Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02529-5 - Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages Edited by Warren C. Brown, Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes and Adam J. Kosto Index More information Index Aachen, 14, 15, 161 Algeria, 1, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 50, 53, 54, Abbots Bromley, monastery, 353 59 Abingdon, monastery, 355, 357, 361 Alps, 96, 165, 172, 237 archive.Seeecclesiastical archives Alsace, 191, 192, 193, 199, 206, 207, 212, cartulary.Seecartularies 213, 216, 220, 224 Chronicle, 359 Ambrose, bishop of Milan, 137 Achmetha, palace, 17 andelangus, 194, 195 Adalhard, count, 201 Andreas, scribe, 167 Adalland, cancellarius, 219, 221 Angers, 113–15, 117 Adelchis II, 329 formulas.Seeformulas Admiralty Island, 49 Anglo-Saxon England.SeeEngland ostraca. See ostraca Ansur, landowner, 279 Ado, priest, 199, 201 dossier.Seedossiers Aegefredus, landowner, 318 Antioch, 19 Aeglidulf, bishop, 144 Antonine Constitution, 67, 68 Ælfwold, layman, 350, 351 Anulinus, proconsul, 56 Aelianus, proconsul, 56 Aphrodito, village, 22, 26, 30 Æthelflæd, ruler of the Mercians, 356 Apion family, 21, 23, 25, 27, 365 Æthelfrith, thegn, 356 archive.Seelay archives Æthelhelm Higa, 337, 345, 346, 347 Apronianus, advocate, 54 Æthelmund, thegn, 349 Aquileia, patriarch of, 257 Æthelred II, king, 352, 353, 354, 360 Aquitaine, 179, 192 Æthelred, ruler of the Mercians, 356 Aragon, 260 Æthelric, son of Æthelmund, 350–1, 352 Arbeo, bishop and scribe, 226, 228 Æthelstan, king, 355 arca, 175, 326 Æthelthryth, landowner, 348 arcarius, 48, 50, 75 Æthelwine, ealdorman, 357 archives, 12–15, 376. See also document Æthelwulf, landowner, 348 preservation Æthylric, son of Æthelmund, 349–50 ancient Near East, 17–18, 20, 25, Aganbert, mandate bearer, 113, 115, 116 33 Agello, estate, 245 archivum, 155 dossier.Seedossiers Byzantine, 21–33 Alahis, vir magnificus, 1, 94, 239, 248 Carolingian, 155, 185–6 archive.Seelay archives definition of, 13, 20 Alaric II, 69, 85 ecclesiastical.Seeecclesiastical archives Alberic, princeps, 330 Egypt, 26 Albertini Tablets, 40–2, 50, 52, 54, 58 gesta municipalia. See gesta municipalia Alcuin, 136, 150 history, early modern, 291–4 Alemannia, 117, 119, 150, 157, 159, 160, lay.Seelay archives 172, 173 local, 31, 168, 170–1, 182, 198–203, Alexandria, 19, 31, 137 204, 241–2, 306, 307, 356–7, Alfred, king, 345, 346, 347 370–1 377 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02529-5 - Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages Edited by Warren C. Brown, Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes and Adam J. Kosto Index More information 378 Index archives (cont.) Bierre, villa, 302, 305, 306, 309 North Africa, 55–8 Bir Trouch, Algeria, 37, 42 practice, 155, 156–7, 159–60, 169, 170, ostraca. See ostraca 283–4, 312–20 birch bark, 91 public.Seepublic archives Bitterauf, Theodore, 225 residential, 87, 326–7, 370 Bloch, Marc, 286 Argemundo, landowner, 276 Bobbio, monastery, 321–2 Argimirus, servant, 266, 268 Boniface, bishop of Mainz, 204, 211 Arley, estate, 353–4 Bonifatius, duke, 210, 211, 214, 215 Arno, bishop of Freising, 226 Bonnassie, Pierre, 267 Ascrich, clerical scribe, 227 Book of Ezra, 17 Asger, monastic scribe, 223 Book of Judgements, 83, 84, 85, 93 Astrulfo, servant, 265–6, 268 bookland, 343 Asturias, 260, 268 books of traditions.Seecartularies Atelier de Recherche sur les Textes Bougard, Franc¸ois, 239, 248, 252–3 Medi´ evaux´ (ARTEM), 319 Bourges, 107, 112, 178, 180 Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, 137 church of, 180–1 Atsma, Hartmut, 289 formulas.Seeformulas Atto, bishop of Freising, 121, 160 Boynton, Mark, 346 Audo, bishop of Verona, 234 Brescia, 238, 334 Augustine, bishop of Hippo, 41, 45, 55, breve, 1, 47, 75, 254 56 Breviarium. See Lex Romana Visigothorum Ausonio, servus, 268 Brevium exempla, 220 authentication.Seedocumentary records Brihtwaru, landowner, 349 Autun, 292 Britain, 34, 255, 340 Autunois, 305 Brittany, 320 Ava, abbess of St-Pierre-les-Nonnains, Brooks, Nicholas, 348 297, 298, 301 Brosius, Maria, 20 Aymard, abbot of Cluny, 295 Bruel, Alexandre, 288, 294, 295 Azo, landowner, 308 Burgundian kingdom, 368 Burgundy, 127, 143, 149, 155, 185, 188, Babylon, 17 207, 292, 294, 297 Baldram, cancellarius, 221 Burton Abbey, 352, 353, 359 Balfred, landowner, 163, 168 archive.Seeecclesiastical archives Banaji, Jairus, 34 cartulary.Seecartularies Barret, Sebastien,´ 289, 291, 307, 312 Bury St Edmunds, monastery, 362 Barthelemy,´ Dominique, 286, 287 Byrhtnoth, abbot of Ely, 350, 357 Baugulf, count, 216 Byzantine Empire, 14, 363 Bavaria, 117, 119, 120, 121, 150, 187, archives.Seearchives 192, 195, 198, 225, 229 Beatus, abbot of Honau, 212 Cabinet des Chartes, 292 Becerro gotico.´ See cartularies Caecilian, bishop of Carthage, 56 Bede, 34 Cambrai, 319 Belisarius, 78, 80 Campbell, James, 34 Benevento, principality, 243, 329 Cannstadt, 157, 162 Benignus, clerical scribe, 226 Canterbury, 356 Berardus, abbot of Farfa, 331, 332 archive.Seeecclesiastical archives Berg, estate, 199 church, 337, 342 Bergamo, 238 Capitulare Ticinense, 322 archive.Seeecclesiastical archives capitulum, 159, 164, 165, 269 Bernard, Auguste, 288, 294, 295 Caracalla, emperor, 67, 68 Berno, abbot of Cluny, 290, 295, 307 cartae. See charters Bibaro, castellum, 331, 332 Carthage, 38, 44, 45, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56, Biberkirch, church, 201 59 Bibliotheque` Nationale, 294, 299, 300 conference of, 44–5, 56 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02529-5 - Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages Edited by Warren C. Brown, Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes and Adam J. Kosto Index More information Index 379 cartulae obligationis, 329 dorsal notes, 157, 161, 163, 165, 167, cartularies, 11, 12, 15, 153, 154, 160, 169, 170, 229, 296, 301, 309, 312, 162, 185–7, 190–5, 229–30, 232, 315 371 Italy, 236–8 Abingdon, 355 Lucca, 237, 241, 245 Becerro gotico´ (Sahagun),´ 2, 277–8, materiality of, 307–10 279–80 Monte Amiata, 237, 241, 242, 245, Burton, 353 258 Casauria, 237, 242–3 originals, 11, 15, 153, 154, 155, 156, Cluny, 294–6, 298. See also charters, 162, 167, 184, 190, 212, 232, 237, Cluny 238, 240, 245, 256, 263, 273, Farfa, 237, 238 277–8, 279, 295, 296, 299, 307, Fernando´ and Elvira, 275 309, 312, 315–19 Freising, 160–2, 192, 193, 197, 201, Osona-Manresa, 262–3, 267 211 Otero, 273–5 Fulda, 192–3, 197, 201–4, 211 Piacenza, 237, 245, 258 Guimaraes,˜ 259, 266 Rankweil, 165–73 Honau, 193, 212 Sahagun,´ 276–80 lay copies in, 195–205 St-Denis, 184 Mondsee, 191, 192, 193 St Gall, 119, 120–2, 154–5, 156–8, Murbach, 193 162–4, 212, 285. See also charters Passau, 191, 192, 193 Rankweil Perrecy, 176–7 Verona, 238, 256–7 Regensburg, 191, 192, 193 Chateau, villa, 302, 305 Salzburg, 193 cheirographeia, 29 scholarship of, 287–8 Childeric III, king, 118 selectivity of, 164, 172, 194, 296–300, Chilperic I, king, 19 315–16 China, 364 Sobrado, 269–70, 272 Chindaswinth, king, 84, 86 St-Denis, 317 chirograph, 338, 349, 350 Subiaco, 330 Chroccus, scribe, 201, 218 Wissembourg, 192, 193, 195, 197, 199, Chrodoin, abbot of Wissembourg, 211 201, 210–11, 213, 214 Chrodoin, donor and scribe, 200, 201, Cartularium Langobardicum. See formulas 211, 217–18, 221 Casauria, monastery, 237, 243–5, 250, Chur, 166, 167, 168 332 Cicero, 364 archive.Seeecclesiastical archives Cingoli, commune, 334 cartulary.Seecartularies Cirta, town, 54, 55 Cassiodorus, 65, 74 Civitella, lords of, 334 Catalonia, 6, 190, 237, 260, 261, 262, Clanchy, Michael, 9 267, 269 clergy, 4–5 Caucilla, villa, 306–7 clerical identity, 232 Chaplais, Pierre, 341, 342, 343 Cluny, monastery, 197, 229–30, 283–319, Charlemagne, 14, 112, 113, 119, 143, 372, 374 158, 159, 166, 167, 172, 192, 212, archive.Seeecclesiastical archives 213, 248, 256, 371 cartulary.Seecartularies Charles Martel, 133, 213 charters.Seecharters Charles the Bald, king, 178, 179, 370 historiography, 286–7 Charles the Fat, king, 159 Cnut, king, 355 charters, 11–12, 58. See also cartularies codex, 21, 66 cartae pagenses, 128, 130, 131, 160 Codex Diplomaticus Cavensis, 328 cartae profiliacionis, 264 Codex Eberhardi, 202 cartae publicae, 247 Codex Falkensteinensis, 230 Cluny, 286, 288–91. See also cartularies Codice diplomatico longobardo, 232 diplomatic scholarship of, 284–5, 287–8 Collectio Anselmo dedicata, 233 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02529-5 - Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages Edited by Warren C. Brown, Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes and Adam J. Kosto Index More information 380 Index Collectio Flaviniacensis. See formulas. Dioscorus archive.Seelay archives Flavigny Psimanobet family commemoration.Seedocument use and diplomas, royal, 153, 249, 341, 343–4 practice diplomatics, 11. See also charters Commission des Reguliers,´ 292 Disticha Catonis, 86 Concordat of Worms, 257 document preservation, 190–1. See also Conrad II, king, 329 archives Constance, 119, 158 early modern, 291–5 Constans II, emperor, 61 ecclesiastical, 2, 82, 94, 150–1, 210, Constantine, emperor, 22, 46, 56, 68, 73, 231–3, 242–5, 254–8, 295–301, 88, 137 305–7, 318–20, 325, 332–3, 334–5, Constantine IV, emperor, 48 344, 354–5, 357–9, 364, 370–2, Constantinople, 15, 19, 32, 54, 93 375–6. See also cartularies Constantius II, emperor, 43, 137 late Roman, 54–9 Copenhagen, 128, 137, 140, 144 lay, 70, 130–1, 134–5, 191, 197–8, 325, Corniero, estate, 274, 278 326–8, 330–5. See also dossiers and Costamagna, Giorgio, 235 lay archives Coventry Abbey, 354 mediums, 10–11, 307–10
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