www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association| X as - - > 5Л іг ДЇ - О ^< О О О -О rainian Weekly СІ Z гп Vol. Lil No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1984 25 cents t""' Patriarch Josyf dead ROME - Patriarch Josyf Slipyj, Union and arrived in Rome in early the prelate of the "Pomisna" Ukrainian February 1963. Catholic Church, died here on Septem­ Patriarch Josyf was born in the ber 7 at 10 a.m. (Rome time). He was 92. village of Zazdrist in western Ukraine The death of the hierarch, who had on February 17, 1892. In 1912, Metro­ been in frail health for some time, was politan Andrey Sheptytsky sent the confirmed by a telephone call The young man to the famed Theological Weekly made to Ss. Sergius and University in Innsbruck, Austria. Bacchus Chapel in Rome. News of the After his ordination, he continued his cardinal's death was first reported on a stbdies at the GregoriumaQd Angelicum CBS morning news show. universities and the Orientaflnstitute in fNews of the patriarch's death came Rome. \ as Tlie Weekly was going to press. Full Due to uncertain conditib^is in coverage of the patriarch, his life and Ukraine duringthe 1930s, MetropoHtaiT" times, will appear next week.j Sheptytsky, with the approval of Rome, The patriarch, who resided in Rome consecrated Msgr. Slipyj archbishop of for the last 21 years, lived a life some Lviv, "sub secreta."The chirotony took have called a miracle, while others, place secretly because this was the time citing his many years of suffering under of Russian occupation and any mention the Soviets, called it a living testimony of this appointment would have caused that God watches over his flock. great repressions by the Communist Patriarch Josyf was the only member authorities. of the Ukrainian Catholic Church With the death of Metropolitan hierarchy to survive the Soviet destruc­ Sheptytsky on November I, 1944, tion of that Church in Ukraine in the Msgr. Slipyj, became Metropolitan of 1940s. He endured 18 years of impri­ Galicia. On April II, 1945, Metropoli­ sonment in Soviet camps for refusing to tan Slipyj, along with the entire Ukrai­ betray the Ukrainian Catholic Church nian Catholic hierarchy, was arrested. and for fidelity to the Holy See. Through He was sentenced in 1946 and disap­ the intervention of President John F. peared into the huge Soviet penal Kennedy and Pope John XXIII and the complex. It was only after Stalin's death persistent struggle of Ukrainian Catho­ in 1953 that some news about the fate of lics all over the world. Metropolitan the metropolitan began coming into Slipyj was released from the Soviet (Continued on page 12) Patriarch Josyf Thousands of visitors flock to Soyuzivka for Labor Day weekend by Marta Kolomayets the talents ol the Hromovytsia Dance were well-prepared for (he dance that tute, as well as an accomplished per­ Ensemble from Chicago and the Toda- followed on Veselka's outdoor patio. former at dinner theaters and summer KERHONKSON. N.Y. - "Thereare schuk Sisters of Winnipeg, Canada. The Vodohray Band of New York stock, appearing in such notable more people here this Labor Day weekend The Hromovytsia Dance Ensemble, provided most of the music lor the musicals as "Grease," "Cabaret" and than I've seen at Soyu/ivka in previous choreographed by group members evening dance, however, during their "Hello. Dolly." years." remarked the UNA resort's Marta Horodylowsky-Kozyckyi. intermissions, the sounds of the Soyu­ Her diverse program included a wide mistress of ceremonies Anya Dydyk as Roxana Dyka-Pylypcz^k, Jurij Cepyn- zivka hou.sc band, which had enter­ variety of music; everything from a she made her way through the masses sky and Ivan Pylypczak. presented tained audiences during the week humorous Ukrainian piece by com­ mingling along the path between 4he dances from various regions of Ukraine, throughout the entire summer, were poser Mykola Fomenko to "New York, Veselka Pavilion and the Main House. including Volhynia, Zakarpatlia. Pol- presented for one more time. New York," the theme song of the "The clear, sunny weather is probably tavshchyna, Bukovyna and Lemkiv- By late Saturday morning, even more Broadway show by the same name, were one reason why so many people came shchyna. The performances of the 20 people had arrived at Soyuzivka to performed. Her presentiition was divided here today, but I also think the tact that dancers received thunderous applause, enjoy the last weekend of the summer into two parts. The former included we did not have a three-day 4th of July as did that of the Todaschuk Sisters. before returning to the reality оГ school various Ukrainian ballads and songs, weekend contributed to this weekend's Rosemarie and Charlene, who sang a and the responsibilities of work. Some while the latter was a selection of success," she said. selection of traditional Ukrainian folk mmgled with old friends апЗ others met Broadway show songs interspersed with Whatever the reasons for traveling to songs. new ones, while still others watched the narrations about the life of an aspiring Soyuzivka this past Labor Day week­ The two blonde-haired sisters are Carpathian Ski Club-sponsored annual actress. Throughout all her perfor­ end, keen observers estimated that students in the specialized honors swimming competition and the opening mances, she was ably accompanied by about 3.000 vacationers made the program at York University outside ceremonies of the 29th annual tennis Yurij Furda of Vodohray Band fame. pilgrimage that has become somewhat Toronto. Rosemarie is majoring in music tournament, both under the auspices of Between Mr. Petyk's^two-part show, of a ritualistic end-of-summer event for and Charlene in dance. They started the Ukrainian Sports Association of the renowned pianist Thorrkjs Hrynkiw. a Ukrainians. singing at pre-school age and for the past United Stales and Canada. familiar face to Soyuzivka audiences, Many people arrived on Friday, few years have performed extensively biill others took hikes around the who spent most of his summer as the August 31, to begin the Labor Day throughout North America at various resort, played volleyball or just relaxed vocal director and performer at the weekend festivities which close tnis testivals. ivlost receniiy ihey releasca an before the 8:30 p.m. evening concert, Newport Music Festival, enraptured season at the resort situated in the scenic album titled "The Todaschuk Sisters." which was attended by over 800 people. the audience with his piano-playing. Catskill Mountains of upstate New The lively music of both groups The Soyuzivka guests were entertained Mr. Hrynkiw performed a Revutsky York. The weekend was kicked off on caught on with the crowd u hich attend­ by Katrya Oransky-Petyk, who is a composition, "Sonata in В Minor. Opus Friday evening with a show featuring ed the concert Thus, ilic many guesls graduate of the Ukrainian Music Insti­ (Continued on page 8) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1984 No. 37 Al adopts Anatoly Marchenko Latvian rock bands have LONDON - Amnesty International, an Independent human-rights organiza­ Soviet authorities worried tion, recently placed Soviet dissideni Anatoly Marchenko on its urgent JERSEY CITY. N.J. Pop and tive farm that sponsors it. action list. rock music have been accepted in Perkons. often performs in odd As reported in the August 26 issue of Soviet Latvia for more than a de­ costumes and uses fireworks onstage The Weekly, Mr. Marchenko was cade, but Soviet authorities worry to accentuate its music. According to beaten repeatedly until he lost conscious­ that the new generation of Latvian Mjartans, they are "an uncompro­ ness. Because of these punishments, he rock bands -are possible source of mising group, committed to its own suffered a concussion and his eyesight social unrest among youths, accord­ music and uninterested in being a was temporarily damaged. Mr. Mar­ ing to a recent article in The Chris­ commercial success." Commercial chenko has also lost his hearing and tian Science Monitor. success, in Soviet terms means an suffers from polyneuritis. Latvian emigre sources report that official record album, bookings in Amnesty International has called on following a concert at a seaside the best concert halls, and publicity its members to send telegrams, express resort. Latvian youths, provoked in the state-controlled press. and airmail letters to the Soviet govern­ both Russians living there and the Most bands have repertoires that ment and to the Perm labor camp, police. The song that instigated their contain little or no material which where the 46-year-old author and behavior was performed by the now can be questioned by authorities. human-rights activist is imprisoned. disbanded rock group Modo, and Other musicians, however, play The letters should express concern at contained the word Latvia. entirelyunderground inviting friehds reports that Mr. Marchenko has been So far, authorities have kept "sus­ to private performances of punk rock repeatedly punished and call for the picious" musical ensembles in check and other music that has been criti­ reports of the beatings to be promptly cized in the Soviet Latvian press as Anatoly Marchenko by having a special jury screen investigated. The letters should also performances and restrict where beeing "artistically immature." An urge that he be immediately and uncon­ that Mr. Marchenko has been prosecuted groups may perform. official Latvian Communist youth ditionally released on the grounds that "There are limitations in the newspaper has complained about he is a prisoner of conscience. by the authorities. Since the 1960s, Mr. Marchenko has groups, on how widely they can tour youth dances with live music, called Mr. Marchenko is serving a 10-year- been an outspoken campaigner for the and perform in Latvia," says Dainis discoteques.
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