Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01211-0 - Greece and the Augustan Cultural Revolution A. J. S. Spawforth Index More information Index ab epistulis Graecis 265 Althusser, Louis 25 Achaean era 179 amicitia 50 Achaia, Roman province 47, 225 Amphictyony see Delphic Amphictyony Nero’s liberation of 237 Amynandridae (Attic genos) 197–8 see also Greece Andanian mysteries see Messene (Carneasium) Acharnae (Attic deme) 65, 66 Antinous 242 Acropolis see Athena (statue), Athenian Antioch-on-the-Orontes 234 religion, Erechtheum, Parthenon, Antiochus III (Seleucid king) 16 Propylaea Antipater of Phlya 84 Actian era 179 antiquarianism see Aristocrates son of Actian games see Nicopolis Hipparchus, Augustus (Greek cults), Actium, battle of 3, 35, 68, 86, 120, 223 Pausanias, religion, Greek, religion, Salamis and 103 Roman, ritual, tradition, invention of, Spartan memorial of 121–3 Varro Aegina 81 Antonia Minor 51 Aegira 185 Antoninus Pius, emperor Aelius Aristides 64, 72, 154, 253 Eleusis and 273 Eleusis and 249 Ephesus and 209 Hadrian’s Wall and 260 Panhellenion and 272 Panathenaicus 265, 274 Antonius Aristocrates, M. (Argive orator) 25 Panhellenion and 253 Antonius Polemo (sophist) 137 Roman army and 260 Physiognomy 254, 269 Sparta and 264 Antony, Mark (triumvir) 16, 22–4, 29, 42, 105 Aemilius Paulus, L. (cos. 182 bc) 157, 182, 248 Athens and 81, 83, 145, 148, 149, 214, 231 Aeneas 33, 202 see also Palladium cult and 144, 145, 159 Aezani (Phrygia) 253, 261, 270 Greek athletics and 165 age, old, attitudes to 172 see also gerontes Greek studies and 71, 74 ager Dentheliatis 184 Olympia and 158 Agesilaus II, Spartan king 13 Sparta and 86 Agora (Athens) 65, 78 Apamea (Phrygian) 262 Classicising monuments 69, 84 see also aparchai see Eleusis Athens Aphrodite 224 Agrippa see Vipsanius Agrippa, M. Apollo 63 Agrippiastae (Spartan association) 99 Agyieus 184 Alcamenes (Greek sculptor) 19, 65 Athenian cult 83 Alcibia, Spartan matron 96–8, 187 Palatine, sanctuary of 6, 94, 104, 184 see also Alexander the Great 16, 34, 68, 105 Argos, Athenian religion, Delos, Delphi, Alexander of Seleucia (sophist) 63 Messene (Carneasium), Nicopolis Alexandria 75, 248 Ara Pacis 35, 36 Augustus and 233 archaism in inscriptions 136, 157 alphabet, Greek 199 Archelaus of Cappadocia 102 309 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01211-0 - Greece and the Augustan Cultural Revolution A. J. S. Spawforth Index More information 310 Index Arellii (negotiatores) 75 Ares, temple of 65–7 Arellius Fuscus (declaimer) 52, 53, 75–7 Attalid Dedication (Acropolis) 109, 111 Areopagus (council) 112, 154, 262, 270, 273 Augustus and 67, 195, 214 Ares 66 building under Augustus 211–17, 218–20 Argentarius, M. (declaimer) 75–7 Ceramicus (identification) 69 Argos 48, 54, 94, 253 coinage 196 Apollo Pythaeus 181, 185 Dionysus, theatre of 152, 196 civic identity 184 educational centre 29, 45, 53, 55, 70–81 gerousia 169–74, 179 elite intermarriage with Spartans 141 Palladium and 202, 204 epitaphios 32, 124 Polemo’s Physiognomy and 254 Euclea and Eunomia, cult of 108, 112 see also Lerna Euergetis (‘Benefactress’) 249–50 Ariobarzanes I of Cappadocia 62 Hadrian and 246–61 aristocracy, ‘aristocratising’ 39–41, 47, 96 Hadrian, Library of 247, 259 Aristocrates son of Hipparchus (Spartan writer) Hellenistic kings and 234 95, 184 Josephus and 238 Aristogiton see Harmodius Nero and 237 Aristomenes (Messenian king) 182, 184, 215 Odeum of Herodes Atticus 64 Arrian (historian) 262 Olympieum 102, 104, 254, 258 Artemidorus of Daldis, 47 Palladium (law court) 201 Artemis see Messene, Patrae, Sparta (whipping) Pantaenus, Library of 248 Artemisia (Carian queen) 119 Persian Wars commemoration 106–17 Asia Piraeus 108, 110 Antony removes cult property 159 Pnyx 69 Asian notables and Greece 262 Prytaneum 114, 205, 219 regional pride 240–1, 261, 273 revolt 262 Roman images of 12–26, 229–30, 237, 271 Roma and Augustus, temple of 83, 106–7, see also classicism, ethnicity, Greek 218 Asiani, Asianus, Asianism, in oratory 21–6, 75, Roman Agora 59, 60, 209, 218 78, 129, 174 Roman images of 13, 197, 219, 231 (see also Nero and 237 classicism, Sparta) see also Dionysius of Halicarnassus Roman senators from 48 Asiatici, Roman stereotype 269 South-West Baths 218 Asinius Pollio, C. (cos. 40 bc) 64, 72 Stoa of Zeus Eleutherius 132 Assos 52 Tholos 69 Assyria 262 tourism 54 Athena 103 see also Acropolis, Agora, Asia (regional gifts of 154 pride), Athenian religion, dialogos, statue of 81 gen¯e, Panhellenion, Salamis, see also Palladium Sparta Athenaeum (Rome) 265 athletes, athletics 32 Athenian religion 145, 192–204 race in armour (Plataea) 131 Apollo Pythius 147 Roman attitudes to 127, 132, 138, 165 Calendar Frieze 150 see also gymnasia, Hadrian Dodekais¯ 147 Atia (mother of Augustus) 94 Pythaids 148 Attalus i of Pergamum 109 see also Athens Vesta/Hestia 203, 219 (Attalid Dedication) Zeus in Palladium 149 Atthidographers 200, 201 Zeus Polieus 219 Attic, ‘Attic Muse’, Atticism (stylistic register) 18, see also Acropolis, Antony, Buzyges, Delphi, 70, 77, 100, 174, 225, 241, 264–7 Eleusis, gen¯e, humanitas, ploughing, Attica 266 sacred, Varro poverty of 230 Athens Attici (Roman orators) 20–1, 230 Agrippeum (‘Odeum of Agrippa’) 24, 59–81, ‘Atticus’, significance as cognomen 101 127, 247 Augusta Traiana (Moesia) 270 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01211-0 - Greece and the Augustan Cultural Revolution A. J. S. Spawforth Index More information Index 311 Augustus passim Buzygae (Athenian genos) 150, 201, 204, 263 Athens and 81–2, 214 Buzyges (Athenian priest) 149, 150, 155, 219, birthday 147, 213 258 ‘cunning’ 57 ritual imprecations 151 declamation and 74, 78 Buzyges (Attic hero) 150, 152, 154, 199 ‘divide et impera’ 274 Palladium and 201, 203 Eleusis and 167–9, 194–7 Buzygium 150 Greek athletics and 165 Greek cults and 159–69 Cadmus 148, 156 Greek world and 26–36 Caesar see Iulius Caesar Hadrian and 243 Caesarea, Syrian 270 Hellenism and 271 Calpurnius Piso, Cn. (cos. 7 bc), and Athens 231, marriage legislation 8, 10 239 Messene and 211–17, 218–20 Calpurnius Piso Frugi, L. (cos. 133 bc) 14 Persian Wars and 103–40 Campania 60 personal example 10, 27, 55 Capitoline games, Rome 238 restoration of public cults 109, 159, Caracalla, Spartan auxiliaries and 273 173 Carneasium see Messene Sparta and 86–102 Caryatids 6–8 tours of east 30, 89 Cassius (rhetor) 71 see also Agrippa, citizenship, Roman, Cassius Dio classicism, gerontes, Nicopolis, Res gestae, Athens and Sparta in 89 urbanism Cato see Porcius Cato Aurelius, Marcus, emperor 230, 267 Cecrops 154, 197–9 Areopagus and 273 censor (Roman office) 29 Eleusis and 247, 273 Ceryces, Athenian genos 192, 196 Automedon (Greek poet) 114 Cestii (senatorial family) 75 Avidius Cassius (cos. ad 166) 167 Cestius, L. (tax-farmer) 75 Cestius Pius, L. (declaimer) 53, 75, 88, 127, 268 Baiae 156 choir, in ritual 188 barbarian, barbarians, barbarism 12, 103, 118, 130, Christianity 272 231, 273 see also Dacia, Hadrian (‘Eastern Cibyra 252 Hadrianic Breastplate Type’), Parthia, Cicero see Tullius Cicero Persian Wars, tripod dedications Cimon (Athenian general) 101 Bar-Kochba Revolt 260 citizenship, Roman bathing, baths 218 see also Agrippa (baths) Augustan Athens and 84 Beirut 103 Augustus and 4, 231 bilingual, bilingualism 23, 52, 73, 77, 99, 128 see Elis and 158, 164 also Latin,‘Paconius’, Roman diaspora Greeks and 36, 41–5, 56, 75, 115, 133 blood drinking see ritual Mantinea and 224 Boeotia, role in Persian Wars 274 Messene and 212 Boscoreale 14 Sparta and 99 Bourdieu, Pierre 25 civilisation 169 see humanitas Brasidas (Spartan general) 40, 111 civitas see citizenship, Roman brick, fired classicism, classicising 18–26, 85 Athens and 218 architecture in Greece and 218, 219, 222 Mantinea and 226–7 see also Athens (Agrippeum) Nicopolis and 210 Claudia Philomathia, Argive matron 176–7 Sparta and 123 Claudius, Roman emperor 44–5, 49 Bruttius (Latin teacher) 71, 77 Delphi and 235 Brutus see Iunius Brutus Eleusis and 236 building techniques and materials (Roman) 123, Claudius Attalus Andragathus, Ti., of Synnada 209 see also brick, concrete, marble, opus 245, 262 reticulatum Claudius Atticus Herodes, Ti. (cos. suff. ad 133) Buphones 205 14 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01211-0 - Greece and the Augustan Cultural Revolution A. J. S. Spawforth Index More information 312 Index Claudius Atticus Herodes, Ti. (cos. ord. ad 143) Hadrian and 244 46, 53, 265 Panhellenion and 253 Atticism and 267 Cythera 89 family ties with Sparta 141 nymphaeum at Olympia 166 Dacia 130 odea and 64 Damosthenea (Spartan matron) 98, 129, 141 see social ascension 101–2, 267 also Claudius Novius, Ti. Claudius Charax, A. (cos. suff. ad 147) 262 Danaids 6, 8, 177 see also Hypermestra Claudius Novius, Ti. 51, 98, 131, 133, 137, 138, Danaus 6, 8, 169, 174, 177 190 declaimers, declamation 24, 39, 52, 63–5, 267 Roman diaspora and 198 as public art-form in Rome 73–81, 127, 139 see also Damosthenea see also Athens (Agrippeum), dialogos Claudius Pulcher, Ap. (cos. 54 bc) 53, 60 (Plataean), Leonidea, Persian Wars, Greek cults and 144 prosopopoeia, Second Sophistic Cleopatra VII, 8, 15, 16, 105, 233 Delos 145, 148, 198 Artemisia and 120 Apollo, cult of, under Augustus 204 climate, theories about 15–17 Delphi 48, 104, 131 Panhellenion and 254 Athens and 147, 148 coinage Augustus and 147, 165 Roman emperors and 242 Claudius and 235 see also Hadrian Domitian and 238 colonisation, Greek see Panhellenion Gephyraei and 149 Commodus, Eleusinian initiate 273 Hadrian and 252 concrete 210 oracle 143, 144, 165 Athens and 218 Palladium and 200 Constantinople 273 Serpent Column 273 Corinth, Roman colony 45, 48, 53, 54, 227 Sparta and 191 barbarian imagery and 119 temple of Apollo 144, 162 Odeum of Herodes Atticus 64 Titus and 238 Polemo’s Physiognomy and 254 Delphic Amphictyony 191, 238 Cornelianus, ab epistulis Graecis, 265 Augustan reorganisation 160 Cornelius Fronto, M.
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