© Lonely Planet Publications 340 Index (B-D) 341 Buin 245 Riba Cave 276 Umboldi Cultural Show 149 Buka 242-3 skull caves 109, 113, 123, 172 Wahgi Cultural Show 294 Index Buka baskets 47, 241-2 caving 286 culture 33-47 Buka Island 242-3 cell phones 300 ancestor worship 36 Buka Passage 242, 242 cemeteries bigmen 34, 35 See also GreenDex pp348-9. Aronis 147 bird-watching 207, 285 Bula Falls 135 Bagail Cemetery 229 bride price 36 ABBREVIATIONS artefacts 42, 47, 298-9, see also Bensbach 208 Bulldog Track 137 Bita Paka War Cemetery 218 initiation rites 36, 197 A ACT Australian Capital carvings Galahi Island 116 Bulolo 139-40 Bomana War Cemetery 83 Southern Highlands 170 Territory Abel, Reverend Charles 86, 117 bilums 47, 81, 159, 167, 195 Kimbe Bay 226 Buna 106 Lae War Cemetery 129-30 wantoks 37 NSW New South Wales accommodation 282-5, see also Buka baskets 47, 241-2 Kiunga 206, 207 Bundi 149 Madang Cemetery 142 customs, food 66 NT Northern Territory individual locations Highland hats 47, 81, 159, 167 Los Negros Island 239 bushwalking, see trekking, walking Peter ToRot’s cemetery & customs regulations 291 Qld Queensland village stays 122, 235 masks 46, 228, 294, 7 Manus Island 239 business hours 290 memorial church 219 cycling 236, 315 SA South Australia activities 285-9, see also individual nguzunguzus 46 Mt Hagen 169 Butaweng waterfalls 138 Centennial Hill 89 Tas Tasmania activities pottery 45, 145-6, 198 Rennell 279 butterflies 51, 54, 105, 147 Central Province (PNG) 88-90, 86-7 D Vic Victoria acute mountain sickness 324 storyboards 45-6, 177, 198 Samarai Island 116 Butterfly Ranch 139 history 86-7 Dalom 236 WA Western Australia Admiral Yamamoto’s aircraft tapa cloth 44-5, 47, 137 Tari 173-4 Ohu Butterfly Habitat 146 Central Province (Solomon Islands) Dampier, William 25, 150 wreck 245 arts 41-7, see also individual arts tours 173-4, 206, 285 Bwetalu village 122 261-3, 261 dance 43-4 agriculture 22-3 books 45 Tufi 108 Chambri Lakes 198-9 dangers 291-2 Ahus Island 239 Asaro mud men 159-60 Varirata National Park 83 C children, travel with 290 diving 325 Aibom 198 Aseki 140 Bita Paka War Cemetery 218 Calvados chain 123 Chimondo 198 hitching 318 air travel ATMs 297 Black Cat Track 137 camping 282 Chinatown 253 raskols 42, 72, 165, 292, 296 airfares 308 Auki 276 blackbirding 26, 87, 227-8 cannibalism 23, 25 Choiseul 280 darts 156 airlines 306-7 Australian War Memorial (Alotau) 110 Blackwater Lakes 199 Anga people 201 Christianity 36, 40, 189, 201 Daru 205 airports 306-7 Avu Avu 261 Blue Lagoon Lookout 218 China Strait 116 Christmas Island 242 Daugo Island 76 history 312 boat travel 286, 315-16, see also laughing disease 161 Christopher Robinson Memorial 115 Daulo Pass 160 INDEX to/from PNG & Solomon Islands B canoes, rafting, sailing New Britain 212 cinema 42-3, see also films David Suzuki Trail 136 307-10 Baeroko Bay 265 Sepik River 191-3 New Ireland Province 228 climate 15, 290-1 de Bougainville, Louis 24-5 INDEX within PNG & Solomon Islands Baining people 213, 215 to/from PNG 311 canoes 316 global warming 53-4, 307 de Mendaña y Neyra, Don Alvaro 23-4 312-15 Balek Wildlife Sanctuary 146 to/from Solomon Islands 311 Cape Espérance 260 Coastwatchers’ Memorial beacon 142 dengue fever 322 Aitape 187 Bandit 149-50 Bobongara 138 Cape Moem 183 Connolly, Bob 42 D’Entrecasteaux Islands 116-18 Alexishafen 147 bandits, see raskols Bogia 147 Cape Wom International Memorial consulates 293 diarrhoea 323 Alotau 109-13, 110 Bargam 147 Bol 236 Park 183 coral cuts 325 disabilities, travellers with 301-2 Amboin 199 Basilisk Passage 76 Bolubolu 118 car travel 317-18 coral ear 325 diving 55-63, 286-7, 55, 5 Ambunti 194 baskets 47, 241-2 Boluminski Hwy 235-6 cargo cults 33, 34 cormorants 280 Gizo 63, 270-1 Amron 147 bathrooms 301 Bomana War Cemetery 83 Carteret, Captain Philip 24 costs 15-16 Guadalcanal 60 ancestor worship 36 bats 49, 142 Bonegi 259 carvings 45 crafts, see artefacts hazards 325 Anderson, Robin 42 Battle of Milne Bay 88 books 16, 17 buying carvings 298 Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Honiara 253 Anga people 127, 201 Battle of Wau 125 arts 45 Gogdala 46 Area 160 internet resources 62 Anganmai 199 Bau 137 birds 48, 49 Malangan 46, 228 credit cards 297 Kavieng 59, 230-1 Angoram 197-8 Beehives, the 219, 223 Bougainville 30 master carvers 46, 122, 191, 269 cricket 39, 121, 6 Kimbe Bay 59, 226 animals 48-52, see also individual Bellona 281 food 66 Sepik, the 177, 183, 195, 7 crocodiles 48, 208, 324 Kokopo 214-15 species Bellona Province 279-81 Kokoda Track 28, 103 Trobriand Islands 122 Crocodile Festival 194 live-aboard boats 57, 115 books 50, 51 Bensbach 208 travel 16 Wewak 183 cruises 315 Madang 56-7, 142-3 wildlife-watching 53, betel nut 35 wildlife 50, 51 cassowaries 48-9 Crystal Rapids 84 Marovo Lagoon 62-3, 267-8 289 Betikama 258-9 WWII 28 caves cults 33, 34, 36, 120 Milne Bay 58 April (Wara) River 198 bicycle travel, see cycling border crossings 310-11, 314 Benua Cave 241 cultural shows 10, 294, see also muck diving 57, 58, 107, 116, 286-7 Arawa 244 Bilbil 145-6 Botanical Gardens 129 burial caves 140 festivals Munda 61-2, 264 architecture 44 bigmen 34, 35 Bougainville 243-5 Kalopa Cave 120 Bargam Agricultural Show 147 Port Moresby 57, 76 area codes 300, see also inside front bilums 47, 81, 159, 167, 195 books 30 Kantobo 172 Cameron Cultural Show 111 Rabaul 58, 220 cover Bird island 280 itineraries 20 Keu Caves 162 Goroka Show 158 Russell Islands 61 Arnarvon Islands 280 birds 48-51, see also individual Bougainville Revolution Army 29, 241, Loniu Cave 239 Hagita Cultural Show 111 Samarai Island 116 species 245, 314 Manubyai Cave 147 Kundiawa Simbu Show 294 Tawali 115 000 Map pages birds of paradise 50-1, 129, 173, Boulay, Franck 61 Octopus Cave 280 Morobe Show 131 Tufi 57, 107 000 Photograph pages 206, 207 Brahmin 149 Oketemp Cave 188 Mt Hagen Show 166 Tulagi 61, 262 books 48, 49 British East India Company 25 Oksapmin 188 Tufi Cultural Show 107 WWII sites 57, 58, 60, 61-2, 145, 253 342 Index (D-H) Index (H-L) 343 documentaries 42 International Orchid Spectacular 76 Goilala region 90 Honiara 247-58, 252-3 Kaip village 169 Kokopo 213-18, 214 Doini Island 116 Kalam Culture Festival 149 golf accommodation 253-5 Kairiru Island 184 Koliwan, Moses 244 drinks 65 Mabarosa Festival 143 Lae 131 attractions 250 Kaisiga 120 Kolombangara 274 driving 317-18 Malagan Festival 231 Madang 143 diving 253 Kambaramba 198 Komate 261 Duke of York Group 224, 225 Milamala Festival 119 Port Moresby 76 drinking 256 Kambot 198 Konogogo 237 Dutch East Indies Company 24 Milne Bay Kundu & Canoe Wewak 181 entertainment 256-7 Kamiali Wildlife Management Area Konos 236 Festival 111 Gona 106 food 255-6 136-7 Kontu 237 E PNG Coffee Festival 158 Goodenough Island 118 travel to/from 257 Kamina 204 Korogo 194 Earhart, Amelia 26, 128 Warwagira Festival 215 Goroka 156-9, 157 travel within 257-8 Kaminabit 196 Krangket Island 145 East Cape 113-14 yam festivals 184 Govermas 199 Hoskins 225 Kanabea 204 kula ring 117 East Islands 234-5 filariasis 322 Green Island 238 hotels 282-4, see also individual Kanganaman 195 Kuma 261 East New Britain Historical & Cultural films 17, 41, 42, see also cinema Green River 193 locations kangaroos, tree 50, 150 Kundiawa 161-2 Centre 214 Finschhafen 138-9 Guadalcanal 247-61, 250-1 Hula beach 90 Kangu Beach 245 kundu drums 43 East New Britain Province 213-25 First Contact 27, 42, 153 diving 60 Huli people 170, 173 Kantobo 172 kuru 161 East Sepik Province 178-85 fishing 287 Guinea Airways 312 Huli wigmen 173 Karavia Bay 218 Kwaibala Waterfall 276 Eastern Highlands Province Alotau 111 Gulf Province 201-4, 202-3 Huon Gulf coast 135-8 Karawari River 199 Kwaio people 278 156-61 Baia 227 gun run 314 Karkar Island 150-1 Kwato Island 116 Eastern Island Groups 238 Bensbach 208 Gwado 135 I Kau Rainforest Museum & economy 12, 36-8 Daru 205 Gwale people 30, 249 Ialibu 171-2 Conservation Area 147 L ecotourism 54 Honiara 253 Ihu 203-4 Kauage, Mathias 41, 45 Lababia 136 GreenDex 348-9 Kavieng 231 H Indabu 195, 198 Kavieng 229-34, 230 Labi Island 121 electricity 283 Kikori 204 Hansa Bay 148 independence 29 diving 59, 230-1 Labu Lakes 135 elephantiasis 322 Lae 131 Hanuabada 73 initiation rites 36, 197 kayaking 286 Labu Tali Conservation Area 135-6 embassies 293 Marovo Lagoon 268 haus tambarans 36, 44, 195 insurance Kavieng 229, 231 Lae 128-35, 130 emergencies, see inside front cover Ramata 268 headdresses 46 health 320 Loloata Island 90 accommodation 132-3 INDEX Enga Province 168-9 Flannery, Tim 48 head-hunting 23, 201, 228, travel 295 Marovo Lagoon 268-9 attractions 129 Enhanced Cooperation Program 13 Fly River 201, 204, 206 277 internet access 295 Kennedy Island 63, 271 festivals 131 INDEX Enoghae 265 flying foxes 49, 52, 140 health 320-6 internet resources 16-18 Kennedy, John F 27, 273 food 133 environment 48-54 Flynn, Errol 16, 22, 87 insurance 320 diving 62 Keram River 198 travel to/from 134 environmental issues 52-4 food 64-7, 294, see also individual internet resources 321 health 321 Kerema 202-3 travel within 134-5 global warming 53-4, 307 locations hepatitis A 322 music 43 Kieta 244 Lae War Cemetery 129-30 Marovo Lagoon 266 books 66 hepatitis B 323 WWII 27 Kikori 204 Laiagam 169 mining 52-3 customs 66 Hermit 240 Isabel 280 Kimbe 225-6 Laing Island 148 Sepik, the 177 football 39 Highlands, the 152-74, 154-5 Island Provinces 209-45, 210-11 Kimbe Bay 226 Lake Govermas 199 ethnic tensions 13, 31, 38, 247, 249 Free West Papua Movement 30, 176 Eastern Highlands Province 156-61 itineraries 19-21 diving 59, 226 Lake Kopiago 174 events, see cultural shows, festivals
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