ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY VOLUME 10 * NUMBER 6 * DECEMBER 1976 EDITORIAL BOARD GLADYS L. HOBBY, Editor-in-Chief (1980) U.S. Veterans Administration and the Infectious Disease Research Institute, East Orange, N.J. WALTER D. CELMER, Editor (1980) EDWARD W. HOOK, Editor (1981) Pfizer Inc., Groton, Conn. University of Virginia, Charlottesville JOEL G. FLAKS, Editor (1981) LEON H. SCHMIDT, Editor (1979) University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Ala. Theodore Anderson (1976) Ronald D. Hinsdill (1976) K. E. Price (1976) Vincent T. Andriole (1978) Richard Hornick (1977) Jack Remington (1976) Robert Austrian (1977) Susan B. Horwitz (1978) R. W. Rickards (1977) Arthur L. Barry (1977) Milton Huppert (1977) Richard Roberts (1976) John E. Bennett (1976) George Gee Jackson (1977) Richard Root (1977) Gerald P. Bodey (1977) Keith Jensen (1977) John Routien (1976) D. Buyske (1977) Francis Johnson (1977) Milton R. J. Salton (1978) Charlotte C. Campbell (1976) Thomas Jones (1977) Merle Sande (1976) Yves Chabbert (1977) E. H. Kass (1976) Jay Sanford (1977) Roy Cleeland (1977) Donald Kaye (1976) Arthur K. Saz (1976) Royston C. Clowes (1976) Wm. Kirby (1976) F. C. Sciavolino (1976) Leighton E. Cluff (1977) Vernon Knight (1977) Oldrich K. Sebek (1977) Kenneth W. Cochran (1978) Jordan Konisky (1977) William M. Shannon (1977) Roger Cole (1976) Robert G. Loudon (1977) John C. Sherris (1976) Frank Collins (1976) Joan Lusk (1977) Robert W. Sidwell (1978) Julian Davies (1976) Gerald L. Mandell (1977) Sigmund S. Socransky (1977) Lawrence E. Day (1977) Gerald Medoff (1977) P. Frederick Sparling (1978) Theodore Eickhoff (1976) L. Bruce Mellett (1976) Gene Stollerman (1977) Arthur English (1977) S. Mitsuhashi (1977) R. Sutherland (1976) H. L. Ennis (1977) R. B. Morin (1976) Vera L. Sutter (1978) David S. Feingold (1978) Bernard Moss (1978) Morton N. Swartz (1976) Robert J. Fitzgerald (1977) John D. Nelson (1977) Clyde Thornsberry (1976) Anthony J. Glazko (1978) Harold C. Neu (1977) Ralph Tompsett (1976) Irving H. Goldberg (1976) J. F. Niblack (1977) Marvin Turck (1977) Harry Gooder (1976) L. Nickell (1977) Hamao Umezawa (1978) M. Gorman (1977) Thomas C. Orihel (1976) Donald Van Harken (1976) Arthur P. Grollman (1978) T. J. Perun (1977) D. Vazquez (1977) Jack Gwaltney (1977) Charles A. Plate (1976) John Washington II (1978) Fred Hahn (1976) Burton M. Pogell (1978) B. Weisblum (1976) Michael Higgins (1977) Robert A. Day, Managing Editor Gisella Pollock, Director ofEditorial Services Susan Birch, Production Editor 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 EX OFFICIO Harlyn 0. Halvorson, President (1976-1977) A. Frederick Rasmussen, Jr., Vice-President (1976-1977) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, an interdisci- position of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial plinary publication of the American Society for Micro- matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, biology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, is de- 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 (area 202 voted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all 833-9680). aspects of antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, in- cluding cancer chemotherapy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy is published monthly, and the twelve num- bers are divided into two volumes per year. The nonmem- Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C. 20006, and at ber subscription price is $0 per year. The member sub- additional mailing offices. scription price is $13 per year. Single copies are $5. Cor- Made in the United States of America. respondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective Copyright 0 1976, American Society for Microbiology. copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, dis- All Rights Reserved. Author Index Adams, Monica A., 872 Hall, Wendell H., 902 Peter, Georges, 893 Anderson, J. D., 872 Hammerberg, Susan, 869 Pogwizd, Steven M., 878 Hendley, J. Owen, 899 Barrington, Jane C., 872 Hryniewicz, Waleria, 912 Rawal, B. D., 915 Schierl, Elizabeth A., 902 Chalgren, Sarah, 926 Kaufman, Robert E., 885 Shepherd, C. A., 872 Charles, B. G., 915 Kluge, Ronica M., 889 Spence, W. N., 872 Stevens, Lynne I., 918 D'Alessandri, Robert M., 889 Dodd, Wendell K., 899 Lerner, Stephen A., 878 Tagg, John R., 912 Dougherty, Paula F., 923 McNeely, David J., 889 Varnell, Emily D., 885 Edmiston, Charles E., Jr., 918 Manion, Robert E., 902 Ekwo, Edem, 893 Marks, Melvin I., 869 Wegner, Dennis L., 921 Matthews, Thomas R., 923 Weinmaster, Gerry, 869 Gerding, Dale N., 902 Mohan, Kanwal, 918 Wenzel, Richard P., 899 Gordon, Ralph C., 918 Wilkins, Tracy D., 926 Gwaltney, Jack M., Jr., 899 Neblett, Thomas R., 921 Yotter, David W., 923 ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Submit manuscripts in duplicate (original and one number. The Literature Cited section should be typed copy) to ASM Publications, 1913 1 St., N.W., in alphabetical order, by first author, and numbered. Washington, D.C. 20006. Each reference should include the title of the article General policy. Any manuscript submitted must be and inclusive pagination. Names of journals are ab- a report of unpublished original research, which is not breviated according to Bibliographic Guide for Editors being considered for publication elsewhere. Each & Authors (Amencan Chemical Society, 1974). Cita- manuscript should present the results of an independ- tions of abstracts, theses, patents, "unpublished data," ent, cohesive study; numbered series papers are dis- "personal communication," and "in press" will not be couraged. When a submitted manuscript is judged to accepted in the Literature Cited. be more appropriate for the subject scope of one of Tables. Each table should be typed on a separate the other ASM journals, the Editors will transfer it page. The data should be arranged so that columns of to that journal for consideration, so notifying the like material read down, not across. The headings author. In borderline cases, the preference of the should be sufficiently clear so that the meaning of the author will be considered, but the final decision rests data will be understandable without reference to the with the respective Editors and the Chairman of the text. Explanatory footnotes are permitted, but detailed ASM Publications Board. descriptions of the experiments are not. The materials The "editorial style" of this journal essentially fol- and methods used to gain the data should properly lows the CBE Style Manual (3rd ed., AIBS, 1972). remain in the section of that name. Genetics symbols should essentially follow the recom- Figures. A complete set of figures, preferably glossy mendations of Demerec et al. (Genetics 54:61, 1966) photographs, should accompany each of the two as updated and used by Bachmann et al. (Bacteriol. copies of the manuscript. Each figure should be num- Rev. 40:116-167) for E. coli and Sanderson (Bac- bered and should include the name of the author, teriol. Rev. 36:558-586) for Salmonella. For plasmids either in the margin or on the back (marked lightly and plasmid-specified activities, genetic symbols should with, a soft pencili. Graphs (submit as photographs) follow Novick et al. (Bacteriol. Rev. 40:168-189, should be finished drawings not needing further art- 1976). The standard italicized, lower-case, three-letter work or typesetting. Absolutely no part of a graph symbol should be used for genotype designation, and should be typewritten (except the legend, which should care should be taken to avoid using this symbol for be typed on a separate page). All lettering should be the designation of phenotype. The latter can be abbre- done with a lettering set. Most graphs will be reduced viated in one form or another, but should be stated to one-column width, and all elements in the drawing in words at first use in the text. Biochemical nomen- should be prepared to withstand this reduction. The clature, including abbreviations and symbols, should legend of the figure should provide enough informa- follow the recommendations of the IUPAC-IUB tion so that the figure is understandable without Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN) and reference to the text. Experimental details from Mate- the Instructions to Authors of J. Biol. Chem. and rials and Methods should not be repeated in figure Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (first issue of each year), legends. which are based upon the CBN Recommendations and Nomenclature of microorganisms. The name of a contain a list thereof. Reprints of these Recommenda- species is a binary combination consisting of the name tions and advice on biochemical and chemical nomen- of the genus followed by a specific epithet. In general, clature are available from the NRC Office of Bio- the nomenclature presented in Bergey's Manual of chemical Nomenclature (W. E. Cohn, Director), Determinative Bacteriology (8th ed., 1974) is used. If Biology Division, Oak Ridge Nat'l. Lab., Box Y, Oak an author challenges this nomenclature, his own judg- Ridge, Tenn. 37830 (phone: 615-483-8611, Ext. ment will be fo lowed, but the name in Bergey's 3-7514). Normally, abbreviations (except those of Manual should follow in parentheses the first time the standard units of measurement and symbols of the name is used in the text and in the Abstract. elements) should be defined and introduced paren- Papers which include extensive taxonomic material thetically at first use in the text. Enzyme activities (e.g., description of new taxa) will not be published should be expressed in the terms set out in CBN's in this journal. The proper place for publication of Enzyme Nomenclature (1972) (Elsevier Scientific Pub- taxonomic material is the International Journal of lishing Co.). Lengths, weights, volumes, and molarities Systematic Bacteriology (IJSB), which is published by should make use of the prefixes m, A, n, and p (for the ASM for the International Association of Micro- 10-3, 10-6, 10-9, and 10-12, respectively), where appli- biological Societies. If the main thrust of such a cable, avoiding such compound prefixes as m,u and ,u,.
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