DEUTSCH-ÄTHIOPISCHER VEREIN E.V. s- GERMAN ETHIOPIAN ASSOCIATION www.deutsch-aethiopischer-verein.de Ausgabe November 2001 Information ment. (See also "Informationsblät- ter" 06/01 S. 8f). There are cases Facing the environmental degradation of modern slash and burn farming practices whereby investors clear in Ethiopia area on account of unsuitability of by TASEW DEJENE the soil for agriculture and aban- don the cleared area. The seri- ousness of the problem is obvi- ous. Deforestation and poor farm- Aspects of environmental deg- ing methods which cause soil Environmental degradation has radation erosion are (by and) large behav- long been a major problem in ioural issues. They require the Ethiopia but it was not seriously In recent decades, particularly understanding and sensitivity and addressed until the late half of after 1950’s, an increasing trend sensibility of policy makers and 1970’s. Considerable loss of of degradation of local natural the full understanding and con- countries forest cover, top soil, resources such as farmland, soil cern of farmers. water resources and biodiversity water, forest and pasture has has been taking place for long been witnessed in Ethiopia. Soil Losses of bio diversity can also time due to a variety of factors erosion, deforestation, urban be a factor as threat to environ- and policy problems. Further pollution are becoming serious mental degradation. The existing more the ill advised state pro- problems. Soil erosion in 1990 diversity is presently subject to grams, having to do with agricul- has cost the nation an annual loss serious genetic erosion and irre- tural and rural development have of grain production estimated at versible loses. The threat, which contributed to the acceleration of about 40,000 tones. The perma- interacts several factors, is pro- the degradation problems. For nent loss in values of the coun- gressing in an alarming rate. The long time the environmental advi- try’s soil resources caused by most crucial one include dis- sors and policy advocators have erosion in 1990was estimated to placement of indigenous land little knowledge of local land use birr 59 million (environmental races by new, genetically reform and farming practices and who policy,1997). In the Ethiopian and uniform crops cultivars, thus blame the land user for the Highlands alone, as roughly esti- changes and in agriculture and recurrent environmental crises mated, nearly one billion tones of land use, destruction of habitat that brought suffering to a large soil is lost each year (Tegene, and echo-systems, and drought. portion of the rural population. 1994as sited by Teferi,1999). This Environmental degradation which is primary due to human activities. entails food insecurity in rural The debate on environment Deforestation has also been a communities in Ethiopia can, change in Ethiopia has been a major issue. For instance, due to therefore, be traced in part to the serious matter since 1980’s when the lack of viable, reliable, and breakdown of the bio diversity the previous government the affordable alternative source of based production system. Biodi- dergue embarked on a massive household fuel, wood has risen program of conservation, based from 89% in 1991 to 94.8% in Inhaltsverzeichnis mainly on food for work program, 1999 of the total national energy Facing the environmental 1 which was mainly supported by consumption (Teferi,1999). degradation in Ethiopia western donors. Even though the As I witnessed in some parts of Umwelt und Ökologie in 2 idea was holy, it was hard to Ethiopia, the current situation in differentiate whether it was aimed which investors provided with Äthiopien at for the betterment of environ- different kind of incentives to "Environment" in the Con- 7 ment or for filling the gap of food invest in regions, specially in the stitution of … shortage. Hence Ethiopia has peripheral ones, has turned in to a Patchwork 15 been confronted with the dilemma situation where regional states Nachrichten aus Äthio- 18 of increasing food production for and community are losing control pien the rapidly increasing population over the uncontrolled and irre- „Kinder in der Einen Welt- 27 on the one hand and protecting sponsible exploitation of forest Das Beispiel natural environment on the other. resources in the name of agricul- Äthiopien“ Maintaining the balance between tural investment. This is not to this two has been a major chal- claim or to blame this phenome- Buchempfehlungen 28 lenge for the country which at non as the policy of regional Termine 28 present is also adopting the west- states, but to imply that there are ern model as one way to increase a number of unintended outcomes its food production while protect- of the investment policy which are ing environment. seriously affecting the environ- versity based production systems, Seite 1 which compared to conventional enough attention to the ex- tal organization to develop monocultures, have many obvious ploitation of the natural re- successful approaches. advantages: people health is not source base and the damag- affected by the use of pesticides; ing effects of environmental Refences: livestock benefit from the degradation. Altieri, M. availability of more abundant crop Questions of this kind call for a 1987 Agroecology; the scientific residues associated with tradi- framework for assessing the basis of sustainable agricul- tional crop varieties; soils are not working of the hitherto adopted ture. Westview: Boulder 1990 Environmental policy. Envi- depleted through nutrient mining. policies and programmes to alle- ronmental Protection Au- Moreover conventional measures viate the problem of environ- thority in collaboration with of productivity that emphasize the mental degradation. This has the Ministry of Ec onomic yield of a single commercial crop become a formidable challenge in Development and Co- may be misleading. They ignore the government’s effort towards operation. Addis Ababa the greater productivity per unit alleviating poverty which is be- Taferi, R area obtained in mixed cropping lieved to have compounded the 1999 Environmental prob- system involving many plant va- environmental degradation prob- lems and policies in Ethiopia, a survey in rieties(including WEEDS used as lem in Ethiopia today. IDR 25th anniversary food) together with animals and proceeding. Tegene trees (Altieri,1987) GebreEgzabiher et al. Conclusion and recommenda- (ed.). Addis Ababa Government policy regarding rural tion development programme did not either contribute to environmental It has also been questionable conservation but even accelerate what to do to reverse the current the rate of degradation. Much has environmental degradation prob- been said and written on the ex- lem in Ethiopia. Environmental tent of degradation of the natural issues could be Incorporated in resources in Ethiopia. Study re- the development planning through ports by multilateral donors, such several ways: National Develop- as the World Bank and FAO, and ment policy and planning, project government sponsored studies development and monitoring, (such as Conservation strategy of environmental impact assessment Impressum: Ethiopia) have provided ample and National accounting. With Herausgeber: evidence on this score. regard to incorporating environ- Deutsch-Äthiopischer Verein e.V. c/o Rudolf Schoppmann, Am Bildstock 31 mental issue in to the national 48317 Drensteinfurt However, a number of questions development policy and planning, can be raised: Redaktion: Helga Tewes, Lutz Crackau there appear to be an opportunity Redaktionsanschrift: · Have macro level indicators to address the link between eco- H. Tewes, Werraweg 17, 34117 Kassel of sustainability ever been nomic, social and environmental E-mail: [email protected] developed to create aware- components in the development Homepage: www.deutsch-aethiopischer- ness among policy makers process verein.de and signal on the severity of Die „Blätter“ des Deutsch-Äthiopischen Vereins The following are some of the erscheinen ca. 3 bis 4 mal im Jahr. resource degradation? Die Unkostenbeteiligung pro Ausgabe beträgt major factors to be considered in 10,- DM incl. Porto., das Abonnement 30,-DM. · Have the measures taken so addressing Environmental prob- far helped mitigate the envi- Mitglieder bekommen die „Blätter“ kostenlos. lems in Ethiopia: Namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel geben ronmental degradation prob- nicht unbedingt die Meinung des Vereins lems in Ethiopia? · A need to identify key prob- wieder. lems(root cause) of degrada- Has there been a conducive Spendenkonto: Postgiroamt Hamburg · tion and through base line BLZ 200 100 20, Kto. 771680-201 environment for the imple- survey and find a solution. mentation of the policy? · Analyse indigenous conser- UMWELT UND Ö- · Is the legacy of duplication of vation strategy and adopt institutional accountability succeful ones with modern KOLOGIE IN ÄTHIO- and responsibility for the conservation methods. management and administra- PIEN tion of natural resource re- · Use existing local organisa- solved? tions like "Idir" or "Iqub" to in- G. Getahun, Gesellschaft zur crease environmental degra- Förderung der Medizin, Ingenieur- · For instance, to what extent dation awareness. und Naturwissenschaften in Äthi- are the responsibilities or ac- opien e.V. , Mainz countabilities of federal insti- · Create offshore employment tutions, such as Ministry of opportunity, work with com- Die Umwelt- und Ökologiezerstö- Agriculture, and regional bu- munity and awareness build- rungen in Äthiopien
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