Vol. CXXXIX. No. 3593 O C TO BER 4, 1946 9d. W E E K L Y W E’RE ALL DOING O U R BEST! fPOy-TECHNIKIl Dad is not typical of the age of L.S.E. men or their equipment, but he has a craftsman’s touch and we need his help. » L.S.E. quality must come first ; but while maintaining our standards we are fighting a not altogether unsuccess­ ful battle for increased production of : ELECTRIC MOTORS for all industrial and marine applications. C O N T R O L GEAR. Electro-mechanical INSTRUM ENTS, etc. LAURENCE, SCOTT & ELECTROMOTORS LTD. ii E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w O ctober 4, 1946 BIG BEN The clock tower of the Houses of Parliament contains the famous "Big Ben", an immense bell weighing I3£ tons BIG CRYSE MADE IN ENGLAND F I FTY YEARS OF QUALITY £, SERVICE ■tfjtaw/is'J BIRMINGHAM BURY ST EDMUNDS LEEDS LONDON BRIGHTON CARDIFF LEICESTER MANCHESTER BRISTOL GLASGOW LIVERPOOL NEWCASTLE CRYSELCO LIMITED, KEM PSTON WORKS, B E D FO R D E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w ? * t y e y t A maintenance man in an Electricity Department doesn't have much time for reflection in these days of shortage in materials and labour. It’s always seemed to me as if Heatrae planned the design of their W a ter Heaters from MY point of view and to save my legs from repeated journeys. My experience is that HEATRAE are so nearly breakdown - proof that they need minimum attention from me. Being only human, I appreciate that point. leaders in electric water heaters HEATRAE LTD. NORWICH GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH PHONE : NORWICH 25131 “ WESTMINSTER” Brush Holders FOR WIRELESS AND SIM ILAR 125,000 A W I D E R A N G E O F CONNECTIONS SIZES IN STOCK SUPPLIED ROSS COURTNEY Tm MADE TO ! ASHBROOK] ROAD, LONDON; N.I9 A N Y MACE Dynamos and Motors Rewound and Re-constructed. “ Partridge ” Pressure JAWS Detectors, “ Partridge ” Earthing Devices, M akers of all types of Switchgear, Photographic Arc Lamps, repetition products from the bar in all Electric Welders, Medical Arc Lamps. m e t a l s TheWESTMINSTERENG.Co.Ltd. Victoria Road, Wlllesden Junction, N.W.IO M-Cl°nd REPETITION I ? Telephone : Telegrame : POOL LANE LANClCY • BIRMINGHAM Elgar 737t (* linee). “ Regency, Phone, London." Phone BROwtwell H|5(4lr«> BRChdwell 1757. A E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 4, 1946 g e n e r a l t y p e s . T v D e — C o n s tru c te d Sem i-EncloSed Y P v o ri to to-gW^o.deq (or ventilation all vital parts, and lor Power house at a large crude oil works. in Scotland showing from the machine room. 1800 K.W. (2250 K.V.A.) 3-phase . T v o e — Enclosed 50 cycle, 3,300 volt, 1,000 r.p.m . D uct V e n tila te Y attanged A.C. Generators fitted with self- contained air filters, driven by Stat° r ■ " cave a ts -or «*- with am intake ^ the geared steam turbines. nection to am foundations. The growing demand for geared steam Enclosed VentUate-F.r £ Self-contained A bodied turbine-driven A.C. Generators for con­ stantly increasing outputs has resulted in r r i - - - * uh developments in design of dominant importance. Totally EnCJ”;£ coo,ers form an Four general types are now available to Type he machine, integral part ions (or cover the Increasing field of application, end eliminate exc and a choice may be made of alternative air ducts. basement air methods of cooling to suit the conditions most favourable to a given situation, thus ensuring reliable units of good efficiency and economy of operation. jG EARED steam tu r b in e-driven BRUCE PEEBLES &. CO. LTD., ENGINEERS, EDINBURGH October 4, 1946 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 THE SMALLEST TRIPLE POLE SWITCHFUSE EMINENTLY SUITABLE FOR MACHINE TOOLS ft) RflDETTE. io Amperes.. °500 volts, catalogue N°Qi438 BILL SWITCHGEAR LTD MANCHESTER GLASGOW LONDON A.W.ZELLEY. ASTON LANE, PERRY BARR 73 GT PETER ST BELFAST BURTON-ON-TRENT WESTMINSTER S.W.I. BIRMINGWAM-20 PHONE BIRCHFIELDS 5011. CftAMS^BlLSW1TCH B'HAM NIPHAN WEATHERPROOF METAL - CLAD Through PLUGS & SOCKETS Angle Socket Flange and Cover 5 to 300 A m p . 250 / 500 V o lt Angle Plug and Cover 3 and 4 Pole Earthed Type and 2 Pole. For Electric Lighting and Power, Transmission, Communication, Portable Tools, etc. Socket Manufactured by SIMMONDS & STOKES LTD. VICTORIA HOUSE, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, LONDON, W.C.I HOLBORN M37 4 , 1946 4 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October Lucky fellow! He's just got a house. His copper-alloy key gives him entry to a house that, from the copper flashings on the roof right down to the copper damp-proof course, will be a healthy,- comfortable, convenient place to live in— because of copper. Good building, plumbing, heating and lighting depend so much on copper! I t ’s m o r e t h a n l ik e l y there’s some job that copper or its alloys can do better for you. Think of the ‘plusses’ that make copper right for such a wide range of jobs-its resistance to corrosion, its thermal and electrical conductivity, its combination of toughness with ease of fabrication. If any of these qualities can serve your needs, if you have a problem to solve or an idea to develop, consult the Copper Development Association. A store of up-to-date information and practical advice is yours for the asking. LET COPPER CO-OPERATE COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. A non-trading organisation, maintained by the British Copper Industry to supply publications, information and advice, fice, to all users ol cupper Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2 Enquiries to HENDALS HALL, DAOLETT. HERTS. HADLETT 5616 October 4, 1946 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 SWITCHGEAR Over 50 years experience and research THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED. W1LLESDEN. ENGLAND, A3679 6 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 4, 1946 d these figures, the result buyer wants ^ ^ r .p .m . X — '50h'P | load- of tests on % uU ,oad. * 9 2 .5 .84 ? 3-2 '9° motors Efficiency ••• .92 v-far\ana • • white reliability and co t0 last, they manufaCtur.ng st painstalong precision heir part be don • Z * * '• * ? r V t ~ » my *• i*"i ’------------------------------------------------------------------ W e illustrate an M.F.R. 60 slip-ring motor, 150 h.p., 960 r.p.m ., w ith drip-proof protection. ★ Branches at THE HJRLiND EN GINEER1N Manchester, Glasgow, COMPANY LIMITE o o Birmingham, Bristol! Hull, Leeds, Newcastle, WORKS: ALLOA • SCOTLAND Nottingham, 8c Swansea. LONDON OFFICE: HARLAND HOUSE, 20 PARK ST.. W I 7 October 4, 1946 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w All the better, if we may para­ phrase, to do your drilling with! The <p Jack-Knife Radial Arm shows yet another applica­ tion of the unique day-in, day- out reliability of <p Universal Electric Tools as applied to work normally requiring an expensive radial drill. And the arm does more than reach out to the useful range of 42 inches . it resists the torque of the tool . carries all radial and thrust loads on enclosed type taper roller bearings . is adjustable for height . and is extremely sensitive in operation. A <p Bench Drill Stand as illustrated will widen the scope of usefulness of any Universal Drill but whether “hand-held,” stand, or radial-arm mounted, <p Universal Electric Tools meet efficiently and economically the needs of modern industry. K 7 v Q n s q l i d a t e o P n e v M a t i c I ■ T 6 6 L (g) Cfl, LTD. I 2 3 2 DAWES ROAD ' L O N D O N ' S. W 6. iiii..ii m h h —»i "i— im i ii in —n —irrif~m ni—i~r»— irm— i— h m t b i him AIR COMPRESSORS • PNEUMATIC TOOLS ■ ELECTRICTOOLS DIESEL ENGINES . ■ VACUUM PUMPS • CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT CPU ROCK DRILLS ■ DIAMOND DRILLS • OIL WELL TOOLS E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 4 , 1946 THE POCKET TESTOSCOPE Size of a Fountain Pen BURN I S CONDUIT A convenient rapid fault-finding instrument for use on AC or DC Circuits I a«/ for use on 100-750 volts FOR TESTING Burn Tested Super Steel Conduit, the outcome of a century’s SWITCHES OPEN CIRCUITS experience in the manufacture of LIVE CONDUCTORS LEAKAGES tubes, embodies the quality, consistency and finish vitally EARTHS INSULATION VALUES necessary to a good job. Every Tube tested, passed NEUTRAL WIRE POLARITY and branded to British Standard Specification 31, and the “Bee” CONTINUITY, ETC. on every tube is your security— and ours. OL. ^»vvj^Lcu^vv DRAKE & GORHAM GEORGE WHOLESALE LTD. 77 LQNG ACRE, LONDON,W.C.2 Telephone : TEMple Bar 3993 MANCHESTER: 29Piccadilly. BRIGHTON: 24Marlborough I M I T E Place. GLASGOW : 182 St. Vincent Street. Bristol ■ CITY TUBE AND CONDUIT MILLS 2-4 Church St., Temple. D U BLIN : 2 Church Lane, College SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM _ Midland Representative : Green Telephone : Smethwick I S I I (5 lines) W.
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