AMERICAN MUSEUM Novitates PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10024 Number 3137, 11 pp. May 26, 1995 Homonymy, Synonymy, and New Combinations in the Miridae (Heteroptera) I. M. KERZHNERI AND R. T. SCHUH2 ABSTRACT Replacement names are proposed for newly dis- signments, and some species are transferred to oth- covered homonyms. Several genera are placed in er genera. The type species ofBrasifiocarnus Car- synonymy, some genera are given new tribal as- valho and Cleotomiris Schuh are fixed. INTRODUCTION J. C. M. Carvalho, in his monumental world names, new synonymy, and revised subfam- catalog ofMiridae (1957-1960), noticed many ily and tribal assignments are also proposed homonymous species-group names and re- for taxa published subsequent to the Carval- placed the junior homonyms by junior syn- ho Catalogue. onyms or new replacement names. However, in some cases such corrections were not made or the earliest names were not used for re- REPLACEMENT GENUS-GROUP placement. Some homonyms not replaced by NAMES Carvalho were placed in synonymy or re- Cearamiris nom. n. is proposed for Cear- placed in later works. Here we attempt an ana Carvalho and Ferreira, 1974 [Rev. Bras- overview of the remaining cases not dealt ileira Biol. 33 (suppl.): 133], a junior hom- with by Carvalho. Two new patronymics are onym of Cearana Jordan and Brauner, 1908 proposed for the late Dr. Carvalho in rec- [Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52(1792): 27], Pi- ognition of his outstanding contributions to sces. Masculine. taxonomy of the Miridae. Replacement Candidomiris nom. n. is proposed for ' Department of Insect Taxonomy, Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia 199034. 2Curator, Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History; Adjunct Professor, City College, City University ofNew York; Adjunct Professor, Department ofEntomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 1995 ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $1.40 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3137 Kraussella Carvalho, 1987 [Rev. Brasileira = Deraeocoris cordiger (Hahn, 1834), Pale- Biol. 47: 180], a junior homonym of Kraus- arctic. sella Bolivar, 1909 [Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Deraeocoris brunneolus nom. n. is pro- 9: 292], Orthoptera. Masculine. posed for D. brunneus (Poppius, 1915), Cim- Josifovolygus nom. n. is proposed for Tri- icicapsus brunneus Poppius, 1915 [Ann. Mus. cholygus Josifov, 1992 [Reichenbachia 29: Nati. Hung. 13: 84] from Australia, a junior 108], ajunior homonym of Tricholygus Pop- secondary homonym of D. brunneus Pop- pius, 1910 [Swedish Zool. Exped. Kilimand- pius, 1912 [Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 41(3): 120, jaro 2:47], Miridae. Masculine. 126], Madagascar. Deraeocoris darjeelingensis nom. n. is pro- REPLACEMENT SPECIES-GROUP posed for D. discoidalis Poppius, 1915 [Ann. NAMES Mus. Natl. Hungarici 13: 80] from India, a junior secondary homonym ofLamprolygus Adelphocoris fijiensis nom. n. is proposed signatus var. discoidalis Poppius, 1912 [Acta for A. lateralis Reuter, 1908 [Ann. Naturhist. Soc. Sci. Fenn. 41(3): 113] = Deraeocoris dis- Mus. Wien 22: 184] from Fiji Is., a junior coidalis (Poppius, 1912), tropical Africa. secondary homonym of Phytocoris lateralis Deraeocoris discoidalis (Poppius, 1912), Fall6n, 1829 [Hem. Suec.: 88] = Adelphocoris stat. n., Lamprolygus signatus var. discoidalis seticornis (Fabricius, 1775), Palearctic. Poppius, 1912 [Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 41(3): Adelphocoris sichuanus nom. n. is pro- 113] is the valid name forD. signatoides Car- posed for A. apicalis Reuter, 1906 [Annu. valho, 1957 [Arq. Mus. Nac. 44: 80] from Mus. Zool. St. Petersburg 10: 9, 13] from tropical Africa. Note: In renaming the pre- China, a junior secondary homonym ofPhy- occupied D. signatus (Poppius, 1912), Car- tocoris apicalis Hahn, 1833 [Wanz. Ins. 1: valho (1957: 80) gave it the new name D. 220] = Adelphocoris seticornis (Fabrncius, signatoides instead ofusing the varietal name 1775), Palearctic. discoidalis. Calocoris poppiusi nom. n. is proposed for Halticus spegazzinii Berg, 1883 [An. Soc. Calocoris caucasicus Poppius, 1912, Creon- Cienc. Argentina 9: 74] is the valid name for tiades cuacasicus Poppius, 1912 [ Ofv. Finsk. H. pygmaeus (Berg, 1879), Capsuspygmaeus Vet. Soc. Forh. 54A(29): 6], a junior second- Berg, 1879 [Hem. Argentina, p. 290] from ary homonym of Calocoris caucasicus Pop- Argentina, a junior primary homonym of C. pius, 1912 [Ofv. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forh. pygmaeus Zetterstedt, 1838 [Ins. Lapp., p. 54A(29): 7], both species from the Caucasus. 279] = Tytthuspygmaeus (Zetterstedt, 1838), Campylomma nigrifemur Wagner, 1975 Palearctic. [Not. Entomol. 61: 11] is the valid name for Heterocordylus italicus nom. n. is proposed C. pallida (Wagner, 1957), Sthenaropsis pal- forH.flavipes Wagner, 1953 [Ann. Naturhist. lida Wagner, 1957 [Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Na- Mus. Wien 59: 296] from Italy, a junior pri- turkd. Wurttemberg 112: 94] from the south- mary homonym of H. flavipes Nitobe, 1906 ern Palearctic, a junior secondary homonym [Insect World, Gifu, 10: 19], Japan, nomen ofCampylommapallida Usinger, 1946 [Bull. dubium. Note. In Carvalho (1958) flavipes B. P. Bishop Mus. 189: 89], from Guam. Nitobe is given asflaviceps [sic] Matsumura. Campylomma odhiamboi nom. n. is pro- Hyalopeplus lineifer (Walker, 1873), Cap- posed for Campylomma punctipes (Odhiam- sus lineifer Walker, 1873 [Cat. Heteroptera bo, 1959) Sthenarus punctipes Odhiambo, Br. Mus. 6: 122] is the valid name for H. 1959 [Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (13)2: 435], vitripennis (StAl, 1855), Capsus vitripennis Uganda, a junior secondary homonym of StAl, 1855 [Ofv. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forh.,,12(4): Capsus punctipes Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 186] from Oriental and Australian Regions, [Nomencl. Entomol. 1: 1501 = ? Campylom- a junior primary homonym of Capsus vitri- ma verbasci (Meyer-Dur, 1843), Palearctic. pennis Say, 1832 [Descript. Het. Hem. N. Deraeocoris apicatus nom. n. is proposed Am.: 24] = Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say, 1832), for D. apicalis Poppius, 1915 [Arch. Naturg. North America. 80A(8): 40], Taiwan, a junior secondary Lygocoris sinicus nom. n. is proposed for homonym of Capsus apicalis Signoret, 1865 Lygocoris (Apolygus) pubescens Zheng and [Ann. Soc. Entomol. France, ser. 4, 5: 125] Wang, 1983, Lygus (Apolygus) pubescens 1995 KERZHNER AND SCHUH: MIRIDAE NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES 3 Zheng and Wang, 1983 [Entomotaxonomia homonym of Orthotylus elongatus Wagner, 5:48,57], from China, ajunior primary hom- 1965 [Reichenbachia 6: 67], from Cyprus. onym of Lygus pratensis pubescens Reuter, Orthotylus subtropicalis nom. n. is pro- 1912 [Ofv. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forh. 54A(7): posed for Orthotylus missionensis (Carvalho 37], = Lygus rugulipennis Poppius, 1911, and Carpintero, 1986), Melanotrichus mis- from the Palearctic. sionensis Carvalho and Carpintero, 1986 Lygocoris wangi nom. n. is proposed for [Rev. Brasileira Biol. 46: 619], a junior sec- Lygocoris (Apolygus) signatus Zheng and ondary homonym ofOrthotylus missionensis Wang, 1983, Lygus (Apolygus) signatus Zheng Carvalho 1985 [Rev. Brasileira Biol. 45: 280], and Wang, 1983 [Entomotaxonomia 5: 48, both from Argentina. 56], from China, ajunior primary homonym Orthotylus josei nom. n. is proposed for of Lygus [now Pinalitus] cervinus form sig- Orthotylus cuneatus Carvalho, 1985 [Rev. nata Stichel, 1930 [Illstr. Bestimmungsta- Brasileira Biol. 45: 277], from Argentina, ju- bellen Deut. Wanzen 6,7: 181, from Europe. nior primary homonym ofOrthotylus cunea- Lygocoris zhengi nom. n. is proposed for tus Van Duzee, 1916 [Proc. California Acad. Lygocoris (Apolygus) marginatus Zheng and Sci. (4)6: 117], from California. Wang, 1983, Lygus (Apolygus) margintus Phoenicocoris knighti nom. n. is proposed Zheng and Wang, 1983 [Entomotaxonomia for Phoenicocoris pini Knight, 1968, Lepi- 5: 48, 56], from China, a junior secondary dopsalluspini Knight, 1968 [Brigham Young homonym of Phytocoris marginatus Zetter- Univ. Sci. Bull., Biol. Ser., 9: 53; see Stone- stedt, 1838 [Insecta Lapponica descripta 1: dahl, 1990, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 198: 272], = Lygocoris rugicollis (Fallen, 1807), 14], from western USA, a junior secondary from the Palearctic. homonym ofAtractotomus pini Fieber, 1864 Orthotylus costai nom. n. is proposed for [Wien. Entomol. Monatschr. 8: 224], = Orthotylus clarensis (Carvalho, 1990), Me- Phoenicocoris obscurellus (Fallen, 1829), from lanotrichus clarensis Carvalho, 1990 [An. the Palearctic. Acad. Brail. Cienc. 62: 395], a junior sec- Phytocoris femoratus nom. n. is proposed ondary homonym of Orthotylus clarensis for P.femoralis Fieber, 1861 [Eur. Hem.: 260] Carvalho and Costa, 1990 [An. Acad. Brasi. from the Mediterranean, a junior primary Cienc. 62: 310], both from Brazil [see dis- homonym ofP.femoralis Lucas, 1849 [Expl. cussion of Orthotylus under New Combina- Alg.: 82] = Calocoris fulvomaculatus (De tions for this and other species ofOrthotylus]. Geer, 1773), Palearctic. Orthotylus harryi nom. n. is proposed for Phytocorisjorigtooi nom. n. is proposed for Orthotylus pallens (Knight, 1968), Melano- Phytocoris desertorum Nonnaizab and Jorig- trichuspallens Knight, 1968 [Brigham Young too, 1992 [Zool. Res. 13: 318, 322], from Univ. Sci. Biol. China, a primary homonym of Phytocoris Bull., Ser., 11(3): 125], from dersertorum Reuter, 1900 [Ofv. Finsk. Vet. western USA, a junior secondary homonym Soc. Forh. B 42: 251], from North Africa. of Orthotylus pallens (Matsumura, 1911), Phytocoris leucopterus nom. n. is proposed Calocoris pallens Matsumura,
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