers the possibility that Chen Dali might have previously feigned death and made a swap to escape from prison. <施公奇案> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 丽舒重遇师兄雀跃万分,但却讹称她现在过着非常好的生活 。世纶再得枕神之助,想到当年陈大力可能诈死,与人调包从 牢中逃脱。 3:15 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Tue, 02 Apr 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 3:00 PM Life's Perfectionists (R) (Dual Sound - There will always be an expert even in the simplest form of 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese jobs. Featuring 3 "experts" in every episode, this Korean Subtitles) (Info/Education) infotainment programme presents people of different fields who exceed expectations of their profession. <生活达人> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - 这是一个轻松有趣的韩国资讯娱乐节目,每集介绍3个忠于 华韩语) (中文字幕) 自己的工作,以致练就了非凡的奇技,到了"达人"境界的平 凡百姓。 3:30 PM Guess (R) (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop! <你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目带 给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮! 5:00 PM A Pillow Case of Mystery (R) (Ep 5) Although Shilun agrees with Xiangrong about (English/Chinese Subtitles) inconsistencies surrounding the suspect's crime, he (Hongkong Drama) pretends not to accept them. Mingzhu decides to help Tianba to collect evidence to reverse the verdict as she believes there are hidden issues in that case. <施公奇案> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 香蓉向世纶道出案件的种种疑点,世纶心中虽觉有理,但表 面上仍装作未能接受。明珠认为案件另有内情,决定搜集证 据为天霸翻案。 6:00 PM Sweetness In The Salt (R) (Ep 5) Hu Jian is troubled when Shouzheng alters the chamber of (English/Chinese Subtitles) commerce's election practice. Tingxuan and Shengxue try (Hongkong Drama) to console him. Tinghui wants to help Zhiyuan arrest Guan Qi but is in turn abducted by him. <碧血盐枭> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 亭轩与胜雪俩知道胡坚对于守正改变总商的竞选法之事感到 忧心后,忙加安慰。亭辉要帮致远逮捕关七,却反被关七胁 持. 7:00 PM Smile Again (Ep 24) (PG)(Dual Shihua slaps Fengyi when she is sure that Fengyi and Sound - 2nd track in Donghai must be plotting something against her. At the Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) same time, Donghai blames Fengyi for not informing him of (Korean Drama) the relationship between Shihua and Daozhen. Fengyi feels wronged. <笑吧!东海> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)世华觉得东海留在首尔一定是与奉宜在策划报复她的诡 (中英文字幕) 计,于是不分青红皂白地打了奉宜一巴掌。与此同时,东海 也怪奉宜没有告诉他世华和道镇的关系。奉宜深感委屈。 8:00 PM Don't Stop Me Now (Variety) The variety show "Don't Stop Me Now" aims to create new role models to explore Chinese talent stage a real part of the Chinese civilians in Mainland China. Host: Zhu Dan <势不可挡> (综艺节目) 《势不可挡》旨在打造一个真正属于中国平民的舞台,在全 中国范围内共同发掘才艺新榜样。这个才艺竞技节目大受欢 迎,收视不俗。 主持人:朱丹 9:00 PM Miss Traveller (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring viewers to different corners of the world each week for unforgettable and eye- opening trips! <Woman爱旅行> (娱乐资讯节目) 节目每集将由不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落体验和 享受非一般的旅程! 10:00 PM Dr Jin (Ep 2) (PG 13 -Strong Graphic Dr. Qin bumps into a lady called Yong Lai who looks exactly Visual)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in like Mei Na. Yong Lai's brother, Yong Hui is seriously Korean) (Korean Drama) injured and Dr. Qin realises he has to carry out a surgery to save his life. Yong Lai is shocked when she sees Dr. Qin making a hole in Yong Hui's forehead. <仁医> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG13- 浓烈写实画面)秦赫在朝鲜时代遇见与美娜长得一模一样的女 子,名叫洪永来。永来的哥哥永辉头部受重伤。秦赫决定用 原始道具替永辉做手术。永来见永辉头部开了个洞,吓得不 知所措。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动脉 ,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Don't Stop Me Now (R) (Variety) The variety show "Don't Stop Me Now" aims to create new role models to explore Chinese talent stage a real part of the Chinese civilians in Mainland China. Host: Zhu Dan <势不可挡> (综艺节目)(重) 《势不可挡》旨在打造一个真正属于中国平民的舞台,在全 中国范围内共同发掘才艺新榜样。这个才艺竞技节目大受欢 迎,收视不俗。 主持人:朱丹 12:30 AM Miss Traveller (R) (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring viewers to different corners of the world each week for unforgettable and eye- opening trips! <Woman爱旅行> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 节目每集将由不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落体验和 享受非一般的旅程! 1:30 AM A Pillow Case of Mystery (R) (Ep 5) Although Shilun agrees with Xiangrong about (English/Chinese Subtitles) inconsistencies surrounding the suspect's crime, he (Hongkong Drama) pretends not to accept them. Mingzhu decides to help Tianba to collect evidence to reverse the verdict as she believes there are hidden issues in that case. <施公奇案> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 香蓉向世纶道出案件的种种疑点,世纶心中虽觉有理,但表 面上仍装作未能接受。明珠认为案件另有内情,决定搜集证 据为天霸翻案。 2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Thu, 04 Apr 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 3:00 PM The Great Queen Seon Deok (R) Deok Man asks Cheonm Yeong to find out about the origins (Eps 23 & 24) (Dual Sound - 2nd of the dagger that appears in Mishil's painting.
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