Albury History Society - alburyhistory.org.uk Our archives 8261 and 8261ADD, at Surrey History Centre SURREY HISTORY CENTRE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL 130 GOLDSWORTH ROAD, WOKING 8261 ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY: RECORDS, (1565)-2006 Provenance Deposited by Mr R Casbard, outgoing chairman of Albury History Society, in January 2008. Introduct ion Albury History Society was established in 1971 as the result of a growing interest in the preservation of the parish's records following a well-received talk on the history of Albury by Miss Helen Lloyd. Dr Maurice Burton chaired the society's first meeting in the village hall on 8 March 1971. The president of the society is the Duke of Northumberland. The records This collection comprises records accumulated by members of Albury History Society that cover all aspects of life in the parish of Albury, including Brook, Farley Green, Farley Heath, Little London and Newlands Corner. The records include papers relating to Albury parish churches and the Apostolic Catholic Church; local charities, schools, businesses and organisations. The numerous papers of three of Albury History Society's key members - Maurice Burton, Helen Lloyd and William Baverstock Day - and of earlier local historian, Olive Heath, are listed in their own sub-series but also appear in other parts of the archive. The collection contains many donations from Albury residents. Arrangement Many of the records were originally arranged in numbered bundles and contained typed or handwritten content lists which did not necessarily correspond with the actual contents. In many cases, no dates were assigned to items, so estimates have been made. Where possible, the arrangement has been kept; otherwise, cross-referencing has been made to associated records. Bibliography 2 Rowland A Davenport, 'Albury Apostles : the story of the body known as the Catholic Apostolic Church' (1970) F R Kersley, 'The twelve Apostles of Albury' from 'Surrey Life', vol 2, no 8 (May 1973) Helen Lloyd and Mary Sherman, 'Some notes on the old parish church, Albury, and its history: from records collected by the late Olive Heath' Helen Northumberland, 'Albury Park' (1951) D H Roper, 'The first hundred years 1868-1968 : the story of the National Deposit Friendly Society' (1968) G L Standring, 'Albury and the Catholic Apostolic Church' (1985) Martin Farquhar Tupper, 'The Vale of Albury: a descriptive poem to which is added a vision of the Roman camp' (1854) R Charles Walmsley , 'A description of the mansion and grounds at Albury Park, Guildford, Surrey, and the old parish church, Albury' (1974) R Charles Walmsley, 'Drummond's chapel: being the story behind the mortuary chapel in the old parish church, Albury, Surrey' R Charles Walmsley, 'The Sage of Albury and the Man Mushroom (being the story behind the Devis-Tupper vault outside the west wall of the old parish church, Albury, Surrey)' R Charles Walmsley, 'Trees at Albury Park, Guildford, Surrey' (1977) R Charles Walmsley, 'The wall-painting at Albury: being the story behind the painting of St Christopher in the old parish church, Albury, Surrey' R Charles Walmsley, 'The years of ferment: being the story behind the building of the Catholic Apostolic Church in Albury Surrey in 1840' (1980) Ann Williams, 'Albury Workhouse - now Heath Lodge, Albury Heath' in 'Surrey History', vol 1, no 2 (1974) S E Winbolt, 'Excavations at Farley Heath, Albury, 1926,' from 'Surrey Archaeological Collections' vol XXXVII, part II (1926) 3 Anon, 'Albury in S urry' (1718) Access conditions Unpublished minutes are closed for 30 years. 4 SUMMARY page 8261/1/ ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY: 9 ORGANISATION, 1971 -1997 8261/1/1/ ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY MEETING 9 MINUTES AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1971 -19 97 8261/1/2/ ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY EVENTS AND 10 ACTIVITIES, 1971 -1996 8261/2/ ALBURY PARISH CHURCHES, (1617)- 11 2005 8261/2/1 THE OLD PARISH CHURCH, ALBURY, (1836)- 11 1990S 8261/2/2 CONSECRATION OF THE NEW PARISH 13 CHURCH, (1842) -1992 8261/2/3 PARISH REGISTERS AND SERVICES, 1913-2000 13 8261/2/4 INCUMBENTS, (1617)-1995 13 8261/2/5 CHURCH FABRIC AND PROPERTY, 1870-1999 14 8261/2/6 PARISH COUNCIL AND PAROCHIAL CHURCH 15 COUNCIL, 1951 -1980 8261/2/7 ALBURY CHURCH CHOIR, 1883-(1939) 15 8261/2/8 ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH, FARLEY GREEN, 1984- 16 1990S 8261/2/9 PARISH MAGAZINES AND OTHER 16 PUBLICATIONS, 1864 -2005 8261/2/10 EVENTS, ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOGRAPHS, 18 (C.1857) -1990S 8261/3 ALBURY CHARITIES, (1586) -1989 19 8261/3/1 HENRY SMITH'S CHARITY, 1628-1878 19 8261/3/2 DUNCUMB CHARITIES, 1710-1967 19 8261/3/3 ALICE POLSTED CHARITY, (1586)-1950 21 8261/3/4 ESTHER CAPADOSE BEQUEST, C.1900-1970 21 5 8261/3/5 GENERAL AND ALBURY UNITED CHARITIES, 22 1889 -1974 8261/4 ALBURY PARISH WORKHOUSE, (1732)- 22 1973 8261/5 ALBURY SCHOOLS, 1863 -1987 24 8261/5/1 ALBURY NATIONAL SCHOOLS (LATER 24 ALBURY CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL), 1863 -1974 8261/5/2 WESTON HOUSE SCHOOL, ALBURY, 1935-1987 26 8261/5/3 WINTERFOLD GYPSY SCHOOL, FARLEY 27 GREEN, 20TH CENT 8261/6 THE MANOR OF WESTON, 1787 -1988 27 8261/6/1 HISTORY OF MANOR AND ESTATE, 20TH CENT 27 8261/6/2 WESTON HOUSE, ALBURY, 19TH CENT-1988 28 8261/6/3 WESTON YARD AND PIGEON HOUSE, (1885)- 30 1980S 8261/6/4 ALBURY HOUSE AND MILL, 1787-1984 32 8261/7 THE MANOR OF ALBURY AND ALBURY 34 PARK ESTATE, 1804 -2003 8261/7/1 HISTORY OF MANOR AND ESTATE, (1805)-1980 34 8261/7/2 D'ABERNON FAMILY, 20TH CENT 36 8261/7/3 FINCH FAMILY, 20TH CENT-2000 36 8261/7/4 HENRY DRUMMOND (1786-1860), (1830)-2002 37 8261/7/5 PERCY FAMILY (DUKES OF 39 NORTHUMBERLAND), (c.1847) -1995 8261/7/6 ALBURY PARK MANSION, 1804-2003 43 8261/7/7 ALBURY PARK GROUNDS AND JOHN EVELYN 45 GARDEN, 1830 -1980S 8261/8 THE CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH 46 AT ALBURY, (1834) -1994 6 8261/8/1 ALBURY CONGREGATION AND THE APOSTLES' 47 CHAPEL, (1834) -1990 8261/8/2 GENERAL HISTORIES, 1873-1994 49 8261/9 AL BURY RESIDENTS, (1565) -1995 51 8261/9/1 MARTIN FARQUHAR TUPPER (1810-1889), 51 WRITER, POET AND PHILOSOPHER, 1840-LATE 20TH CENT 8261/9/2 NEWDIGATE HOOPER KEARNEY BURNE (1830- 53 1898), BARRISTER AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH MINISTER, EARLY 20TH CENT -1980 8261/9/3 OLIVE MARY HEATH (1879-1959), LOCAL 54 HISTORIAN, 1850 -1978 8261/9/4 WILLIAM BAVERSTOCK DAY (1890-1978), HEAD 54 CLERK OF ALBURY ESTATE AND FOUNDER MEMBER OF ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY, 20 TH CENT 8261/9/5 DR MAURICE BURTON (1898-1992), ZOOLOGIST, 55 AUTHOR AND FOUNDER MEMBER OF ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY, 1959 -1992 8261/9/6 HELEN MARY BEATRICE LLOYD (1899-1977), 56 WVS ORGANISER AND FOUNDER MEMBER OF ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY, 1896 -1995 8261/9/7 THE MALTHUS FAMILY, (1773)-1992 59 8261/9/8 THE HAMP FAMILY, 1893-1985 60 8261/9/9 OTHER ALBURY RESIDENTS, (1565)-1992 62 8261/10 ALBURY BUSINESSES AND INDUSTRY, 66 (C.1860) -2006 8261/10/1 PERCY LLOYD PHOTOGRAPHERS AND 66 POSTCARDS, 19TH CENT -2006 8261/10/2 ELLIS RESEARCH AND TESTING 67 LABORATORIES (LATER ALBURY LABORATORIES), 1961 -1977 8261/10/3 OTHER ALBURY BUSINESSES AND 68 INDUSTRIES, (C.1860) -1986 8261/11 ALBURY SOCIETIES AND 69 ORGANISATIONS, C.1860S -2004 7 8261/11/1 ALBURY BOWLING CLUB, (C.1936)-1970S 69 8261/11/2 ALBURY CRICKET CLUB, (C.1920)-1987 70 8261/11/3 ALBURY PRODUCE ASSOCIATION, 1977-1996 70 8261/11/4 ALBURY TRUST, 1970S-2004 71 8261/11/5 ALBURY WORKING MEN'S CLUB, 1880S-1966 72 8261/11/6 FARLEY GREEN CLUB, 1944-1976 73 8261/11/7 FARLEY GREEN RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION, 73 1970S -1985 8261/11/8 THE SURREY DEPOSIT FRIENDLY SOCIETY 73 (LATER THE NATIONAL DEPOSIT FRIENDLY SOCIETY), C.1860S -1968 8261/11/9 TILLINGBOURNE ASSOCIATION, 1916-1918 74 8261/11/10 OTHER SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, 74 (C.1890) -20TH CENT 8261/12 ALBURY BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES 75 AND LANDSCAPES, 1782 -2001 8261/12/1 ROMAN TEMPLE, FARLEY HEATH, 1863-1960S 75 8261/12/2 ALBURY MEMORIAL LIBRARY, 1950-1992 76 8261/12/3 ALBURY VILLAGE HALL, 20TH CENT 76 8261/12/4 SALE PARTICULARS, 1844-C.1990 77 8261/12/5 ILLUSTRATIONS, 1832-1986 77 8261/12/6 MAPS, SURVEYS AND PLANS, 1782-1993 78 8261/12/7 POSTCARDS AND PHOTOGRAPHS, (C.1877)- 79 1980S 8261/12/8 REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE, (1888)-2001 81 8261/12/9 READING, GUILDFORD AND REDHILL 83 RAILWAY, 1873 -1982 8261/13 ALBURY EVENTS AND NEWS, C.1861- 84 2002 8 8261/14 NEIGHBOURING PARISHES, C.1840 -1995 87 8261/14/1 ABINGER, 20TH CENT 87 8261/14/2 CHILWORTH, (1881)-1985 87 8261/14/3 EWHURST, C.1949 88 8261/14/4 OCKHAM, EARLY 20 TH CENT 88 8261/14/5 PEASLAKE, 1931 88 8261/14/6 ST MARTHA'S, (1746)-1981 89 8261/14/7 SHERE, (1833)-1990 89 8261/15 ALBURY, NEW SOUTH WALES, 90 AUSTRALIA, 1940S -1990S 9 8261/1 ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY 1971-1997 ORGANISATION See also papers of three of the society's founding members: Maurice Burton, William Baverstock Day and Helen Lloyd, 8261/9/ -. 8261/1/1 ALBURY HISTORY SOCIETY MEETING 1971-1997 MINUTES AND CORRESPONDENCE 8261/1/1/1 Albury History Society correspondence 1971 raising objections to planned demolition of Albury House 8261/1/1/2 Albury History Society committee meeting 1971-1978 minutes, 28 Feb 1972-18 Jan 1978, and agenda of first meeting, 8 Mar 1971. Incomplete 8261/1/1/3 Correspondence with Robert Bolton 1973 answering his questions about Little London, Albury. (Mr Bolton was writing a magazine article about the area) 8261/1/1/4 Letter to Helen Lloyd from Edward H Ellis 26 Jul 1973 (formerly of Ellis Laboratories and Albury House) suggesting that Albury History Society undertake as its next project the history of Hurtwood 8261/1/1/5 Albury History Society correspondence with 1974 Guildford Borough Council, expressing concern at planned changes to street names in Albury 8261/1/1/6 Copy of letter to George Witheridge, Albury 1978 Parish Council chairman, from Albury History Society chairman, expressing concern at the restoration of the Old Forge, described as 'entirely out of keeping with the character of the village' 8261/1/1/7 Albury History Society correspondence with 1978 David English answering the latter's questions about Albury and Shere in the period 1910- 1920 10 8261/1/1/8 Albury History Society correspondence with 1997 Albury Parish Council expressing concerns over plans to replace the village signpost.
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