THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Tuesday, May 08, 2012 (81 st Session) Volume V, No. 06 (Nos. 01-09) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran……..………… 1 2. Questions and Answers……...………………… 2-21 3. Leave of Absence……………………………… 22 4. Discussion on Presidential Address…………… 23-42 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume-V SP.V(06)/2012 No. 06 15 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Tuesday, May 08, 2012 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at thirty four minutes past five in the evening, with Mr. Chairman (Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari) in the Chair. ---------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran „ fl‚ Í „ fl‚ fl ‚Í ‡ „ ‡ fl o3· · ∑ï…â∞3· ∑¥·· ¼¾“ `c;øú3· „ fl‚ Í Ó fl‚ ‚Í „ s· · ∑µs· ¼¾“· ≥Ö· · ÓÓÓ‚ÓÓ‡ fl flfl‡ ‚Í fl‚fl fl fl Ó Ó fl‚ fl fl Ó Ófl ‡ fl fl Ó fl ÒÓ ‡ fl fl fl Ó fl‚ fl flfl ‚ fl ∑¥· #$∞ `¥ M & ¼¾“3 Øê3 ∑¥ PzΩ»· ∑-. / ≥±1fi · 23°c· · #5-.øº3 3øµ±ò ∑» |∞3· ;dg3 Øc· fl fl flflÓÓÓfl fl fl fl‚ flfl fl ‚ ‚Í fl fl Ó ‹ fl Ó ‚ fl fl Ó fl Ó fl fl Ó ‚Í Œ & `Ω…±1 >`π∞3 ~ï§ NO∞3· ¼¾“3· 5~立 & `•…πs· ∑»· z±∞· · ´ΩoM ≥®`§· ˙ł¦ Ð ∑» AB∏· · fl Ó ‡fl Ó fl fl fl‚ fl fl Ó fl fl‚‡Í fl ‡ ‚ fl Ó ÓÓ‚ fl Í ‚Í Ó fl fl Ó fl ˚¯¦T Ð Køµ±ù» Œ >`π∞3· 2WX3 ∑YZ· M [ ©∞3· ∑» z∞3·· ´∞;· & ¼¾“3· ß±· ^_· Ø»zdg ‡ flÓ fl‚ fl fl Ó Ó ‡ Ó fl Ó ‡ Ó fl fl fl fl Í fl‚ ‡ ÓÓÓflfl‡ Ó ‡ fl‚ fl fl fl Ó ‡ ∑»|∞3· ∑¥· ˚˘¦f Ð d3¨Ahµ∞3· · ∑¥· 3ø∏ijg Œ M Oilç∞3 3ø µ…®3· M Lø©g3 M ª…∞3· · d3d…πe· · ‡ fl ÓÓÓ‡ flÓÓÓÓflfl flÓ ‚ ‡‹ fl ‡ fl fl‡ fl ‡ fl‚ fl ˚˙¦ Ð Køs~§· #$»z∞· `µc· 4Ås¹ · Øq & `ù…à· 3ø∏`q M #$π»:· 3ø®~§ V . .MRIST/ V R D W U X . 2<7V A 2:[ 422Z* A2345DE 26427282729AF,H II,JLKK 2:NOAPQ ;2:; 2: 2<7 GHK B 472=ST/ 42:> OF 2:> 229 J L 2?@272*Y H C 1 : )+,- * / . V r V V/p J p m V . 2:;PNQ 2:\A 2)hi 2@j ]Ih[ 2*2229^2*272:T/II A KB A 2_52`42?272a9n I o Fq 2b@^]2c72@2<42 klh 1 A bd42˚:f B 2@st 2Z^2gI/ 4] K L r r V m mV A A . V H . A r 22c72c@KB h,/ 2c 264 ( 7b2:\KB N 2b@IhJQ 4 )222:fB 2@IhA 24]IhT/ 272<772:Awx F 2u42*28T/ , 2722v5 A yz 2c 264 ( bd4 )22d@ ,Q . V V V V . W V Jp M V s x V /~ . J p . F J . 22= 4 ( 7Ni 7 i )2a:N/ @29,Q I q 2€72}x •• 429Ih 2:f B 2 9^2@IIj ]Ih[ 22=Ip 2a@ h st 2729KB q 2|], h / d} I •{ 29 I 1(v5 yz) V V V M . … V V . … ( )o 2bd4 )@72)29oKKKKBABo IJ1 2<7}ƒi 2bd427b2:N„ *2b@T/ + p 2bd427b2: B F[ b^2: 2u42bd427b2:\ BH N A 2‚7, b22_5n 2cA 2(64 ) 1 r V …… V V V w …… V / / V J1 V 2‡2:, [ N 272:KB ˆ 52:‰ ˆ 5 ‰ ( ^7 H)2bd42@^2*Io A 2Z* so 2Z* s o 27A 29^22:;I N 42: F 2<7 † S,H ( @o 7 KB)229I 2<7w 72<4 x M V V J W a:fB 2u@To 2: A 2<427,IH 29LK 2u7 H 2:[ 2= 42: ˆ 5 ‰ . ( ( 32 @o29 v@Io Ž42˘ •d b23b7 Œ) Questions and Answers V M S[ V / - SH V ‘- ’,F r H V a‡,H @– 2“I 29]42•”I • t 242=, 222a?I *429x • *x 42642? 2:9V IJ1 }•hI T 2v@, h,H V V M … V •~ U V / / / V V S[ V / Jh[ 2‡, H @– 2= 42*II d*T 2b4d4]IhT/ 2* bd2)™o 7TH 2!v2@, h,H :( ‡T KB d2—I NTH) “I 29]42•”I • t 24}•hI I r V A ..N,,JYSw N J Y V A V JL 2c 2‡›II 2v42a=,, 72v4*KB H 2‡ › 22`@o TQ42c Minister of State 2:A 2<422bd429I K 2}@K L,o 2: [ 2` š1 V . V A V JL V Jqp . V ’A m 22)• 2:fB request 2:[ 2_5n 2c 2<42a9 I K questions 2b@TQ 2:A 2<422a:f B 29I 2b@I h JQ 4272=A 7F2*T/ 2c, 4* H . r J . RDW J1 V 2:\N• 2: x 223d272:F F 72<@K B qIpFederal Minister 2*42)w• 2<72@KB hO, 29I 22a:F @2@^2*, QI o A defer 27A 2<4 V . N,JY A JL ž p 2gˆ d2u423d2bd42:fB 2v4*, H 2‡›I 2c Minister of State 2bd429I K 2}@2=K L,o K 2:P q ;2: [ 2`š1 23d2) ™,h,H V . V w m / . V JL J qp J 1 ac 7KB 2c @},o ¡ 2729^2* F I Adefer 2vŸ47Œ 2:A 2<42*w 42a9IIIK 29 29 2^@Ž42•”,o t 4 J J £Io r H V 22bd42:fB 2question 2`I o 42@ lIndustries Division 29II1 2u429 ¢ ^2:9V IJ1 }•hI T 2v@, h,H … . … . p A p J V J a: a: fB 2`I hO 2272F˘:fB request 2c 2vŽ42T *w 422:fB 2`I hO 22a 9I LK questions 29I o 2: A Production V V M … V . W Jqp S[ V / Jh[ 22a:fB 2v@,o 2= genuine 22)I o 29I 2:“I 29I ]42•”• t 42} •hI I V JV H J r H V 9IILKK 2:\F ^2: F 2), hH @– 292)229, I o L 23d2questions 2d^2:9V IJ1 }•hI T 2v@, h,H she will not be coming. V M … V §,p M S[ V / Jh[ 2˘:fB 2= 2@2‡l,H @ – 2¦] q ’i 2}@2`422K L Y I o :“I 29I ]42•”• t 42} •hI I r M r V a9IJo @51 ‰ 2vŽ4T ! 2‡@,H – 2¦] q ’i 2}@2=2K L Y ,-:9V IJ1 }•hI TH 2v@, h,H r V V A V J1 r TH V M V J H … … … J [ 2c 2ªŽ42vŽ42*, T w 4 ! 9I }•hI 2v@, h,H 2 :¦]q’i 29I © 2}@2]K L Y I h [ (2 ^*/ @hI/ b )2¨o *AI 2} •hI h V V . • S / A V ¬©i J £Io … 2)• 2:fB 2= 52=¡ T 4272cF 2( )< 2«I hx 2? 2either the members are absent,29I ¢ ^2*T/ 2‡ G x V r . / V Jqp ž m JL … r 29I ^2*A 2condone 27A 2<7 x 47 Œ 2b@TQ 2<42vŽ42*T w 422a9 I 2=K 2:fB 2c72AZ}® d^2bd429I K 2:F *A 2v@¯IN/ @23d, o . … V 2±sIo ^2vŽ42T there will be no Question Hour.272:F [ 2 ),Q d2cA 2 absence 2c2}A •© J1 2)• 2: w 2 collective 2)o 2 There will be no question left for answering today. 2a9 IJ• I V JL … J 1 @Io 2bd42He should answer. a9I,K 2^7H 72‡ i , H @– 2}•© 2bd42:fB 2responsibility if he cannot answer then he should say, take time from you sir. V V V shx . o V r H V 2)• 2:fB 2request 2`429I o I 2:fB 2@@52‡Io 1 ‰ [ b^2: F 2vŽ4T ! ‡@, H – 2¨*2A:9IJ1 }•hI T 2v@, h,H V . ¡ V 929IIJLK J q p 2available 2‡sš+ 2²*I / bd2bd42Minister is abroad so question relating to Industries Division and Production Division are deferred for next rota day. Next question, Begum Najma Hameed Sahiba . That is a question which is deferred already. Questions No. 36 and 37 both were in her name, they are also deferred. Next question, Mrs. Nuzhat Sadiq Sahiba . *Senator Nuzhat Sadiq: 38. Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that some special concessions have been extended to KESC after its privatization, if so, the details and justification thereof; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to streamline the affairs of KESC, as per terms and conditions upon which it was privatized? Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Maher: (a) The privatization of KESC took place in November 2005. Subsequently, Ministry of Water and Power signed an Amendment Agreement with KESC on April 13, 2009. Therefore, the Ministry of Water and Power would be in a position to answer the question regarding special concessions extended to KESC after privatization. (b) This does not fall under the purview of Privatization Commission. The relevant ministry to answer the question is Ministry of Water & Power. The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority 3 (NEPRA) as regulator can also provide details of steps taken to stream line the affairs of KESC as per terms and conditions upon which it was privatized. Mr. Chairman: Mrs. Nuzhat Sadiq Sahiba , not present. Next question, Begum Najma Hameed Sahiba , not present. Next question, Nuzhat Sadiq Sahiba . *Senator Nuzhat Sadiq: 40. Will the Minister far Commerce be pleased to state: (a) the details of the industries given export freight subsidy; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide subsidy to the remaining industries also? Makhdoom Muhammad Amin Fahim: (a) Cabinet Division under Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2009-12 approved following types of freight subsidies:ê i.
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