Ak GAZETTE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Val XXIX.-No. 1 175 ] NAIROBI, November 29, 1927. [ PRICE50 CENTS. Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 8. Published every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Govt Kotice No. 578-Arrival, Departure, and Appointments, etc. .. 1500 I, I , ,, 579-Bill for introduction into Legislative Council-The General Loan and Inscribed Stock (Amendment) Ordinance, 1927 .. Proclamation No. 82-The Forest Ordinance . .. .. .. ,, ,, 83-The Public Holidays Ordinance . .. Govt. Notice No 580-The Public Holidays Ordinance - i . .. .. 1~ J 1 ,, 58 1 -The European Education Tax Ordinance, 1926-Rules -. f) 1, ,, 582-The Asiatic Education Tax Ordinance, 1926-Rules . I 9 )a ,, 583-The Indian Telegraph Act, 1885-Rules .. .. .. Govt. Notices Nos. 584-585--Non-European Clerical Staff-Confirmation Examinations General Notices Nos 1 147-1 167. - . We .. .. .. 1. 498 TH E O FFI'C IAL G AZ E T T E N' ovenà' b er 22 , 192 7 . - --- ......... -. -..- . .-. - RATE S 0F SUBSCEIPTION TO OFFICIAL G AZETTE . S%. càd. For one year Q5 00 six m ontlls . .. 13 00 ,, tlaree m onths (excluding postage) ' 6 50 ,# three nAonths (including postage) 7 50 Single copy (excluding postage) 0 50 Single copy (including postage) 0 60 (S tlbscriptions must be prepaid.) N OTIOE S AN .D AD VERTTSEM EN TS . /1 11 zvoffcf?,ç a''nd zlt:/rcwàfcçtlà7zc?'là: b?/ P'riratt zlclrtlTàï,?(?'r.ç 911tz'!/ b8 tendered t!t or tîtl'n.f direct è)?7 Post fo f he GO VERNIIENT PR TXTXS , Naiçob'i, Jt?T tn,çcçtiott at àp? e (tl,I.t p'ùozùélf.l 'ratcs oj pcp/ywztîAz/;. The tl//àcc lto1J'r,% c'rtl jrom (? (?-.'yn,. to 4 p.T4. , olosiltg tzf 1 (l'cftlc/f 0.n, Safttrlays. ,4IJ N otices and zldrtszffytsozt?zlf,y m 'tut bc pïepaid. To ytzrtl delay N otices and zldmtl'rffyt?pzér.nf.ç 86nt tfïzccf by PI):J should ë): accom panied by ïem ittance. iklatter jov publication sltould ztltzc/z the GOVERNM ENT PRINTER xtlt lat tlz than 1 p.pl. o'l't f/z: Sqinrday oj f he '/,f7tlt,/ç bejo're pzûl?lïctzàsb'rl is desired. AU TH ORTSED SCAL E OF CH ARGE S. 8h. cts. For insertion in Offlcial Gazette (column) .. 32 00 (half column) . 16 00 (quarter column or less) 8 00 N OTICE . Publications tlbàfzïrltzt?lc j'rom I/d6 Goneïrtn-tent Pzrtvd. Revised Edition of tlle Laws of K enya Ooiony, 1926, in three volum es. l'rice : 27 7s. per set (carriage extra) . Conference of Governors of the East Africcu D epet-ldencies, 19:6. Sïllnmary of Proceedipgs. lariee : Shs. ùj6Q ; lnost&ge , Cts. 35. lteport of tlle Port Ooltlnlission ot Inquiry , 1925. ('W ith map.) Priee : S 1-1 s , 5 / - ; 1 'o s t a g e , (; t s . 1$ 5 . Bound copies of Ordinances, Vol. 1V, 1925 (New Series). Price : Slls. 7/50 ; l3osted, Slls. 8/20. Sh.. cts. ' Bouncl volum e of Oëcial G azette 25 00. Ordinances . .. ... 7 50 ,. , Proclamations, Rules and Regulations .- . 7 50 Ordinances (per copy) . ' . .. 3 00 (Postal charges must be added to above if forwarded through the Post-) PRINTE!D B'ï T'i1E GOVERNMHNT PRINTZR, NAIRW I. rrll.E SCHEDULE NO. 4--(C3az?'/??ze,ïh. Plot Sectiqn S u rvev No. N o. Fees Glns. 37 1/? (:2k t' .- 38 #> JG #> 40 #> 4: ;# 42 ,: 43 44 th 13 1*0p. rent Plpt Section U p set S ularey l rolu l - 1 2 2.7 No. Nc). Pé if-e Fees to 3 I - i z.-.27 Shs. Sl'ls. Shs. 1 2 0/ - 5O0 .l- 1 0/- ;J '> 91 N airobi, R ELLIO 'l'ml ' 1'8th October, 1927. J'or L-lzawg.rl't/,vez' o.f Lands. S . 1838 1 il-l . N OT I.C'R. ' .1'1 le folloswil'lg Bills have been publisëled for iufornzatlon Ilritlr l (.) iutrotl tlrl ion into 1w egislative Cou ncil a,llt(1 can be olytaintpd at tlle G r' vernrnent Press. Price , Cts. 50 . Posted , Cts. 6(.) : 'lqhle 1ç enya and ' Uganda ltai lu'ay Ordlrlal3ce s lgilii ' .P. l1e A , leiel') t A 'l-ol) tl t t le ! 1 ts (1 'resentatio) 1 Ordil l ant'e , 1927 . Tlle 1'u b l i ('J Llolid ays ( .ztznend 1 1 en t) Ordinan r-!e , 1927 . N O'1'ICE. A descriptlve catalogue of sort'le of the Com mon 'l'rees and W oody I'lants of Kenya Colony b, E. Battiscombe, F.L.S. Price Sh. l0/ - ) t'osted, Sil. 10/55. N 01' IC E A copy of the 1925 Annual Report of the Native Aiairs lleparim ent can be obtained from the Chief Native Com migsioner, P.O. Box 326, Nairobi. ' Price : Shs. 5, pef eolly . Shs. 5/ô0, by put,t. Itéflart f )ti I rriga' tion. etev, by A. D. Lewisj M .A ., M. I.nst.l. ;E.: Prlee Sh 5/ ; l 'osted i'q h- ,5/6ô. 1496 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE Novem ber tH , 1927. SCIIED ULE N O. 2 REFERRED TO IN N'OTICE OF SALE. CLASS .T A '' BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL. Rent Prop. rent Plot Section Area Acres per U pset Survey from 1-12-27 No. No. annum Price Fees to 31 -12-27 Shs. Shs. Shs. Shs. l 0, 17218 240/- l ,000/- X /- C$ ,) ,, ,, o ii ,, ,, ,, ,, ? ,, ,, ,, ,, 67 ,, ,, ,, ,, 1 1 ,, ,, . ,, 1 :3 ,, ,, ,, I ë9 ,, y, ,, 1 :7 ,, ,, ,, 19 0. 16:/58 70/- 20/- SCH ED UI-E NO. 3 REFERRED TO IN NOTICE OF SALE. C LASS T< B '' BUSIN ESS AND RESIDENTIAL. Rent Prop. rent Plot Section per Upsct Survey from 1 -12-27 No. No. annllm Price Fees to 31 -12-27 S14s. Sbs. Shs. Shs. 0. 10904 400/- rz A, ## IX ## ## SCH EDU LE NO. 4 REFERRED TO IN NOTICE OF SA LE. CLASB 'd B '' RESIDENTIAL. Rent Prop. rent Plot Section Area Acres per Upset Survey from 1-12-27 No. No. annum Price Fees to 31-12-27 Shs. Shs. Shs. Shs. 22 X 24 ., 26 ,, 28 ,, 30 ,, 32 ,, 33 ,, 34 ,, 35 ,, 3. (a 8. Any building erected.shall conform to a build- OoNDtrtob:s IN RESPEC'.P OF OFFENSWE ing lin.e (leeitletl upon by the Building Authority. FACTORY PLOTS . 9. Verandahs may be erecteâ withîn a. road. 1. Tn thege special conclitions the term d ' Build- rexrve with the previous eonsent of tha Builcling èng Autbority ' ' m eans the lleBiclent Com misBione,r A lltlaority and must eonlorm to a building line of tha distriet or area. in whieh the plot is situated, deeided upon by the Building Authority. or such other munieipttl authority as may be here- No'l'E :- T'he plots enum erated in Seheclule 1 are 'tfter established by law . ' restrictecl to Europea3l ownerslzip ancl occupation. 2. The plots enum erated in Schedule 5 m ay be used for the purpose of carrying on any of the follow- ixlg tracles :- SPECIAL OOWDITIONS IN RIBSPECT OF XESIDENTIAL PluoTs. b Blootl-boiler, bone-boilar, fellm onger, soap- oiler, tallow-m elter? tripe-boiler, blood-drier, 1. Tn these special conditions the term ' ' Build- leather-clresser, tanner, fat-melter or 'extraetor, ing Authority ' ' m ean.s the Itosident Com rnissioner glue-m aker, size-seraper, gut-scraper, knaeker, of the distriet or area in which the plot is situated., slaughterer of anlimals, storage of hides, bacon- or sueh ofher m unieipal auihority as m ay be Lere- euring , artifteîal m anure-m aking, 0î1e10t14 anll after established by law. linoleum m aking, indiarubber-m aking, varnish- making, and oil-boiling, paper-making, manufae- 2. Each purchaser of a plot in Sehetlule No. 4 ture of allkali, trades aBsoclatecl with the gcneration sltalt ereet wiihitl two years of the com m encem ent of irrespirable gases, manufaeture of horse-hair, of his grant a tlwelling-house of approvefl design to wool-sorting, trades asqooiated with tho use of be built of sttme, burnt briek, conerete, asbestos, poiqonou: m etals, or any other trafle or buBiness wood, or iron, on proper foundations. wliieh may be deelared. to be dangerous or offensive 3. No .building shall at any time clurin.g fhe term by notice in the Official Gazette. of the grant b'e usecl for any other purpose than a dwelling-house. 3 . Noi m ore than two-tllsrtls of the area of any plot shall be built upon. 4. At no tim e during the term of the grant shall more than one clwelling-house with tlze nacessary omces ancl outbuilclings be ereetcd on any plot with- 4. Each purchaser of a plot in Seheclule No. 5 out eonsent of the Governor, ancl the grantee shall shall erect within two years ol the eomm encem eni not with such eyonsent Bubdivide the plot, or assign of lzis grant a builcling of appz-oved cleBign construeted of stone, burnt b/ick or concrete on propcr founda- or sublei any portion of tha plot. tions. 5. The grantee shall not at any ti. m e during the term of the grant erect any building or buildings so 5. No plot or plots shall at any time during the as to eover m ore fhan one-half of the area of the term of the lease be used as a plaee of resiclenoe by plot. ftnj' Persol'l Or PCVSOIIS Wh&tSO6Ver. 6. Any builcling ereeted shall eonform to a build- ing line fleeidecl upon by the Building Authority.
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