STUDY IN TAIWAN 2019-2020 Featured Universities Further information please go on Study in Taiwan Website. www.studyintaiwan.org Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET) www.fichet.org.tw 2019 VERSION WHY TAIWAN? Study in Taiwan 2019-2020 Featured Universities FRIENDLY, SAFE, MODERN, CONVENIENT, and DYNAMIC are words commonly used to describe Taiwan. Its outstanding higher education system provides opportunities for international students to study a variety of courses and programs. Taiwan, the only place in the world where traditional Chinese writing is widely used, is an ideal place to learn Mandarin Chinese. Taiwan, a gateway to Asia, provides exciting chances to Taiwan’s Education System experience quality higher education and connect with the Asian job market. The people of Taiwan are very well educated, literacy is about 98.79%, and students from Taiwan score very high on international tests. These achievements are the product 10 Reasons to Study in Taiwan of cultural and societal values that hold education in high esteem, and the comprehensive education system created 1. Academic Resources and Quality to achieve Taiwan’s goals of becoming a well-educated, FICHET: Your all-inclusive source of 15.78% economic and technological powerhouse on the world information about studying in Taiwan stage. Under the current education system, students may 2. Diverse Culture study for up to 20 years: 6 years of primary education, 3 years of junior high school, 3 years of senior secondary The Foundation for International Cooperation 12.83%in Higher Education school, 4 to 7 years of college or university, 2 to 4 years for of Taiwan (FICHET) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2005. a master’s degree and 2 to 7 years for a doctoral degree. 3. Reasonable and AffordableCurrently, Tuition representing 116 member universities. FICHET has been given the responsibility by the11.25% government to 4. High-Standard Living Qualityfunction as a platform for international cooperation between Taiwanese and foreign universities. Keeping the most current information on higher education in Taiwan and10.93% work for integrating, exchanging and sharing the resources of all members, 5. Better Opportunity forcreating Further Studymore constructive cooperation with international academic societies. 10.89% 6. Available Scholarship Ultimately the goal of FICHET is to advance the globalization of Taiwanese higher education and to proudly exhibit its merits on an international stage. 10.63% Learning Chinese 7. What We Do 1. Promote Taiwan higher education overseas. 10.05% 2. Organize seminars on international education affairs. 8. Better Opportunity for3. Seeking Enhance Jobs collaboration Back at Home between Country Taiwan higher education institutions and other countries’ academic consortiums.7.71% 4. Promote international students recruitment. 9. Location 5. Participate in international education fairs worldwide. 6. Supervise overseas Taiwan education centers. 5.84% 10. Others Tel: +886-2-23222280 Fax: +886-2-23222528 E-mail: [email protected] 4.07% Web: www.fichet.org.tw 1 TAIWAN, Learning Chinese Republic of China in TAIWAN Study in Taiwan 2019-2020 Featured Universities Study in Taiwan 2019-2020 Featured Universities Capital city Number of universities Taiwan is an ideal place for international students who want to learn Mandarin Chinese, also called Mandarin, Huayu, Guoyu, Hanyu, Putonghua, and Zhongwen Taipei 153 in Chinese-speaking communities around the world, and Modern Standard Chinese. Taiwan is also an ideal place to learn to read and write Chinese characters, something National Universities 33 that will enable you to communicate, in writing, with people who speak other Area Chinese dialects. The traditional character forms are still used in Taiwan. Learning Private Universities 37 36,193 sq km (13,973.3 sq miles) these is essential for any student who plans to become a translator and they allow National Technological Universities & Colleges 15 you to more fully appreciate the Chinese language, across the centuries. There are 60 Chinese Language Centers located at colleges and universities Geographic location Private Technological Universities & Colleges 68 throughout Taiwan, offering classes year-round. The instruction and teaching Eastern Asia, off southeastern coast of mainland materials are top-notch and designed to help students achieve their language goals. China and north of the Philippines Number of students undertaking higher education Outside of class, students will have innumerable opportunities to practice reading Chinese characters and speaking Mandarin with the friendly citizens of Taiwan. Approximately 1,273,894 Weather Number of international students in 2018 - 2019 Annual average temperature is 22°C (lowest temperatures on the lowlands generally 117,970 range from 12° to 17°C ) Expenses to Study in Taiwan Tuition and miscellaneous academic fees Population Bachelor’s degree Around USD$1,500 - $1,800 Approximately 23,000,000 per semester Master’s degree / Ph.D. Around USD$1,600 - $2,000 Official language per semester Mandarin (with traditional Chinese character system) Meals Around USD$180 - $270 National currency per month New Taiwan Dollars (NT$ or TWD) Accommodation On campus Around USD$30 - $200 per month Major Airports 1. Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) Off campus Around USD$200 - $600 2. Kaohsiung International Airport (KHH) per month (not including utilities) 2 3 Table of Contents Study in Taiwan 2019-2020 Featured Universities Study in Taiwan 2019-2020 Featured Universities North Central South A. TAIPEI F. NANTOU K. TAINAN Total: 58 06 Chinese Culture University 32 National Chi Nan University 47 Chang Jung Christian University ■ North: 26 07 National Chengchi University 48 Kun Shan University ■ Central: 15 08 National Taipei University of Education G. TAICHUNG 49 National Cheng Kung University ■ South: 15 09 National Taipei University of 33 Asia University 50 Southern Taiwan University of ■ East: 2 Nursing and Health Sciences 34 Chung Shan Medical University Science and Technology 10 National Taipei University of Technology 35 Feng Chia University L. KAOHSIUNG 11 National Taiwan Normal University 36 National Chin-Yi University of Technology B 12 National Taiwan University 37 National Chung Hsing University 51 Cheng Shiu University A 13 National Taiwan University of 38 National Taichung University of Education 52 I-Shou University C Science and Technology 39 National Taichung University of 53 Kaohsiung Medical University 14 National Yang-Ming University Science and Technology 54 National Kaohsiung University of 15 Shih Chien University 40 Providence University Hospitality and Tourism D 16 Soochow University 41 Tunghai University 55 National Kaohsiung University of 17 Taipei Medical University Science and Technology E 18 Tatung University H. CHANGHUA 56 National Sun Yat-sen University 42 National Changhua University of Education 57 National University of Kaohsiung G B. NEW TAIPEI CITY 58 Shu-Te University H 19 Fu Jen Catholic University I. YUNLIN 59 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages F 20 Jinwen University of Science and Technology 43 National Formosa University I N 21 Ming Chi University of Technology 44 National Yunlin University of M. PINGTUNG 22 St.John's University Science and Technology 60 National Pingtung University J 23 Tamkang University 61 National Pingtung University of J. CHIAYI Science and Technology C. TAOYUAN 45 Nanhua University K 24 Chang Gung University 46 National Chiayi University L 25 Chung Yuan Christian University O 26 Kainan University East 27 National Central University N. HUALIEN M 62 National Dong Hwa University D. HSINCHU 28 National Chiao Tung University O. TAITUNG 29 National Tsing Hua University 63 National Taitung University 30 Yuanpei University of Medical Technology E. MIAOLI 31 National United University 4 5 Chinese Culture University Do Something Great National Chengchi University NCCU the Choice Office of International and Mainland China Affairs Office of International Cooperation Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Chinese Culture University 中國文化大學Tel : +886-2-28610511 Tel : +886-8-29393091 ext.62566 National Chengchi University 國立政治大學 Web : oima.pccu.edu.tw Web : oic.nccu.edu.tw INTRODUCTION PRIORITY AREAS INTRODUCTION PRIORITY AREAS Chinese Culture University established in 1962 with UÊL>Ê ÕÃiÃÃÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ National Chengchi University (NCCU) was established UÊ Ê­ÌiÀ>Ì>Ê ®ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ the founding missions to carry forward Chinese UÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê ÕÃiÃÃÊ`ÃÌÀ>ÌÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ in Nanjing in 1927, and relocated to Taipei in 1954. UÊ -Ê­ÌiÀ>Ì>Ê ÕV>ÌÊ-ÌÕ`iîÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ culture by means of inheriting and developing UÊ >ÀÌ Ê-ViViÊ­i}À>« ÞÊ-iVÌ® As a member of Taiwan Top University Strategic UÊ*-Ê­ÌiÀ>Ì>Ê-ÌÕ`iîÊÊÊ the academic legacy, wisdoms of past Sages, and UÊ >Ì>Ê iÛi«iÌÊ>`Ê>>`Ê >Ê-ÌÕ`iÃÊÊÊÊÊ Alliance (TUSA) supported by the Ministry of UÊ-ÊEÊ -Ê­Ã>*>VvVÊ-ÌÕ`iîÊÊ Scientific achievements all over the world. With more UÊ ÌiV }ÞÊÊ Education, NCCU is considered to be one of the most UÊ -Ê­««i`Ê VVÃÊEÊ-V>Ê iÛi«iÌ® than 26,000 students in 62 undergraduate programs, prestigious and important universities in Taiwan. 42 master programs, and 10 doctoral programs, NCCU has 9 colleges excelling in the liberal arts, law, CCU has developed as one of the most prestigious INFORMATION commerce, science, foreign languages,
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