![62. French, English and Latin Names of Insects, Diseases and Plants](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Wild Blueberry in a Context of Production Guide... Sustainable Development 62. French, English and Latin Names of Insects, Diseases and Plants Encountered in Blueberry Fields This list presents the species encountered most often in Québec blueberry fi elds. It is by no means exhaustive. Certain species, fl agged by a number indicating the corresponding leafl et, have been discussed at length because they represent a new, particular or signifi cant problem in blueberry production. For a more complete list, or for details on species identifi cation, we suggest that you consult an identifi cation guide. INSECTS French Name English Name Latin Name AAltiseltise ddee ll’airelle’airelle ((dudu bbleuet)leuet) ((33)33) FFlealea BBeetleeetle AAlticaltica ssylviaylvia AArpenteuserpenteuse dduu bbleuetleuet ((34)34) BBlueberrylueberry SSpanwormpanworm MMacariaacaria aandersonindersoni aandersonindersoni Arpenteuse caténaire Chainspotted, Chain-dotted Geometer Cingilia catenaria Thrips du bleuet Blueberry Thrips Catinathrips kainos CCercopeercope ddee ll’airelle’airelle ((36)36) HHeatheath SSpittlepittle BBugug CClastopteralastoptera saintcyrisaintcyri Chenille à houppes blanches Whitemarked Tussock Moth Orgya leucostigma Chrysomèle porte-case du bleuet Blueberry Case Beetle Neochlamisus cribripennis Galéruque de l’airelle Blueberry Leaf Beetle Tricholochmaea vaccinii Légionnaire noire Black Army Cutworm Actebia fennica MMoucheouche dduu bbleuetleuet ((dede ll’airelle)’airelle) ((35)35) BBlueberrylueberry MMaggot,aggot, BBlueberrylueberry FFruitruit FFlyly RRhagoletishagoletis mendaxmendax Tenthrède du bleuet Blueberry Sawfl y Neopareophora litura Thrips du bleuet Blueberry Thrips Frankliniella vaccinii Tisseuse du bleuet (de l’airelle) Blueberry Leaftier, Leaf Roller Croesia curvalana Tordeuse du bleuet (lieuse à bandes rouges) Red-Stripped Fireworm Aroga trialbamaculella 1 62. French, English and Latin Names of Insects, Diseases and Plants Encountered in Blueberry Fields DISEASES French Name English Name Latin Name (asexual form/sexual form) BBlanclanc ((oïdium)oïdium) ((40)40) PPowderyowdery MildewMildew MMicrosphaeraicrosphaera ppenicillataenicillata vvacciniiaccinii Brûlure des rameaux Twig Blight Aureobasidium pullulans Chancre godronien Godronia Canker Fusicocum putrefacien / Godronia cassandrae Chancre phomopsien Phomopsis Canker Phomopsis vaccinii / Diaporthe vaccinii Moisissure grise Botrytis Blight, Blossom, Twig Botrytis cinerea / Botryotina fuckeliana PPourritureourriture ssclérotiqueclérotique ((37)37) MMummyummy BBerryerry MMoniliniaonilinia vvaccinii-corymbosiaccinii-corymbosi Rouge Red Leaf Exobasidium vaccinii RRouilleouille ((dudu bbleuet,leuet, ddeses ffeuilles,euilles, ddee llaa ppruche)ruche) LLeafeaf RRustust NNaohidemycesaohidemyces vvacciniiaccinii ((PucciniastrumPucciniastrum vvaccinii,accinii, ((39)39) TThekosporahekospora minima)minima) Rouille-balai de sorcière Witches’ Broom Rust Pucciniastrum goeppertianum Tache ramularienne Ramularia Leaf Spot Ramularia effusa TTacheache sseptorienneeptorienne ((38)38) SSeptoriaeptoria LLeafeaf SSpotpot SSeptoriaeptoria sspp.pp. TTacheache vvaldensinéennealdensinéenne ((41)41) VValdensiniaaldensinia LLeafeaf SSpotpot VValdensiaaldensia hheterodoxaeterodoxa / VValdensiniaaldensinia hheterodoxaeterodoxa PLANTS French Name English Name Latin Name Achillée millefeuille Common Yarrow Achillea millefolium Agrostide scabre (foin fou) Hairgrass, Rough Bentgrass Agrostis scabra Airelle vigne-d’Ida Mountain Cranberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea Amélanchiers - Amelanchier sp. Apocyn à feuille d’androsème Spreading Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifolium Aronia (aronie à fruits noirs) Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa Aulne crispé, aulne rugueux Alder Alnus crispa, Alnus rugosa Bouleau Birch Betula sp. CCarexarex ((46)46) SSedgeedge CCarexarex ssp.p. Cassandre caliculée Leatherleaf Chamaedaphne calyculata Cerisier de Pennsylvanie Fire Cherry Prunus pensylvanica Chénopode blanc (chou gras) Lambsquarter Chenopodium album Chèvrefeuille Honeysuckle Lonicera villosa and canadensis Chiendent Quackgrass, Couch-Grass Agropyron repens Clintonie boréale Bluebead, Yellow Clintonia Clintonia borealis CComptonieomptonie vvoyageuseoyageuse ((43)43) SSweetweet FFernern CComptoniaomptonia pperegrineeregrine Corydale toujours verte Pale Corydalis Corydalis sempervirens Danthonie à épi Poverty Oat Grass, Wild Oat-Grass Danthonia spicata Diereville chèvrefeuille Bush Honeysuckle Diervilla lonicera Épervière Hawkweeds Hieracium sp. Épigée rampante Trailing Arbutus, Mayfl ower Epigaea repens Wild Blueberry Production Guide 2 62. French, English and Latin Names of Insects, Diseases and Plants Encountered in Blueberry Fields French Name English Name Latin Name Épilobe à feuilles étroites Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium Faux houx Mountain-Holly, Wild Holly, Catberry Nemopanthus mucronatus GGranderande ffougèreougère (45)(45) BBrackenracken FFernern PPteridiumteridium aaquilinumquilinum Immortelle Pearly-Everlasting, Life-Everlasting Anaphalis margaritacea Joncs Rush Juncus spp. KKalmiaalmia à ffeuilleseuilles éétroitestroites ((42)42) LLambkill,ambkill, SSheepheep LLaurelaurel KKalmiaalmia aangustifoliangustifolia Laitue du Canada Canada Lettuce Lactuca canadensis Lysimaque terrestre Swamp (Terrestrial) Loosestrife Lysimachia terrestris Maïanthème du Canada Wild Lily-of-the-Valley Maianthemum canadense MMélampyreélampyre llinéaireinéaire ((48)48) CCow-wheatow-wheat MMelampyrumelampyrum llineareineare MMousseousse à cariboucaribou ((49)49) RReindeereindeer LLichensichens CCladinaladina sssp.sp. Onagre bisanuelle Yellow Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis Pâturin Blue Grass Poa spp. Petite oseille Sheep Sorrell, Field Sorrel Rumex acetosella Peuplier faux-tremble Trembling Aspen, Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides Pissenlit Dandelion Taraxacum offi cinale Potentille Cinquefoil Potentilla spp. Prunelle vulgaire Selfheal, Heal-All Prunella vulgaris QQuatre-tempsuatre-temps ((44)44) BBunchberryunchberry DDogwoodogwood CCornusornus canadensiscanadensis Raisin d’ours Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Sabot de la vierge Pink Lady’s-Slipper Cypripedium acaule Salsepareille (aralie hispide) Bristly Sarsaparilla Aralia hispida Saule Willow Salix sp. Scirpe Bulrush Scirpus sp. Spirée à larges feuilles Large-Leaved Meadowsweet Spiraea latifolia Thé des bois Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens Thé du Labrador Labrador Tea Ledum groenlandicum Trèfl e Clover Trifolium spp. Trientale boréale American Starfl ower Trientalis borealis subs. borealis Verge d’or du Canada Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Vergerette du Canada Canada Fleabane Erigeron canadensis Vesce jargeau Tufted Vetch, Cow Vetch Vicia cracca Violette Violet Viola spp. Viorne cassinoïde Whiterod, Wild Raisin, Appalachian Tea Viburnum cassinoides 3 Wild Blueberry Production Guide 62. French, English and Latin Names of Insects, Diseases and Plants Encountered in Blueberry Fields REFERENCES Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2008. Crop Profi le for Wild Blueberry in Canada. 60 pp. Caruso, F.L. and D.C. Ramsdell. 1995. Compendium of Blueberry and Cranberry Diseases. The American Phytopathological Society. 87 pp. Desjardins, È.-C. and R. Néron. 2010. Guide d’identifi cation des alliés et ennemis du bleuet nain : Insectes, maladies et végétaux. Centre de recherche Les Buissons. Marie-Victorin, Frère. 1995. Flore laurentienne. Third Edition. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. 1093 pp. Sampson, M.G., K.V. McCully and D.L. Sampson. 1990. Weeds of Eastern Canadian Blueberry Fields. Nova Scotia Agricultural College Bookstore. Truro, Nova Scotia. 229 pp. Entomological Society of Canada. 2006. Common Names Database. Toronto. [Online]. www.esc-sec.ca/ee/index.php/cndb (Page consulted on September 15, 2010). USDA. Plants database. Natural Resources Conservation Service. [Online]. http://plants.usda.gov/index.html (Page consulted on September 15, 2010). Wild Blueberry Network Information Centre. Wild Blueberry Factsheets. Wild Blueberry Producers’ Association of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Blueberry Institute and Department of Agriculture and Marketing. [Online]. http://nsac.ca/wildblue/facts/ (Page consulted on September 15, 2010). Yarborough, D. and F. Dummond. 2008. A pocket guide to IPM scouting in Wild Blueberries. The University of Maine. Cooperative Extension. 73 pp. PROJECT COORDINATION PUBLISHING Sophie Gagnon, Agronomist, Project Management Chantale Ferland, M.Sc., Publishing Project Offi cer, CRAAQ, Coordinator, Agrinova, Alma Québec Lyne Lauzon, Publications Coordinator, CRAAQ, Québec WRITING Sophie Gagnon, Agronomist, Project Management TRANSLATION Coordinator, Agrinova, Alma Rod Willmot, M.A. REVISION LAYOUT AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Disease section: Gérard Gilbert, Agronomist- Sylvie Robitaille, Computer Graphics Technician, CRAAQ, Phytopathologist, Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries Québec et de l’Alimentation du Québec, Québec Insect section: Michèle Roy, Ph.D., Agronomist- Entomologist, Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, Québec PRODUCED BY FUNDED BY Association des producteurs de bleuets de la Côte-Nord Wild Blueberry Production Guide 4.
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