Beihefte der Francia Bd. 62 2006 Copyright Das Digitalisat wird Ihnen von perspectivia.net, der Online-Publi- kationsplattform der Max Weber Stiftung – Deutsche Geisteswis- senschaftliche Institute im Ausland zur Verfügung gestellt. Bitte be- achten Sie, dass das Digitalisat urheberrechtlich geschützt ist. Er- laubt ist aber das Lesen, das Ausdrucken des Textes, das Herun- terladen, das Speichern der Daten auf einem eigenen Datenträger soweit die vorgenannten Handlungen ausschließlich zu privaten und nicht-kommerziellen Zwecken erfolgen. Eine darüber hinaus- gehende unerlaubte Verwendung, Reproduktion oder Weitergabe einzelner Inhalte oder Bilder können sowohl zivil- als auch straf- rechtlich verfolgt werden. ENLARGING EUROPEAN MEMORY MIGRATION MOVEMENTS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ~ . " e~; ~:.. ~ ~: ~ deutsches historisches institut historique allemand paris BEIHEFTE DER FRANCIA Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Historischen Institut Paris Band 62 ENLARGING EUROPEAN MEMORY MIGRATION MOVEMENTS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE edited by Mareike König and Rainer 0 hliger 00 Jan Thorbecke Verlag ENLARGING EUROPEAN MEMORY MIGRATION MOVEMENTS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Mareike König and Rainer Ohliger (eds) 00 Jan Thorbecke Verlag BEIHEFTE DER FRANCIA Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Werner Paravicini Redaktion: Veronika Vollmer Deutsches Historisches Institut, Hotel Duret de Chevry, 8, rue du Pare-Royal, F-75003 Paris Institutslogo: Heinrich Paravicini, unter Verwendung eines Motivs am Hotel Duret de Chevry Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.ddb.de abrufbar. © 2006 by Jan Thorbecke Verlag der Schwabenverlag AG, Ostfildern www.thorbecke.de·[email protected] Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Verlages ist es nicht gestattet, das Werk unter Verwendung mechanischer, elektronischer und anderer Systeme in irgendeiner Weise zu verarbei­ ten und zu verbreiten. Insbesondere vorbehalten sind die Rechte der Vervielfältigung ~ auch von Teilen des Werkes ~ auf fotomechanischem oder ähnlichem Wege, der tontechnischen Wiedergabe, des Vortrags, der Funk- und Fernsehsendung, der Speicherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen, der Übersetzung und der literarischen oder anderweitigen Bearbeitung. Dieses Buch ist aus alterungsbeständigem Papier nach DIN-ISO 9706 hergestellt. Gesamtherstellung: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern Printed in Germany ISBN-IO: 3-7995-7458-1 ISBN-13: 978-3-7995-7458-7 Bayerische Slaatsbibliothek Münehen· TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements . 7 Narrating and Theorising Memories of Migration 9 Mareike KÖNIG and Rainer OHLIGER Facing Migration History in Europe: Between Oblivion and Representation .................................................... 11 Dirk HOERDER Europe's Many Worlds and Their Globallnterconnections .............. 21 Commemorating Migrations since Early Modern Times 33 Alexander SCHUNKA Forgotten Memories - Contes ted Representations: Early Modern Bohemian Migrants in Saxony .................. 35 Hanna SONKAJÄRVI Multiple Attributions: The Foreigner as a Circumstantial Category in 18th Century Strasbourg . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ..... ... .. ... 47 Klaus WEBER French Migrants into Loyal Germans: Huguenots in Hamburg (1685-1985) ........................................................... 59 Mareike KÖNIG Celebrating the Kaiser's Birthday: German Migrants in Paris after the Franco-Prussian War 1870/71 ....................................... 71 Troubled and Contested Memories 85 G. Daniel COHEN Remembering Post-War Displaced Persons: From Omission to Resurrection 87 Pierre DE TREGOMAIN Constructing Authenticity: Commemorative Strategy of the Transylvanian Saxons in West Germany's Early Years ............................... 99 Lavinia STAN Media Discourses about Romanian Exile before and after 1989 .......... 113 6 Table of Contents Dovile BUDRYTE Dernocratisation of History ? Rernernbering Stalinist Deportations and Repression in the Baltic States ....................................... 125 Making Migrants Visible 135 J oachirn BAUR Commemorating Immigration in the Immigrant Society: Narratives of Transformation at Ellis Island and the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. 137 Jan MOTTE and Rainer OHLlGER Men and Wornen With(out) History? Looking for ,.Lieux de Memoire« in Germany's Immigration Society ... ...... ........... ... ... ...... ... 147 Wladimir FISCHER An Innovative Historiographie Strategy: Representing Migrants from Southeastern Europe in Vienna ...................................... 161 Myriarn CHERTI Reconstructing the History of Morocean Migration to the UK: An Oral History Approach .............................. ,. ............ ..... 169 Seleeted Bibliography ................................................. 179 List of Contributors .................................................. 184 Acknowledgements This volume originated in a workshop organised by the Network Migration in Europe (http://www.network-migration.org) and the German Historical Institute Paris (http://www.dhi-parisJr). The Network is a framework for the co-operation of scholars, practitioners and others interested in exchanging and distributing knowledge about the importance of migration in Europe's history and present. It is working to­ wards the acknowledgement of the plural past and present of European societies, as weH as their multiple links. The German Historical Institute Paris is one of the eight research institutes which the foundation »Stiftung Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland (D.G.I.A.)« maintains outside Germany. These institutes provide a platform for historical research, academic exchange and international cooperation. The publication of this book and the preceding conference (http://www.network­ migration.org/workshop2004) were made possible by generous grants from the Wer­ ner Reimers Stiftung, the German Historical Institute Paris and the Heinrich Böll Foundation. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to the French NGO Generiques that contributed 10 organising the event and provided additional help and support in Paris. The volume presents a selected number of papers that were presented at the German Historical Institute Paris on 15/16 November 2004. Within the series of international workshops on migration his tory, this publication is the fourth edited volume that has resulted from workshops organised by the Network Migration in Europe since 1998. BerliniParis, winter 2005 Mareike König Rainer Ohliger NARRATING AND THEORISING MEMORIES OF MIGRATION MAREIKE KÖNIG AND RAINER OHLIGER Facing Migration History in Europe Between Oblivion and Representation I. INTRODUCTION It has become a truism ever since the renewed debates ab out nationalism, nation-build­ ing and state formation from the 1980s on 1 that history and historiography played a crucial role in forging and forming national communities and iden ti ti es and thus »con­ structing« or »engineering« the national fabric as the scientific terminology goes. Within post-structuralist and post-modern debates about history and historical writ­ ing it has also become a commonality that reconstructing, reading and interpreting the past in a text or as a text2 can differ from what »actually happened« in the past. His­ toriography is informed by these events, it recreates it to a certain extent, however, it 3 also creates it as a new textual reality and commemorative practice • Nineteenth cen­ tury objectivism and factitiousness was said to be dead with this paradigmatic shift to a new understanding of writing history. This shift generated as a lasting effect the ongoing debate about history and memory, history and oblivion, memory and com­ 4 memorative practices and the intricacies of their interrelations • Thus, the questions, which historical actors, events and groups are represented and how this representation takes place, became more and more important. Research about the function of (col­ lective) memory, the means and contents of commemoration for the construction of collective identities, and the cultural forms of keeping and trading memory became central5• Benedict ANDERS ON, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London 1991; Ernest GELLNER, Nations and Nationalism, Ithaca, London 1983; John A. HALL (ed.), The State of the Nation: Ernest Gellner and the Theory ofNationalism, New York 1998; EricJ. HOBS­ BAWM, Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality, Cambridge 1992; Anthony D. SMITH, The Ethnic Origins of Nations, Oxford 1986. 2 Geoff ELEY, Is all the World a Text? From Social History to the History of Societies Two Decades Later, Ann Arbor 1990. 3 Lucian BOlA, Istoria si mit in co~tiinta romanesca [History and Myth in the Romanian Conscious­ ness], Bucharest 1997, p. 9. 4 The topic genera ted strong interest in the last !Wo decades, so that in the meantime the separate journal History & Memory was founded. Important books for the debate about the interrelations of history and memory were, for instance, John R. GILLIS (ed.), Commemorations: The Politics of National Iden­ tity, Princeton 1994 and more recently Paul RICOEUR, La memoire, l'histoire, I'oubli, Paris 2000. 5 One booming branch of this research stream was the historical research on monuments, festivities or other cultural practices and their commemorative function. See for instance for France and Germany as examples: Chulone TACKE, Denkmal
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