Weather DiitribuTion Mr tftqr; <Mtf* Mb- 1 amov. M£ both dap, about Today M. Lov tonight, M. See |Mfe 2. 13,700 An Independent Newspaper Under Same OwnershipKmster. %/Since 1878 VOLUME 82, NO, 187 Zsiued Dally, Monday througb Friday, entered as Second Class Mutter RED BANK, N. X, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1960 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE it tho Post Olntu at Bed Bank. N. J., under the Act o! March 3, 1876. 35o PER WEEK Dismiss Murdoch From Police Post Giief, 2 Department Officers Are Criticized by Officials Senate Passes MIDDLETOWN - The Town- ship Committee by a 3-2 vote Board Takes yesterday removed Patrolman 3 Bills; Hudson T Daniel S._Miirdnf*h from the ry±. lice department. idles in Hed Bank The dismissal is retro-active Opposition Seen to April 11. RED BANK — An ordinance TRENTON (AP) — The To Get Data Voting against dismissal were which would have allowed Dr. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Committeemen J. Crawford Suit Warren D. Fowler, Sr., to build New Jersey Legislature to- TV. Board of Health initiated Compton and Elmer Hesse. an apartment house on his prop- day is on the verge of his- legal action last night to force Lost By Smith erty at 303 Broad St. met a sud- toric action to reform col- Harvey Bowtell, registrar of vi- MOUNT HOLLY-Ray Smith, den death last night. tal statistics, to produce health Rumson, yesterday lost the suit The demise of the proposed ection of local property records for the inspection of the he brought In Superior Court zoning change came in two axes. borough auditor. In hope of acquiring the Penln> tages. A spokesman for Mr. Bowtell sula House in Sea Bright. Three bills were passed told the board that Mr. Bowtell BRANCHING OUT — New Shrewsbury Mayor Karl K. Baron performs the traditional First council missed by one the Senate yesterday with Burlington County Judge Les- 'Ote of getting a required two- refused to produce the records ribbon cutting ceremony at the opening of a branch of the Monmouth County Nation- >nly one dissenting vote. Assem- ter A. Drenk who, as assign- hirds majority to pass the mea-ily approval of Senate amend- on his lawyer's advice. ment judge in Chancery Divis- Mr. Bowtell, who has served al Bank on Newman Springs Rd., New Shrewsbury, yesterday. Left to right are sure as introduced March 21. nents is the only obstacle before George L. Bieliti, bank president; Harry B, Maiia, manager of the new office, and ion, Superior Court, decided the That ordinance would have al- hey land on the "desk of a on the board as secretary for case in favor of the defendant, lowed apartment houses to be riendly Gov. Robert B. Meyner. the past 14 years, has handled Richard H. Hamill, cashier. Peninsula House, Inc., assort- death notices, birth and mar- built in all C residence zones The main bill would allow coun- ing that Mr. Smith did not ex-and would have created a new riage certificates on a "de facto' ywide tax assessment ratios board, according to John W. Ap- ercise a purchase option he had C zone at the southern end ofr held within the allotted time. Broad St. The code also set cer-rom 20 to 100 per cent of true plegate, borough attorney. J.]\XC, taking effect in January, Last month, in a review 6f Red Bank Council to Study However, Judge Drcnk de- tain requirements for apartment houses. After introduction it had1962. All real estate and business the workings of the health board, \ ' cided that Mr. Smith was due quipment would be taxed a':!:°. the sum of $3,730.27 represent- been sent to the Planning Hoard Mr. Applegate explained that a ending present unequal treat- ing half the profit margin, plus for a recommendation. study of borough ordinances had ment. Counties would be permit- shown the Health Board has been Merchants' Parking Plan interest, of the Peninsula However, last week the Plan- ed to choose their own assess- acting in a "de facto" capacity House for the year 1958. ning Board proposed four changes to the ordinance. ment ratios. since 1914, when an ordinance RED BANK — A three-member, the Borough Council by Francis chairmen of their departments, The new owner is Peninsula providing for creation of a local committee was named last night J. Bolduc, executive vice presi- are Councilmcn Everett C. Bayn- Sea Bright, Inc., a corporation Two Thirds Vote Needed "This wil' go a iong way to- board was rescinded. to study a petition from 143 cen-dent of the Community Chamber ton, police; Thomas F. Oakley, of which Thomas McDarby, To pass the ordinance in its ward resolving a century of in- Repealed Daniel S. Murdoch tral business district merchants of Commerce. He said the peti- streets, and Peter W. Falvo, fi- Sea Bright, is the president. original form — thus going equity," said Sen. Wayne Du- tion represents "about 98 per cent nance. motrt, Jr., (R-Wnrren). His Republican Councilman Vin calling for removal of meters Mr. Smith operated the Pe-against the Planning Board's re- At the same time, the govfrom parking lots and appoint- of the central business district" Law Revision Committee has cent Fox said that the board erning body reprimanded po Authority Rejected ninsula House for the corpora- commendations — the council ment of a parking authority. merchants. worked for (he past three yean was created in 1910. In 1913 thelice Chief Earl N. Hoyer, Capt Mayor George A. Gray indicat- tion that formerly owned it needed a two-thirds majority original ordinance was repealed The petition was presented to The committee members, all ed the parking authority request vote. to get assessment compromises Raymond T. Walling, head ol and, under contract, was to passed. and another adopted increasing the detective bureau, and Sgt. will get nowhere, just as it has in have received a half share in In an informal roll call, Coun- the membership. Elwood Seeley. the past. any net profits it earned. cilmen Peter W. Falvo, Harry Dumont and Assemblyman "In 1914, both 1913 ordinances Patrolman Murdoch told news- Sea Bright GOP Names He said, "Members of the coun- Malchow and Everett C. Bayn Elmer Matthews (D-Essex), a were repealed. men that he will appeal the ver- cil feel that as long as we control ton voted in favor of passing the key sponsor, predicted the As- "This repeal of a repeal seems dict to the state Civil Service parking, we retain—synoptic measure. Councilmen John War- sembly would approve the Senate to indicate that the original or- Commission, Diggle Collector Candidate (general) view , , ," nl thn pork- Keuper Is en, Jr., and Thomas F. Oakley changes without much trouble. dinance would have been rein- He is being represented by Ed- ing problem. voted against the ordinance. But the powerful Hudson Coun- stated and therefore still in ef- ward W. Wise, Jr., Red Bank He pointed out that the council Councilman Frederic E. Giersch, !y Assembly delegation is hoping fect. SEA BRIGHT — Councilman Nominated Jr., was absent. attorney. Freehold Breakage in the past has "sought to co-op- that it can block the bills in a "If this is true, we would on- The governing body found the Samuel L. Diggle, Jr., last night erate to the best of our ability" On a second roll ca!! to seeiMt-ditch effort. Hudson fears ly have to amend it to expand detective guilty on four of five Bill Vote Slated was chosen to be the Republican with merchants, taxpayers and By MPvn or if the measure would p?ss with oss of most of the 12 million dol- the board from six to seven disciplinary charges lod- candidate for tax collector. shoppers by providing free park- the Planning Board's added re- ars a year its municipalities get members. ged against him. TRENTON (AP) - A bill to ing at meters during peak shop- TRENTON - Gov. Robert B commendations, all the council [rom local railroad taxes. Mr. Applegate said that only The patrolman, by unanimous make the Freehold harness ping periods. men voted "no." The 18-1 assessment bill votn a court could rule nn the validity Meyner yesterday nominated Vin- vote, was cleared of a miscon- track pay the state the break- A police department survey Ready to Build eclipsed other important action of the board following the double age (odd pennies) involved in cent P. Keuper of Asbury Park duct charge alleging the thefl during free parking at Easter for a second term as Monmouth Dr. Fowler said after the meet- in the Senate. repeal of 1913 and 1914. of several small articles from bets is ready for a vote in the New Code time, the mayor said, showed County prosecutor . ing he had plans and contact It passed, 19-0, and sent the As- the Middletown Garden Center New Jersey Assembly next that'there was an average of 150 ready to construct two apart sembly a bill to Hcer*- auto sales Last month the Borough Coun- on Rt. 35. Monday. Mr. Keuper had been serving ment houses on his property a cil adopted an ordinance creat- cars in the parking lots before and sales finance companies and In finding him guilty of three The bill, sponsored by Essex 9:30 a. m. every day. in a holdover capacity since Ap- a total cost of two million do set maximum installment buying ing a seven-member agency to ril 4 when his five-year term ex- lars. succeed the "de facto" six-mem- other misconduct charges and a County's seven Republicans in He said the survey "would charges.
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