A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling, BIT,andBIT Numerical Mathematics Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 09 June 2021 Version 3.54 Title word cross-reference [3105, 328, 469, 655, 896, 524, 873, 455, 779, 946, 2944, 297, 1752, 670, 2582, 1409, 1987, 915, 808, 761, 916, 2071, 2198, 1449, 780, 959, 1105, 1021, 497, 2589]. A(α) #24873 [1089]. [896, 2594, 333]. A∗ [2013]. A∗Ax = b [2369]. n A [1640, 566, 947, 1580, 1460]. A = a2 +1 − 0 n (3) [2450]. (A λB) [1414]. 0=1 [1242]. 1 [334]. α [824, 1580]. AN [1622]. A(#) [3439]. − 12 [3037, 2711]. 1 2 [1097]. 1:0 [3043]. 10 AX − XB = C [2195, 2006]. [838]. 11 [1311]. 2 AXD − BXC = E [1101]. B [2144, 1953, 2291, 2162, 3047, 886, 2551, 957, [2187, 1575, 1267, 1409, 1489, 1991, 1191, 2007, 2552, 1832, 949, 3024, 3219, 2194]. 2; 3 979, 1819, 1597, 1823, 1773]. β [824]. BN n − p − − [1490]. 2 1 [320]. 2 1 [100]. 2m 4 [1181]. BS [1773]. BSI [1446]. C0 [2906]. C1 [1105]. 3 [2119, 1953, 2531, 1351, 2551, 1292, [3202]. C2 [3108, 2422, 3000, 2036]. χ2 1793, 949, 1356, 2711, 2227, 570]. [30, 31]. Cln(θ); (n ≥ 2) [2929]. cos [228]. D 3; 000; 000; 000 [575, 637]. 33 [1437]. 4 [1390, 1754, 314]. δ2 [1142]. ∆H [2585]. E [2465, 1490, 1737]. 5 [1670]. 6 [3306]. 682 −z [1475]. e [775]. `1 [3201]. `p [3308]. `q [1270, 1338]. 7 [1670]. 8 [2937]. 4 [591]. A 1 2 [3308]. F [3112]. G y00 = f(z;y) [454]. y00 = f(x; y) [1195, 1081]. [1476, 2755, 3208, 3306, 3107, 946, 762]. Z [3132, 1574]. z0 = f(t; x) [448]. ζ(3) [2459]. g(jf(x)j) [2171]. G1 [2813]. G2 [2221, 2530]. γ [1061]. GF(2) [1490]. GF(2n) [1463]. -Acceptability [2582, 1640]. -adic [932]. GF(2p) [1177]. H -algorithm [2096, 1476]. -approximations [3180, 3409, 1353, 2612, 3223, 3178]. H1 [584]. -Arnoldi-type [3279]. -bases [3409]. [3492, 3485, 3515, 3169]. h2 [1540]. HC2 -BEM [3178]. -Bernstein [2873]. -B´ezier [3200]. I [1898, 959]. IMN [2279]. ILU [3223]. -Colour [570]. -conditioned [2522]. [2400]. iR [1391]. k -consistency [1773]. -continuity [2036]. [581, 1921, 1955, 3178, 2029, 1875]. K<10 -contractivity [1460]. -convergence [100]. L [1575, 1489, 1819, 1597]. -convex [2036]. [2354, 2495, 1909, 2165, 906, 3471, 3412]. -cube [1737]. -curve [2354, 2165]. -curves L[2] [2744]. L[p] [2744]. L1 [2677, 2153]. L1 [2495]. -cyclic [1753, 2131]. 1 2 [3156]. L (L ) [3374]. L1 [1831, 1932]. L2 -Decomposition [642, 1701]. -dimension [3223]. L1 [2908, 2694, 2273]. Lp [1227]. -dimensional [1921, 1356, 1875]. [584, 619, 1302]. LALR(1) [660]. LALR(k) -elliptic [3180]. -error [3492]. -estimates [1173]. λ [1940, 1210, 1197]. LDLH [1903]. [2677]. -estimation [2308, 2202]. LDU [3132]. LL(1) [789]. LR(k) [1173, 1245]. -estimator [2540]. -factors [1785]. LU [1903, 2784, 1701, 2374]. M -Formula [1142]. -free [1210]. -functions [3392, 1785, 2308, 2202, 2540, 2612, 2127, [3442, 1458]. -Galerkin [3169]. -Grammars 2400, 1458, 3197, 2226]. M=G=1 [2296]. F2 [610]. -Hermitian [3338]. -Hessenberg 3 [3135]. R [3307, 3367]. L2 [3135]. O(N ) [3197]. -Interchange [1242]. -languages [3176]. O(N 2) [3176]. MK [2091]. N [906]. -linear [3023]. -Matrices [1501, 1980, 3176, 2535, 1064, 320, 1362]. [2585, 2390, 3132, 1353, 2612, 2127]. -matrix N = h · 2n − 1 [2092]. N = k · 2m3n +1 [1197, 2400]. -method [218]. -methods [1976]. N = k · 3n + 1 [1976]. n1 [1463]. n × n [2347, 2711, 619, 2290, 2681]. -node [2937]. [1010]. O(h6) [1663]. O(log n) [1294]. O(n2) -Norm [2744, 3223, 3112]. -obstacle [3176]. [2027]. O(Nlog N) [1501]. P [1262, 1398, -order [2895, 1530, 2437, 2542]. 1371, 1162, 1252, 1016, 1368, 1626, 2390, 932, -parametric [1063]. -point [957]. 1063, 1753, 2131, 2312, 707, 3339]. p(n; m) -problem [1414]. -Projection [2744]. [806]. p<15000 [100]. P [α, β] [1262]. P1 -quadratic [2906]. -samplable [1909]. [2689, 164]. π [1335, 1511]. Q -separation [1874]. -simplex [1574]. [3279, 2437, 719, 2873, 1874]. q =2Kp+1 -solution [3339, 1302]. -splines [3471]. [100]. qd [2096]. QR -splitting [3392]. -stability [3120, 1314, 1913, 642, 218, 1901, 2156, 1907]. [2312, 333, 3439, 896, 1267, 1622, 2755, 946, R [2895, 1530, 2542, 3023, 1227, 3139]. R3 1446, 947, 1409, 1390, 1987, 1773, 915, 808, [1150]. Rd [2530]. S [2036, 610]. sin [228]. 761, 916, 979, 1181, 780, 959, 1021]. -Stable sin(θ) [3486, 3503]. SR [3129]. SU(n) [410]. [469, 524, 455, 566, 297, 670, 2594, 497, 3105, τ [371]. θ [2347, 2388]. ' [3442]. W 328, 655, 2187, 1262, 873, 1398, 1371, 1162, [2550, 2711, 2290, 2681, 2522]. 779, 1252, 2944, 1752, 1016, 2071, 2198, 1475, − (m;m−1) 3412, 1898, 1991, 762, 1449, 1580, 1368, 1626, W (m; m 1)2(0; 1)W2 (0; 1) [3091]. X [1329]. XA+ AY = F [844]. XY = A [1302]. 1105]. -Step [581, 719, 2531, 1351]. Y [1329]. y00 = f(x; y) [628, 1505]. -StepSCAN [1980]. -suitability [1754]. -symmetric [3338]. -symplectic 3 [3208, 3306]. -symplecticity [3107]. -terms [312, 2453, 693, 144, 194, 155, 254, 1349, [1940]. -th [707]. -times [2226]. 3474, 1408, 1977, 1931, 1834]. Acceptability -Transformation [2550]. -trees [2582, 1640]. Access [398, 3521, 1259, 690, [1953, 1391, 1823, 1191]. -type [1580]. 1998, 1705, 1391, 2026, 2000]. Accessibility -weak [3169]. -weighted [2091]. [358]. Accessing [1657]. accretive [2226]. accumulated [773]. Accuracy [27, 3522, /Ferromagnetic [2642]. 2321, 12, 28, 2653, 643, 3340, 215, 608, 966, 1528, 2119, 912, 2420, 3357, 2107, 1249]. 1 [27, 58, 81, 28]. 10 [394]. 11 [465]. 12 Accurate [3132, 2562, 983, 875, 3408, 3150, [562, 543]. 13 [637]. 16 [890]. 17 [1089]. 18 706, 2156, 3494, 2187, 3184, 3488, 3501, 2066, [1002]. 19 [3490]. 1961 [20]. 1962 [56]. 3177, 2970, 1488, 2460, 2122, 3511, 3320]. 1988 [1703]. 1993 [2064]. accurately [1846]. Achieving [2847]. Ackermann [703, 417, 765]. 2 [78, 3130]. 20 [1320]. 2000-2005 [2714]. Acknowledgements [349, 408, 466, 542, 2008 [2843]. 21 [1202]. 22 [1308, 1338]. 24 614, 681, 752, 821, 892, 963, 1046, 1134, [1398]. 27 [1629, 1630, 1651]. 2nd [2867]. 1206, 1274, 1341, 1498, 1569, 1634, 1723, 1800, 1870, 1934, 1994, 2050, 2100, 2142, 3 [3092]. 3003 [181]. 31 [1964]. 35 [2316]. 2200, 2262, 2317, 2363, 2414, 2491, 2544]. Acoustic [2703, 3184, 3176, 3181]. acquired 4 [188, 120, 498, 499, 135, 267, 3104]. 40-45 [992]. Action [332, 3121, 3383]. activities [2714]. 4000 [245, 256]. 44 [2655]. 4th [273]. [1235]. Activity [41, 1555]. acyclic [1361]. ADA [1688]. Adams 500 [61]. 54-3 [3143]. 58 [1089]. [3016, 2393, 3199, 2511, 3006]. Adams-type [2393, 3006]. Adaptation [1759, 1482]. 6 [517]. 60 [283, 6, 13, 215]. 60th [1703]. 64 Adapted [2326, 3070, 3325]. adapting [40]. 66 [274]. 68 [232, 294, 273, 396]. [1988]. Adaptive [1782, 3133, 3046, 2320, 2566, 2370, 3180, 1484, 3348, 2750, 2765, 75th [2064]. 2939, 2517, 2791, 3498, 3295, 1369, 1751, 3462, 3505, 1096, 2384, 1303, 2244, 2021, 80b [1002]. 82e [1320]. 84b [1338]. 88k 2539, 2973, 1318, 2502, 1250, 2854]. [1651]. Adaptive-order [3133]. adaptivity [2500]. ADB [10]. Addendum [1320]. Addition 91m [1964]. [147]. Additive [2689, 3268, 2671, 2945, 3474, 2944, 2607, a-posteriori [2845]. A-priori [2845]. 2896, 1987, 3033, 3020, 3089]. Address A-Stability [2389]. A.D.I. [886]. Abel [1434]. Addresses [1093, 1113, 1136, 1156, [702, 2219, 2248, 2322, 607, 3512]. Abelian 1170, 1189, 1208, 1224, 1240]. addressing [2996]. ABS [1701]. ABS-method [1701]. [2038, 1672]. ADI [3196]. Adiabatic abscissae [2516]. absolute [1195, 1166]. [2644, 2676]. adic [932]. adjacent [2164]. Absorbing [2720]. abstract Adjoint [3508, 530, 2436, 990, 3389, 2888]. [1486, 881, 1572]. abstraction [2210]. Adjoint-based [3508]. Administration Abstractions [1278]. Accelerated [486, 745, 134]. Administrative [988, 3151, 3250, 1017, 3381, 3184, 2796, [152, 145, 42]. admissible [1678]. 2240, 3248, 1107, 1214, 1545]. Acceleration admitting [1815]. ADP [134, 180, 145]. 4 advanced [1031]. Advances [3241]. 3126, 879, 2678, 3011, 1471, 3390, 1984, 1865, advancing [2113]. advection 1548, 2009, 1985, 2217, 1866, 2168, 2680, [3063, 2814, 3366]. af [15, 25]. Affine 1807, 2063, 2961, 3170, 2526, 1028, 1709, 1841, [3447, 2934, 1218, 3339]. affine-linear 3141, 1261, 1365, 1381, 1768, 2502, 2503, 2588, [3339]. after [309]. Agreements [3489]. 1504, 814, 1022, 2820, 2832, 2031, 1366, 1876]. ahead [2111, 2164]. aid [39]. aided [2996]. algorithmic [928]. Algorithms Air [440, 1424]. Air-Pollution [440]. Airy [318, 1617, 1731, 840, 1844, 1679, 1158, 585, [2498]. Ait [2983]. Aitken 2406, 307, 380, 336, 2551, 1537, 1619, 213, [1349, 1142, 1119, 155]. aLFA [3463]. 429, 2207, 1747, 1456, 495, 1017, 533, 516, Algebra 1159, 93, 1326, 1343, 2159, 1425, 1971, 3116, [2713, 446, 154, 2614, 1094, 3241, 2756, 2998]. 2579, 2456, 1555, 1980, 1560, 1981, 2177, 2992, Algebraic 3300, 2906, 1137, 1346, 2310, 2756, 902, 2537, [377, 1459, 693, 2441, 670, 329, 342, 2552, 1227, 1831, 2865, 1265, 2136, 1659, 3471, 2595, 2698, 1898, 2700, 2711, 677, 240, 3498, 2119, 2234, 2499, 1958, 1123, 1315, 1863, 2867, 997, 2291, 2416, 1436, 2602, 1622, 2519, 2307, 2061, 935, 2028, 2917, 1954, 1787, 2337, 1472, 2162, 2796, 1283, 940, 1385, 1439, 947, 2757, 1503, 829, 1707, 3129, 2928, 2210, 1758, 2090, 1725, 3254, 1699, 1732, 2084, 2007, 3037, 883, 1250, 1974, 3157, 1209, 1383, 2030]. 2542, 1918, 2348, 3311, 2787, 2515, 3434, alignment [2832]. all-nearest-neighbors 2227, 3260, 2338, 847, 1835, 3328, 2259]. [1921]. Allen [3419, 3458, 3365]. allocated Algebraically [2884, 945, 1575, 930, 1087]. [2012]. allocating [899]. Allocation ALGOL [124, 267, 38, 135, 340, 9, 36, 396, [13, 429, 335, 1922, 1516, 1453, 788, 807, 283, 153, 359, 6, 13, 170, 128, 87, 91, 129, 1235, 1334, 1175].
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