TCP/URT/6759/8961 Field Document 1 TE -INIC pERATION PROGRAMME EVALUATI 7 LAND RESOURCES IN ZANZIBAR PHASE 1& 11 1 :HITJ VOLUME LAND EVAL IION AND LAND SUITABILITY CLASSIFICATION UNGUJA & PEMBA ISLANDS )D AND AGRICULTUY' ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Zanzibar, May 1990 TCP/URT/6759/8961 Field Document 1 Part 1 Main Volume r TECHNICAL CO1111*IN''TION PROGRAMME LTAIUATION OF LALT RESOURCES IN ZANZIBAR PHASE 1 & 11 TANZANIA Part 1s Main VoNine LAND EVALUATION AND LAND SUITABILITY CIASSIFTCATION UNGUJA & PEMBA ISLANDS by Piyasiri M. L. Hettige Land Evaluation Specialist FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGAITIZATION OF T_LI,TrouziL:D NATIONS Zanzibar,May1990 This Technical Cooperation Programme Evaluation of Land Resources in Zanzibar consisting of phase 1 Unguja island and phase 11 Pemba island was prepared and executed by the Food and Agriculture Organization with the Government of Zanzibar as the technical cooperating agency. It was intlated in December1988with duty station located in Zanzibar city, Unguja island. The duty station was moved to Wete in Pemba island in January 1990to carry out work in Pemba. The field document is one of a series of reports prepared during the course of the project identified on the titlepst-0Ths conclusions and recommendations given are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation, and they may be modifi in the light of fUrther knowledge gained at sUbsequent stages of the followup project. The designation employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. iii FAO Evaluation c land. Resources in Zanzibar Phase 9.nd Evaluatian andL.:1 tabil' Clas ara Pemba Islanf:1,-;,, based on the work of Piyasiri M.L.Hettige Zanzibar May1950,0 144 Pages, 27 Tables, 6 Figures, 9maps. TCP/URT/6759/8961,Field Document 1 .ABSTRACT The government of Zanzibar with the Technical assistance of the Food andiicultu.ra1 Organization began the evaluation of the land resources in December19880In the first phaseTOP/MT/6759which lasted from December1988to November 19892the evaluation of 1 resources in Unguja island was carried out during the second phaseTCP/MT/89611from December1989 May1990,the evaluation of land resources in Pemba island was carried out0 Part 1: Main volume of this publication deals with the primary objective of the study: Land evaluation land suitability classifioation of the two islands,. In the fir chapter, information on project background, objectives of study and Tlevel of intensity of land evaluation is outlined. In chapter 2, detail deFTiptian of the physical environment, climatic factors effectin:; arop growth, geology,hydrology, vegetation present land use are incorporated0 The human eavironment, the majar contributing- factor to landutilization isdealt with in detail in chapter 3 which cavers the economic situatian, Agricultural and land policies, land tenure systems prevalent, etc0 The need for conservation bac-ed, planned land utilization is stressei iv In chapter4soil resources of the two islands are described and the correlation of soils with the FAO system discussed. The inventory of land resources, the methodology used in the development of physiographic legend far the land evaluation exercise and the deScription'of the land pp units, are outlined in Chapter5. In chapter6the existing land utilization typos are presented in tabulated format and goes to outline unorthodox system of agriaultural usage of the same peice of land by two farmers under the Shamba and Konde farming systems, and how it effects the subsequent land suitability classification for majar crops grown in mixed tree intarcrop farming systems", The land suitability classification system and the approach used to adapt the system to the unique d utilization systems prevelant in Zanzibar is presented in chapter7 Part 11 of the Field Document consists of two Avie::esc, Annex1 outlines proposals for follow-,up presented in the UNDF Project document format. Annex 11 incooporates all Technical'Data Specificatic Soil Profile descriptions, available laboratory analysis resuns, climatic analysis, land requirements of major crops, and specimens of data collecting formats usedetc. TABIEOFCONFENTS Page o iNT ODUCTION 1 Justificatidn 1.2 Objective of the Study 4 1.3 Level of intensity of landevaluationcarried out 4 1.40 Previous soilstudies 5 1.401 Soil Studies of Dr.V.S. Subramaian 6 1.4.2 Detailed Soil Survey of the Cheju plain 6 1.4.3 Detailed Soil Survey for irrigated rice 6 1.4.4 National Coconut DevelopmentProjectsurveys 7 1.5 Project St 7 2. PHYSICAL01 ORNMENT 2.1 General information on Unguja and Pemba 8 2.2 Climate 18 2.2.1 Rainfall 18 2.2.2 Temperature 20 2.2.3 W speed direction 20 2.2.4 Solar radiation 20 2.2.5 Evapotr: iration 20 202.6 Majar climatic factors _detcy. crop adaptability 20 2.2.7 Dependable owing periods 25 2.3 Geolo HydrologY 25 2.3.1 ol AY 25 2,392 Hydrolomr and drainage systems 25 2.3.3 DrailJD 31 2,3.4 TopogivThic features 32 204. Vegetation present Land Use 35 2.4.1 Natural Vegetation 35 2.4.2 Present Land Use 35 3 HUMAN ENVIRO f 37 3.1 of:111 ent °cox 37 3.2 :opulati ucation 38 3.201 Population Disixibution 38 3.2.2 Education 39 vi a polices 39 3.3.1 Aticultural policy and subsidies 40 3.3.2 OwnerShip of lands 40 303.3 Usz.: of lands 41 Mtakula programo 41 3.4 tenure Systems 42 3.4.1 Categories of 1 thin the tenure syst 43 3.4.2 t enure sys e 41 3.4.3 Distribution of.crop areaa 46 3.4.4 Existing land tenure and its unpact an Socio Economic factors 46 3.4.5 Physical planning of land resources in contact of exist tenure 47 3.4.6 A Atenure and degradation of resources 48 3.4.7 Legislation on Use 49 3.5 Transportation A oad network 49 3.6 Allocation of lani among enterprises 50 4 SOIL RESOURCES 4.1 Introduction 51 402 Soil classification Uhguja isl 55 4.2.1 Mohanga group 55 Reddish and BrowniSh mchanga 55 Greyis yellowidh Mohanga 56 S. ', hanga 57 4.2.2 Kin 0.,40 group 57 402.2,1 Deep Kinongo 57 Shallower ami Shallow Kinongo 58 4.2.203 *Wanda Kinango 59 4.2.3 Kinamo group 44.3.1 Northern Kinamo 61 Cheju. Kinamo 61 Muyuni and K i Kinamo 62 4.2,3,4 Complex slope Kinamo 63 vii ,C 403 Soil classification - Pemba island 64 4.3.1 Utasi 65 4.3.2 Semi Utasi 66 4.3.3 Bopwe 67 4.3.4 Ndamba 68 4.3.5 MtifUt 68 4.3.6 Kinako 69 40.7 Makaan.i 70 5. LAND RESOURCES ORY 74 5.1 Methodo ogy 74 5.1.1 Introduction 74 5.1.2 Physioaphic legend development 78 5.1.3 Top aphic maps and Airphotos used 80 5.14 Survey methods 81 5.1.5 PhYsi*: aphic legend - Uhguja islamd 82 5.1.6 Description of landmappingunits -Unguja 85 5.1.7 Physi aphio - Pemba isl 99 5.1.8 Description of land mapping units - Pemba 100 6 AGRICULTURE AND LAND UTILISATION 107 6.1 icultural production 107 6.2 !. icultural praotioes 108 6.3 The need for a well organised Eatension service 108 5'04 Cash arops 109 6.5 Livestoak 109 6.6 FUelwoed and timber 110 6.7 Iand preparation 110 6.8 Selection of ecologically feasible arops 110 6.9 Major arops considared far suitability assesment 112 6.10 Land utilisation types 112 viii pat73 7 LAM SUITABILITY CIASSIFIC 116 7.1 Introduction 116 7.2 System of Classification 116 7.3 Suitability analysis 116 7.4 Definition of lana suitability classes 117 705 Criteria for land suitability classification 118 7.5.1 Drainage 118 7.5.2 Slope gradient 118 7.5.3 Presence of rock outcrops 118 7.5.4 Rootable depth of soil 118 7.5.5 Salinity and Alkalinity 119 7.5.6 Retention of water and nutrienbs 119 7.5.7 Climatic adaptability of crops 119 7.5.8 Other criteria 120 7.6 Land suitability ratings for major crops 120 7.7 Conclusions and Recopmendations 120 135 141 ix LIST OF TABLES Climatological data summary for Unguja and Pemba 10 2 Unguja -Rainfall probability analysis for determination of dependable growing seasons and their lengths Masika seasen 14 3 Unguja- Rainfall probability analysis for determination of dependable growing seasons ami their lengths - Vuli season 15 4 Pemba - Rainfall probability analysis for determination of dependable growing seasons ami their lengths- Masika season 16 5 Pemba - Rainfall probability analysis for determination of dependable growing seasons and their lengths - VUli season 17 6 Crop wlabtibility groups based on photosynthetio pathway and response to radiation and temperature 21 7 Length of growing periods and resulting suitability limitations according to water availability management - Masika season 22 8 Extents of lands under diffarent morpho-ecologioal zones in Unguja 33 9 Extents of land under different terrain classes in Unguja 33 10 ThEtents of land under different Mbrpho-ecological zones in Pemba 34 11 Extents of land under different terrain classes in Pemba 34 12 Land Use pattern1977 36 13 Zamzibar population distribution 38 14 Government subsidies 40 15 Area under different categories of soils based an Calton's classification 54 16 Soil correlation -Unguja 72 17 Soil correlation - Pemba 73 18 Desaription of Land Utilisation Types 113 - 115 19 Soil requirements of majar crops 122 20 Land qualities of Mapping Units - Unguja 123 21 Land qualities of Mapping Units - Pemba 124 22 Determination.of lani suitability ratings of mapping units for rainfed 1Toduction of majar arops - Rice (Land utilisations Type 1) 125 23 Determination of land suitability ratings
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