Toxicity of Moist Snuff and Impact on Various Stages of Darkling Beetles (Tenebrio molitor) Lisa Collins with Latisha Edwards Fayetteville State University Faculty Mentor: Shirley Chao Fayetteville State University ABSTRACT Moist snuff is a manufactured form of smokeless tobacco that, when consumed chronically, contributes to the leading cause of premature deaths in the world. Snuff contains several known toxins, such as nicotine, that have been proven to adversely affect organisms exposed to it through tobacco products. The objective of this study was to test whether moist snuff adversely affects darkling beetles by increasing mortality and hindering normal development of Tenebrio larvae. Results indicate that moist snuff did increase mortality, but also increased the developmental rate of survivors. In addition, a positive trend was observed in which moist snuff increased the amount of protein per insect without increasing average weight. Increases in protein amounts suggest possible compensatory responses to the toxic insult- grounds for further research. insecticide. Variable amounts of nicotine ccording to the Centers for Disease are found in tobacco products, and depend AControl and Prevention (2011), to- on brand and product type. Studies show bacco use is the leading cause of prevent- that nicotine in cigarettes account for ap- able death in the United States and a ma- proximately 1.21 mg to 2.16 mg per ciga- jor cause of premature death worldwide. rette (Keithly, Cullen, & Land, 2004). For Tobacco is produced and manufactured the purposes of this study, the focus is on into several products, which may be di- moist snuff. Among the amalgam of chem- vided into the categories of smoking to- icals, nicotine has been found in concentra- bacco and smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tions ranging from 0.59 percent up to 3.35 tobacco comes in two forms: chew and percent of snuff products per container snuff (Connelly, 2006), which contain (Tilashalski, Rodu, & Mayfield, 1994). more than 7,000 chemicals, 60 of which Once nicotine is consumed in the form are known carcinogens (American Cancer of moist snuff, it quickly enters the blood- Society, 2011). One of the most toxic ingre- stream through mucus membranes lining dients found in tobacco products is nico- the mouth (LeVert, 2007), and acts on the tine. Nicotine is a powerful neurotoxic, psy- brain as well as other organs within seconds choactive compound that occurs naturally (Naff, 2007). Tobacco products have been in the leaves of tobacco plants, Nicotiana studied in great depths and are known to tabacum and Nicotiana rustica (Higa de have adverse health effects on infants when Landoni, 1999). Chemically, nicotine is an consumed by expecting mothers. These alkaloid, or nitrogen containing substance effects include, but are not limited to, low (Naff, 2007), and functions as a natural birth weight and spontaneous abortion. In 23 Explorations | Biology and Biotechnology addition, neurological effects are reported development. Contrary to popular belief, to be caused by tobacco use during preg- the mealworm is not a worm, but the nancy (Ernst et al., 2001). Though little larval stage of the mealworm beetle, also research has been conducted on the direct called the darkling beetle of Tenebrio molitor effect of snuff use during pregnancy, there species. The mealworm goes through four is evidence that its use may lead to prema- stages of development: (1) egg, (2) larva, ture delivery and preeclampsia (England et (3) pupa, and (4) adult. The female darkling al., 2003). Several studies have determined beetle lays hundreds of tiny, white, oval the toxic effects of tobacco and nicotine eggs which hatch into tiny mealworms on vertebrates such as humans, rats, and (the larval stage). Each mealworm eats mice (Abreu-Villaca, Seidlera, Tatea, & a tremendous amount and sheds its Theodore, 2003); however, few experi- exoskeleton as it grows. It then enters its ments have been conducted to determine pupa stage. After pupating, a white adult toxicity of tobacco products in insects such darkling beetle emerges from the pupa; as mealworms. it soon turns brown, then almost black, The mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) has been completing the life cycle (Lawrence Hall a major pest of grain worldwide, costing of Science, July 2009). Since mealworms high losses of stored grains, specifically undergo complete metamorphosis during in mills. As a result, pest management its lifecycle, the effects of a tobacco product strategies have been studied to understand such as snuff could be easily observed and reproduction and development of this pest analyzed (Gosselin & Fernandez, May species (Taibi et al., 2003). In addition, 2011). the mealworm is an ideal animal model to The purpose of our study is to test the understand animal development. Humans effects of snuff exposure on darkling beetles, and mealworms may seem to have nothing beginning in the larval stage, and to observe in common, yet they share similar factors any adverse effects during development. that control the nervous system and Our study tested the following hypothesis: development in both (Brown, 2006). moist snuff adversely affects darkling beetles The nervous system of an insect such by increasing mortality and hindering as the mealworm is similar to that of normal development of Tenebrio larvae. a human because they share common neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine MATERIALS AND METHODS (Brown, May 2006). Acetylcholine plays a major role in the healthy functioning of The chemical used in the experiment the peripheral nervous system as well as was moist snuff, which is a finely ground muscle functioning in both humans and form of smokeless tobacco. The brand was insects. The nicotine in tobacco products Longhorn Fine Cut Natural, manufactured has the ability to mimic acetylcholine once at Pinkerton Tobacco Company LP, it enters the body, which affects major located in Owensboro, KY USA. This systems of the body (LeVert, 2007). Due product contains at least 50% domestic to similarities between the nervous systems tobacco. Kretschmer Original Toasted of humans and insects, mealworms are Wheat Germ processed in Manhattan, excellent model organisms for toxicology KS USA was used as the food source for research. In addition, mealworms undergo the mealworms. A total of 30 mealworms predictable patterns of development; (larval stage of darkling beetles) were therefore, they are ideal candidates for obtained from PetSmart (Fayetteville, investigating factors that control animal NC). Weighing of all materials was done 24 Lisa Collins using a triple beam balance and organisms The supernatant was removed from each were tested and stored in 100mL plastic sample and transferred into labeled tubes containers purchased from Thompson and to be frozen until assayed for total protein Little Supply Store (Fayetteville, NC). All using the Bradford method (Bradford, animals were stored at room temperature 1976). ranging from 20-25°C. Bradford Protein Assay. Bovine Procedure Serum Albumin (BSA) stock of 1mg/mL was prepared and used as the standard. The study was conducted over a five week Three milliliters of Bradford reagent period with treatments done one day a (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, week on three occasions. We weighed each MA) was added to each BSA standard group of five mealworms, whose average (20, 40, 60, 80, 100µg). Absorbance was weight was 0.5g, and 0.5g of moist snuff read for each BSA standard at 590nm, the for a 1:1 ratio. For each snuff treatment, we peak wavelength determined. Each 15 µL added 0.5g snuff to 50-mL of water and sample of the darkling beetle supernatant incubated for 10 minutes. For each control, with Bradford reagent was transferred to a only 50mL of water was added to a cup. cuvette and absorbance was read at 590nm. We then placed a group of mealworms in designated treatment cups and exposed for RESULTS AND DISCUSSION one minute, noting observations. The water was then drained, larvae dried on a paper Our results were drawn by averaging data towel, and transferred into their habitat from three control groups and comparing which included wheat germ, a moist paper the average of three experimental groups. towel, and air holes in the lid. Mealworms We report observations on the following were weighed each week before they were data: mortality after moist snuff exposure exposed to water or the snuff treatment (Figure 1), total number of survivors at for a total of three weeks. Once a larva various stages of development (Figure 2), entered the pupa stage, they were weighed, average weight of control and test groups but not exposed to water or the snuff (Figure 3), and average protein per beetle treatments. Upon entering the adult beetle following treatments of moist snuff (Figure stage, they were weighed and once again 4). exposed. Development and body weight through various stages of the mealworm’s lifecycle were documented each week (Figures 2 and 3). Mortality was noted and only survivors were maintained (Figure 1). Protein Assay Homogenization. Three adult beetles were obtained from the control group and Figure 1. Mortality of Insects Following Treatments. the experimental group and placed into Average percent mortality (±SE) after three weeks of treatments is shown. Control groups (n=15) were separate test tubes containing 1.0mL of treated with water and Experimental groups (n=15) sodium phosphate buffer (0.01M, pH 7.0). were treated with moist snuff. Each beetle was homogenized separately and centrifuged at 12000g for 3 minutes. 25 Explorations | Biology and Biotechnology Mortality Following Moist Snuff Treatments After the first week, one of fifteen insects in the control group and one of fifteen insects in the experimental group died. Figure 2. Effects of Moist Snuff on Rate of No other deaths were observed in control Development. The development of larva through groups. However, more deaths were noted its life cycle was observed and recorded following treatments of snuff (Experimental n=15) and water among the experimental group than the (Control n=15).
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