PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINE OF PROVINCE OF GORONTALO 2013 PDGoP_Gorontalo_2013_Oke_Rev03.indd 1 11/18/2013 11:51:16 AM REPORT PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINE OF PROVINCE OF GORONTALO 2013 Published by Provincial Working Group (A Collaboration Between Province Of Gorontalo With Pgsp Undp) Person in Charge Drs. H. Rusli Habibie M. Ap Governor of Gorontalo Editor in Chief Prof. DR. Ir. Hj. Winarni Monoarfa, M.Si Secretary of Province of Gorontalo Program coordinator Dr. Ir. Sudirman Habibie, M.Sc Head of Regional Planning and Development Board of Province of Gorontalo Team of Authors Irvan Katili Israwanto Masia Zainal Latjompo Abd. Wahid Lahay Gedung Bappeda Gorontalo Nasrudin Dessy Rahmayanti Abd. Wahab Otaya Fitri Pililie Triyono Rahmat Rahim TABLE OF CONTENTS REMARK FROM Report i THE GOVERNOR OF GORONTALO Remarks from the Governor of Province of Gorontalo ii Table of Contents iii Introduction 1 • Background 1 • Objective of Report Composition 1 • Methodology 1 • Areal Potentials and Characteristics 2 3 3 3 3 • Natural Resources Development Potentials 4 Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh • Agriculture 4 Thanks be to God that we are able to publish this Provincial Development Guideline of 2013. • Marine and Fisheries 4 • Forestry 5 This Provincial Development Guidelines of 2013 (PDG) is a guideline for determining the direction of • Plantation 5 development in Province of Gorontalo in 2013, useful for partners and stakeholders in understanding • Animal Husbandry 6 • Energy and Mining 7 • Demography 8 with compilation of accurate data of Gorontalo, which was composed by Provincial Working Group - Population 8 (PWG) Team of Gorontalo Province. The primary objective of this report is to give comprehensive - Manpower Structure 8 development information on Gorontalo Province that is accessible for anyone. - Level of Workforce Participation 9 - Transportation 10 Economic development acceleration needs valid and accurate data for the purpose of planning, • Development of Strategic Areas 11 monitoring and evaluation of development programs and it is even useful for investment purpose. Problem Analysis And Regional Strategic Issues 12 • Development issues/problems 12 government institution as our partner and public as part of the stakeholders. • Regional development strategic issues 13 I would also like to address our highest gratitude and appreciation for UNDP PGSP (Provincial • People's economy empowerment 14 • Regional infrastructure development 14 Governance Strengthening Program), and to all parties and especially the PWG Team of Gorontalo who • Bureaucratic reform implementation 15 have been involved in discussions, data compilation and publication of this 2013 PDG Report. Hopefully • Sustainable natural resources management 15 this reference and guideline will be useful for all of us. Local Economy Development Potentials Commodities 16 Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh • Agriculture Sector 16 • Sub-Sector of Food Crops 18 • Marine and Fisheries Sector 20 • Animal Husbandry Sector 21 • nergy and Mining Sector 23 • Tourism Sector 25 Policies and Priorities of Regional Development 26 Closing Remarks 27 INTRODUCTION Coordinate of Gorontalo Background di antara 0o 19’-1o 15’ Lintang Utara dan 121o 23’- 123o43’ Bujur Timur. The Bappeda (Regional Planning and Development Board) of Gorontalo with the support from PGSP- UNDP established a Provincial Working Group (PWG), as stipulated by the Decree of the Head of Bappeda of Gorontalo Number 605 Year 2012, and it is expected that PWG will be able to assist the Provincial Government in identifying regional development priorities for international cooperation. This Development Guideline, which Areal Characteristics and Regional Potentials is composed by PWG, used other regional development planning documents as the guideline that contained the directions of regional development. The guiding documents are: There are four priorities programs in implementing the vision, which are: 2000 2003 2007 Therefore, the Province of The Law Number 38/2000 There were 2 (two) new Based on the Law Number Gorontalo has 5 Districts Mid-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD) of 1. Education on the Establishment of Districts, which are District 11 of 2007, another and 1 City 2012-2017 Province of Gorontalo of Pohuwatu and District district was established, 2. Health of Bone Bolanggo, based which was District of 3. Infrastructure Initially, Province of on the Law Number 6 of North Gorontalo Gorontalo only had 2 2003. 4. People’s Economy (two) Districts and 1 City, which were the District (RPJPD) of Gorontalo 2007-2027 with vision of Gorontalo, District of Gorontalo, and City of Gorontalo. Objectives of Composition Methodology This Provincial Development Guideline serves as a This document is a result of data mean to provide regional development guide with the collection from institutions or expectations that it will: local government units through a • Be a guide for all people/communities in participatory approach involving strengthening the synergy in development all stakeholders through series of • Ensure integrity, synchronization, and synergy FGDs, in-depth interview and public between regions consultation. • regional and international cooperation and Area Spatial Area (SqKM) Percentage (%) attainment of role and function of local District of Gorontalo government District of Boalemo sustainable use of resources for development District of Pohuwato purpose. • Be the source of information for all parties related to District of Bone Bolango the economic development of Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Utara City of Gorontalo Province of Gorontalo PROFILE OF PROVINCE OF GORONTALO Natural Resources Development Potentials Topography Elevasi di atas 2.000 meter dpl hanya ditemukan Kabupaten Atinggola di perbatasan hingga Kecamatan dengan Sulawesi Molosifat: Tengah. 0 – (±)2.000 m dari permukaan laut. Kabupaten Agriculture Boalemo: Kabupaten Gorontalo: 0 - 2.000 m dari Kota Gorontalo: 0 - 1.000 m dari permukaan laut (elevasi variatis di permukaan laut 0 - 500 m di atas permukaan laut Others, Irrigated Rice area dataran dan pegunungan, wilayah dengan • Area of Gorontalo Province 12,215.44 sqkm (elevasi yang paling rendah) Temporary Non- 19,978 Field, 29,720 Non-Irrigated ketinggian 0-500 m adalah yang dominan) Productive Dry Rice Field, Land, 51,682 23,432 • Dry-land potentials: 337,639 hectares • Corn exported to other countries mainly to Philippines and Malaysia Dry-Land/ • Cost of transportation in Gorontalo is lower compared to other areas in Geological Hidrologi Huma, Planted Dry Sulawesi (result of Sulawesi Economic Development analysis: World 36,978 Land/Building/ Yard, 71,316 Bank, December 2012) Panua Natural Conservation Limboto Lake • Gorontalo through its Mid-term Development Plan has already (Location: Jl. Trans Sulawesi, Libuo (Location: City of Gorontalo and District of Gorontalo) Non-Irrigated Rice composed port infrastructure development in sequence and it is to be Village, Sub-District Paguat) Natural Depth : 5-8 m Field, 23,432 accomplished by 2017. forest with white sandy beach and natural spring. Tourists attractions and research site of Maleo Bird. Facts: Limboto lake’s depth continues to shallow. The area Tangole Natural Conservation in 1999 was around 1,900-3,000 hectares with the depth of Marine and Fisheries (Location: Jl. Trans Sulawesi, Labanu 2-4 meters, while back in 1932 the area was around 7,000 Village, Sub-District of Tibawa). hectares. Beautiful scenery and accessible Area of Management and Utilization • in order to optimize the potentials, the investment/ Perintis Lake capital strengthening development, technology application, location using public vehicle. There Area of Tomini Bay to Seram Sea (Location: Huluduotamo Village, Sub-District of Suwawa, ± 11 community empowerment are needed. are many types of tropical trees The potentials are up to 595,630 tons/year and it is also the habitat of unique km from the heart of Gorontalo City; ± 12 minutes traveling with • The Government of Gorontalo strategic programs among Sulawesi animals. It is also the vehicle) others are the Mina Bahari Taxi Program (TMB Program)—a Area: ± 6 hectares are up to 630,470 tons/year, the potentials location. also include the potentials within Exclusive Facts: the area was initiated by the late Mr. Nani Wartabone Economic Zone (for this area the potentials are 487,600 tons/year) government. irrigation. Perintis Lake spring comes from the mountain spring (Luluhalu and Poso springs). Forestry INCREASE OF PRODUCTION FOR CROP PLANTATION OF 2007-2011 FOREST BASED ON ITS FUNCTIONS The forestry issues faced by TYPE OF COMMODITY TOTAL FOREST AREA: 824,668 HECTARES Gorontalo among others are the YEAR SUGAR REMARkS COCONUT CLOVE CACAO large area of critical land, the use of CANE Protected Forest 204,608 hectares (24.81%) forest area for illegal non-forestry Production Forest 89,879 hectares (10.90%) purpose such as illegal logging, change in land use of forest to Preserved Production Forest 82,431 hectares (10%) climate change issue relevant to forestry. The area of critical land Sumber: Dinas Peternakan dan Perkebunan Prov. Gorontalo Limited Production Forest 251,097 hectares (30.45%) in Gorontalo currently is 257,816 Preserved Forest/Natural Conservation Forest 16,653 hectares (23.85%) on conservation and sustainable usage of forests through increasing LAHAN KRITIS PER KABUPATEN/KOTA SAMPAI DENGAN 2011 the awareness of people living NO. DITRICT/CITY LUAS LAHAN KRITIS (HA) around the
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