gazette The Periodical for the Nikon Devotee Founded 1992 • Issue no. 62 The kind of service of which Tales of the Unexpected: legends are The Nikon D3 & D300 made. by Simon Stafford Heather Angel Wildlife & Natural History Workshops 2008 Open Sesame – Journey to the Centre of Nikon – A Nikon D3 opens the doors to a high-quality virtual reality tour of Grays of Westminster 0% & LOW INTEREST FINANCE VINTAGE Nikon NEWS FROM GRAY LEVETT EXCLUSIVELY ... BOOKS! Nikon WANTED FOR CASH Grays of Westminster • 40 Churton Street • Pimlico • London SW1V 2LP • England Tel: 020-7828 4925 • Fax: 020-7976 5783 • Email: [email protected] • www.graysofwestminster.com The Grays of Westminster Gazette #411/1(/;190 )4#;.'8'66 ±1XGTVJG[GCTU)TC[UQH9GUVOKPUVGTJCU DGEQOGCOCIPGVHQTRJQVQITCRJGTUHTQOCNN QXGTVJGYQTNFCPFHTQOCNNYCNMUQHNKHG² 9QTFUD[)TC[.GXGVV 2QTVTCKVD[5VGRJGP2GTT[ *'5'%10&*#0&0+-10 6QCFF[GVOQTGTKEJGUVQVJKUVTGCUWTGVTQXG GSWKROGPVFGRCTVOGPVCV)TC[UQH QHUGEQPFJCPF0KMQPCTGQHVJGUWRGTD 9GUVOKPUVGTKUCTCVJGTURGEKCNTQQO OOH)#(584<QQO0KMMQT +VKUUKVWCVGFKPVJGNQYGTITQWPFHNQQT NGPUGUNKPGFWRQPVJGUJGNHQHQPGECDKPGV TQHVJGDWKNFKPIYJKEJFCVGUDCEMVQ6JG YJGTGCUCPQVJGTECDKPGVEQPVCKPUGKIJVQHVJG UJQRYCUQTKIKPCNN[CIGPVNGOGP²UJCKTFTGUUGTU OOH&84#(50KMMQTNGPUGU1P CPFEQPVKPWGFVQDGUQHQTCDQWV[GCTUKV CFKHHGTGPVUJGNHOOCPFOOH&#( KUTWOQWTGFVJCV5KT9KPUVQP%JWTEJKNNJCFJKU &%0KMMQTNGPUGUECPDGHQWPFKPOWNVKRNGU JCKTEWVJGTG­VJGITGCVOCPNKXGFQPN[CDQWV EQORNGOGPVGFD[CPGSWCNPWODGTQH#(5 COKPWVGYCNMHTQOVJGUJQR 0KMMQTNGPUGUQHPWOGTQWUHQECNNGPIVJU 1PGQHVJGTGCUQPUKVKUO[HCXQWTKVGTQQOKU (WTVJGTOQTGCJWIGUGNGEVKQPQHVJGOKPVCPF DGECWUGDGJKPFKVUINCUUHTQPVGFECDKPGVUCTG PGCTOKPVEQPFKVKQPOCPWCNHQEWU0KMMQT VJGHTWKVUQHQXGT[GCTUQH0KMQPGPIKPGGTKPI NGPUGUKUCNUQCXCKNCDNGVQRWTEJCUG welcome CPFQRVKECNGZEGNNGPEGYJKEJJCUUQQHVGP 6JGVKOGNGUUFGNKIJVQHYCNMKPIKPVQVJG IKXGPOGKPURKTCVKQPHQTVJGOCP[CTVKENGUVJCV UGEQPFJCPFFGRCTVOGPVKUCUKORTGUUKXGCU +YTKVGQPVJGJKUVQT[QH0KMQP*GTGVJGTGECP GXGT(KTUVVKOGXKUKVQTUCNOQUVCNYC[UUC[VJG DGHQWPFGZCORNGUQHTCVJGTTCTGRKGEGUQH UCOGVJKPI±+V²UNKMGCP#NCFFKP²U%CXGKP Thirty-one thousand Grays of GSWKROGPVUWEJCUKPVJGWestminster0KMQP#KT%COGTC JGTG²1XGTVJG[GCTU)TC[UQH9GUVOKPUVGT VJCVFCVGUDCEMVQVJG0KMQP(#5&CVC JCUDGEQOGCOCIPGVHQTRJQVQITCRJGTUHTQO plus and counting… DeliveredWUGFHQTUEKGPVKHKECPFKPFWUVTKCNWUGUC0KMQP CNNQXGTVJGYQTNFCPFHTQOCNNYCNMUQHNKHGCPF (*KIJ5RGGFCUYGNNCUHKPGGZCORNGUQH VJKUTQQOJCUHTGSWGPVN[DGGPWUGFCUC 0KMQPTCPIGHKPFGTECOGTCUHTQOVJGNCVGU OGGVKPIRQKPVQTCRNCEGHTQOYJKEJVJG[JGCF from Gray Levett Gray from From our earliest times, far-flung Personal shoppersVJTQWIJVQVJGNGIGPFCT[ have never0KMQP( made up QWVVQRJQVQITCRJKECUUKIPOGPVU#UUWEJ customers were kept informed of what the majority of our6JGUGKEQPKEGZCORNGUQHRCUVGPIKPGGTKPI customers. VJGTGCTGPWOGTQWUOGOQTKGUYJKEJJCXG UKVGNGICPVN[PGZVVQOQTGTGEGPV0KMQPFGUKIPU UGGRGFKPVQVJGHCDTKEQHVJGDWKNFKPIYGJCXG was new and exciting in Nikon equipment CPFKPPQXCVKQPUCPFCXKUKVQTECPYCPFGT GPLQ[GFRCVTQPCIGD[UQOGQHVJG by means of our regular and celebratedGray Levett is the co-founderFrom of Grays the of dawnCTQWPFVJKUYQPFGTHWNYQQFRCPGNNGFTQQO of our inception we have RJQVQITCRJKEITGCVUUWEJCU.QTF5PQYFQP Westminster, the award-winning, EQPVGORNCVKPIVJGFKXGTUKV[CPFRTQHWUKQPQH 4KEJCTF;QWPIVJGNCVGCPFOWEJOKUUGF News catalogues. exclusively Nikon dealer,offered as well as the a professional0KMQPMKVKPGXGT[INCUUECDKPGVYGKIJKPI and efficient mail 6GTGPEG&QPQXCPCPFOCP[QVJGTNWOKPCTKGU editor of Nikon Owner magazine. He FQYPGXGT[UJGNH6JGXCUVCOQWPV QXGTCVQP 6JG[JCXGCNNDGGPUQMKPFVQWU6JGNCVG.QTF started his career as a photographerorder service; our mail order department and his work has appeared on album KPVJGRCUVVJTGGOQPVJU QHUGEQPFJCPF .KEJHKGNFYQWNFTGEQOOGPFWU&CXKF5WEJGV In the early 1990s we added the Grayscovers, of book dust jacketsis and a in most useful0KMQPYGMGGRKPUVQEMKUGPQWIJVQFKUVTCEV method of purchase CITGCVHCXQWTKVGJCUDGGPCENKGPVHQTOCP[ Westminster Gazette to our publications.magazines all over the world.for He those has customersGXGPVJGOQUVECTGYQTPQHEWUVQOGTU who are unable [GCTU#PFVJGNCVGNGIGPFCT[HKNOFKTGEVQT been involved with the Nikon brand 6JGECDKPGVUQPVJKUNQYGTITQWPFHNQQTCTG 5VCPNG[-WDTKEMJCFUQOGMKPFYQTFUQHRTCKUG The catalogues and Gazettes revealedsince 1971 and is an acknowledgedto visit us in person. We have devoted expert on the history of Nikon. He is HWNNVQVJGDTKOYKVJCDTGCVJVCMKPITCPIGQH CDQWVQWTUGTXKEG the world of Nikon camera equipmenta member of the Londonourselves Press Club, the to theUGEQPFJCPF singular0KMQPGSWKROGPVHTQOVJG policy that +H[QWCTGWPCDNGVQXKUKV)TC[UQH Explorers Club, the Institute of Directors NGIGPFCT[OOH(KUJG[G0KMMQTYJKEJ 9GUVOKPUVGTKPRGTUQP[QWECPPQYLQWTPG[VQ to a standard not before seen, and (IoD), the Nikon Historicalthere Society and is no itemQHHGTUCPCPINGQHXKGYQHÖVQVJGOKIJV[ that is too small, nor any VJGEGPVTGQH0KMQPKP.QPFQPXKCQWTPGY the Royal Photographic Society for additionally highlighted the delightswhom that he has lectured. destination tooNKPGWRQHOOHOOHOO far, and whether one is a JKIJSWCNKV[XKTVWCNTGCNKV[VQWTYJKEJECPDG s the first half of 2008 draws to a HCPFOOHUWRGTVGNGRJQVQ#(5 XKGYGFCVJVVRYYYITC[UQHYGUVOKPUVGT close, it is a pleasure to welcome were available from the shop and by mail personal visitor0KMMQTNGPUGU to the shop, a mail order EQWMVQWT$9 Ayou to the latest issue of the Grays order. The Gazette is now sent out to over customer from a distant shire or a client 36 $9 May 2008 of Westminster Gazette. thirty-one thousand customers and the living half-way around the globe, Grays May 2008 $9 37 good news is that we will be increasing its of Westminster will always do its utmost Unprecedented rave reviews attended the frequency to quarterly. to service that demand. triumphant release of the Nikon D3 and our ears ring with the almost universal acclaim that this camera has enjoyed in Open Sesame the photographic press and photographic chat rooms. The D3 sits high on the throne – Journey and as is often the case where you have to the Centre an exciting ground-breaking new release, potential purchasers want to know what it is of Nikon like, how it compares to other cameras in the A Nikon D3 opens the range, and in particular how the D3 relates doors to a high-quality to the new D300. In addition we are also virtual reality tour of continually asked if all the rumours about Grays of Westminster. the new professional zoom Nikkor lenses are really too good to be true. And nowhere One of the many questions are all these questions more often asked we are often asked is what than here at Grays of Westminster. I asked the shop looks like inside. the well-known photographer and author We have long wanted to Simon Stafford, as one of the first people in create a virtual tour of Grays the UK to test these items, to let us in on his of Westminster but until findings. He does so in his article Tales of the now we did not feel that the Unexpected: The Nikon D3 & D300. quality of the sites we had seen was good enough. Using the latest advances in technology, we have Grays of Westminster created a high-quality virtual reality tour wwworldwide of Grays of Westminster, produced for us by Michael Eleftheriades. Michael is an architect Grays of Westminster were one of the first and photographer who fuses his particular photographic companies to go global passion for architecture, virtual reality, by promoting ourselves into the digital computer graphics and photography in the universe www.graysofwestminster.com creation of large-scale panoramic imagery. Michael had been photographing virtual Thanks to improvements in technology reality scenes using Nikon film cameras since our reach is now wider than ever, which is 1986, and subsequently moved into digital completely in keeping with the adventurous usage and implementation with the launch spirit that drove our earliest enterprise. Although of Nikon’s Coolpix range in 1998. camera technology is changing almost beyond recognition, our core values of courtesy, He has exhibited his photographs at three knowledge and excellence have not changed. exhibitions in London and lectured on Whether our client is a long-standing customer panoramic creation to wide acclaim in the or new to Grays of Westminster and the Nikon U.K., Europe and the United States. system, we aim to provide a unique service. When not photographing, Michael directs The Grays of Westminster Gazette the efforts of Media Synthesis, a media July simply would not be July without the development and consultancy company yearly Heather Angel Wildlife & Natural established in 1993, and is responsible for History Workshop with Nikon UK. virtual reality tours and interactive exhibits at many of the U.K.’s leading museums, This year is no exception and I am including the Maritime and Natural History delighted to announce that we are taking Museums. On page 4 he explains how he was bookings for the 12th Annual Heather able to create this virtual tour of our shop. Angel Workshop which will take place on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th July 2008 Bron Kowal joins at Saint Hill Manor in West Sussex, England from 9.15 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. followed by an Grays of Westminster evening meal. These hugely popular two one-day workshops conducted by world- famous wildlife photographer Heather Angel are perfect for both the newcomer Levett Gray from and experienced photographer alike. The workshops include lectures, demonstrations and the chance to handle and use a huge range of new Nikon camera equipment, and News attract visitors from all over the U.K., Europe and throughout the world. You can book a Grays of place
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