COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1977 Session of 1977 161st of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 92 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I roll for today. 'She members within hearing of his voict, will re- The House convened at I p.m.. e.d.t. port for the master roll THE SIIEAKEK(K. LEROY IKVIS) IN 'THE CIIAlIt The following roll call was recorded: YEAS-195 PRAYER Ahrahani Gamble Manderino Sr;lnl"n THE REVEREND H. GARNETT LEE, nlinister ofthe (::ipit;rl Anderson Garaia Manmiller Schraffrr Presbyterian Church, Har~.ishurg,I'cnns)~lv;i~iia. and guest Armstrong Gatski MeCall Schmitt R:lrkr Gecsey McClatchy Schwed~r chaplain, offered the following prayer: Hi~llomini Geisler Mr Ginnis Scirica R~loff Georgc. C. MrIntyrr Seltzer We gather again in this room :IS wta sen the gentl,, ~iinsthxt Rrnnrtt (;rorgr. M. MrLanp Shunran drop from heaven ;~nd;~g;lin \vc, rc;iliz<. th;lt wr, ;rsi: blt~ssidhy Hrrlin Giammarro Mi.hus Shupnik the eternal gifts of God. And wt7 pray that ilis mercy ;and Ilis Bcrsoti Gillette Mrluskry Siri;inni Hittinger Gleeson Milenovich Smith, E. compassion will also fall upon this Housc. Hittlr Goehel Miller Smith. I,. We ask His blessing upon this leadership. We ask Him ta Borski (~oodman Millirnn Soencrr watch over these honored men and women within this Chamber Rlxndt Gray Misrevich Spitz on both sides of the aisle. We pray that His mercy and His com- Rrown Greenfield Maehlmann Stairs Brunncr (;reenleaf Morris Stnpl~ton passion will lead these who have been elected to serve this Com- Hurd Grirco Mowpry Stewart monwealth, that they will shoulder their great responsibilities, Rurns Halverson Mrkonic represent this great constituency, that they will move forward Caltagironr Hamilton Mullm. M. P. ('sputa Harper Mullrn. M. M. without ceasing, not become weary of well doing, lulowing full Cessidy Hasay Musto well that every good and perfect thing rumeth from Thee. We Cessar Hask~ll Novak ask Thy blessing upon these who have chosen to serve this (:ianciulli Hayes, D. S. Nov~ Cimini Hayes, S. h:. O'Rnen. R. state. And in their deliberations may there he wisdom and Cohen Helfrick O'Rrien, D. knowledge and understanding, mercy, compassion and justice. Cole Horffel O'Connell Watch over their families that there may he encouragement in (:owell Honaman O'Kwfp Vroon Davirs Ilopkins Olirrr Wagner this particular and this high office. DrMrdio Hutchinson, A. Pancoast Wansacz We ask Thy mercy and'rhy grace upon thrse who serve as the DeVerter IIutchinson. W. Parker Wargo DrWersr Itkin Petrarca Wass staff of this House, sometimes mzryhr unnoticed or unsung and DiCnrlo Johnson Piccola Wridner yet the ones who keep the nhrels turning and who boast of that Uietz Jones Pirvsky W~ngcr which must be done in this pl;rr. Dininni Katz I'itts Whit? Kelly Politr We rejoice in the heanty of this ilouse. Wr rrjoicr in thr, Dumhrowski Wiggins Uon;+tur~.i Kernick Pott Williams beauty of service to all men. We rejoice that we can serve our Lhrr Klinganian I'ratt Wilson (;od and our Father as we rcach htyotid thesr walls. Uoyle Knepper I'rendergast Wilt Kolter Pyles Bless the leadership of the House. Hlrss thost! who aul. Duffy Wise form Dumas Kowalyshyn Kappaport Wright. D. great population. Hless this nation. 0 I.ord. Knglrhart Laughlin Ravenstah1 Wright, J. 1.. God have mercy upon the Commonwealth and continue to Fee Lehr Heed Yahnrr Fisvhe~R. R. -~1,ettrrm;~n~~~~~~~~~~~ Hrnwick grant us the peace, the knowledge, the widsom that conieth on- I Zrarfoss Fisher, b. M. Levi Hhodes Zrllrr ly from Thee, and we will give Thee the honor and the glory'I Flahrrty Lincoln Richardson Zitternran through Thy name and for Thy sake. Amen. Fostrr, A. Livengood Kirger Zord Fustcr. W. I.ngu* Rittrr Zwikl Fwind Lynch Rugpifro JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Fryer Markowski Ryan Irvis. Gallaeher Mndiean Snlvstur~ Speaker The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal G;~llm for Tuesday, Octohrr 25, 15177, will he pastponerl until printed. NAYS-O MASTER ROLL CALL RECORDED NOT VOTING-5 Arthurs O'Donnell Sheiton The SPEAKER. The Sprakrr IS ;rhout to take up the master Butera 2970 LEGISLA'I'IVF, JOURNAL-HOUSE October 26, The SPEAKI.:R. One hundred ninety-five mcmhers having in- An Act amending the art of November 1, 1971 (P. L. 495, No. dicated their presence. ;I master roll is establishrd. 113).entitled "An art providing for the coniperisation of county offirrrs in counties of the second through eighth classes, for the disposition of fees. fur filing of bonds in certain cases and HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND for duties of certain officers, providing cost-of-living allow- REFERRED TO COMMITTEES iinces. No. 1800 Ry Messrs. REED, DININNI, MANMILLER, I Referred to Committee on Urban Affa~rs PICCOLA, TKELLO, CIMINI, GKAY, ZITTERMAN, BORSKI. JONES, No. 1804 By Messrs. A. K. HUTCHINSON. CAPUTO, JOHNSON, COHEN, GIAMMARCO, DOMBKOWSKI, PETRARCA. YAHNER, WHITE, Mrs. KELLY, Mrs. SCANLON, 1)iCAKLO. HOPKINS and Miss SIRIANNI Messrs. OLIVER, RIEGER, MrlNTYRE, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania DUMAS, BROWN, MELUSKEY, RIITER, Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the width of cer- SALVATORE, STUBAN, NOVAK, tain vehicles. MRKONIC, GARZIA. ZELLER, McLANE, I Knferred to Committee on Transportation. ZWIKI,, RUGGIEKO, McGINNIS, No. 1805 By Messrs. DOMBROWKSI, CIANCIULLI, RICHARDSON, STEWART, A. K. HUTCHINSON, DeMEDIO, BIT'I'INGER, BELOE'F, DONATUCCI, BELLOMINI, DiCARLO, HOPKINS, KOWALYSHYN, LETTERMAN, D. S. HAYES. NOVAK, CASSIDY, ABRAHAM, MISCEVICH, MORRIS, ZITTERMAN, TENAGLIO, COLE, SHUMAN, LAUGHLIN. GATSKI, MISCEVICH, LOGUE, LEVI, SPITZ and RAVENSTAHL, DUFFY, GAMBLE, R. R. FISCHER MUSTO, RHODES, FLAHEKTY, SHUPNIK, WARGO, SCHMITT, CASSIDY, An Act amending th? act of Decemher 30, 1974 (P. I,. 1105, No 356). entltled "A suoolement to the act of Fehruarv 6.1976 D. M. O'BRIEN, Mrs. WISE, Messrs. 80. (P. L. No. 171. entitled 'An act nrovidinc for~ the~ ~~~ rnGital bud. I n .~~~~~~ VALICENTI, STAPLETON, O'KEEFE and get for the fiscil year 1973-197$,' itemizing public improve- SWEET ment' projects to he acquired or constructed hy 'fie General I State Authority together with their estimated financial cost; An Act prohibiting Commonwi~;~ltli;~gencirs froni purchirs- **' and making an appropriation," adding a project relating to ing goods from certain foreign cornpanics and domestic com- the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. panics using forrig11 l;~bor. Referred to Committee on Appropr~at~ons. Referred to Committve on Businrss and Coinmarrii. SENATE MESSAGE No. 1801 Hy Mr PICC0I.A SENATE HII,LS FOR CONCUKRENCF: An Act amending the "Puhlic Utility Law." approved May 28, The clerk of thr Senate presented the following hills for con- 1937 (P. I,. 1053. No. 286). further providing for the nlveragt7 of certain municipal or municipal ;~uthorityfunr,tions. currence: Referred to (bn~rnitt~eon Consumer Affairs. SENATE BILL No. 598 An Act permitting any person required to serve ;IS a juror to No. 1802 By Messrs. S'I'EWAK'I', BITTIN(;I'.I1, ahsent himself from any survire or employment in which he is EN(;I,EtlAIfl, (:OOl)MAN. REEL). WASS, then engaged or employed; prohihiting employers from dis- SHUPNIK, GEORGE, O'CONNEL, missing or threatening to dismiss such persons; granting such persons civil relief. B. F. O'BRIEN, IIAT,VERSON, A. K. HUTCIIINSON, PIEVSKY, Referred to Committee on Judir&y. MILLIRON, CASSIDY and STAIRS SENATE BILL No. 1114 An Act amending the act of ,July 20, 1968 (P. L. 6.52, No. An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of thc Penn- 220), entitled, "An act amending the act of March 31, 1949 ylvania Consolidated Statutes changing the time for prosecut- (P. L. 372, No. 34), entitled, 'An act to promote the welfare of Lng the offense of vo1unt;lry rn:inslanghter. the people of the Commonwealth; '**'empowering the Author- ity to construct and acquire projects for certain State-related to on universities, providing for the disposition of unused horrowing capacity which may become available through the operation of SE~~~~No, 1118 the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 or other Federal An Act amending Title 1R (Crimes and Offenses) of the Penn- grants; ""'to reduce the aniount of unallocated funds avail- sylvania Consolidated Statutes redefining murder of the sec- able for allocation by the board to certain projects for cost- onddegree. overrun, and to provide for additional projects necessitated hy the Great Flood of July 1977. Referred to Committep an .Judi<,iary. Referred to Committee on Appropriations. SENATE MESSAGE AMENDED IIOUSE BILL RETURNEU FOK CONCURKENCE No. 1803 By Mr. A. K. HUTCHINSON. Miss SIRIANNI, Messrs. PETKARCA and The clerk of the Senate returned HOUSE RILL NO. 767, with LETTERMAN the information that the Senate has passed the same with 1977. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 2971 amendments in which concurrence of the House of Represt,nt;i- from all ovrr the State of Pennsylvania. tives is requested. The main objective of the Junior Miss program is to ;~w;ird The SPI.:AKER. Thr? hill will appe;rr on the calrnd;ir. sr:holarships to high school srnior girls. And on ;111 three lpvels of competition. I was fortunate enough t,o receive $6,300, BILLS SIGNED BY SPEAKER which is a drop in the bucket comp;rrcd to the millions of dol- lars that ;Ire3 awardid r;ich pear. Now if it were not for my Jun- Bills numbered and entitled 21s follows ruerr, prcpared for lor Miss scholarship, I could not afford 1,eh;inon Va1lt.y College. presentation to the Governor: So I am very grateful for the schol;rrshil~. SENATE RILL No. 199 I would like to thank you for ;dl tha support I did receive An Act amending 'Title 18 (Crimes and Offens~s)of the Penn- while I was down in Mohile ;it the nation;rl competitio~l.I hope sylvania Consolidated Statutes further defining the offense ot that you continue to support thc Junior Miss program on the obscenity, redefining obscene, and further providing for injunc~ local level.
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