Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie) Herausgeber: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. Ser. A Nr. 639 120 S. Stuttgart, 1. 8. 2002 A Bibliography of Terrestrial Isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) By Helmut Schmalfuss and Karin Wolf-Schwenninger, Stuttgart Summary A reference list is presented containing most scientific publications on the biology of terre- strial isopods (suborder Oniscidea) published in a European language until the year 2000. Not considered are popular accounts, textbooks, faunal lists and preliminary reports if these are summarised in later publications, and publications before 1850 if they do not contain descrip- tions of new species. Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Bibliografie enthält die meisten wissenschaftlichen Publikation über die Biologie der Landisopoden (Unterordnung Oniscidea), die in einer europäischen Sprache bis zum Jahre 2000 veröffentlicht wurden. Nicht berücksichtigt sind populärwissenschaftliche Artikel, Lehrbücher, Faunenlisten und vorläufige Berichte, wenn diese in einer späteren Pu- blikation zusammengefasst werden, und Publikationen vor 1850, wenn sie keine Beschrei- bungen von neuen Arten enthalten. 1. Introduction In the present list we tried to compile a complete bibliography of scientific publi- cations on the isopodan suborder Oniscidea, covering all biological research fields. Such a list on a group of animals comprising some 3800 described species will, of course, never be complete. We shall certainly have missed a number of publications, especially in those more general topics as physiology, genetics, biochemistry, en- docrinology etc. Nevertheless we think it will be useful for every student of this ta- xon to dispose of such a list which can be scrutinised for publications of a certain field of interest. This should justify to publish a bibliography, the reason to do it was, however, another one. We intend to publish in the near future a world list of all described species of terrestrial isopods, with detailed bibliographies for every spe- cies. This will be done in several parts, and the present bibliography will have to be used as the reference list. 2 stuttgarter beiträge zur naturkunde Ser. A, Nr. 639 In the present list we have, on purpose, not included: 1. Popular accounts without new scientific information; 2. textbooks and treatises which do not contain new data or conceptions; 3. publications consisting only of faunistic records of common or widespread spe- cies; 4. reports on excursions with lists of the collected species if these are summarised in later publications; 5. preliminary reports on results treated in detail in later publications; 6. unpublished theses (Ph. D. or other); 7. electronic publications not published in a printed form; 8. publications that do not contain at least a title and summary written in Latin or Cyrillic letters (as e. g. papers written in Chinese). In the case of Russian publicati- ons the titles are either transcribed in Latin letters, or they are translated into English and put in square brackets; 9. publications before 1850 if they do not contain descriptions of new species; most of this older literature is compiled in the bibliography of BUDDE-LUND 1885. The list contains publications that have appeared until the year 2000. For journals abbreviations are used according or comparable to those given in the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Other publications are cited at full length. The arrangement of publications from the same author(s) and year (a, b, c. ..) is, for practical reasons, not necessarily chronological. 2. Publications on terrestrial Isopoda (suborder Oniscidea) ABBOT, C. (1918): Reactions of land isopods to light. – J. exp. Zool. 27: 193–246; Philadelphia. – (1940): Shore isopods: Niches occupied, and degrees of transition toward land life with special reference to the family Ligydidae. – Proceedings 6th Pacific Science Congress 3: 505–511; Java. ABE, T. & IKEHARA, S. (1981): Ecological distribution of terrestrial isopods in the subtropical uninhabited islands (Uotsuri-jima and Minami-kojima, the Senkaku Islands, Japan). – Bull. Coll. Sci. Univ. Ryukyus 31: 61–70; Naha. ABRAHAM, A. & WOLSKY, A. (1929): Über die Nerven und Nervenendigungen der Antennen einiger Landasseln. – Zool. Anz. 84: 316–323; Leipzig. – & – (1930 a): Über ein neues Sinnesorgan der Landisopoden. – Zool. Anz. 87: 87–93; Leipzig. – & – (1930 b): Die Geruchsorgane der Landisopoden. – Z. Morph. Ökol. Tiere 17: 441–463; Berlin. ABSOLON, K. (1933): O temnostnich balkanskych Titanethech. – Prˇíroda, Brno 26: 49–54; Brno. ABSOLON, K. & STROUHAL, H. (1932): Protonethes ocellatus nov. gen., nov. spec., eine neue Höhlen-Trichoniscide. – Zool. Anz. 101: 17–28; Leipzig. ACCOLA, S., TOMESCU, N., BERCIU, C. & RUSU, C. (1993): The reproduction of Trachelipus difficilis rotundatus. – Revue roum. Biol. (Biol. anim.) 38: 115–121; Bucharest. ADAMKEWICZ, S. (1969): Color polymorphism in the land isopod Armadillidium nasatum. – Heredity 24: 249–264; London. AFONSO, O. (1978): Une nouvelle espèce d’isopode troglobie du Portugal. – Publções Inst. Zool. Dr. Auguste Nobre 140: 9–23; Coimbra. AHMED, M. (1974): Studies on certain species of terrestrial Isopoda from Basrah region, Iraq. – Bull. Basrah nat. Hist. Mus. 1: 17–42; Basrah. AKAHIRA, Y. (1956): The function of thoracic processes found in females of the common woodlouse, Porcellio scaber. – J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (6) 12: 493–498; Sapporo. schmalfuss et al., bibliography of terrestrial isopods 3 – (1957): Effects of certain physiological solutions on the embryo of a terrestrial isopod, Porcellio scaber. – J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (6) 13: 359–363; Sapporo. AL-DABBAGH, K. & BLOCK, W. (1981): Population ecology of a terrestrial isopod in two Breckland grass heaths. – J. Anim. Ecol. 50: 61–77; Cambridge. AL-DABBAGH, K. & MARINA, B. (1986): The effect of starvation and breeding conditions on the respiration rate of Metoponorthus pruinosus. – Ekol. pol. 33: 705–714; Warsaw. ALEXANDER, C. (1969): Structure and properties of mechanoreceptors in the pereiopods of Ligia oceanica. – Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 29: 1197–1205; London. – (1970): Studies on the nervous system of an isopod crustacean, Ligia oceanica. – Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 33: 323–332; London. – (1971): Observations on receptor mechanisms in Ligia oceanica. – Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 40 A: 339–347; London. – (1972): Locomotion in the isopod crustacean, Ligia oceanica. – Comp. Biochem. Phy- siol. 42 A: 1039–1047; London. – (1977): Antennal sense organs in the isopod Ligia oceanica. – Mar. Behav. Physiol. 5: 61–77; London. ALIKHAN, M. (1968 a): The behaviour of Metoponorthus pruinosus in relation to humidity.- Curr. Sci. 37: 78; Bangalore. – (1968 b): The physiology of the wood-louse, Porcellio laevis. II. The occurrence of the goblet cells in the gut epithelium. – Curr. Sci. 37: 499–500; Bangalore. – (1968 c): The internal anatomy of the woodlouse, Metoponorthus pruinosus. – Can. J. Zool. 46: 321–327; Ottawa. – (1969): The physiology of the wood-louse, Porcellio laevis. I. Studies on the gut epithe- lium cytology and its relation to the maltase secretion. – Can. J. Zool. 47: 65–75; Otta- wa. – (1972 a): Haemolymph and hepatopancreas copper in Porcellio laevis. – Comp. Bio- chem. Physiol. 42 A: 823–832; London. – (1972 b): The fine structure of the midgut epithelium in the wood-louse, Porcellio lae- vis. – Crustaceana, Suppl. 3: 101–109; Leyden. – (1972 c): Changes in the hepatopancreas metabolic reserves of Porcellio laevis during starvation and the moult-cycle. – Am. Midl. Nat. 87: 503–514; Notre Dame. – (1973): Ionic content of the haemolymph in Porcellio laevis. – Comp. Biochem. Physi- ol. 44 A: 47–54; London. – (1981): Haemolymph pressure regulation in Porcellio laevis. – Archs int. Physiol. Bio- chim. 89: 295–301; Liège. – (1983): Oxygen consumption and haemolymph pressure measurements in Armadillidi- um vulgare. – J. crust. Biol. 3: 25–33; Lawrence. – (1984): Haemodynamics in terrestrial Isopoda. – Symp. zool. Soc. London 53: 217–232; London. – (1991): Effects of temperature and copper and nickel accumulations on the metabolic rate and membrane electrical potential of the hepatopancreas cells of Oniscus asellus. – In: JUCHAULT, P. & MOCQUARD, J.(eds.): The Biology of Terrestrial Isopods III. Pro- ceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, pp. 149–155; Poitiers. ALIKHAN, M. & PANI, A. (1989): Magnesium and manganese uptake and accumulation in the body tissue and their effect on the oxygen and nitrogen metabolism in Porcellio spini- cornis. – Monitore zool. ital. (N. S.) Monogr. 4: 211–225; Florence. ALIKHAN, M. & SALEEM, M (1977): The role of phosphomonoesterases in the development and the moult cycle in Porcellio laevis. – Zool. Pol. 26: 176–185; Lwow. ALIKHAN, M. & STORCH, V. (1990): Copper and nickel uptake and accumulation, and their ef- fects on redox and electrical potentials of hepatopancreatic cells of Oniscus asellus. – Can. J. Zool. 68: 651–655; Ottawa. AL-JETLAWI, A. & NAIR, G. (1994): Breeding and population biology of Armadillo officinalis in Benghazi, Libya. – J. arid Environm. 27: 241–255; London. ALLEE, W. (1926): Studies in animal aggregations: Causes and effects of bunching in land iso- pods. – J. exp. Zool. 45: 255–277; Philadelphia. ALLRED, D. & MULAIK, S. (1965): Two isopods of the Nevada Test Site. – Gt Basin Nat. 25: 43–47; Provo. 4 stuttgarter beiträge zur naturkunde Ser. A, Nr. 639 ALLSPACH, A. (1987):
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