51 Written Answers SRAVANA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 38 ~ranslarion] THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Upgmddm at Sujn Station MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. NYAMAGOUDA): (a) and (b) The Ei SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD 3422. Five Year Plan (1992-97) for the develop SINGH: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS ment of coal industry is under preparation. be pleased t0 -8: [Trmslattion] (e) wfmUmr the Government propose to upgrade the Sujra Station on Delhi- Amount spent on ON and Gas Drilling Baghpat-Shyamli section to '0' dass dur- in Rajasthan . ing 1991-92; 3425. SHRI DAU DAYAL JOSHI: Will (b) H so, the details thereof; and the Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (a) since when the exploration work for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE oil and natural gas has been going on in MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAL- Rajasthan; and UKARJUN): (a) No, Sir. (b) the amount spent thereon so far? (b) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM (c) The proposal has not been found AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI 8. SHANK- financially justified. ARANAND): la\ Since 1958. LPG agencbs in Rajsthan (b) Till 31.3.1991. a total amount of 3423. PROF. RASA SINGH RAWAT: Rs. 260.96 crores has been spent. Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND Walting List for LPG Connection In NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: Kamataka (a) the district-wise number of LPG 3426. SHRI RAMCHANDRA VEERAP- agencies at present in Rajasthan; PA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM (b) whether the Govemment have re- AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to ceived bmplaints from consumers of state: vatious gas agencies in Ajmer district (a) the district-wise waiting list for LPG regarding irregularities being committed connections in Kamataka and the pre- by them; and sent monthly demand of LPG in the (c) if so. the action taken thereon? State; and THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM (b) the steps taken to provide LPG AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- connections to all the applicants on the ARANAND): (a) As on 1.4.1991 there waiting lists? were 158 LPG distributorships in Rajas- THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM than. AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- @) and (c) Whenever complaints are ARANAND): (a) As on 1.4.91, 2.62 labs received they are Wed into and ap- persons are on the waiting list. The propriate action is taken. average monthly consumption during IEngIiqw 1990-91 was 9.1 TMT. Rodudkn In Cemtml Coalfkldr (b) Efforts are on to give LPG connec- Umlted In Elghu~Plan tions to as many applicants as possible 3424. SHRI GOPl NATH GAJAPATHI: in Kamataka. Will the Minister,of COAL be pleased to Coal Maria stab: 3427. SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA: (a) whether the Government have ta- Will the Minister of COAL be pleased to lcenanysteptoincreasecoalproducm state: dWQ the Eighth Five Year Plan; and (a) whether the deposited money of (b) if so, the tam proposed to be set the coal mafia has been forfeited after UP kr Coal production in the Eghth plan, the investigation conducted by the C.B.I.; parlrcularly by the Central coalfields (b) if so, the amount forfeited since Umited? 1980, till now; 39 Written Answers AUGUST 20, 1991 Written Answers 40 (c) whether the Government are incur- complaints have been received during ring heavy losses on account of the the last two years and have been in- activities of coal mafia; quired into. LPG supply is subject to . (d) if so, the details thereof; availability in the country, the availability of which varies from year to year. (e) whether the Government propose to constitute a committee of Members of Harnessing of Bio-Gas in Kerala Parliament to investigate the large scale 3429. SHRI P.C. THOMAS: Will the bungling and irregularities in the coal Minister of POWER AND NON-CON- distribution; and VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be (f) if not, the reasons therefor? pleased to state: WE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (a) whether the Government propose MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI S.B. NYA- to hamess bio-gas energy in Kerala; MA GOUDA): (a) and (b) According to (b) if so, the details thereof; information furnished by Central Bureau (c) whether subsidy is provided to of Investigation (CBI), during the course small bio-gas plants in that State and is of investigation of 7 cases registered by likely to continue to be given; them in 1989 the payments of benami fixed deposit receipts involving an (d) whether bio-gas -slurry is a good amount of Rs. 3.77 crores were stopped. fertilizer; and Later on, an amount of Rs. 2.70 crores (e) if so, the steps proposed to be was released on the basis of the order taken to promote its use? dated 22.4.91 of Calcutta High Court. All THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the 7 cases are reportedly under investi- MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- gation of the CBI. VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI (c) and (d) The activities of anti-social KALP NATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. elements do affect the efficient and (b) A target of setting up of 2500 family smooth functioning of the Coal Com- type biogas plants have been fixed for panies, but it is difficult to quantify the the nodal department of the State Gov- losses. ernment of Kerala for 1991-92. Besides, (e) and (f) There is at present no Khadi and Village Industries Commission proposal to constitute such a committee. is also setting up biogas plants in the However, Coal Distribution policy of Coal State. India Ltd. (CIL) is being reviewed by the (c) Yes, Sir. The Central subsidy for Government. small size biogas plants is likely to be [~n~lishj continued subject to availability of finan- Complaints of LPG Consumers of cial resources and periodic review. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (d) & (e) Yes, Sir. The steps taken for 3428. SHRI SUSHIL CHANDRA VER- promotion of the use of slurry for manu- MA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM rial purposes include organisation of de- AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to monstrations in farmers' fields, training of state: beneficiaries, bringing out literature high- (a) whether the LPG consumers of lighting its benefits in regional languages, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation have to etc. wait for long periods for supply; Air Service to Rajahmundry (b) whether numerous complaints have 3430. SHRI K.V.R. CHOWDARY: Will been received in this regard in recent the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND years; and TOURISM be pleased to state: (c) the action taken or proposed -to be (a) whether the Government propose taken by the Government in this regard? to improve the Air sewices to Rajahmun- THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM dry in view of heavy demand from the AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI B. SHANK- ONGC for oil exploration and for gas ARANAND): (a) to (c) 549 individual based industries located there; and .
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