UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko DIPLOMSKO DELO Jerneja Novak Maribor, 2010 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko Diplomsko delo ENGLISH LOANWORDS IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE Mentorica: Kandidatka: red. prof. dr. Dunja Jutroni ć Jerneja Novak Maribor, 2010 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to red. prof. dr. Dunja Jutroni ć for all her professional help and guidance I received during my writing of this paper. My sincere thanks go to my family and friends for believing in me. I Z J A V A Podpisana Jerneja Novak, rojena 09. 06. 1982, študentka Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru, smer angleški jezik s književnostjo in nemški jezik s književnostjo, izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo z naslovom English loanwords in the German language pri mentorici red. prof. dr. Dunji Jutroni ć avtorsko delo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni; teksti niso prepisani brez navedbe avtorjev. ______________________ Maribor, ______________________ ABSTRACT During the historical development of any language we can observe the influences from other languages. The process depicted is called the borrowing. Borrowings can be found on various levels of the language: in the vocabulary, morphology, syntax, semantics or other. The English as a global language shows an important role as a source language. The aim of this paper is to show, to which extent the English language influences the German language focusing on its vocabulary. The process of borrowing, which leads to the loanwords is of long duration and is differenciated into many steps. A word can be labeled as a loanword when it has more or less adapted to the target language and occurs respectively in the dictionaries of that language. As a starting point to the set of words of an English origin in the German vocabulary I used PONS Basiswörterbuch. The loanwords appearing in it are categorized into following thematic units: Everyday words, Music, Politics and economy, Computer language and Sport. These words were analysed according to their etymology and examples of their usage. In this way the broadness of the meaning in the source and target language could be compared. According to the fact that the younger generations tend to use English expressions readily and more often, I have chosen one of the most popular German magazines, »Bravo«. The selection of examples, taken from that magazine shows the actual use of English expressions in all its broadness (from foreign words to the loanwords). Key words: the English language, the German language, loanwords, importation of foreign words, the »Bravo« magazine POVZETEK V zgodovinskem razvoju katerega koli jezika lahko opazimo vplive drugih jezikov. Gre za proces izposojanja – bodisi iz besednega zaklada, oblikoslovja, skladnje, semantike ali z drugih podro čij jezika, pri čemer igra angleški jezik kot svetovni jezik posebno vlogo. To diplomsko delo ugotavlja, v kolikšni meri vpliva angleški jezik na nemškega, pri čemer se osredoto ča predvsem na besediš če. Proces, ki vodi do ozna čevanja besede kot sposojenke iz katerega koli jezika, pa je dolgotrajen in vodi skozi razli čne stopnje. O sposojenki govorimo šele, ko je ta beseda bolj ali manj prilagojena ciljnemu jeziku in se pojavi v slovarjih tega jezika. Kot izhodiš če za vpogled v nabor besed angleškega izvora je služil nemški slovar osnovnega besediš ča PONS Basiswörterbuch . Sposojenke, ki se v njem pojavljajo, so razvrš čene po naslednjih tematskih sklopih: Splošne besede, Glasba, Politika in ekonomija, Ra čunalništvo in Šport. Analiza teh besed temelji na etimoloških podatkih in primerih rabe in na primerjavi pomena besede v sistemu izhodiš čnega in ciljnega jezika. Ker pa je angleško besediš če najbližje predvsem mlajšim generacijam, prinaša empiri čni del tega diplomskega dela korpus besediš ča angleškega izvora ene najbolj popularnih revij za mladostnike v nemško govore čem prostoru − »Bravo«. Primeri, vzeti iz omenjene revije, kažejo na širok razpon rabe besed angleškega izvora (od tujk do sposojenk). Klju čne besede: angleški jezik, nemški jezik, sposojenke, prevzemanje tujih besed, revija Bravo CONTENTS ABSTRACT POVZETEK 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1 2 THE GOALS AND METHODOLOGY OF THE PAPER ............... 2 3 BORROWING .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Languages in contact .......................................................................... 3 3.2 Definition ............................................................................................. 3 3.3 The reasons for borrowing .................................................................. 4 3.4 Forms of borrowing ............................................................................. 5 3.5 English as a global language .............................................................. 6 4 ENGLISH LOANWORDS IN GERMAN ....................................... 8 4.1 The set of English loanwords in PONS Basiswörterbuch ................. 10 4.1.1 EVERYDAY, GENERAL WORDS ............................................. 11 4.1.2 MUSIC ....................................................................................... 42 4.1.3 POLITICS AND ECONOMY ...................................................... 47 4.1.4 COMPUTER LANGUAGE ......................................................... 53 4.1.5 SPORTS .................................................................................... 60 5 ENGLISH WORDS IN GERMAN MAGAZINE “BRAVO” ........... 66 5.1 General information about the »Bravo« magazine ............................ 66 5.2 English Loanwords, appearing in the Bravo magazine Nr. 44 (24 th October 2007) .......................................................................................... 67 6 CONCLUSION ......................................................................... 111 7 REFERENCES ........................................................................ 113 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Disciplines in which German academics claim English as their working language ...................................................................................... 9 Figure 2: Number of anglicisms in German language in the previous 500 years ........................................................................................................ 10 1 INTRODUCTION During my studies of German and English language I often came across of the same words. While studying the history of both languages I became interested in these similarities and what brought them about. This is one of the reasons why I have decided to write about the loanwords in the German language. I have engaged the German magazine “Bravo” in this research, because it is widely read not only in the German speaking states, but also in many other European countries. “Bravo” brings news from the music and fashion world, style etc. weekly. I used to regularly read it as a teenager, too. In the paper on hand, I will look more closely at one of the processes of changing the vocabulary of the particular language, called the borrowing. The term borrowing and the reasons for it are explained in the chapter 3. The next chapter focuses on the English loanwords in German language. I will try to show to which extent the English with its status of a global, international language influences German. I will also try to illustrate briefly, which languages have influenced German vocabulary in the past. Further on I have examined one of the German vocabularies for all the words with the English origins. The set of selected words contains also acronyms, etc. The set of words of English origin, taken from “Bravo”, on the other hand, shows the actual use of words in written German and includes many foreign words. 1 2 THE GOALS AND METHODOLOGY OF THE PAPER The main interest of this paper is to outline how the English loanwords are presented and dealt with in a German vocabulary. One of the methods of work that I used was the descriptive method when studying the literature, further I have worked with several vocabularies, because the one that I used as a basis – PONS Basiswörterbuch — does not include any etymological information. For the references of this kind, I used DUDEN Universalwörterbuch (2003) und several digital dictionaries. The analysis of each word includes a comparison between the meaning in the source and target language, because the meaning of some loanwords is not necessarily as wide as in the source language. The method used in this step is called the comparative method. The historical method was used when the etymological data of the words was collected. While classifying the words into groups like Music, Computer Language, Sport etc., I used the classifying method. In this paper I have tried to answer the following questions: Do English loanwords and foreign words from the English language appear in the articles of the Bravo magazine and if they do, how frequent are they? How can the meanings of the English loanwords in the German language be compared to the English words, which served as a source for the borrowing, concerning only its broadness? 2 3 BORROWING 3.1 Languages in contact Language is a dynamic system, which, beside other characteristics, shows the tendency to change. Changes can occur in every aspect and level of the language: in the lexicon (vocabulary), spelling, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax
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