RAMS MEET ATTEND SMOKER MUSTANGS THE TOMORROW IN GYM Vol. 16 New York, N. Y., October 25, 1934 No. 4 **— Annual Retreat St. Mary's Topples Fordham from Rally and Smoker Begins Oct. 29; Tomorrow Night Concludes Nov. 1 Undefeated Ranks with 14-9 Victory In College Gym Fr. Mclntyre Will Instruct Frank Frisch to Be Guest of Upperclassmen, Fr. Cox Honor; Autographed the Freshmen Football Offered The Annual Fordham College Retreat Frank Frlsch will be the guest of wJll commence on Monday, October 29 honor at the Smoker and Football Rally and conclude on Thursday, the feast ol to be held in the College gymnasium to- AH Saints, November 1, with (he gen morrow night. The Fordham Flash has eral communion of the entire student wired that he will attend. body. Father Charles J. Mclntyre, S.I. The program for the evening Includes WU1 conduct the Retreat for the Upper a host of celebrities from the athletic classmen, and Father John F. Cox, S.J. and theatrical worlds. Entertainers |ll be In charge of the Freshmen. The from the Cotton Club and Loew'g Para- W dise Theatre will help to make the af- Retreat masters are members of the fair a notable one. The amateur boxing Jesuit Mission Band. and wrestling bouts which were so well Schtdult of Retreat received at last year's smoker will be Services tor the Upperclasaraen are duplicated tomorrow night. There will be questions and answers by Jim Crow- lo be in the University Chapel and the ley and Ray Morrison, the Southern Freshmen will gather in the Lower Methodist coach, and speeches by Crow- Chapel. The nrst service, at 9:00 ley and Les Borden. Songs by the Ford- A. M., Is Holy Mass. An Instruction will ham captain will also be a feature of the Immediately follow. The students, after program. Those who have ever heard him sing will testify that this will be an a short recess, will meet at 10:45 A. M. enjoyable feature. A one-act comedy, (or recitation of the Rosary, which is "The King's Daughter" will play a re- followed by another instruction. The turn engagement, by demand of those afternoon devotion, commencing at 1:00 who witnessed it last year. Among the P. H.i consists of Stations of the Cross Innovations on this year's bill are the an instruction and Benediction. Fordham Orchestra and Glee Club. Retreat Enda Thursday The Entertainment Committee has This schedule will be followed during Steve Sarolu leading way for Joe Maniac! through St. Mary'g gap in off-tackle dash. received a promise from Bill Robinson, the three days, the Retreat closing witl nationally famous tap dancer, that he will appear if he possibly can. Among General Communion of the entire stu BUSINESS FORUM OPENS; GLEE CLUB ANNOUNCES the other acts which will be included on dent body on Thursday morning. After Muniaci Races Eighty Yards the evening's program are the Nicholas Benediction, the students will receive ATTENDANCE INCREASED for Ram Touchdown on CONCERTS FOR SEASON Brothers, who appeared In "Emperor the Papal Blessing. At the conclusion of Intercepted Pass Jones," and "Jackie" Dunn, locally fa- this service the Juniors and Seniors President James Gallico Out- Two Appearances at Boston mous chorister. "Les" Borden, captain will be served breakfast in the Cafe- line* Program for Among Concerts to Be of the Maroon football team, will sing Coining Season. Presented "Be Still My Heart," accompanied on teria and the sophomores ami Fresh- The Militant Moragamen crossed the piano by Jack Egan, the composer. their first barrier last Saturday at ex- men in the Freshman Building. The Business Forum met for the first Father Theodore T. Farley, S. J., Continued on page 3) actly two-twenty o'clock, ten minutes time this year on Wednesday, Oct. 16 Moderator of the Glee Club, announced before game time. They dashed from with approximately one hundred of Its at the meeting of the club on Friday, the Polo Grounds' clubhouse amid a October 19th, the colleges at which Work on 1935 Issue Debate Council members in attendance. mighty roar with all the glamour and concerts will be conducted during the James E. Galileo, President of the To Meet Oxford speed of a great team. Twenty paces coming season. Although three of the Of Maroon Begun Business Forum, oponed the meeting dates still remain unsettled, it Is un- with an outline of what the organiza- In front a two-and-one-haU foot fence that served to keep the overflow off the likely that there will be any change In Fordham Orators to Engage tion will undertake in order to fulfill the schedule. Editor Bellew Says Maroon the purpose of the society, as stated field, protruded Itself upon their do-or- English Team Here on On November 16th the Glee Club will Will Differ in Form in Its Constitution, "to present the die dash. Clumsily hesitating, they Inaugurate the season with a concert November 27 students with the opportunity of learn straddled It, not looking a bit like at Monnt St. Vincent's College. This From Past Issues. Ing the practical workings of business, athletes. will be followed by engagements at St. Edited by Michael F. X. Bellew, Fordham will meet Oxford Unlver finance and government." This pur- Two and one half hours later they Elizabeth's College, New Jersey, early slty In an international debate on No- pose, Mr. Ciallico stated, was success- had straddled the Fordham barrier, 14 in January and Good Counsel College, who was elected by the Junior Class fully attained last year when the White Plains, N. Y., early In February. vember 27. The meeting will tako place to 9, with surety and finesse, 55,000 last May, the 1935 edition of the Ma- in Collins Auditorium, at Fordham Col- Business Forum was able to present to On Febniary 21st, the Glee Club will the Student Body, anch able lecturers roaring spectators will attest they appear at Georgian Court College, roon, Year Book of Fordham College, lege, where a team selected from mem- looked like athletes, Lakewood, New Jersey. The principal bers of the Council of Debate will en- as Orover A. Whalen, Dean Wilkinson, is rapidly rounding into shape. Accord- Dean of Fordham Law School, Ray- The better team won. Irrespective of concert of the season follows when the gage the English group. The last de- club appears at Town Hall on March ing to a statement made by the editor, mond H. Relss, President, International how it uppeared from the cheerlng- bate between Fordham and Oxford took 20. The club will take to the road for Tailoring Corp., nnd Charles Murphy section, from the press-box, with Its this year's Maroon will allot a much place two years ago at which time the next two concerts which will bring President of Advertising Club and was altltudinal advantage, it was only a them an appearance at Regis College, greater amount of space to the activi- Fordham was victorious. juccessful in organizing group visits to question of time before the Ill-wind Weston, Mass., on April 27th and Em- ties of the underclassmen. In the past An Open Forum on tho topic—"Re- the Curb and Stock Exchanges and the blew the Qnels into a tying position, manuel College, Boston, on April 28th. solved that tho City of New York Uhase National Bank. The same policy The season will finish with a concert at the volume has been dedicated almost following Manlacl's run, and later, Into should hold Municipal Lotteries," was will be In force this year; it being the Notre Damo College, Staten Island, entirely to the Interests of the seniors. discussed at the regular meeting on ilm of the officers of the club to accede the winning touchdown. As time passed early in May. Bernard M. Hughes, Business Mana- Thursday, October 18th. After the dis- to tho desires or the members to pro it became more and more evident that The club this year is the largest to Mission, In which many speakers gave jure as lecturers leaders In whom the the only hope for Fordham was that appear in the last few seasons. Dr. ger, has announced that contracts have their views from the floor, a general members are most Interested. one of their shoe-string passes might Frederic Joslyn, Director of the organ- been awarded to the Chemical Photo vote revealed that the members (lid lend to an undeserved victory. ization, has been conducting intensive Engraving Company, the Schilling not share this view and that Hie ma- Mr. Edmund F. Rowen, Professor of rehenrsals to Initiate the new members jority supported tho negative of the Business Administration nnd Mode The Spark That Failed who have considerably outnumbered Press of New York and all student pic- •lucstloii. The vote for tho best speaker rator of the Forum, utter congratulat- Fordham went away to a seven point the veterans from the previous season. tures will be photographed by the of the day showed that James Tumulty, ing the members on their attendance, As usual, the club will present a num- '36, and John F. Hayes, '.15, were tied took a canvass of suggestions for lead on Manlacl's ninety-yard run. This ber of popular selections from last sea- Arthur Studios. An artist has also been for tho honor. speakors at subsequent meetings and break might well have been the Inspira- son. However, many new songs will hired who will paint varloUB campus Following tho discussion, Mr, Fran- placos of particular Interest to the stu- tional spur that would lash the Hum be added as the season advances and scenes which In turn will be trans- t; an entire new pvogrnm will bo com- Is M.
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