STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED RAW MATERIALS DIVISION 6TH FLOOR, INDUSTRY HOUSE, 10, CAMAC STREET, KOLKATA – 700017 Open Tender for supply of Conveyor Belts for SAIL – Raw Materials Division Tender No SAIL/RMD/Conveyor Belts/OT/2018-19 Dt. 26/04/2018 ACTIVITY DATE TIME TENDER SUBMISSION - ON OR BEFORE 25/05/2018 14.00 HRS TENDER OPENING 25/05/2018 14.30 HRS INDEX: Item Contents ELIGIBILITY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA SECTION- I An overview of the Tender / Instruction to Tenderers. SECTION -II Technical & Commercial terms SECTION – III Forms to be filled in by the supplier (FORM 1 TO FORM 8) SECTION – IV Reverse Auction procedure Annexure-1 Format for Price Bid (A) and (B) (to be Submitted in separate sealed envelope for each Market on the Letter Head of the Company) Annexure - 2 Format for submission of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money (EMD) Annexure –3 Format of Bank Guarantee for submission of Security Deposit Annexure –4 Mandate Form for receiving Payment in Electronic Mode Annexure –5 Format for providing GST related details Annexure –6 Declaration regarding Bankers/ Financial Institution / Loan taken from Banks. Page 1 of 50 STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED RAW MATERIALS DIVISION 6TH FLOOR, INDUSTRY HOUSE, 10, CAMAC STREET, KOLKATA – 700017 Ref: SAIL/RMD/Conveyor Belts/OT/2018-19 Dt. : 26/04/2018 TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF CONVEYOR BELTS TO SAIL MINES DURING 2018-19 Sealed Tenders are invited for supply of Conveyor Belts to various Mines of SAIL – Raw Materials Division (RMD) Mines during 2018-19. All items intended to be procured are indicated in Section – I and the technical specification is enclosed at Section –II. Price discovery shall be done considering the techno-commercially acceptable bidders through Reverse Auction / Physical Sealed Price Bids, at the discretion of SAIL. Bidders fulfilling the following eligibility criteria shall be eligible for submission of bids : A. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1. The bidder must be an indigenous manufacturer of Conveyor Belts of grade M24/ HR/SHR/UHR/FR. Offer must be submitted directly by the manufacturer for Order placement on the manufacturer only. Offer submitted by any agent, distributor, channel- partner, etc. will not be acceptable. Similarly, Offer submitted by manufacturer, advising Order-placement on agent, distributor, channel partner, etc. will not be acceptable. The following documents to be submitted along with the Techno-commercial Bids. i. Notarized copy of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association (in case of companies), showing Conveyor Belts of any of the above Grades in the product list. In case of MSMS / DIC Registration or valid NSIC Registration Notarized copy of valid MSME / DIC Registration or valid NSIC Registration, showing the bidder as a manufacturer of Conveyor Belts of any of the above Grades. ii. Notarized copy of valid ISO Certificate, showing Conveyor Belts of any of the above grades among the products manufactured. 2. Bidders should have successfully supplied Conveyor belts of grade M24/HR/SHR/UHR/FR of under mentioned total value to any of the SAIL Units / PSUs / Government Organizations / Public Limited companies during any of the financial years from 2012-13 onwards till the date of tender : a) One executed Order of Conveyor Belts of minimum width 1050 mm, valuing not less than the amount equal to Rs 800 lacs OR b) Two executed Orders of Conveyor Belts of minimum width 1050 mm, each order valuing not less than the amount equal to Rs 500 lacs. OR c) Three executed Orders of Conveyor Belts of minimum width 1050 mm, each order valuing not less than the amount equal to Rs 400 lacs. Page 2 of 50 As documentary proof, bidder shall furnish self-attested copies of Purchase Orders and corresponding Completion Certificate / Performance Certificate / Goods Receipt Note (GRN) / customer endorsed Delivery Challan / customer endorsed Invoice in support of fulfillment of the above mentioned criteria. 3. The bidders shall submit self-attested copy of Test Certificate from third party agencies like National Test House / Lloyds / Bureau Veritas / IRQS / SGS / RITES / QUEST towards establishing their ability to supply quality Conveyor Belts of M24 grade. 4. Bidder is required to submit the Audited Annual Report for the last three financial years i.e. 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. The Annual Report should be signed by Auditor with Membership No. and Firm Registration No. (FRN). In case the Auditor signs in his personal Capacity, FRN is not required. 5. Bidder should be an ISO 9001 certified company. In support of same, bidders should submit self-attested copy of ISO certification indicating validity. 6. Bidders have to declare that all the belts ordered on them will be manufactured completely in their indigenous production unit and that they will not outsource any of the ordered belts through indigenous procurement or imports. If at any stage, it is found that a firm is indulging in outsourcing of any of the ordered belts, appropriate action will be taken against the firm. 7. Bidders will have to declare that their production unit is operating smoothly and that there has been no stoppage of work or lock-out because of any breakdown, IR-problem, etc, during the last five financial years ending on 31st March of 2018. 8. Bidder shall submit a Certificate from the declared Bankers (as in Annexure – 6) that the Loans given to the Bidder are not falling in the category of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of the concerned Bank as on date of this Tender. Bidder shall submit the Banker’s Certificate irrespective of whether loan has been taken or not. General Notes for Eligibility Criteria:- I. SAIL-RMD reserves the right to depute its Inspecting Officer to any bidder’s premises for an on-the-spot assessment of the bidder’s manufacturing facilities, quality assurance system, etc. An adverse on-the-spot assessment report may make the bidder’s Quotation liable for rejection. II. SAIL-RMD reserves the right to reject the offer of any bidder on the basis of unsatisfactory / adverse performance of supply in any respect to SAIL and also based on information received or gathered with respect to supplies effected by the Bidder to any other Organization, from 2012-13 onwards till the date of this tender or during the evaluation of this Tender. B. Validity for Sealed Price bids should be 90 days from the date of opening of the Techno- commercial bids. In case of Reverse Auction (RA) the validity of the offer should be 45 days from the date of Reverse Auction. C. Please log on to our Website www.sailtenders.co.in for detailed scope; tender terms and conditions for supply of Conveyor Belts are available in the Tender Document. The Tender Document can be downloaded from SAIL website. Page 3 of 50 D. The interested bidders may download the tender document from SAIL Tender Website (https://sailtenders.co.in). No hard copy of tender document shall be issued by SAIL-RMD. Any extension of due dates of tender or change in scope etc. shall be available only on SAIL tender website and may not be published in newspapers. For information on any updates regarding tender, tenderers may log on to website. E. All offers must be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit, at the rate as prescribed in the Tender Document. The EMD must be submitted in the form of online transfer / Demand Draft / Banker’s cheque / Bank Guarantee in favor of SAIL RMD, Payable at Kolkata. F. SAIL-RMD’s Conveyor Belt requirement has been classified into 2 Markets (Market-I & Market- II). G. The offer must be submitted in the designated tender box in 6th floor or to the office of DGM(MM), RAW MATERIALS DIVISION, KOLKATA within the time frame given below. The offer can be submitted in person or by registered post/courier. Offer received after the due date and time will be rejected. In case the tender opening date happens to be a holiday, then the offers received shall be opened on immediate next working day at 14:30 HRS. ACTIVITY DATE TIME TENDUR TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 25/05/2018 14.00 HRS TENDUR TO BE OPENED ON 25/05/2018 14.30 HRS H. The Letter of Acceptance (LOA) shall be issued by RMD Kolkata. Back-up order shall be placed by respective RMD Mines, which shall form the binding contract. The deliveries shall be made to the RMD Mines on the basis of back-up orders issued by RMD Mines. No delivery shall be made without such back-up orders. Page 4 of 50 TENDER FOR CONVEYOR BELTS SECTION - I Section I - Overview of the Tender / Instruction to Tenderers 1.1 Requirement of Conveyor Belts The requirement of Conveyor Belts is for various Iron Ore and Flux mines of SAIL RMD located in states of Jharkhand (Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu & Gua), Odisha (Bolani & Barsua) and Madhya Pradesh (Kuteshwar). The detail of requirement is given below at clause 1.2 to 1.5. The tender provides for quantity variation of up to +/- 25 % with same rates and terms & conditions and operating the same shall be at discretion of SAIL – RMD. 1.2 The total conveyor belt requirement of SAIL have been classified into the following 2 (Two) Markets : 1. Market I : All belts width > 1050 mm 2. Market II: All belts width ≤ 1050 mm Sl Market No. Total Qty in of Sizes (Mtrs) 1 Market – I > 1050 mm 11 11818 2 Market – II ≤1050 mm 10 10690 Grand Total 21 22,508 The detail of requirement along with specification and quantity is given below: MARKET - I : Details & Conveyor Belt Specification: BELT SIZE > 1050 mm, Type : EHD, Fabric : NN Grade – M24 for Mines as indicated: Tensile Top / Width Quantity Sl Items Mines Strength Ply Bottom (mm) (Mtrs) (KN / M) Thickness
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