FORESTRY IDEAS, 2020, vol. 26, No 1 (59): 262–269 FOREST DORMOUSE (DRYOMYS NITEDULA, RODENTIA, GLIRIDAE) – A HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS RODENT IN RELATION TO ZOONOTIC DISEASES Alexey Andreychev1* and Ekaterina Boyarova2 1Department of Zoology, National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk 430005, Russia. *E-mail: [email protected] 2Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk 430030, 1a Dal’naya Str., Russia. Received: 22 March 2020 Accepted: 23 May 2020 Abstract Republic of Mordovia in Russia is a historical focus for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and tularemia. This study aimed at assessing the current status of these foci by studying their rodent reservoirs. Among the small rodents in Mordovia, the red bank vole, the common vole and the house mouse play an important role as carriers of zoonotic diseases. However, it is neces- sary to take into account the role of such а small species as forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula), which has a high percentage of infection. Of all examined dormice, 66.7 % were found to have antigens of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome viral pathogen, and 33.3 % - to have antigens of tularemia pathogen. Only one specimen (16.7 %) was found to have no antigens of zoonotic diseases. Our study concluded that the forest dormouse in the Republic of Mordovia was incrim- inated as a pathogen reservoir causing infectious diseases in human. Key words: hemorrhagic fever, Mordovia, rodents, tularemia. Introduction gion of Middle Volga (Ulyanovsk region) (Nafeev et al. 2009). Small mammals are Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome the most incriminated reservoirs for viral (HFRS) is the most common natural ro- pathogen agents causing human HFRS dent borne disease of viral etiology in the in the natural environments (Tsvirko and Republic of Mordovia. The intensive rate Kozlov 2012). of morbidity per 100,000 population of the In addition to HFRS, small rodents in Mordovia Republic during the period from this region are reservoirs in the circulation 2001 to 2006, varied from 10.5 to 18.0, and the transmission of widespread hu- and the average long-term rate for this man infectious diseases like tularemia and period was 14.4±1.1, which exceeded the leptospirosis. In the natural foci of HFRS, same value in the Russian Federation by epizootics occur periodically. Thus, small 2.8 times. Broad-leaved forests and agri- rodents perform one of the main roles in cultural lands are predominant in all areas the spread of the zoonotic diseases. of HFRS infection (Churbanova 2008). A The red bank vole (Myodes glareolus) similar situation is shown for another re- has been considered the main reservoir Forest Dormouse (Dryomys Nitedula, Rodentia, Gliridae) – a Highly Contagious ... 263 among rodents in the zoonotic circulation The report on the presence of tu- in Mordovia and throughout Volga region laremia in forest dormouse in Mordovia (Trankvilevsky et al. 2015, Andreychev is of interest, since previously in the do- et al. 2019). The yellow-necked mouse mestic and international literature it was (Apodemus flavicollis), the striped field not detected in this species, for example mouse (Apodemus agrarius), and the red in Bulgaria (Pavlov et al. 1978). The re- bank vole (M. glareolus) play an important sults of standard tube agglutination test in role in zoonotic circulation of HFRS in the Western Iran showed seropositive cases Balkan Peninsula (Stanko et al. 2004, Ro- among 4.8 % of the rodents, including D. gozi et al. 2013, Papa et al. 2016). nitedula (Mostafavi et al. 2017). Positive Ergeshbayev (2018), in the Kyrgyz Re- results on tularemia in the Republic of public mentioned the high degree of ec- Moldova were recorded in the following toparasite infestation of forest dormouse species: M. glareolus, Apodemus uralen- Dryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1778) (18 spe- sis, A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis, M. muscu- cies), as well as its contact with numerous lus, M. spicilegus, and Crocidura suaveo- representatives of the rodent order. The lens (Chicu et al. 2010). researcher noted that it carried only one The forest dormice has not been re- species-specific parasite and 17 species ported infected with tularemia and HFRS, peculiar to marmots, voles, mice, gray for example in Turkey (Laakkonen et al. hamster, Turkestan rat and other rodents. 2006), and Ukraine (Demchyshyna et al. Among them, five flea’s speciesCallopsyl - 2020). la caspia, Amphipsylla phaiomydis, A. an- The dynamics of identifying the causa- ceps, A. asiatica and Leptopsylla nemoro- tive agent of tularemia in Mordovia should sa were identified. Cultures of the plague be noted in 2015, 2017 and 2018, which pathogen from these flea’s species were are characterized by peak values (Andrey- isolated for this territory. This causes an chev, Boyarova and Kuznetsov 2016). important epizootological significance of Mostly, the tularemia microbe antigen was this rodent species. The importance of most often detected in areas along the forest dormice as carrier of parasites was middle rivers (Sura, Alatyr), rather than in also reported in Russia. In Central Russia, areas that do not have such water arter- ectoparasites were found in 90–95 % of ies. In pellets of prey birds, the causative forest dormice, and endoparasites were agent of tularemia was detected in the found in 50–70 % of small animals (Ros- districts more often than in the biomate- solimo et al. 2001). rial from rodents. This circumstance can Some small mammals are breeding be explained from the position that the in the grounds among other species. In remains of the hunted preys can contain particular, such reports about the yel- several prey species at once. This is ev- low-necked mouse are known. Dobra- idenced by the results of studies of oste- va-Belgrade virus strain (DOBV), causing ological material (Andreychev et al. 2014, in humans HFRS has been reported to be Andreychev, Lapshin and Kuznetsov originated by A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus 2016, Andreychev and Lapshin 2017). and M. musculus (Weidmann et al. 2005). Therefore, the probability of detecting A previous study in Greece showed that tularemia microbe antigen here is higher approximately 10 % of A. flavicollis carried (Andreychev et al. 2019). DOBV (Papa et al. 2000). The purpose of this article is to study 264 A. Andreychev and E. Boyarova the role of the forest dormouse as carri- the region. This is due to the peculiarities er or reservoir of rodent-borne diseases. of its distribution. Forest dormouse occurs In addition to the red bank vole, there is from Western Europe across Asia Minor, a high probability in the circulation of zo- Caucasus, reaching to Central Russia onotic diseases in the forest dormouse. and Central Asia. In this extensive area, the species is rare in many parts of its na- tive range, especially in Western Europe Material and Methods and Russia (Batsaikhan et al. 2008, Mark- ov et al. 2017). Small mammals capturing and testing for All animal carcasses were used as a different possible pathogen agents, are result of basic research on population ge- the material for this study in the territory of netics (Grigoryeva et al. 2015) and hom- the Republic of Mordovia (53º38’–55º11’N ing (Andreychev and Kiyaykina 2020). and 42º11’–46º45’ E) (Fig. 1) for epizo- During the research period of 2009-2019, otological research purposes. Coniferous a total of 1995 individuals of the following forest, broad-leaved forests, shrub steppe rodent species were trapped: red bank and meadow steppe compose the ro- vole (M. glareolus) – 30.9 %, common dents’ habitat structure in the territory of vole (M. arvalis) – 23.8 %, Ural field mouse Mordovia. The main forests are composed (A. uralensis) – 18.7 %, yellow-necked by pine Pinus sylvestris (L.), spruce Picea mouse (A. flavicollis) – 11.5 %, striped abies (L.) Karst., European larch Larix de- field mouse (A. agrarius) – 10.4 %, house cidua (Mill.), oak Quercus robur (L.), com- mouse (M. musculus) – 4.4 %, and for- mon ash Fraxinus excelsior (L.), Norway est dormouse (D. nitedula) – 0.3 %. The maple Acer platanoides (L.), European captured rodents were transported to the white elm Ulmus laevis (Pall.), silver birch laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Betula pendula (Roth.), white birch Betu- Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia. la pubescens (Ehrh.), common alder Al- Enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay nus glutinosa (L.), small-leaved lime Tilia (ELISA), using the ‘Huntagnost’ test sys- cordata (Mill.), black poplar Populus nigra tem for the presence of the pathogen, was (L.). the main method used to detect the HFRS The research was conducted in June antibodies in homogenized rodent’s lungs. and July 2018 and 2019. The live traps Studies on tularemia were performed us- were set in the typical habitats of the for- ing serological and bacteriological meth- est dormouse for several days and then ods. For leptospirosis and yersiniosis, transferred to the next site. We used four studies were conducted by serological trap lines. The number of traps in each method (Methodical Instructions 2012). line was 25. Snap traps were set for no more than 1 or 2 days. Salami and apple were used as baits. Traps were set main- Results and Discussion ly in mixed and broad-leaved forests. The latter biotope is a favourite habitat (Grig- Of the six examined dormice, four individ- oryeva et al. 2015, Andreychev and Ki- uals (66.7 %) were found to have antigens yaykina 2020). The material of the forest of the pathogen causing HFRS, and two dormouse (dead animals) was obtained in individuals (33.3 %) were found to have small quantities, since this rare species in antigens of tularemia pathogen. Only one Forest Dormouse (Dryomys Nitedula, Rodentia, Gliridae) – a Highly Contagious ... 265 Fig. 1. Map of the Republic of Mordovia – oval – where animals were trapped. individual of the forest dormouse was Comparing the results obtained in Mor- found to have no antigens of zoonotic dis- dovia by the spectrum of mouse rodent eases.
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