TOWN OF NORMAL CITY HALL NORMAL, ILLINOIS PHONE: 454-2444 PROPOSED AGENDA FOR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2010 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA (All items under the Omnibus Vote Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Omnibus Vote Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Omnibus Vote Agenda.) A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 17, 2010 B. Approval of Town of Normal Expenditures for Payment as of June 2, 2010 C. Motion to Award the Bid for a Service Truck with Utility Body to Lexington Ford, LLC at a Net Cost of $30,459.00 Including Trade In D. Motion to Waive the Formal Bidding Process and Accept a Bid of $93,397 from Dennison Corporation of Bloomington, Illinois for the Purchase of a Bucket Truck for the Parks and Recreation Department and to Approve an Associated Budget Amendment E. Resolution Conditionally Authorizing Execution of a Contract with S.B. Friedman & Company in the Amount of $33,150 for Services Related to Establishing a Special Service Area (SSA) in Uptown Normal F. Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Horton Group for Insurance Brokerage Services G. Resolution Accepting Warranty Deed from Daniel L. and Maxine J. Woodard – 2010 Vernon Avenue Bridge and Road Project H. Resolution Accepting the Public Improvements in the Original, First and Second Additions to Heather Ridge Subdivision for Maintenance I. Resolution Accepting the Public Improvements in the Original, First and Second Additions to North Bridge Subdivision for Maintenance J. Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates K. An Ordinance Amending “An Ordinance Describing and Designating An Area Located Partially Within the City of Bloomington, the Town of Normal and Unincorporated McLean County as an Enterprise Zone” Empire Business Park Subdivision 5. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA GENERAL ORDERS 6. None NEW BUSINESS 7. Motion to Approve a Reappointment to the Children’s Discovery Museum Foundation Board CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT Omnibus Vote MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE NORMAL TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, NORMAL CITY HALL, 100 EAST PHOENIX AVENUE, NORMAL, MCLEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS – MONDAY, MAY 17, 2010. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Chris Koos called the regular meeting of the Normal Town Council to order at 7:02 p.m., Monday, May 17, 2010. 2. ROLL CALL: The Clerk called the roll with the following persons physically PRESENT: Mayor Chris Koos and Councilmembers Sonja Reece, Adam Nielsen, Jeff Fritzen, Chuck Scott, Jason Chambers, and Cheryl Gaines. Also present were City Manager Mark Peterson, Assistant City Manager Geoff Fruin, Corporation Counsel Steve Mahrt, and Town Clerk Wendy Briggs. ABSENT: Deputy City Manager Pamela Reece. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Koos led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 4. OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA: Mayor Koos excused himself from voting on any bills he may have incurred while performing his Mayoral duties. Councilmember Fritzen excused himself from voting on any bills submitted by Bloomington Offset Process, Inc. Councilmember Reece excused herself from voting on any bills submitted by Advocate BroMenn Healthcare and any bills she may have incurred while performing Council duties. Item F was removed from the Omnibus Vote Agenda. MOTION: Councilmember Nielsen moved, seconded by Councilmember Scott, the Council Approve the Omnibus Vote Agenda. AYES: Reece, Nielsen, Fritzen, Scott, Chambers, Gaines, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 3, 2010: Omnibus Vote. B. APPROVAL OF TOWN OF NORMAL EXPENDITURES FOR PAYMENT AS OF MAY 12, 2010: Omnibus Vote. COUNCIL MINUTES -2- MAY 17, 2010 C. MOTION TO WAIVE THE FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURE AND ACCEPT A QUOTE FROM DENNISON FORD FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 2010 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4 X 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,993.00 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VEHICLE E-5 (2000 CHEVROLET ASTRO VAN): Omnibus Vote. D. MOTION TO ACCEPT A BID FROM PROAIR FOR HVAC REPLACEMENTS AT CITY HALL AND FIRE STATION #1 IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM: Omnibus Vote. E. MOTION TO ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO STARK EXCAVATING, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $379,800.25 FOR THE WILLOW STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM LINDEN STREET TO BEECH STREET: Omnibus Vote. G. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LEASE AGREEMENT – FAIRVIEW PARK: Resolution No. 4507: Omnibus Vote. H. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WARRANTY DEED FROM ABYE K. DEREGE AND EMILY C. FREESE – 2010 VERNON AVENUE BRIDGE AND ROAD PROJECT: Resolution No. 4508: Omnibus Vote. I. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WARRANTY DEED FROM WILLIAM M. READ AND DONNA L. READ – 2010 VERNON AVENUE BRIDGE AND ROAD PROJECT: Resolution No. 4509: Omnibus Vote. J. RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDED SITE PLAN FOR HEARTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE (1500 . RAAB ROAD) – HIGHWAY SIGN: Resolution No. 4510: Omnibus Vote. K. RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING AN AMENDED PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SHOPPES AT COLLEGE HILLS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT – PANDA EXPRESS: Resolution No. 4511: Omnibus Vote. L. ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF NORMAL – 602 AND 604 HESTER STREET: Ordinance No. 5339: Omnibus Vote. M. ORDINANCE SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF NORMAL UPTOWN RENEWAL TAX INCREMENT PLAN AND TOWN OF NORMAL UPTOWN RENEWAL TAX INCREMENT PROJECT AREA: Ordinance No. 5340: Omnibus Vote. 5. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA: F. MOTION INITIATING A ZONING CODE TEXT AMENDMENT REVISING SEC. 15.4-4(B) – GENERAL PROVISIONS – USES AND STRUCTURES: COUNCIL MINUTES -3- MAY 17, 2010 MOTION: Councilmember Fritzen moved, seconded by Councilmember Scott, the Council Initiate a Zoning Code Text Amendment Revising SEC 15.4-4(B) – GENERAL PROVISIONS – USES AND STRUCTURES. Councilmember Fritzen posed questions for clarification purposes, which were responded to by City Manager Mark Peterson and Building Commissioner Greg Troemel. General Council concern was expressed with the “looks” of the proposed buildings within neighborhoods. AYES: Nielsen, Fritzen, Scott, Chambers, Gaines, Reece, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. GENERAL ORDERS 6. RESOLUTION APPROVING A WAIVER FROM THE UPTOWN DESIGN REVIEW CODE, CHAPTER 15, DIVISION 17, FOR SIGNS AT 206 W. NORTH STREET (CVS PHARMACY): Resolution No. 4512: MOTION: Councilmember Nielsen moved, seconded by Councilmember Fritzen, the Council Adopt a Resolution Approving a Waiver from the Uptown Design Review Code, Chapter 15, Division 17, for Signs at 206 W. North Street (CVS Pharmacy). Town Planner Mercy Davison gave a brief overview of the request for a waiver from the Uptown Design Review Code for CVS Pharmacy. CVS Representative Adam Skrzeszewski presented a model of the proposed window coverings and responded to questions from Council. AYES: Fritzen, Scott, Chambers, Gaines, Reece, Nielsen, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. NEW BUSINESS 7. RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE EXECUTION OF AND APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION FOR ASSISTANCE UNDER THE TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENT GENERATING ECONOMIC RECOVERY (TIGER) GRANT PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,000,000 FOR THE PROPOSED MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PROJECT: Resolution No. 4513: COUNCIL MINUTES -4- MAY 17, 2010 MOTION: Councilmember Nielsen moved, seconded by Councilmember Reece, the Council Adopt a Resolution Ratifying the Execution of and Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the United States Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration for Assistance Under the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant Program in the Amount of $22,000,000 for the Proposed Multimodal Transportation Center Project. AYES: Scott, Chambers, Gaines, Reece, Nielsen, Fritzen, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. 8. CONCERNS: 1. HEARTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI: Councilmember Reece congratulated Police Chief Kent Crutcher on receiving the Heartland Community College Distinguished Alumni Award at the Heartland Community College commencement. 2. MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PROJECT: City Manager Mark Peterson updated the Council on the Multimodal Transportation Center Project. Mr. Peterson further announced the Request for Proposals for the project were due on Friday, May 21, 2010. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Koos called for a Motion to Adjourn. MOTION: Councilmember Gaines moved, seconded by Councilmember Chambers, the Regular Meeting of the Normal Town Council be Adjourned. AYES: Chambers, Gaines, Reece, Nielsen, Fritzen, Scott, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. Mayor Chris Koos adjourned the regular meeting of the Normal Town Council at 7:31 p.m., Monday, May 17, 2010. Town of Normal Expenditures to be Approved for Payment as of: June 2, 2010 Page 1 Vendor Name Description Transaction Amount General Fund JOEL DICKERSON START UP CASH $1,534.00 AMERENIP STARK PORTION $47.76 NICOR GAS STARK PORTION $41.52 REDBOX WORKSHOP LTD INV 1121C -3RD PAYMENT DE $4,350.00 ONSRUD, CRAIG PRO SHOP INV PMT 5/2-5/15 $2,194.84 ONSRUD, CRAIG PRO SHOP TAX PMT 5/2-5/15 $144.07 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON APRIL 2010 USE TAX $51,713.98 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON PRIOR MONTHS BALANCED $29,691.68
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