OPEN EVERY DAY rrIL MIDNIGHT THE PROJECTOR 2001 STUDENT RECYCLE VCOILIFI MoV1E DVDs CDs, VHS a, GAMES TOO eflit\GE VERSION 2.0: CHRISTMAS SNATCH BUY — SELL — TRADE — RENT CHOOSE FROM OVER 5000 RECYCLEyou rs WANNA GET YOUR FINGERS IN OUR PIE? WELL FIRST YOU HAVE TO FIND IT! . DVDs SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS DVDs, VHS & GAMES TOO N THE VILLAGE 477-5566 vAvw.mts.net/—moviev IN THE VILLAGE 475-0077 [email protected] Red River College's newspaper Frustrated Fitness Club president ByKelly Stifora 4 ars Vik, former presi- dent of the Red River T College Fitness Club, resigned Nov. 15 out of frus- tration over failed attempts to improve the equipment in the X-RR-CISE Loft locat- ed in the North Gym on the Notre Dame campus. Vik was also frustrated with fre- quent closures of the gym at peak Vin..:,,.. hours. "After looking at all of the work that the fitness club did last year as well as the Students' Association's continued efforts this year, I came to the conclusion that the college doesn't care about students and proactive changes," Vik said in a statement released Nov. 15. "I was so frustrated by this situ- ation I went and spent over $300 on a private gym membership. Unless there are major changes I doubt I'll ever work out at Red River again." The RRC Fitness Club was formed in 2000 by current SA VP of Finance David Lyman and hit a peak membership level of 150 students. The purpose of the club was to raise money for improvements to the gym in the form of new equipment and heavier dumb bells. According to Lyman, who is acting Vice President of the club and currently looking for a new president, the club has some $400 in funds raised last year and through a Pizza Wednesday that took place earlier this year. The club wanted to see a room currently used for fitness appraisals turned into more space for free weights and other equip- ment. The appraisals are done only twice monthly according to a pro- posal submitted to Health and Recreation Services by the SA. "We had the money, we want- ed to spend it by donating it to the gym for new equipment that we wanted, and there just wasn't room," says Lyman. "The money is just sitting in our account, wait- ing for someone to use it." Also at issue is the closure of the Restricted gym hours was one of the reasons cited by RRC Fitness Club President Lars Vik in his resignation. North Gym during peak workout hours (between 4:00-7:00 p.m.) Red River College Health and says Wood. "We would try to find vices issues," says Wood, "it's an CISE Loft. for strength training classes Recreation Services manager an alternate space for those class- advisory committee, so they But this isn't enough to con- throughout October and Shane Wood says that the deci- es (if they were offered again), or advise management on what they vince Vik that he should return to November. sion to hold the classes at the time run them at a different time that's would like to see, and problems his former position as RRC Fitness Closures made more upsetting, they were was simply made not within peak hours." and concerns, but management Club president. according to Lyman, because the because that was thought to be Wood has formed a committee retains final authority." "I believe in the fitness club," SA commits $6,000 in subsidies to the most convenient time for stu- that, beginning sometime in Wood has already submitted a says Vik. "I would consider com- North Gym every year for the sole dents and staff. January, will meet to discuss these request to the RRC Facilities ing back to work out at RRC, but I purpose of keeping it open for "We didn't think it through far and other issues. department to have renovations don't know if I would be longer hours and making it more enough in terms of how it would "The co nmittee was struck to done on the gym that would enthused about becoming presi- accessible to students. cut into the time of gym users," address numerous recreation ser- make for more space in the X-RR- dent again." 2 THE PROJECTOR - December 3, 2001 Between 17 & 21? Looking for a challenge? NO Means NO Katimavik is a national alternative service learning program. You will gain work experience, develop leadership skills and explore Canada while having the time of your life! Application deadline is campaign includes April 12 for September 2002 start dates and July 19 for January 2003 start dates. Costs related to travel, food, accommodation and group activities are covered by Katimavik. The Government of Canada, through Exchanges Canada, a part of the Department of Canadian Heritage, is proud to provide financial assistance to Katimavik. date-rape drug info Apply now!! call 1-888-525-1503 Three-day campaign kicks off Dec. 4 or visit www.katimavik.org. By Natalie Pona groups. students about the drug Haiko said that Red River rohypnol or the "date-rape" ed River College's 2nd College's SA picked up the drug, which is illegal in Kick start your career...Volunteer! annual NO Means NO Canada-wide campaign to Canada and is linked with Rcampaign aims to show its support for stopping many sexual assaults. Want to add experience to your education? Gain practical skills like send a message to students: violence against women. Robyn Osmond, President communicating, teamwork and problem solving? Volunteering can it takes everyone working The College's campaign of the Students' Association, help you develop the top labor market skills potential employers together to stop violence was organized by the said that focusing on the against women. Student's Association. The "date-rape" drug as a tool of want. And it couldn't be easier to get to the Health Sciences The campaign was first scheduled activities, taking violence against women Centre....just take the #27 Notre Dame bus directly from Red River designed to commemorate place each day from 11:30 helps make the campaign's College. Parking or bus tickets are provided for volunteers who drive the 14 female engineering a.m. till 1:00 p.m., include message relevant to students. or use transit. Visit our web site http://www.hsc.mb.ca/ students murdered in the the SA distributing purple rib- "It's what students see... 1989 Montreal Massacre, but bons and brochures with date-rape is real to them." to explore our volunteer opportunities. it has grown to include vio- statistics about violence Osmond said. She explained Call 787-3533 or email [email protected] lence of any kind against against women, and a purple that making violence against women, including rape and stop sign campaign. women real to students is one domestic abuse. "The colour of the NO of the campaign's goals. "We want students to Means NO campaign is pur- "There is no gender focus," understand that violence ple. We'll be handing out pur- Osmond said. "We want against women is unaccept- ple stop signs that the everybody to participate Problems with math? able," Kevin Haiko, Vice students can sign their names because violence affects President of Student Affairs, to," Haiko said. everybody in society, fami- said. "We want people to be He explained that the lies, friends... not just the Solution: aware that it takes everybody signed stop signs would be women directly affected." to make a difference." pasted to a larger sign, which On Dec. 4, the SA will hold The three-day campaign, will be displayed on campus the campaign outside of its WwW.MathInstructoncorn happening on Dec. 4-6, was to show students' support for office in DM-20. On Dec. 5 it started by the Canadian stopping violence against will be in the junction of the on - line tutorials Federation of Students, -one women. A and B buildings, and then of two national student lobby This year, the campaign in the Library Hallway on will also focus on educating Dec. 6. SA proposes central 2C MO MCA Red River College BEST PRICE IN TOWN Staff and Students 143E9 4sr;ftiroti flzettifr laptop check-in centre \O° By Andrew Buck But the absence of a central- ed Computer Analyst abulous Nton cif:my ized check-in centre at RRC's Programming, Information KZ Off hen the doors Notre Dame campus has drawn Systems Technology, Computer 9-4FUTON open on the the attention of Students' Accounting Technician, All Regular Priced Merchandise 204-943-8866 Princess Street Association President Robyn Culinary Arts, Hotel and DIAL W Osmond. Restaurant Administration and BEST PRICE GUARANTEE campus, students will be 70 Albert St. at McDermot Ave. MON, TUES, WED & FRI 10 AM TO 6 PM "We're concemed that if stu- Baking. THURS 10 AM TO S PM able to make use of a laptop dents had a laptop check-in cen- RRC Chair of Accounting and SATURDAY 10 AM TO 5 PM SUNDAY 12 TO 4 PM computer check-in centre tre at the Princess Street campus, Computer Education Peter to drop off and secure their students at the Notre Dame cam- Komamicki said that many pro- machines. pus would want one too," she grams provide their own laptop said. check-in centres to students on To look into that concern, an individualized basis. Osmond helped to conduct a "We've got a short-term stor- market research project on the age area at our own laptop help Red River College's newspaper issue in one of her Business desk in E-211," he said.
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