National Speleological Society • Cave Diving Section UNDERWATER May/June, 1992 • Vol. 19, No. 3 Little Salt Spring Archaeological Project SPELEOLOGY (see article page 12) UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS The official publication of the Cave Diving Section of the National Speleological Society, Inc. NEWS P.O. Box 950, Branford, FL 32008-0950 "The Cutting Edge" • Spring Workshop, Terry DeRouin .. 3 CDS Hosts First "Hands-On" Instructor Workshop, Terry DeRouin .. .. .......... .................. 5 Editor: H. V. GREY CDS $1,000 Donation Puts the Parker Turner P.O. Box 12, Nokomis, FL 34274-0012 Memorial Fund Over Halfway Mark .. ...... .. 7 813-484-7834, 813-484-6665 (fax) NSS Cave Diving Manual • an Overview Goes to Press June 18! ........... ...... ..... 7 Board of Directors Yana Springs Project Receives Many Donations from CDS Members .... ... .... ........ .. 14 Carl Sutton to become Chairman: FRANK HOWARD New Editor ...... ........... 14 Membership/Subscription Renewals and Expirations, 334 Portico Ct., Chesterfield, MO 63017 and Elections . .. .. .. .... .... ..... 15 314-469-6133, 314-542-0838 (fax) SAFETY Vice-Chairman: MARK LEONARD The Safety Line, Wendy Short . ..... .. .. ... ..... .. 4 Rt. 14, Box 136, Lake City, FL 32055 Abe Davis Safety Award, Wendy Short .. .. ............ 4 904-752-1087 · P.A.D.J. Commends Cave Divers for Addressing Training Needs .. .... .. .. ... .. ........... 5 Treasurer: BILL FOOTE Air and Safety Considerations for Traverse and 1433 S.E. 8th St., Ocala, FL 32671 Circuit Cave Dives, Frank R. Lavallee ........... 13 904-622-3488 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Secretary: H. V. GREY Corrections Concerning Eagle's Nest Acceldent, P.O. Box 12, Nokomis, FL 34274-0012 Christopher A. Brown .... ... ..... ........... 10 Conservation 813-484-7834, 813-484·6665 (fax) - Is Anyone Exempt? Carlos J. Muinelo-Aivarez ........... ........... 11 Attempted Murder? Ray Skelton ......... ........... 11 Training Chairman: LAMAR HIRES Rt. 14, Box 162, Lake City, FL 32055 SPELEOLOGY 904-752-1087 (bus), 904-755-5913 (res) Cave Divers/Scientists get NSS Grant to Study Sulfur Bacteria In Underwater Caves, Leadership Coordinator: DAN LINS Harris W. Martin, Ph.D ................ ..... 9 P. 0. Box 221, Ocala, FL 32678-0221 Little Salt Spring Archaeological Project, H. V. Grey ... 12 904-629-9749 TRAINING Director at Large: KELLY BRADY CDS Instructor Roster ....................... .. 6 P.O. Box 4278, Gainesville, FL 32613 904-372-381 (eve), Compuserve 76100,2213 ~ 1992 ~ the c-llvirg Sedion of the NalionBI ~ SoOaly. n:. All rVis 18- sawd. N:l porliln of !lis IUJii;libn llllrf ba Rlp'tDJc:.af VllithcU vriten parrrissicn of the N»CCS. Program Coordinators Qli'tions8JCI)I8668Ciwililare rd JliiCIIIISiriy tte olliciaJ poli:y of theNssal>. Mlgazlne &Drlllic:n -WI Mt:ara Ill news lar&, ertides. lJIIIers to tte fder, IFQos. Abe Davis Award ..•.. • ....•..... .. ..... .... Wendy Short si:les. catoor&, sn1 alter Iars of nnet er if'rlxlrta'a to tte <al&dtilg oonmrity fran al118'1r Accident Files .......•... ........ ....... .. John Crea bars. Sl.tJsabers. sn1 alter irtaa&led parties. l1'BI &hcUI be sen c:trett~ to the fder (!lllll aitaErl Activities Coordinator ....... ... ............... Eric Tasso en left ool.lrm). WI ca'1 ao use tad Jl'(lCIII668d in rra&t ISMarrpllbl8 laTrels. ~ art!D Biology ....•.•....•.•..•.............. .•.. Dr. Jill Yager tte Edler dredly fer ~s srd amrgernar1s.) Calendar Coordinator .................... • . Randy Christian Alt.wtlslng-The J\SS.COS Bolwdof Jlredas has SWOII&dlte rai'ls!KlAionof paid<XJIITIBICial edllerlisirg U LJxini&W Cartography .. .. .. ....... .......... .. .. Frank ~ Plee&e arta:i the fder U nfcm1111bn snf 81BQIIiii.. S Howard (5119 actress on left colJrm). Cave Files Coordinator ..... .. .... .......... Tom Gilleland The t.ss and OM Diving -Fol.rded in 1941, tte Na!OI'III ~ Sociely joins log&lhar Computer Applications •.•................. .. Tom Gilleland tl'touwds of i'KiYidJels dadcaed to tte sal9 siLt¥, ~n, srd CD'IS8Mitbn of aM&. Tte first Conservation ........... .. ...... • . •.. ..... Tom Morris Cllll&dW'Q inorn'aion - !)ldshed n tte Uliled Sla186 'MIS n a 1947 NSS 8.ltlU1. tn 1948. Foreign Mailings ....•...... ...... .......... Mary Garvin NSSdiYers vae rEISpOillille fertte first call8dive& in the l.Wed Staas using sail&. Prior to 1973, ICDSA . .... •. ..........• . ........•........ Wendy Short CIMidviflJw~tintteNSSwas en a p!nltf kx:aii&Yel. Tta yea"sawttecreelilnofftte t.ssCaYe CM1g Sedbn to pnMd8 a whicle for i1flmlllion International Information Contact . ... .... .. .. Pete Butt ~ Todaf, Vllilh OM 750 l11lllltlBrs, the c- DYing Sedbn prcrrdas Side aMI dvirg ll'rol9l SIII1'Hrrui VI01cshop&; aMIITI- !rd ~ International Correspondent . ? ci.tilg trsilirg prograr6; \Wnin~n installa!Ons; 6IBdl, I'8IICU9, srd retXMrJ ll'flliVl the Maps ......• *ional • ..•........ ...........•. ... Frank Howard c-Rescue Carrrission; ca\18 91CP0r&ion srd rrapping; sewraltads srd p!.tllicaions c:n c:awdiv­ Photography • • . ....... ..... ..... ... ... Bob Janowski i1g; srd tte birro1tly magazine, UDinlallr ~ Property Manager ................•..... .... Lamar Hires NSS Mantashlp-The Naliol'lll ~~~~ Soc:iely 'Mlkxrres tte naa;t of SI"'JJ'181'1hl Publications Chairman ......•.•............... Lamar Hires I& a sincere cmcem eau the safely, SILt¥, 81CP0ralion, srd CD'IS8Mitbn of aMS, ¥1111 cr lty. 'tb.lllllrf joi1tteNS>elhar Publications Coordinator • ... .. ........ .... Gene Hellwig bywritilgdredtf to ~smlinofli:e (NalionBI SpeiiDJgicaiSa:iety, Ire., c- Al.terul. lb1svile. 1L 35810) er to the c- CM1g Sedion kn.B lliBITblrship is $25.00 Rescue/Recovery Team ......... ....• Capt. Henry Nicholson srd inc::ltDl6 ISI.bic:r1>1ion to the NSSs rrattly nagazine, NSS NtM6. as v.el a; vairg prililllgas Safety Committee (Mexloo) ......•........ • ....... Jim Coke srd dsauts en pl.tJiicalions ard <D'MII'iions. Safety Committee (North) . •. ....•. ......Randy Kwiatkowski as Milrrtllrshlp -H. a Slb«ggrizssion er "sedion" oftte fiSS. the QMI!livirll Sectm is Safety Committee (South) ....• . •.....•. ..• ... Wendy Short 5l.qett to tte bytaHs srd ell'ics oftte NSS. Manilarstip in the QMI!Mi\g Sed ion is cpan to lllj01I Science Committee ......... •.... ..... .. .... Tom Morris w-o is a rrarber in gocx1 Slamgof tteNSS. Am.lll rraTtlerstip is $5.00 peryEIII' !rd irddl& sUlso1>tion to the aJS's Sump Diving Project ....... ............. John Schweyen bi'nonhtj rregazin&. ~ Spal&ol:)gy, as well a; vailg prililegas !I'd dsauts c:n piJllicalions ard workshlp&. Survey ... ........................... ..... Lamar Hires &.aalpllcn- If you do n<i Ylish to join tte NSS srd en>, bo.A Wlt.ti like to keep c111111t on Techniques ........ • ....•. • ................ Woody Jasper c:BI&dvirg ~ expbraloo sn1 tedrdogy, you tw nlliled toSI.tlsaibe to LJr~En~Sw ~ Yana Springs Project Coordinator .............. Gene Broome ter$15.00 per yea". 2 • ~ 19, No. 3 • Mlyi.Ams I.JNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY "THE CUTTING EDGE" - SPRING WORKSHOP by Terry DeRouin (NSS #29395) Another Cave Diving Workshop has come and gone. It tifacts. In the evening, Gene and Jerri Broome hosted one was truly a fine testament to the organizational abilities of heck of a big bonfire and wienie roast-"a Bonfire of the In­ Gene Broome and Lamar Hires in terms of how well the Work­ sanities," if you will. Food and beer were consumed heartily shop went. Gene acquired the Spring Workshop late in the and lies were told by all. game, but despite having limited time, he did an excellent The next two days were filled by many fascinating guided job putting together one of the best programs ever hosted by dives and several classroom workshops, including Mark Leon­ the Section. Attendance this year was definitely in the record ard's ever-popular Nitrox class and John Crea's well-attended category, somewhere in excess of 330 attendees. Mixed Gas class. Other classes included an Oxygen-Admini­ Jim King opened the presentations with an in-depth insight stration class, a PSI Tank-Inspection class, Henry Nicholson's into rebreather technology. A captivating slide program held Rescue/Recovery course, and Dennis Williams hosting a Sci­ everyone's interest as he discussed Cis-Lunar's newest re­ entific Collections workshop. This year's Spring Workshop breather. Following Jim, Or. John Zumrick discussed his ex­ had one of the most diverse sets of offerings in recent years. perience with rebreathers in the Navy and elaborated on some Of special merit was Gene Broome's hard work towards of their possible problems. Together, they made most of the getting Yana Springs open for cave divers for the Workshop, audience drool at the prospects. Both Jim King and Michael and, hopefully, for the future on a regular basis. There are Dunning, from Florida State University, had rebreathers on many closed sites out there, and Gene's efforts prove that, display. just maybe, some of them can be reopened. Joe McGrath, the DNA (Department of Natural Resources) Also, a special thanks to Denny Willis, who has donated officer from Peacock Springs, discussed the new admission­ his beautiful designs for T-shirts for the last two workshops. charge policy for the Park. He reiterated how important it is And a big thank you to all the CDS members who staffed the to purchase any individual or commercial passes from the tables and worked behind the scenes to make this workshop Peacock Park itself so that the State is aware of our support a successful reality. Now that we will be having only one for what they are trying to
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