THE HANDBOOK OF THE GOTHIC 2ND EDITION The Handbook of the Gothic 2nd Edition Edited by MARIE MULVEY-ROBERTS Reader in Literary Studies University of the West of England, Bristol palgrave macmillan Selection and editorial matter © Marie Mulvey-Roberts 1998, 2009 Text © the various contributors 1998, 2009 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 2nd edition 2009978-0-230-00853-3 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. * No portion of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1 N 8TS. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 1998 Second edition 2009 published by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Palgrave Macmillan in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. Palgrave Macmillan in the US is a division of St Martin's Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Palgrave Macmillan is the global academic imprint of the above companies and has companies and representatives throughout the world. Palgrave® and Macmillan® are registered trademarks in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and other countries. ISBN 978-0-230-00854-0 ISBN 978-0-230-23943-2 (eBook) DOl 10.1007/978-0-230-23943-2 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. 10 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 2 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 For Nigel and all my Gothic students Contents Con tribu tors xiii Preface to the Revised Edition xviii Introduction to the First Edition xx Writers of Gothic AINSWORTH, W. HARRISON R. A. Gilbert 1 BECKFORD, WILLIAM Michael Franklin 2 BIERCE, AMBROSE Allan Lloyd Smith 5 BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON Thomas Willard 7 THE BRONTES Elizabeth Imlay 9 BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN T. J. Lustig 12 BUL WER L YTTON, EDWARD Helen Small 15 CARTEK ANGELA Elaine Jordan 17 COLLINS, (WILLIAM) WILKIE Andrew Smith 20 DACRE, CHARLOTTE Marie Mulvey-Roberts 21 DICKENS, CHARLES Benjamin F. Fisher 22 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN Clive Bloom 23 DU MAURIEK DAPHNE Avril Horner and Sue Zlosnik 26 GOETHE, J. W. von Eric Hadley Denton 27 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL Robert Miles 30 HILL,SUSAN Val Scullion 34 HOFFMANN, E. T. A. Hans-Ulrich Mohr 36 HOGG, JAMES Douglas S. Mack 38 IRVING, WASHINGTON Allan Lloyd Smith 40 JACKSON, SHIRLEY Jodey Castricano 41 Vll VIll Contents JACOBS, W. W. John Cloy 43 JAMES, HENRY T. J. Lustig 44 JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES William Hughes 47 KING, STEPHEN David Punter 49 LE F ANU, J. SHERIDAN W. J. McCormack 51 LEE, TANITH Nick Freeman 53 LEWIS, MATTHEW Nicola Trott 54 LOVECRAFT, H. P. Clive Bloom 57 MACHEN, ARTHUR R. A. Gilbert 59 MATURIN, CHARLES ROBERT Cecile Malet-Dagreou 60 MEL VILLE,VILLE, HERMAN A. Robert Lee 63 ONIONS, OLIVER Rachel Jackson 66 POE, EDGAR ALLAN Benjamin F. Fisher 67 POLIDORI, JOHN Marie Mulvey-Roberts 75 RADCLIFFE, ANN Robert Miles 76 RICE, ANNE Marie Mulvey-Roberts 83 SADE, MARQUIS DE E. J. Clery 85 SHELLEY, MARY Marie Mulvey-Roberts 86 SHELLEY, P. B. Nicola Trott 92 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Jerrold E. Hogle 93 STOKER, BRAM William Hughes 96 WALPOLE, HORACE E. J. Clery 100 WILDE, OSCAR Neil Sammells 103 Gothic Terms, Themes, Concepts and Contexts THE ABJECT Colette Conroy 106 BLUEBOOKS AND CHAPBOOKS Franz J. Potter 106 CABBALISM Thomas Willard 107 Contents ix COLONIAL GOTHIC Alexandra Warwick 108 COMIC GOTHIC Avril Horner and Sue Zlosnik 109 CONTEMPORARY GOTHIC Ann B. Tracy 109 COUNTERFEIT Jerrold E. Hogle 111 CYBERPUNK lain Hamilton Grant 112 DEATH Elisabeth Bronfen 113 THE DEMONIC Helen Stoddart 116 DOPPELGANGER Antonio Ballesteros Gonzalez 119 THE FANTASTIC Neil Cornwell 119 FEMALE GOTHIC Alison Milbank 120 GHOST STORIES R. A. Gilbert 124 GOLEM Madge Dresser 125 GOTH, GOTHIC U. A. Fanthorpe 126 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE see GOTHIC REVIVAL 127 GOTHIC ART Graham Oven den 127 GOTHIC BODY Steven Bruhm 128 GOTHIC IN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Charles Butler and 129 Hallie O'Donovan GOTHIC COMICS see GOTHIC GRAPHIC NOVEL AND COMICS 131 GOTHIC DRAMA Jeffrey N. Cox 131 GOTHIC FAIRY-TALE Lucie Armitt 135 GOTHIC FILM Ian Can rich 136 GOTHIC GRAPHIC NOVEL AND COMICS Anna Powell 141 GOTHIC LANGUAGE John Charles Smith 142 GOTHIC MANSERVANT Janet Todd 143 GOTHIC MEDICINE William Hughes 144 GOTHIC MUSIC Diane Mason 145 GOTHIC NOVEL Victor Sage 146 GOTHIC PARODY Darryl Jones 154 x Contents GOTHIC PHOTOGRAPHY Philip Stokes 155 GOTHIC REVIV AL Victor Sage 156 GOTHIC ROMANCE Ann. B. Tracy 169 GOTHIC SCIENCE FICTION David Seed 173 GRAPHIC NOVEL see GOTHIC GRAPHIC NOVEL AND COMICS 174 GRAVEYARD SCHOOL Steve Clark 174 THE GROTESQUE Neil Cornwell 175 HERMETISM Thomas Willard 175 HERO-VILLAIN Helen Stoddart 176 HEROINE Avril Horner 180 HISTORICO-GOTHIC Mary Waldron 184 HORROR Fred Botting 184 ILLUMINATI NOVELS Pascal Nicklas 192 IMAGINATION Philip W. Martin 193 JACOBEAN TRAGEDY Charles Butler 197 THE LAMIA Philip W. Martin 198 LYCANTHROPY Tina Rath 198 MADNESS Helen Small 199 MAGICAL REALISM Amaryll Beatrice Ghanady 204 MONSTROSITY Fred Botting 204 NECROMANCY Carolyn D. Williams 205 NEW GOTHIC see CONTEMPORARY GOTHIC 206 NIGHTMARE Philip W. Martin 206 NORTHANGER NOVELS Mary Waldron 207 OCCULTISM Thomas Willard 208 ORIENTALISM Michael Franklin 211 PARANOID GOTHIC David Punter 214 PENNY DREADFULS R. A. Gilbert 215 THE PHANTOM Allan Lloyd Smith 216 POLITICO-GOTHIC Mary Waldron 217 Contents xi POPULAR HORROR FICTION Richard Kerridge 218 PORPHYRIA Tina Rath 218 POSTCOLONIAL GOTHIC Ken Gelder 219 ROMAN NOIR Terry Hale 220 ROMANTICISM Philip W. Martin 226 ROSICRUCIAN FICTION Marie Mulvey-Roberts 230 SADO-MASOCHISM Elisabeth Bronjen 231 SCHAUERROMAN Marie Mulvey-Roberts 232 SENSATION FICTION Sally Ledger 233 SENSIBILITY Janet Todd 233 SPIRITUALISM Sally Ledger 234 STURM UND DRANG Marie Mulvey-Roberts 235 THE SUBLIME Alison Milbank 235 THE SUPERNATURAL Clive Bloom 241 TERROR David Punter 243 TRANSGRESSION Avril Horner 249 THE UNCANNY see UNHEIMLICH 250 UNHEIMLICH (THE UNCANNY) Avril Horner 250 URBAN GOTHIC Alexandra Warwick 251 VAMPIRE William Hughes 252 WANDERING JEW Hans-Ulrich Mohr 257 WEREWOLF see LYCANTHROPY 259 WITCHES AND WITCHCRAFT Faye Ringel 259 WIZARDS Faye Ringel 261 ZERRISSENHEIT Christoph Houswitschka 263 Gothic Locations AFRICAN-AMERICAN GOTHIC Carol Margaret Davison 266 AMERICAN GOTHIC Allan Lloyd Smith 267 xii Contents ANGLO-CARIBBEAN GOTHIC Carol Margaret Davison 276 AUSTRALIAN GOTHIC Gerry Turcotte 277 COLONIAL GOTHIC Alexandra Warwick 287 ENGLISH-CANADIAN GOTHIC Gerry Turcotte 288 FRENETIQUE SCHOOL Terry Hale 292 GERMAN GOTHIC Hans-Ulrich Mohr 298 IRISH GOTHIC w. J. McCormack 303 JAPANESE GOTHIC Eimi Ozawa 305 POSTCOLONIAL GOTHIC Ken Gelder 306 ROMAN NOIR Terry Hale 307 RUSSIAN GOTHIC Neil Cornwell 313 SAN FRANCISCO GOTHIC William Veeder 318 SCOTTISH GOTHIC Douglas S. Mack 319 SOUTHERN GOTHIC A. Robert Lee 321 WELSH GOTHIC Sion Eirian 324 Selected Further Reading 325 Websites on the Gothic 333 Gothic Film - A Select Filmography 334 Ian Conrich Index 339 Contributors Lucie Armitt, Senior Lecturer, Deparhnent of English, University of Wales, Bangor, UK Clive Bloom, Emeritus Professor of English and American Studies, Middlesex University, London, UK Fred Botting, Professor and Director of Institute for Cultural Research, Lancaster University, UK Elisabeth Bronfen, Professor of English and American Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland Steven Bmhm, Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professor of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada Charles Butler, Senior Lecturer, Department of English, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Jodey Castricano, Associate Professor, Department of Critical Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada Steve Clark, Lecturer in English, Osaka University, Japan E. J. Clery, Professor of Eighteenth-Century Literature, University of Southampton, UK John Cloy, Reference Bibliographer and Associate Professor, J. D. Williams Library, University of Mississippi, USA Ian Conrich, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Colette Conroy, Lecturer, Department of Drama and Theatre, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK Neil Cornwell, Emeritus Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature, University of Bristol, UK Jeffrey N. Cox, Professor of English and of Comparative Literature and Humanities, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA Carol Margaret Davison, Associate Professor of English Literature, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Eric Hadley Denton, Assistant Professor, Department of German, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts, USA xiii xiv Contributors Madge Dresser, Reader in History, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Sion Eirian, playwright, poet and screen writer, Cardiff, UK U. A. Fanthorpe, poet, Wootton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire,
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