RESTORATION! OF DEVASTATED IKLAHD FORESTS I» SOUTH VIETNAM VOLUME III : LIST OF TREE SPECIES ( APPENDIX IV ) C.F.W.M. von Meyenfeldt D. Noordam H.J.F. Savenije E.B. Scheltens K. van der Torren P. A. Visser W.3. de Voogd Wageningen-1 97 Cover: Aerialvie wo fa bom bcrate rfiel d ina n inlandfores ti n BienBo aProvinc e ,Sout hVietna m ,take no n8 Augus t 1971. Picture:Arthu rH .Westin g (HampshireCollege) . Contents PART A : INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIES LIST 1. General 2. Requirements to the species 3. Comment on the species list 4. Evaluation 5. Research Literature PART B : THE SPECIES Tables 1. Tree qualities of special importance to a specified object of planting 2. The climatic typeso fSout h Vietnam and their Dounderies (after Schmid, 1974) 3. Explanation of used abbrevations 4. Evaluation table APPENDIX TREE SPECIES FOR THE RESTORATION OF INLAND FOREST AREAS OF SOUTHVIETNA M PARTA INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIES LIST Genenal As can be read in themain-repor t agrea t variety of devastated inland forest areas has to be taken into consideration for (re)afforestation. Artificial regeneration will play an important role in obtaining a new or restored forest cover. On account of the present environmental situation,socio-economica lan d political factors,th e function(s)o f the forests to be created will differ fromplac e to place;thi s will have its implications on the subject(s)an d method(s)o f (re)afforestation and the choice of thespecies . In order to make possible a good choice for a certain objective andplan ­ ting method on a certain site,a large amount of species was studied. Inpar t A the requirements to species for a certain object ofplantin g are shortly discussed, followed by an explanation to the specieslist,whil e inparagrap h 4 an evaluation of the three species isgiven ,largel y by means of a table. Finally some remarks aremad e about the role of research related with the choice of tree species. Inpar t Bth e description of the species isgiven . Requirements to the species: A tree species should meet two series of conditions to come into considera­ tion for planting: a) Criteria independant of the aimed object of (re)afforestation: Primarly a speceis must be selected on climatic and soil conditions preferred by it.Importan t climatic criteria are temperature (mean, extrems),precipitatio n (quantity,distribution ,lengt h of dry period) and relative humidity,whil e wind occassionally plays apart . Important soil criteria are: soiltype,effectiv e depth,texture ,drainage ,ferti ­ lity,pH . b) Criteria related to the object of (re)afforestation: To come into consideration for a certain object a tree should meet a number of specific qualities torealiz e this object. Tree qualities of special importance to a specified object of planting are summerized in table 1.Whe n selecting species for a certain object, firstly qualities required for this object must be considered,bu t sub­ sequently attention should bepai d to otherpositiv e qualities of a species, in order to perform asmuc h as possible otherobjectives . Qualities, like the ease of seed supply and nursery techniques are not taken into account,bu t they may play an important role in further selection. Comment on the species list At first a list of 300potentiall y interesting specieswa s compiled,base d on a number of publications (NGUYEN VAN THAI?NGUYE N VAN THAN,1971 , SCHMID, 1974,THIÉBAULT , 1961 and STUDYTEAM TROPICAL FORESTRY, 1973). Both indigenous and exotic species from the Southeast Asien region,a swel l as exotic species from Africa,America ,Australi a and the Pacific Islando occurred on the list. The species were extensively studied by means of literature revies,resultin g inth e abondonmerit of agrea t number of species,o n the one hand due to the scanty publicity given to anumbe r of species on the other hand because a certain amount of species was found unsuitable forplantin g inSout h Vietnam. Finally 112 species remained; they arepresente d inpar t B. These species are described asmuc h as possible systematically under the following headings: 1) Name Trade name,principall y according to FAO (1960)an d THIÊBAULT (1961); indegenousnames . Naturalarea ;habitai ;altitudina l range (some times under 3);ecology ; distribution outside the naturalregion . 3) Climate Data inrelatio n with temperature,precipitatio n dry period are listed here (mostly these aredat a from the natural region); also tenderness to frost,drought ,win d etc.;i fknow n climatic conditions inwhic h the species occurs inSouth-Vietna m are listed here. 4) Soil In literature data about soilrequirement s aremostl y very vague and brief;typificatio n of a soil seldom attaches to any current soil classification. Size and physiognomic characteristics of stem (+ bark), crown and root system are mentioned here (if known). 6) §îiYi£ïiïy£S Successively discussed are (if known): seed,nurser y (techniques), planting stock,plantin g techniques (mixtures),maintenance ,an d eventually natural regeneration. 7) Growth^yield The data listed here,ar e commonly not from South Vietnam,bu t from more or less comparable regions elsewere;thes e data should be seen as a rough indication,o f the production of the species. 8) Plotsi_diseases and calamities etc. Only theprincipa lplot s and diseases (mainly from the Southeast Asian region)ar ementioned ; ifpossibl e inclusive the controlmeasurements . 9) i?ood_qualities Technical and mechanicalproperties . 10) Use Both the use afterwoo d and other parts of trees are listed here. 11) Remarks 12) Evaluation Based on the preceding information and the knowledge of the Vietnamese conditions,th eProjectgrou p has tried to indicate where the species may beplante d (see also section 4) 13) Literature The number listed here correspond with the used literature sources in the literature list. Evaluation The data obtained from literature,an d given in Part B are summerized,an d to a certain extent evaluated in table 4. The following headings are distinguished: U -H Ô> ë S fB i-t Q, & a) Climate: Usually sufficient data on climate could be obtained from literature tomak e possible the classification in one ormor e of the climatic types of South Vietnam, as distinguished by SCHMID (1974), inwhic h the species may have a good to fair development. The climatic types arepresente d in table 2. b) Soil_reguirements: Information about the soilrequirement s was usually scarce or absent in the available literature. Sometimes an indication about the soil conditions could be concluded indirectly from other data. Ifpossibl e species requirements to soil depth,soi l fertility and soilmoistur e are listed. c) Soilaccordin g to the legend of the FAO (Unesco SoilMa p of the World (1968). Indicated is the possibility ofplantin g on theprincipa l soil units of South Vietnam, sometimes by means of x if only little is known about soilrequirements ,but ,i fpossible ,mor e exact through a capital letter e.q. D, indicating a subunit.Onl y the four subunits,abou t which information canb e obtained from the description of the species, are distinguished. Inth e case of E and Gplantin g is usually marginal on the soils of other subunits of the soil unit concerned, inth e case of D orP planting ispossible ,bu t growth is generally as good or even better on soils of other subunits. ^ 25i?£ïiY§-°?_EiSBÎi58: 0ne or more objects are listed here.Th e first mentioned object is themos t suitable,th e last one the least suitable objective to be fulfilled by the species. e) Method_of_p_lanting: Method(s)ar e given which are expected to be successful. f) Origin: Indicated is whether the species is indigenous or exotic. s) ?i55îïSS_ÊïESï!èf5£Ë_i5_§°H't:n Yïiï5ê5: Information under this heading ismainl y based onANONYMU S (1935/1936), MAURAND (1943), NGUYEN VAN THAI?NGUYE N VAN THAN (1971). h) Remarks: The signs used in the table are explained in table 3. Considering the often uncomplete or unreliable information, especially about the soil,tabl e t should be seenmerel y as an expedient by the first selec­ tion of species for a certain site. The information of the table should further be verified and tested,an d the extant knowledge and gained experience should be fully worked into it. GO) CU •se 0> O, > m 8Ü -o O u O 4) <a E- M • -o SI e & •a « 11 3 i 5, •H m -a 4-> o •3 S 3 «TL (3 » £ £ ii m « •o o c flj -O % g s - o o a o o cj CJ o : e.x > -H t) 3 m <o > u- E SES u •H 4J e £ S >V* -rH •u ra c 0) 41 fc go b aE . :*. 4-> © c *-> o I*H e tj .x: 0) ra o; o nj -rt 3 sX .e U C & u +> .H UO 0) ai v —> !C 14H q u *n e u 0) o •o •i ^ s 3 01 10 3 O 3 0 -C e > "O 3 3 01 6 - ABLE 3: Explanation ofuse d abbrevations ) Objectives of planting soil improvement : S.I. particle board P.B. soil conservation : S.C. fibreboard F.B. reforestation of Imperata: R.I. pulp and paper P.P. fuelwoo d : F minorproducts M.P. charcoal : C shade trees S.H. poles + smallwoo d : P+S shelter trees S.T. sawnwood : SW ornamental tree O.T. veneer/multiplex : V.M. ornamental carving o.e. ) Soilrequirement s - to fertility: tolerates poor soil (=D subunits) requires rich soil (- E subunits) - to depth :tolerate s shallow soil (=lithi c phase) requires deep soil - tomoistur e :tolerate s no stagnating water requires good drainage tolerates periodical drainage tolerates periodical drought highmoistur e requirements tolerates short inundation tolerates longerinundatio n ) Soil classification - Soil-Units used (according to FAO/UNESCO SoilMa p of theworld , 1968).
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