
Linzer biol. Beitr. 3011 447-453 31.7.1998 Macrolophus pericarti sp.n., a peculiar new species from Canary Islands (Heteroptera, Miridae) E. HEISS& J. RIBES A b s t r a c t : A new species, Macrolophus pericarli, from the Canary Islands is described and figured. It is the smallest of the West Palaearctic species of this genus and its micropterous fonn is predominant. The host plant is the endemic Cisfus symphytifolius LAM. on which it lives associated with another Canarian endemic Dicyphini - species, Cyrtopeltis canariensis LBG. I. K e y w o r d s : Heteroptera, Miridae, Macrolophus, new species, Canary Islands Introduction The tribe Dicyphini is so far represented in the Canary Islands by 4 genera (Cyrtopeltis, Dicyphus, Macrolophus, Singhalesia) and 9 species. Macrolophus melanotoma (A. COSTA 1853) (= caliginosus WAGNER 1950) is the only species reported of this genus and is known to occur on al1 islands except the arid eastemmost ones, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. The first specimens of this inconspicuous small new species collected several years ago by one of the authors (EH) were micropterous and could not be placed in any of the Dicyphini genera. Investigations on more material collected later on the host plant and the occurrence of two macropterous specimens have shown now that it is best to place them in the genus Macrolophus. Mucroluphuspericurti RIBES& HEISSsp. n. (Figs. 1-13) T y p e m a t e r i a 1 : Micropterous S p. A large number of both sexes has been collected on the host plant only at the following localities: Tenerife, Aguamansa above Orotava 1000m, 24 IV 1991 ,Heiss; Tenerife, Icod env. 24 IV 1991 Heiss; same locality 22-26 Xi 1991 Heiss; Tenerife, Sta. Ursula 900m, 21-27 XI 1992 Heiss; La Palma, road Sta. Cruz - Cumbre at 800m, 26 11 - 4 111 1998 Heiss, and Cumbre at 1450m, 26 11 - 4 111 1998 Heiss. Macropterous S are from Tenerife, Aguamansa - Caldera, 14 XI 1986 J.P. Duffels in Zoologisch Museum Amsterxam (13)and coll. Heiss (0). Holotype: Micropterous p from Tenerife, Sta. Úrsula 900m, 21-27 XI 1992 Heiss, deposited in the collection of E.Heiss as a pennanent loan of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Innsbruck. Paratypes in the collections of the authors, B. Aukema (Wageningen), M. Baena (Córdoba), M. Baez (La Laguna, Tenerife), A. Carapezza (Palenno), G. Cassis (Canberra), H. Günther (Ingelheim), M. Josifov (Spfia), I.M. Kerzhner (St. Petersburg), Biologiezentrurn (Linz), R. Linnavuori (Raisio), A. Matocq (Epinay sur Seine), A. Melber (Hannover), Zoologisch Museurn Amsterdam, J. Péricart (Montereau), Ch. Rieger (Nürtingen). D i a g n o s i s : Small species without a dark marking lateral of the eye which distinguishes it from melanotoma (A. COSTA) (=caIiginosus WAGNER), the only other 448 449 spccics kiiowii froiii Caiiary Islands; aiid froiii tlic ollicr Wcst-Palacarctic spccics, covcrcd by lhc Iiciiiclytra. Tlic lattcr arc fully dcvclopcd witli clavus aiid CUIICUS,i gluucescetis FIEUER1858 and pygtrrueus (RAMUUR 1839) sharing this charactcr. M. iiiciiibranc has onc ccll formcd by a tliick vciii. Colour of Iieiiiclytra wliitisli ycllow costalis FIEBER 1858 has a black tip on the scutcllum and M. epilobii PUTSHKOV1978 middle, al1 borders and cuiieus green; inenibrane transluccnt witli a grccn veiii and froiii Azcrbaijaii, wliicli also lacks black iiiarkiiigs oii hcad aiid scutclluiii, is largcr (3.35 - basolateral wliitisli spoi adjacciit to tlic apcx of cuiicus. Otlicr structurcs corrcspoiid 3.80 nini) and has a siiiallcr ocular iiidex (83.0 - 3.2 9 3.6 - 4.2) and diffcrcnt shape of thosc of tlic niicroptcrous inorpli. No iiitcriiicdiatc foriii of alary rcductioii has bc claws (Fig. 14). obscrved yet. D e s c r i p t i o ii : Microptcrous foriii. E c o 1 o g y : The host plant of Macrolophus pericurti is Cistus syrnphytiJoliiis LAM. General colour greenish yellow, antcnnae grccnish with somctinies darker segmcnts 111 + Canarian cndemic which is known from the wcstcrn islands, whcre it occurs atan altitu IV, Iicniclytra grccn iii frcsli iiiatcrial; iii dry spcciiiicns tlic colour is fading aiid only of 800 1800m. The spccimens are found on ihc undcnide of tlic hairy leaves, mos: lateral andior apical borders rcinaiii green and median parts gel whitish. Eyes and apex of - rostrum dark browii. Legs greenisli yellow, apcx of tarsi darkcned. attached to the midlle rib, associated witli anothcr cndemic Dicyphini, Cyrfopei cunurieiuis LINDBERG. Adults and al1 stagcs of botli spccies Iiavc bccii obscrvcd togctli Surfacc of body aiid appcndagcs siiiootli and sliiny witli coarsc yellowish crcct pilosity, iinmature stagcs of the ncw species can bc distiiiguishcd froni thosc of Cyrtopei this iiiorc dcnse oii lcgs aiid antciiiiae; aiitciinal scgiiient 1 wiíli sonic additional loiigcr dark hairs. Lateral bordcrs and surfacc of hcmelytral pads also with long erect setac. curiurierisis by smallcr sizc aiid lcss conspicuous tibia1 spiiies. Altliougli iiiacroptcrc Tibiac with long dark spincs inclining about 45 dcgrccs. fornis are also known, thcir raiige of distributioii scciii~vcry liiiiited bccause of tlic ti sizc, and it can bc assuincd that it rcprcsciils aiiotlicr ciidcniic spccics 10 thc Can; I I c a d : Sliorter tlian widc and strongly rouiidcd anlcriorly and dorsally, tylus ncarly vcrtical, projccting. Eyes sinall, ovatc. Ratio width of head across eyes to widtli of eyes Island. (ocular iiidex) 4.0 - 4.2 (d d) 4.50 - 4.60 (Q 9). Aiitcnnac long and slcnder, scgnicnt I E t y m o I o g y : It is a plcasurc to dcdicatc this peculiar iicw spccies lo our cstiniai thickest and slightly clavatc, II + 111 cyliiidrical tlie latter tliinner than the preceeding , IV friend and excellent entomologist Jean PCricarl (Montcreau) on thc occasion of his 7í fusiforin. Mcan leiigth of antennal scgnicnts l:ll:lll:lV = 0.18: 0.37: 0.37: 0.26 (d) and birthday carlicr this year. 0.17: 0.30: 0.30: 0.25 (0).Rostruiii slcndcr, rcaching posterior coxae. M e a s u r e m c n t s : Microptcrous forin: Lcngth 1.25 - I .70 nini (d d), I .60 - 2. P r o n o t u ni : Modificd bccause of tlie micropterous condition but distinctly wider mm (9Q ). Macropterous form: Length 2.1 nim (d), 2.30 nini (9). tlian long, lateral bordcrs subparallcl al hunieri constrictcd anteriorly, collar poorly dcliniitcd by a sliallow transversc inipression. Anterior portion of disk with 2 (1+1) Iiardly disccriiiblc largc callositics which nicct iiicdially, posterior portion rcduccd to siiiall traiisvcrsc arca. Postcrior iiiargin stroiigly siiiuatc at niiddlc. Discussion c t c I 1 u ni : Triangular witli cquilatcral iiiagiiis, convcx at iniddlc, sloping towards S u Tlic gcncric placcincnt of tlic iicw species crcated difficultics, as its set of charactci latcral bordcrs. has following the keys in WAGNER1970 - did no1 clcarly lcad to one of the treated gene H e in c I y t r a : Reduccd to clongate apically rounded pads consisting of clavus aiid the assignment to a new genus was considered, which would have required consulti coriuin only, witliout cuneal fracture and vestiges of a membrane. Clava1 suture visible, radial and subcostal veins faiiit aiid hardly discernible. Exposed part of abdomen CASSIS 1986. As this work was no1 available, we contacted the author dircctly. w coniprising tergites 111 - Vlll shrunkcn in dry spccimcns with a tcndcncy, for conncxiva suggested in the light of his revised definitions of Dicyphini genera and aíler havi to bc slightly clcvatcd aiid inflexcd as in soiiic apterous Veliidae. studied original material, to refrain from dcsignating a new inonotypic genus and to pl~ L c g s : Relatively loiig, fciiiora flattcncd laterally, constrictcd towards their cnds; tibiae it in the genus Mucrolophus. cyliiidrical, slightly thickeiicd at its apex. Posterior tibiac 2.4 (O)- 2.7 (9)x longcr tliaii Recen1 studics of tlie West-Palaearctic species of Mucrolophus by JOSIFOV 1992 a tarsi, thcir segnients I and 111 subequal iii length, 11 about twicc as long as 1. Claws CAKAPEZZA1995 have revealed, tliat scveral synonyniies werc involved which are I strongly curvcd witli broad lcafshapcd pscudarolia (Fig. 13). yet included in the systematic catalog of thc Plant Bugs of the World by SCHUH 19' G c ii i t a I s t r u c t u r c s : Malc: Pygopliorc subglobular, its dorsocaudal opcning Following JOSIFOV'S key, M pcricurli sp. ii. rcsemblcs oiily supcrficially M. cpilc round witli tlirce asyiiiiiictrical proccsscs (Figs. 8-9). Left paraniere with subcylindrical PUTSHKOVfroni Caucasus but can casily be distinguislied by scvcral cliaractcrs alrc: basa1 shaft, this bcariiig coarsc long crect setac and a long curvcd hooklikc anterior nientioncd. proccss (Figs. 4-5). Right paraiiicre small, fingcrlike, witliout pilosity (Fig. 6). Phalius witliout visible cliitiiiizcd iiitcrnal structurcs (Fig. 7). Fciiialc: Ovipositor loiig, its base rcacliing metacoxac. Gynatrial complcx with laterad Ackiiowledgiiieiits ovoid sclerotizcd riiigs; vcriniforiii glaiid iiiílated at iiiiddle; lateral oviducts long, iiioustaclic - sliapcd, central structure irregular, subcylindrical, clongatcd. Seiiiinal We iliank J. Woudstra (t),J.P. DulTcls aiid U. Aukcina (Ainsicrdaiii) íor providing Uic iiilcrcsl rcservoir with slcnder, rouiided, middle - laterad sclerotizcd rings (Figs. 10-12). inaicrial iroiii Uic LoOlogiscli Museum Amsterdani, K. Linnavuori (Kaisio) ior ciicckiiig a possi relationship lo Airicaii Miridac and G. Cassis (Caiibcrra) for Iiis cfforts aiid advicc coiiccniiiig M a c r o p t c r o u s f o r ni : Oiily onc iiiacropterous spcciincn of d Q each is known -. prcscni gcncric placeniciii of iliis iicw spccics. Wc also Uiaiik C. Scliacfcr (Siom) for iiiiproi. to &te and it SCCIIIS tliat this iiiorpli is vcry rarc. Tlic Iiabitus of tliese speciiiiens is of as our Englisli. otlier Ahzrolophirs (Fig. 2). Tlie pronotuni is trapezoidal and the abdomen is conipletcly 450 45 I Hesuiiien En la prescnte nota se describe e ilustra Macroiophus pericurli sp.
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