!'51-1/1987 ..•..1 Agriculture 1....,... Canada RESEARCH BRANCH REPORT ~1987~ RAPPORT DE LA DIRECTION CENERALE DE LA RECHERCHE UNIVERSITY OF P. E.I. G iJ'~h.•~~~...~~~'~'D::~h~:!t~r,~ ~IBRARY USE ONLY Canada 1237ii9 i1J()v ~ 80 1981'; Researc~;;ll~F ~9 Branch Report ~c -=- 1987 Rapport de la Direction generale de la recherche RESEARCH BRANCH DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA RECHERCHE AGRICULTURE CANADA Agriculture Canada Publication 5252 available from Communications Branch, Agriculture Canada Ottawa, KIA OC7 "'Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1988 Cat. No. A51-111987 ISBN 0-662-56095-7 Printed 1988 2M-I0:88 Agriculture Canada Publication 5252 On peut en obtenir des exemplaires ala Direction generale des communications Agriculture Canada, Ottawa KIA OC7 "'Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1988 N° de cat. A51-111987 ISBN 0-662-56095-7 Impression 1988 2M-I0:88 Contents Table des matieres Foreword iv / Avant-propos v Map of research establishments vi / Carte des etabLissements de recherche vii Headquarters 1/ Administration centrale 1 Branch Executive 1/ Haute direction 1 Organization of the Research Branch 2/ Organisation de LaDirectiongenerale de la recherche 3 Program structure ofthe Research Branch 5/ Structure du programme de LaDirection generaLe de Larecherche 6 Priorities and Strategies Directorate 9/ Direction des priorites et des strategies 9 Program Coordination 13 Finance 19 Industry Relations 21 Management Services 23 Policy and Client Relations 25 Research Program Service 29 Eastern Region 35/ Region de rEst 35 St. John's West, Nfld. 39 Charlottetown, P.E.I. 43 Kentville, N.S. 53 Fredericton, N.B. 67 Centre de recherches alimentaires, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec 83 Lennoxville, Quebec 93 Sainte-Foy, Quebec 103 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec 117 Delhi,Ont. 125 Harrow,Ont. 131 Kapuskasing,Ont. 143 London Research Centre, Onto 147 Vineland Station, Onto 157 Central Region 167/ Region centrale 167 Animal Research Centre 171 Biosystematics Research Centre 195 Engineering and Statistical Research Centre 207 Food Research Centre 217 Land Resource Research Centre 227 Plant Research Centre 243 Western Region 263/ Region de rOuest 263 Brandon, Man. 267 Morden, Man. 275 Winnipeg, Man. 283 Melfort, Sask. 297 Regina, Sask. 303 Saskatoon, Sask. 313 Swift Current, Sask. 327 Beaverlodge, Alta. 335 Lacombe, Alta. 343 Lethbridge, Alta. 351 Agassiz, B.C. 373 Kamloops, B.C. 379 Summerland, B.C. 385 Vancouver, B.C. 395 Contents III FOREWORD Research programs in the branch are developed in response to the needs of the agri- 1987 marks the beginning of the second food industry, which are determined through century of activity by the Research Branch of the Canadian Agricultural Services Agriculture Canada. As this new century is Coordinating Committee (CASCC) and by ushered in, we note a number of important consultations at all levels of the agri-food changes within the branch that will enable it to sector. The branch is responsible for respond more effectively to the evolving needs organization of the activities of CASCC and of of a modern world. Perhaps the most evident the Canadian Agricultural Research Council change is the reorganization of the regions: a (CARCl. reduction from five to three, with the regional Research programs encompass all headquarters now relocated to Research components of the industry, including natural Branch Headquarters in Ottawa. This resources, animal and crop production, reorganization will facilitate communication protection, food processing, nutrition, and food among senior management, so important to the safety. As part of these programs, research is branch now with increasing pressures on all conducted with a view to enhancing utilization government departments for enhanced and marketability. efficiency and greater accountability. In 1987, the Research Branch had a budget The Research Branch Report provides an of $221.5 million and a staff of 3481, of which annual summary of achievements throughout 911 were research professionals. the branch. During 1987, the regions and The Research Branch cooperates with other research establishments of the branch effec- branches of Agriculture Canada, with other tively contributed to departmental objectives federal departments, and with various aimed at enhancing growth, stability, and com- agencies on activities related to the agri-food petitiveness in the agri-food sector. Results are sector. In 1987, the Research Branch actively reported in both scientific and extension-type participated in the departmental restructuring papers. Those for 1987 are listed at the end of toward commodity-based, market-oriented each establishment's report. Information is development strategies. passed on to producers and food processors The Research Branch has ongoing sCience through various provincial committees and and technology exchanges with several technology transfer mechanisms. countries, including 13 with whom Agriculture The Eastern, Central, and Western regions Canada has memoranda of understanding and of the Research Branch include 33 major another nine with whom there are other formal establishments, 13 experimental farms, and arrangements for exchange. Scientific and several smaller units. Each one carries out technical information and personnel are research with national and regional objectives provided to development-assistance projects while developing technology that is pertinent overseas, including the management and to the specific area where it is located. The staffing of long-term development projects Eastern Region has responsibility for the sponsored by the Canadian International establishments in Ontario, Quebec, and the Development Agency (CIDA). Atlantic Provinces. The Central Region, This report documents the continuous consisting of six research centres on the efforts by Research Branch staff to deliver a Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa, broad and effective research program that combines research on national programs with benefits all sectors ofthe agri-food industry. special services to regional establishments and the public. The Western Region has 12 major establishments located in the four western provinces. The Priorities and Strategies Directorate, located at Research Branch Headquarters in Ottawa, has six principal functions. These are Finance, Industry Relations, Management Services, Policy and Client Relations, Program A.O.Olson Coordination, and Research Program Service. Assistant Deputy Minister, Research iv Research Branch Report 1987 AVANT-PROPOS recherche a Ottawa, a six composantes principales, notamment la Finance, les L'annee 1987 marque Ie debut du second Relations industrielles, les Services de la siecle d'activites de la Direction generale de la gestion, Ie Politique et les relations avec Ie recherche d'Agriculture Canada. Le debut de client, la Coordination du programme et Ie ce nouveau siecle s'accompagne d'un certain Service aux programmes de recherche. nombre de changements importants au sein de Les programmes de recherche de la la Direction generale, qui lui permettront de Direction generale sont con<;uspour satisfaire repondre plus efficacement aux nouveaux aux besoins du secteur agro-alimentaire, qui besoins du monde moderne. Un des change- sont evalues par Ie Comite de coordination des ments les plus manifestes est peut-etre la reor- services agricoles canadiens (CCSAC) et par ganisation des regions: leur nombre est passe des consultations aupres de tous les segments de cinq a trois et leur administration a ete du secteur agro-alimentaire. La Direction relogee au siege de la Direction genera Ie de la generale se charge de I'organisation des recherche a Ottawa. Cette reorganisation faci- activites du CCSAC et du Conseil de recherche litera la communication entre les gestionnaires agricole du Canada (CRAC). cadres, element qui devient maintenant si Les programmes de recherche couvrent tous important pour la Direction gemJrale, car les les segments du secteur, soit les ressources pressions exercees sur tous les ministeres pour nature lies, la production animale et veglltale, ameliorer I'efficacite et exercer une plus la protection, la nutrition, la transformation et grande imputabilite se font de plus en plus I'innocuite des aliments. La recherche fortes. conduite au sein de ces programmes vise a Le Rapport de la Direction generale de la ameliorer l'utilisation et la commercialisation recherche est un resume annuel des realisa- des produits. tions de la Direction generale. En 1987, les En 1987, la Direction generale de la regions et les centres de recherches de la Direc- recherche disposait d'un budget de 221,5 tion generale ont contribue de fa<;onefficace a millions de dollars et d'un effectif de 3 481 la realisation des objectifs du Ministere qui membres dont 911 chercheurs. lltaient d'augmenter Ie taux de croissance, la La Direction generale colla bore avec stabilite et la competitivite du secteur agro- d'autres directions generales d'Agriculture alimentaire. Les resultats ont ete publies dans Canada, d'autres ministeres federaux et divers des articles scientifiques et de vulgarisation. organismes a des travaux interessant Ie sec- La liste de ces articles pour 1987 se trouve a la teur agro-alimentaire. En 1987, elle a parti- fin du rapport de chacun des centres de cipe activement a la restructuration du Minis- recherches. L'information est communiquee tere en vue de l'implantation de strategies de aux producteurs et aux transformateurs d'ali- developpement sectoriel axe sur les marches. ments par divers
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