Xu Fenglin. Russian Cultural Worldview and Modernization of Russia RUSSIAN CULTURAL WORLDVIEW AND MODERNIZATION OF RUSSIA* Xu Fenglin Xu Fenglin – Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Institute for Foreign Philosophy at Peking University. E-mail: [email protected] Being the cornerstone of Russian traditional culture, Russian cultural worldview – Russian cultural mindset, as it were – is characterized by inherent harmony, wholeness, collectivism, ideal- ism, and intrinsic religiosity; all these features oppose the evolvement of the modernization pro- cess in Russia. When pondering the process of Russia’s modernization, Russian philosophy, grounded in a typically Russian cultural worldview and unique world perception, does not deem modernization the best social scenario and an ideal to be sought; Russian philosophy abounds in the highest spiritual and humanitarian concerns. Key words: functions of Russian philosophy, Russian cultural worldview, modernization of Russia. DOI: 10.31079/1992-2868-2018-15-2-169-174 Russian* philosophers label the national psycholog- 1. The Russian Mindset Hinders the Moderni- ical traits inherent in Russian people as “the Russian zation of Russia mindset” (Semyon Frank), “the Russian soul” (Nikolai The Russian mindset, or worldview, is character- Berdyaev), and “the Russian national character” (Niko- ized by a number of features outlined and described by lay Lossky), among others. Russian spirituality and cul- renowned philosophers, among them Nikolay Lossky, ture in modern times are subjected to clashes with a very Semyon Frank, Nikolai Berdyaev, and Vassiliy Zen- specific social reality of today – modernization; this col- kovsky. From the multiple definitive markers, one may lision causes the contradiction between Russian spiritual deduce and distinguish four major indicators: heritage and culture and the prevalent social reality. If 1.1. The Worldview and Mindset of Man we approach this issue from the perspective of the social The traditional Russian mindset resists and with- reality, it would appear that modernization in Russia – stands abstract rational thinking; of great value is life unlike that in the West – has the following characteris- experience which reflects the essence of the very being tics: adoption and borrowing, “zigzagging”, retardation, and imparts it meaning and inner sense. What the Rus- and cultural gap. If we perceive modernization from the sian mindset seeks is not truth in the Western gnoseo- perspective of spirituality and culture, we can’t ignore logical sense – that is to say, veracity which implies the the following question: what is the role that the Russian correspondence, the accord of the idea and the object; national tradition plays in the process of Russia’s mod- but the truth viewed as the unity of the Veritas and jus- ernization? Many scholars have pondered the aspects tice, fairness. This truth reveals itself not only as the related to the way the Russian national cultural tradition comprehension of the world and life but as the spiritual opposes the modernization process, but it appears the essence of existence. Truth, goodness, and beauty qua elucidation of the matter at hand is not profound enough. ultimate values in life are not separated and isolated We believe that the aforementioned question – that of categories but form a holistic unity. The Russian men- the modernization in Russia and the role the national tality and perception of life manifest themselves as the cultural legacy plays in it – is to be viewed from two striving for the life’s ideal – total fusion of the individ- angles. If one considers the given issue in the context of ual and the society. the development of Russia’s society as an objective his- The unity of mentality and worldview of an indi- torical process, then, it would seem that certain elements vidual cannot be realized in our contemporary society, of the Russian national tradition do hinder the moderni- because these two categories do not correlate with an zation process in Russia; if we, however, view the pro- individual consciousness. Our contemporary society is gress of Russian culture and society with a clear under- characterized by differentiation as a principle: the dif- standing that human life is the absolute value, then the ferentiation of social roles, variation of skills and moral reevaluation of the modernization concept by Russian qualities, distinction between social and private lives. philosophers is a rational and worthy endeavor which is In the modern world, every person expresses oneself as invaluable for philosophy, being far from indicative of a free, autonomous subject; that corresponds to the regress and retardation. requirements of modern market economy and demo- cratic policy. Individual consciousness and civil con- sciousness are formed, developed and perfected in the * Translated by E.Y. Malneva, Candidate of Science (Philology). course of progress of the Western society. The Eastern 169 «The Humanities аnd Social Studies in the Far East». Vol. XV. Issue 2, 2018 Orthodox conception of a person differs from that typi- ogists and religious thinkers, among those Leo Tolstoy, cal of the Western world, and that distinction, quite Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Lermon- possibly, originates from the teachings of St. Augus- tov, Fyodor Tyutchev, and Nikolai Leskov. tine. According to the latter, Man after committing the How did the Russian national culture manage to original sin became a subject, an individual who corre- preserve its religious vector in the nineteenth century lated his actions with God, faith, and reason. Later, the and at the beginning of the twentieth century – despite Western world was affected by the Renaissance, the its prolonged exposure to Western secular culture? The Reformation and the Enlightenment; individual aware- answer to this lies in the immanent legacy of Eastern ness and civil consciousness grew more complex in the Orthodoxy which has become an intrinsic inextricable process of interaction of faith and reason, the church feature and a constituent part of the universal system of and the state, an individual and the society. moral values. Religion has transcended the boundaries But the aforementioned process is not typical of of the Church and theology and acquired a universal Russia which inherited the Orthodox faith from Byzan- significance for the formation of spiritual and cultural tium. Within the Russian Orthodox tradition, a person values. Russian religious philosopher Vladimir Solo- is not viewed as an autonomous subject; his essence is vyov posits that religion – to put it generally and in the dissolved in God. Man, as Orthodoxy posits, is an im- most abstract terms – is communion, a connection be- perfect being who opens up to God and aspires to God, tween Man, the world and the absolute beginning and being on the constant path – searching for a way from nexus of all existence. (Соловьев 1988, 5) imperfection to perfection and righteousness. Two rad- The religious gradient of the Russian mindset is ical and profound notions were fashioned in the Rus- closely entwined with the philosophy of life. The Rus- sian national worldview owing to this religious prem- sian cultural worldview decrees that human life is ise: 1) belief in the inherent connection between Man deemed meaningless – as is social secular culture – if it and the Absolute Being; 2) the absence of faith in the is devoid of religious values. The Russian cultural autonomy of human self-awareness, ideas, reason, and worldview does not behold any meaning in human life mind. Nikolay Lossky claimed that the Russians lacked and social secular culture if they are both lacking reli- empirical nature which was ingrained in the European gious values. It is this particularly sharp religious slant mentality. that enables Russian people to ponder such sempiternal The totality of the cultural worldview and mindset existential questions as “What is human?”; “What is the of a Russian person is inextricably linked with absolut- meaning of life?”; “How are humans and the Higher ism and religiosity. Being (Deity) connected?” Russian philosophers pay a 1.2. Absolutism and Religiosity significant amount of attention to such issues as the tran- In modern era, Western culture has started impos- scendental nature of philosophy and the problem of ab- ing significant influence on Russian culture; notwith- solutism. Nikolai Berdyaev claims that philosophers standing, Russian spiritual culture and philosophy sometimes tend to stoop to rude empiricism and materi- managed to preserve their religious nature. In the times alism, but a true philosopher aspires to the otherworldly, of Peter the Great, Russia proverbially opened – or the transcendent – beyond the boundaries of this world; better yet, smashed open – the window into the Euro- they are never satisfied with what lies within imminent pean world but, arguably, the major elements borrowed reach. Philosophy has always been an escape, a getaway from the Western milieu back then pertained primarily from the senseless, empirical world, assaulting and abus- to the material culture; spirituality used to be ignored ing us in every possible way, into the realm of meaning, for the most part, this inevitably resulted in the forcible of the ethereal, the otherworldly. (Бердяев 1994, 232) Europeanization of the Russian way of life. During the Lev Shestov, in his turn, believes that philosophy sees as period of Catherine the Great’s rule,
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