I Ai~~~~~~~~~~~~~,h*,. : .%-. HUN|"AIANPOWE fRCOMPANIES LTD. h Public Disclosure Authorized QUICKART GASTUBRINE POWER PLANT \ >;.4, .// t-f(SECONDARY RSERVEI;,- N W.3~5 C S * * -0 0~~~~~~~~~~ a . CS .E i.hAT hO2 6|5 Public Disclosure Authorized Quick-start Gas Turbine Power Plant ofir Public Disclosure Authorized %%Aft DETAILEDENVIONM£NTAL IMPACt SUDbY ,ssp 77DETAILED ENViRONMETAL sa II.iMPAC STD , Public Disclosure Authorized ozsef iIa-te~e June 1996 -I ETV-ER6TERV Rt Power Engineering and ContractorCo. Denomination of the documentation: Quick-start gas turbine power plant of Liter (Secondary reserve) Prepared by: Office of Environmental Protection Work. No.: 7011-99 No. of documentation: 550/782 Office Head: ................................... Istvan T6th Proiect Manager: .................................... Peter Hayer Oualitv supervisor: .................................... Lajos Mohicsi Date: June 6,1996 2 ETV-ER6TERV Rt Power Engineeringand ContractorCo. The present study was prepared by the Office of Environmental Protection of ETV-EROTERV based on the contract concluded with ERBE Power Engineering & Consulting Ltd., with the cooperationof Mr. P6ter Hayer - ETV-EROTERV, Office of Enviromnental Protection - compilation Mr. Istvan Bodnar- ETV-EROTERV,Office of EnvironmentalProtection - propagationcalculations Mr. Lajos Mohicsi - ETV-EROTERV,Office of EnvironmentalProtecion - waste management Mr. Ferenc Bakonyi -ETV EROTERV,Mechanical Office No. I - mechanicaltechnology VTUKI InnosystemCo. Ltd - subsurface and surfacewaters CONSULT-R PartnershipCompany - noise "Bakony"Museum of Natural Science - flora and fauna National Public Health and Medical Officer's Service (ANTSZ) of Veszpr6m County - air quality 3 ETV-ER6TERVRt. PowerEngineenng and ContractorCo. PART I ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS I/1 INTRODUCTION................................................ 11 1/2 BACKGROUND................................................. 12 1/2.1 Altenatives of the location of the facility,reasons ...................... 12 I/2.2 The investigatedtechnological versions, their evaluation............ 13 1/2.3 Feasibility study................................................ 14 113 GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT, LANDSCAPE......................... 20 1/4 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF THE Sm ................................... 22 115 GEOLOGICAL, HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT.26 115.1 Geologicalconditions .......................... 26 1/5.2 Hydrogeologicalconditions .26 I/6 SELECTION OF THE AREAS TO BE INVESTIGATED .................. 28 I/7 STATUS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS AND SYSTEMS ... ...................... 29 1/7.1. Status of waters . .29 1/7.1.1.Subsurface waters . .29 1/7.1.2 Surface waters.30 I/7.2Geologicaland soil investigations . .31 i/7.3Air quality . .34 I/7.4Flora and fauna . .39 Botany.39 Zoology.42 I.7.4.3 Botanicaland zoologic indicatorgroups .43 Diversityof habitats and their changes.43 1/.7.5Noiseemission, current noise load of the environment ... 43 4 ETV-ER(5TERVRt. ( ~ > RV Power Engineeringand ContractorCo. PART II THE PLANNED ACTIVITY AND THE EXPECTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS II/1 OPERATION OF THE PLANNED GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT .................................................... 53 II/2 CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY ................................................ 57 11/2.1 Earthworks .................................................... 57 II2.2 Construction, assembly ................... ................................. 57 II/2.3 Changes taldng place in the environmental elements ....................... 58 11/3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE OPERATION ................. 63 II/3.1 Air pollution and air quality..................................................... 63 II/3.1.1 The expected airborn emissions of the power plant and their qualification .63 II/3.1.2 Detenrination of the height of the stacks.64 1113.1.3Changes in the air quality in the impact area .71 11.3.2 Changes in soil quality.73 11/3.3 Changes in subsurface and surface water quality .74 II13.4 Impacts originating from the storage of raw materials and wastes 75 II/3.5 Impacts of noise emission of the power plant .76 II/3.6 Microclimatic impacts.79 II/3.7 Ecological prognostics for habitats.79 11/3.7.1Natural and secondary grasses .82 1I/3.7.2 Natural forests ............... 82 11/3.7.3Planted pine forests .82 1I13.7.4Lakes, water flows .83 II/3.7.5 Areas under agricultural cultivation (ploughlands) .83 I113.8 Impacts on human health and other human impacts .84 I113.9 Social-economical impacts.84 I11/3.10Impacts on the landscape ........................ ,,,,,,,..... 88 Il/3. 11 Other expected impacts due to average and operational troubles . 89 5 ETV-EROTERVRt. Power Engineeringand ContractorCo. Il/4 EXPECTED IMPACTS OF DECOMMISSIONING............................ 91 I114.1 Changes in subsurface and surfacewater quality................................ 91 1114.2 Changes in the soil quality.................................................... 91 11/4.3 Ecological changes.................................................... 92 1/4.4 Land use.................................................... 92 1115 DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES..................... 93 I115.1 Protectionof the air quality.................................................... 93 11/5.2 Water protection.................................................... 94 I115.3 Soil protection.................................................... 94 115.4 Noise protection.................................................... 95 IV5.5 Nature protection.................................................... 95 IV5.6 Landscapeprotection .................. .................................. 95 1115.7 Emergencyresponse .................................................... 95 1116 MAIN UNCERTAINTIES AND MISSING DATA............................ 97 1I/6.1 Planning circumstances.................................................... 97 11/6.2 Constructioncircumstances ..................................................... 97 116.3 Current environmentalstatus and impacts........................................ 97 11/6.3.1Air quality.................................................... 97 11/6.3.2Water quality.................................................... 98 II/6.3.3 Soil quality................................................................................ 98 1/6.3.4 Ecologicaldata .................................................... 98 I117 MONITORING SYSTEM.................................................... 100 11/7.1 Monitoringduring construction.................................................... 100 1117.2 Monitoringduring operation.................................................... 100 1117.2.1Air pollution and air quality.................................................... 100 11/7.2.2Investigation of subsurfaceand surface waters........................ 101 II/7.2.3 Investigationof soil contamination.......................................... 101 1117.2.4Biomonitoring .................................................... 101 6 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and RV Contractor Co. IN/8 SUMMARY II/8.1 Introduction....................................................... 103 II/8.2 Descriptionof the facility....................................................... 104 I1/8.2.1Installation ....................................................... 104 11/8.2.2Description of the operationof the projectedgas turbine power plan........................................................ 105 11/8.3 Expectedenvironmental changes and their evaluation........................... 108 II/8.3.1Investigation of the environmentalimpacts and the impacts areas.. 108 II/8.3.2Current status of the environment................................................... 108 11/8.3.3The constructionand its impacts on the environment..................... 110 11/8.3.4Operation and its impacts on the environment................................ 113 11/8.3.5Expected impacts of deconmmissioning........................................... 118 II/8.4 Environmentalmeasures ....................................................... 119 Literature and studies preparedand used during the preparationof the environmental impacts study....... 121 7 E1V-EROTERVRt. Power Engineeringand eVTERV ContractorCo. LIST OF FIGURES I/2.3.-1. Site plan 112.3.-2. Installationplan I/2.3.-3. Schematic drawing 1/5.1.-1. Map of seismic activities I/5.1.-2. Accelerationsof 100-yearfrequency I/5.1.-3. Geomorphologicalconditions 1/5.1.-4. Geological conditions 1/5.1.-5. Genetical soil map I/5.1.-6. Soil quality conditions I/5.2.-1. Hydrogeologicalmap of the Balaton Highland I/6.-1. Map of the investigatedareas - Geology,soil and subsurfacewaters I/6.-2. Map of the investigatedareas - Surface waters 1/6.-3. Map of the investigated areas - Air U6.4. Map of the investigated areas - Flora and fauna I/6.-5. Map of the investigatedareas - Noise U/6.-6. Map of the investigated areas - Comprehensive map 1/7.1.1.-1. Average water yield of subsurfacewaters in the Bakony region 1/7.1.1.-2. Average depth of subsurfacewater wells in the Bakony region 1/7.1.2.-I. Map of surface waters of the region I/7.2.-I. Well logs of well K-2 1/7.2.-2. Well logs of well K-3 ETV-ER6TERVRt. Power Engineeringand (TERV ContractorCo. 117.3.-1. Contaminationtrend - Kirilyszentistvan 117.3.-2. Contaminationtrend - Balatonfiizfbfactory plant I/7.3.-3. Contaminationtrend - Balatonfiizfo(town) I/7.3.-4. Contamination trend - Peremarton I/7.3.-5. Contaminationtrend - Balatonahmadi I/7.3.-6. Contamination trend - VesprIn
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